HomeMy WebLinkAbout0021 , 'I ~~ County of Jef fe:rsIJIl rado.ofthefirstpart.and The City Of Wheat a municipal corporation and State of Colo- Ridge, RECORDER'S C"> ;:r: 01 1'" 0 (' ..... c: ("') :.; c-. -< ....' -< r n [ ...." - ~" N ~ /, N- .,. :;0 \NW ... 0 \:~ 0 ::0 Cl ... ::0 ~c:::J ,s Ot.Z5-~ I '5184.77 : II t:A IU ulJ~ Zit. &A STAMP III Iw c.o -.J -....J (.0 CJ) ( ~ ~- fT1Cl DC:.... :.::- .X Recorded at.. ..o'clock............M.. .......................................,....,.............."........... e e' T ;J~7'7:J6 R c ption No......,.............................. ........,...............,....,............................................Recorder. ..)15~~t 1 This Deed Made this 3D 19 70 ,between Melvin William S. Carlton, day of Ju 1 Y E. Faes, Dennis J. Lechniak, W. W. Churchill ofilie a corpora tion orl!:anized and existing under and by virtue of the laws of the State of CIJlorado of the second part: WITNESSETH, That the said part ies of the first part, for and in consideration of the sum of Ten Dolla':,s and other good aild valuable cO!lsideratioll - - - - - - -DGL);"A&S to the said part i e8 of the first part in hand paid by the said party of the second part. the receipt whereof is hereby confessed and acknowledl!:ed, ha vel!:ranted. bargained. sold and conveyed. and by these presents do R'rant, bargain, sell, convey and confirm, unto the said party of the second part, its successors and assigons forever, all of the following described lot or parcel of land. situate. lying and being in the County of Jefferson and State of Colorado, to wit: Beginning of the i\Iorthwe'3t co:r\ler of Sectio:l 28, TD'.lllShip 3 South, Range 69 West of the 6th Principal Meridian, Jefferson County, State of ColoTado, Thence South 30 feat tIJ the South ~ight8-of-w8Y line of W8S~ 38Lh Avenue, thence East 1319.8 feet to the point of b8gin~ing. Thence So~th along the East line of Tract 12 BROOKSIDE 768 feet; thence West 25 fest; t~ence North 753 feet to 3 point; t~8nC8 along t~e arc of a curva to the left 23.562 feet to a point o~ the South rights-of-way of Wast 38th Aven~3; th3nce East 40 feet to the point of beginning. TOGETHER with all and sing"Ular the hereditaments and appurtenances thereunto belonging or in anywise appertaining, and the reversion and reversions, remainder and remainders, rents. issues and profits thereof; and all the estate. right, title. interest, claim and demand whatsoever of the said paIti es of the first part, either in law or equity, of. in and to the above bargained premises. with the hereditaments and appurtenances, TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the said premises above bargained and described. with the appurtenances. unto the said party of the second part, its successors and assig-ns forever And the said parti es of the first part, for them sel ve8 heirs. exeeutors. and administrators. do covenant. grant. bargain and agree to and with the said party of the second part. its successors and assw;ns. that at the time of the ensealinl!: and delivery of these