HomeMy WebLinkAboutYarrow Gardens SW PRD an ODPf =..•y� j� '�� F S S '�pM „•� fie.--�. � � f f_.................-..:..:,..,.�-�.,..k', r� '�._d.... _ .... - u 1 s AAL AvjNF M 1 1 1'�j _WAR ` F _ vff 11- 1.0 y,..n,.: f'fu,�iCC3^ 3i+1'�F,•,_�r' ,..r. :..,,, TE ...-_ _._.. _ - ) _,_N n__....._..�� Rh .�....-.._ --� r:F ' �_.--'• hti•,,.;': ai_rti� :� �a?..._ .,i<us �! Mir UP _.rLL un "-I ! 'F' , 01 i',Er ST I H, -R G 0 SITE AS L ,., I; PROM ADjACE � � � i jTi'{ORKMS(�D 1: C Mi° I � NS QVEN H '' t i .' SIZ. THE , 1 j 4 II^,, J QVEN A' r� -� 4 �C_ J i iL /'V .-' 'tI� J SL t„ � AND 1�'.�/i l: .h L ,,f!N i T' {.; S REDEVELOPMENT . D E OP EREPRESENTS 31 'C ."�!'� '.,! � V 'r' '1r,_ TH r�: . t' n,- r+r, :" � , .,, x. �', ../, 'ki.:ti r', �,� � � '�'�", v1� : r �% + �� � t a f" r�G- � �r CEylr iIL._,,_ 4i ALtIKf T= r f A A 7 -A, V V V J L) V Tn A F ;7 V P 1 A LJ1 I L L! 0 F S C T! 0 10 WA S k! 1 F1 j SOU TH, [RANGE 69 VVEST '_�F_ I E P, jil, L 0 C AN T [1) 1 %`\; TH •E_ SO,(_J"' T1111.1 -H,,-`,1 5; 1 Q I i AN- I I ' *1 E lv T_ it 1 D G E C 0 U N 1 Y 0 F F 1-- El -RS Ili -FE C",", F C' C`,"-,, C, (Ill Y ()I F- A QJ M Li N I k A. A,'_'CES,S EAS -1 -ERN' ACCESS'Y%IESTERN P L A NIN111 ING A R E A C IG AR < PLANN11N FEA R-2 KA LK IN -- - --- ------ !'ATf" ROAD ----- ----------- -- ----- ------ ...... .... - - - - - - - 7___ < > Ll 7- q- 7 77�� X X xd 77 777711 V X 1 ", 01 E3 "TVAN A EXISTING .1 Ito I 'x /77 -7-7 F42 Atm F�bAIQ -------------- ---------- tj - Nj 0 son J L---------- A x t i A P P ED F: S T R I A IN A, - E E, 1JS' Von ......... . . .. . .. ------- 7: . ....... -/777 . ....... ..... . ...... A,'� E R, f .. . . ...... - --------- - 7, 1,4N tl G R� E A U 'y 2 N Q f X..... .. .. . PLANINIIING AIREA WES 1 E R EASTERN PLANNING AFREA . ....... . . . ............ . ... .. . . .. .................. 17 x ,A A A . ..... ............... ............. . .. . . ........... . .... . ............ ....... . ..... . . .... R�2 F02 Pi- i —1 0 ILL; R CD Ad NGTE_: THE CATE`_-i()RIES ARE APPROXIMATE 1N SIZE AND MAY VARY BASED ::)N THE SPECIFIC DEVELOPMENT PLAN DESIGN, .t,.._.,._._.....___ -------- -- "RES, i" jr-t 7' f"N rl %E it U) k U Q 0 1 U A-1 MEN SM - ----------- �USE AREA APPROX11' ATE SIZEE 4EASTERN PLANNING AREA S F IF-AMILY HOMEs-i 1±13,078 SF KOK; S �2 SF (26,7"Xi) 'E / LA, L N SPAC illy 6, 7 ,RIVE 13 119 SF (.3 �iii EY, D i± - -•- --- - - --- --------------------- -------------- 1 ------- -------------- _= -1 - li'j - IZE AND rVIAY VPn'IRY I -E -3A. ED ON -,'-HE SPEC-AIRG P P R UX, 1,FV. T DEVELOPMENT PLAIN TDESiGNI. --- Q ;-I �1 ; 1 ti.. A RIK l—' Cl 'r, f-*, (n,— r1%, — 1 I C f-, --, r u N ED T PROPOSE E D TO',NNHOME8 UR'r,3 ANID GUI TTER i.0T LINEE PROPERTY LINE Fx A, PAVEMENT LA'�!',INS,, OPEN SPACE I 5*� DEVELOPMENT SI'ANDARDS Zoning: P�an?ned Residential Da-ve1,_,-pmer!t 11"ola! Area� 54533 SF (1,25 Acres) we:Ctern j vu , ring rea ('VV'PA i­8AS.) MORONI Permitted Primary Uses. r: Sings -e familly residential AM 1) U Ind ex Perr-nitted. Accessory Uses. Horneoccupations f ­W�_ HOUSEqlold pets, QrRed to no rriore thar. 3, diogs and cats plus the�r unweaned off spiring Private swi rn m ingj pools- -a rid ten courts and od ler rec-,ea',Jonal facilities are pemlitted if bilis Planining Arera. is developed with 2 units mi or le -5,s . . . . . . . . . Accessary stucUyes eare perfl, d if this Pjarn;iing Area is developed with 2 Units or less; GtruvELT e S -S h :111 b e comrAant Wth Resideintia!