HomeMy WebLinkAbout0004 \\ <l "'iD )~ If' Co ()\ (} /'-... ,1 'C: C'J (',\ '-oj T- :;: II) 'l 2: f- ~,J 3 N C. co o , '? t:: , (l) 2 I.i B CJ' cfj Cl 'Eo '!l.'."A""''''',,< N o en <:) CO (") ,- .Filed for reco~d the-36-e99~f---___----__h______-' A. D. 19_____. at_n__n_..-no'clocL___M. Re<teptlon No.______~____..___. _ __ n __. _ _ _.. _n_.__ n.___ n _ ___ n n _ _ n_" ____RECORDER -='.:-"::'::-":'::-:'::::::-_-=:-===,-~:-=-:':::::'" -==-_-::: ~"=:. -:::::::::::::=:-_= ~bis iatt~. Made this day of in the year of our ~ord one thousand nine hundred and seventy BETWEEN < ': JAMES BERRY CRADDOCK dba CRADDOCK DEVELOPMENT COMPANY ;of the County of El Paso and State of Colorado, of the first part, and CITy OF WHEAT RIPGE, a municipal corporation of the Count,Y-Qf Jefferson and State of Colorado, of the second part, _ Witnesseth, That the said part y of the first part, for and in consideration of the sum of ~EN DOLLARS AND OTHER GOOD AND VALUABLE CONSIDERATIONS----~, , to, the said part y of the first part in hand paid by the said par1y of the second part, the l receipt whereof is hereby confessed and acknowledged, ha s remised, released, sold, conveyed and Quit-Claimed, and by these presents does remise, release, sell, convey, and Quit-Claim unto the said Par1a' of the second part, its heirs and assigns forever, all the right, title, in- terest, claim and demand which the said part y of the first part has in and to the following described property situate, lying and being in the County of Jefferson and State of Colorado, to-wit: A parcel of land in the NW 1/4 SE 1/4 and the SW 1/4 SE 1/4, Section 16, Township 3 South, Range 69 West of the 6th P.M. described as follows: south 40 feet of the West one-half of the East one-half of the Northwest 9ne-qua.~,te, r 0, f. the Southeast one-quarter of Section 1,6,Townsh~p 3 S:o!Qith, Range 69 West of the 6th P.M. and the South 40 f,$et of the We$t one-half of the Northwest one-quarter of the squtheast one-guC1lI:tIt:er of Section 16, Township 3 South, Range 69 wei5lt, ex<;;ept.the ~e'st 376.72 feet thereof; aJ,so a.strip of l,and 30 f',eet ~n w~dth ~n the Southwest one-quart'e'r of the SoU'theas't , one,' ,',._,' quar.t, ',er of Be, c, tiO, n 16,- Township 3 South, ,Range' 69 W:e-s't Cl'e'S- cril:red ~lil followlill Beqinning at the Northeast corner of: tl)e Soo.1'el;:);we.st one-qua:Jiiter Of tllle Southeali,t ~1rl~,..q,u~:~Ij'~~,)~~f1t:J:~n 16;T~~h;l);:> 3 South, Range 69 West; thence Southerly alcmg t-fe East lble ox said Southwest. one-quart'er' o'f t:1'le ~outtlecfst. Ol"le-' qua<rter, 30 feet, thence Westerly on a line par2ttl~l'with the North line of said Southwest one-quarter of the Southeast one- q~rter, 36Q feet; thence ,~rt:berly parallel with the East line of s,aid S01;lthwest one-quarce'e~0f the Southeast ene-ftuarter, 3'0 feet to the North line of sa:j.;~, SkJ>uthwest one-quarter of the Southeast one-quarter; thence Easterly along said North line, 360 feet, to the point of beginning ~ tY.M'lIf ~ ~..."" '""L! an,' J iJ-,({ ;/_ 1:{~' ji,",'ti.".~rhJ.Jfll~':i~n il. ,i,' fl: t ,.'ti:l.rl~ !.. '1 {Ul0.t ~,,~~.{ (".\~,l; {' Ill! ':!,j~'t j,),{.Al1l l/I,j;; $x,' , atlri&\t'l: I,' .,,~ "/ J :J.J · I 0,0 1.75 .. O. or. 1. 7 5 S TO' Have andm..H~!4,J!1Jl.