-TAejo (R-2) standards and SectJon 2EV625 (A the Wheat Wge,Ccde of Laws. TD Accessory structures are in.ot permitted if this Planiinfng Kea is deve4ped with 3a.- rncore attached S�ngle famiiy homes. S t a in d r al s, The Western Planning Are e.currenty includes a sjngh.-A far -nilly h.,ome and may be redevelped for sinqle or two hamilly dwellings as Mayi,;-nurn Building HleighL 35' A Nfilinirrwm Lot Area: 9,000 sf 7 5- fee� Minimurn.,, Lot 'V\4,dth� 'g N41axii-n-u-m Den.sity 2 umits Minirriurn Setback (North). 2' Mir i nmum Sethack (South)� 10' @ Miriinnium,, Set�ack (Eastfflest). 5' a Minirriu-irr, Off -Street Flarkiriig- 4 per dweiling unit @ Landscaping. in accordaince with Section, 26-602 Note. 1. if the propely dievekops 2.5 townhomes as an its 1" It 1 extens�or- of -the ac�acent development to the n o and east it will follow, tne atevelapment sttand2rds for 1>1 1; 1 1 the Eastern Plan-inAvec. E -astern Ranrn"r g ....... ... Area! 35729- SF (0-82 AC) Penmitted Prinnary Lise& w, Attached single family hornes K wI.O'c be 10 call b6A.nyou by Perri -fitted Accessory Uses. M Horne accupafions * FlausehcAd pets, limited to no, rnore than 3 dogs and, 4 Ccs CO - Detached accessory s14ruCJUr,-s are-, niot perr-nitted. 7��_7- MaXiMIUM BlLhidiing Height: 35! Maximum Density: 21 iunii6.lacre Buil, Jto area, (NorM)� 0-1 3�, o A 1015 variance can be granted adr-ninistrabvely. Linear rpor�4ri of build -to that rn,,ust contain bUilding -Setback fronn Eastearn Lot Line. 5' -n ' PA (if'WPA contains 2 units Minjirnuirr Setback fro;T arlessl 10' ,%Pinimunn -Setback from WPA (if VIPA contains 3 unils or mo�e)� Cul Minmum Open Space- 20,,% NMinir-,ILIM C)ff-Sbwat ParIning: 1 space per unit --Street Par -l -king: 2.5 spaces per unit. a x � i n -u m 0, ff Miniimiiurri Blicycle Parkinrg. Ibicycle parking sp_,ace for every 10 dwellinq tunits Se c t i o n 2 6 - 11111 4 Uohdng; in accordance -with Signage� lin accordance wilth Ailucle VII and, Section- U 11 01 SEAT RME 26-1113 1 VOT NO, 15709, Fencing: In accordance -vwiith Schen 26-603 Architecture: in as 4th Section 26-110 6 BRASS CAD, Trash .5tora-ge: There vwfll be ina centraf: trasin srhoraq-e Ewea or durripslw& Each rasidenne,%mfli store it -ss own 5 147A8 FT. trash bin within its garage or .Aiithin 5' of 1, -he res. -id ence. * SVeetscape: in accordance wits The City's Streetscape KA707057 Dc.5ign, Mani,;!al 3iPERvS;% DF * Parking, in accordance, i ,`t -h 100ons 26-1107 and, 2 0-1 109 A USE AiREAS T,',,IP- approximate size of use areas are shown to th--e lefl', DRAINAGE This jimpeny is anticipated to be indeveloped inssod aabon I MR AW OP RKAF 0,: ,4,1th the surro­undng propertty whch is cuuenUy zoned HOW c.. POR The drKnage adiity at the narth end of the WnM WWT ( 3,,H/20!8 M N, su,rrou,.ndinig propeny .?KH be sized to accommodate t1h DRAWNG TZE 24 X 30 development KIIin th,9 SUbject property. �AStUNL }-X,/Xx/xx GRAPHT SCALE 6 301 IG 0 SK F T S CDR dw.q or "E. (iNl FEET) 1 NCH - 30 K L