~!m!!l:....1'Q8'!?~her w~,\llJl and singular the appurtenances and privileges thereunto pelOnDUg ,~"""1beftllllto appertaining, and all the estate, right, title, interest and claim whatsoever, of the said part y of the fi~st part, either in law or equity, to the only proper use, benefit'and'berroaf'otthe'said'party of the second part y heirs and assigns forever. In Witness Wh, ereOf" Iftt. ~l'fai, . d part ,y of the first pa~rtha ereu~ set hi. s . hand and seal, the ::.;nr~l\!:jlmj;"M9~~#:~ p F ~ Si~, d,cileal~md eij,yered in t e Presence Of) f/-.............. ...~, ,..,..'. .... ,... .... ....'.. 000 __ ... James Be ry Cra oc a ;;.~~ ~ ~ I ..,<:F9:~,(j~~k..!).~y~,~(),p~~,l'l~...<:~I'Il...,~~ ~~,J-,_" <..: I ...(;~'~~.......~......:' ...;".............. ,............ ) >- ~ 0: l:.,J,..,l,a...,x - ',au ....~:iZ....'.h.."..,'~h~'..',..""'.,.... ,.."""""""".. ':C~ ~:t- gt;~ =: i STATE OF COLORADO, u "llj"'I~ a: .- "':,l\ "A, 1)" County of El Paso ~ ;'i1V .'1I',.! ~ {J ',1~..,;' ~..'~."'.I.~~.~....:.. ~ .....~ ~1~4-\< ~.,: ~ '; {tf'J!, R~ .11.. ~ ~..;. " :.. <ll:of/,~\~~\\f\ 'I~c.~, l . o,,,!~j ":'1.,,,,1,1 ""* . ::: l .r~.. ::"i r~~~t~~N ........, .:~o ; ~i\l: '" .....l~\il:(~,~~ ,$Ib :- '~~J\ I"\'i-~ ,II l \3; /;;J ~ , f ~t ~~~..~ ~I..:/ , rl......- ~ \1\1 '~~ ' ., <'~i~V ... C s- r",,', f~<:: ,........~!'.:..~~~av ,,<:- . I~'lqi ~ ~),!_l. 0 ., ~"'W:! ':J~~ ~~l~*'\" \\,It,'~, +I, l'lt...~ :l~\"d'~~"I\'f;J I,~ ' \ ~ \ ..'....".....'h..,..,'"",...,.",......",.""...,....,..,..."",n'~ ..,.._....,........~ }ss, STATUTORY ACKNOWLEDGMENT -rjl acknowledged before me this ':=. Q by. James Berry Craddock dba Company Witness my hand and ofl)ciaf seal. 1'1 / z_ My commission expicres J~~; .. '-' ,.~ -;7 jJ (-, n ...., ,,' Ai. A,~r!I....?t~~~..,....... NOTARY PUBLIC The foregoing instrument was day of ;-;?b .1970 Craddock Development . *If acting in offici-alar representative capacity, insert name and also office or capacity and for whom acting', III Form 506 %,-P ,I il " QUIT CLAIM DEED-Out Wes!; Printing and Stationery Co.. Colorado Springs, Colorado 2163 738 " i'\ ~~ ~ ~ :::s {..J .. "1 00 ~ (tl (tl ~ ~ d !~j ~ 8 0 ~ 11 it 0" ~ : ,'~ ~ it '< ~ - , 1\ z " g ~. :~!~ ~ (tl (tl ('> " !A p.. (i (tl " .... ;:l. 0 .1 ~ S. 0 ~ , , (".) r ..... ~ n :< :~i~ txj r ~ ~ t""" " : : I::l 0 .... ~ l' r ~ >-3 > : Ix;): t;Ij ~ " l'~ i ~ ~ ~ 0 II .... - i ?> ~ > ~. .... ..... l::l rn t:l ~ 'r ~ i-c1 ~ tj ~ i i~:ll I;l:l ~ , 9 , ~ II' (1) 0 , " Z l>J ~ ~ a " i' rf ~ I::l c r .. 8J " ~ 0 r ~ t?=:l ~ tl:I ----- '" I::l ('> b. t?=:l 0 so rn " ~ t;l Il> 5" , , l'tI g; '< [ 0 : ! DO 1?. p.. .... ~ ,. ,. Acoeptanoe of the within deed is ~.~~.~.":~~~,:'~.~i:g:::~0:::::::ict;l(JOf ~~1~~~~~1' <'I f ~ !: i~ · !'!l"JoJlIl'i!> ftlI MAD .... ; d' t to condi tionl tha.t the Ci ty , " BSS\<me llIaintenance only after '1" rud ion there of in a.ccordance witt Jdiyision Regulation$ of the City of ,1e:3.t Ridge at lald rqulationl ~)ply to J'OI4a DATE: ifjJ1,c;w..~-;a;~.........19 ?P.. By:...ail:r~!.~~..~........ A'JWl'Ift:~~"T~.......,......... Ot. t.J CltJ'k '.. ~ t.,)) 10.."'''': . ''It') . fI'(>o'\""'..., , ~ 6' ~ N. 1\' (f> :z: ~ :Z. ~ ~ ..I: .sr: ?t 0 ,., (Jl ()? [T1 r'1 -,,:: ..I: f- (jJ cP r Pl 6"' (J 3C1C"> ~ ~ .s. (fl :;z::. )'T1 JF. r (I " .