presents, well seized of the premises above conveyed. as of good, sure, perfect, absolute and indefeasible estate of inheritance. in law, in fee simple. and have good ril!:ht. full power and lawful authority to I!:rant. bargain, sell and convey the same in manner and form as aforesaid. and that the same are free and clear from all former and other grants, bargains, sales, liens, taxes, asseRsments and encumbrances of whatever kind or nature soever, and the above bargained premises in the Quiet and peaceful possession of the said party of the second part, its successors and assigns, against all and every perscm or persons lawfully claiming or to claim the whole or any part thereof, the said parti es of the first part shall and will WARRANT AND FOREVER DEFEND, IN WITNESS WHEREOF. The said parlieSlf the first part ha ve hereunto set hand and seal the day and year first above written, Signed. S led and Delivered in the Presence of ~-, . ") ," ..!-]:..J;,z..c;,,'?:., ....<~~L<-:<.... ".C2a.&,~.......[SEALI / , ... :h:C" <~'i'~'" ,..~.. ..[SEALl 4.t,L-0~.........., ~ .',-. r/,....<<xJ ~.~,[SEAL] STATE OF COLORADO. 18S,/I )/ t:';:~kt:LLI County of Jefferson ) The forel('oing in~ffl;nent was acknowledl!:ed before me this 19 70, by i' [i ' 'c' / \... ;; t:/, day of Lx (' (,;'-/ U t. ,e. " , _or .. ,1"_ ~ , ,M~..,~o~ssiOY\ ~xpi.res~. ~.;, r ~l- 2 ", ;.j"'-"'f~:::',",I~;i_ ('I/O:: :-",,~,q::;::'+~~I:~4. ~.)Ij ~, ~. WfT'N,ESS,;lY hand ~nd offiti,~l seal. ' ~.--, /' I ,~;~ ......,c;/-U71-:<-..,,'L, - o. -/< : :r .:, <...-- Notary Public. '3~\, ~~{: " No. 952. WARRANTY DEED TO CORPORATION-For Photographic Record.-Bradford Publishing Co., 1824.46 Stout Street, Denver, Colorado 2226 218 " Q , ~ ~' 'I 'l~ \;y, l\ ~h~ 0 "" > > ~ ~ ~ ..,'\ 0 > "- 0 \ \ '" . 'J l\. (', c 0 , ' r ~;., . I " Z 0 '" n 0 il \ ~ ... '\ " '\ ~ '" , ~ I.'J l<. W. ~!? I;1j '" '" 0- ,.., '" 0,..;0., '" ",. '" 0 :; I-:t ~. '<l '" H 0. ...- I;1j ... ::r ,.., "'"" 0 0 '" '" 0 ,.., ,., " <fo ;r. 0 '" ~ "" CO " "1:" '%j ... cr' :;: 0. ... '" '<: W. CD "", '" ;:;' >-3 > or 0: !" " Z ~' '" > El ... ::0 ;" >< o. "" >-3 '<: ;:;; t'I en ~ or ::.. 0 '< 0 ::1: (') 0 .. () ~ 0 ~ '" F ;;. " "J:j :l '" '" :; '" "" "" "" ("} ..., :; "" ... '< 0 It ?i" "" 0 t" 0 ~ "" ?: (ii' ,.., 0 ~ 0 S' ::0 i-o en > II> "" t1 ... 0 '" " " 0 '" 0- S (D 0- '" M " " M :0 ,:;r "" t:!; . n ,... :!i 0 .' 0 ... ," " CO '" '" 0' fi- " '" ~. 0 '<~ " ... t:!l ~~~ 0- ;;' en '" 0- 0- r' Acceptance of the wit~n deed is rec9llJ.'llended this ......:t.....:..........da;y of ..,'''''..~L...\.".".."..,.,..~...~':,.L, 197,- WHEA,'J,'-liIDGE p~nNG...,soMi.iisSION BY' . " < ._ . ' 1 ~, ' . _...-"".,..N:y.'..~.;.'-._~k ......{J._ .(<-__< - C-/ t'. 7 c:.':;''''' ;- 7-<.-- ._n.....__.....~.._.__ L.- ' Chairman . "\.. n (',I",rl is Acceptance rf "'.r v ~' r'r" cf + , / I recomrn>,n c. " '. 'Y, ~..~.'~..c.:'_1-:-"!:_c i:'.-<;-L- _.' _ ',-, ,'1 i. .,~-"T H],DGJlJ PLAN,rl,l~'lX c:;:l''''':/ ~~1', BY , , . ~:",~{..,~;r-"-' .........1,,; ..-.-...~_..- , ' Chair l \ .I " / ACCEPTED FOR ROAD PURPOSE Sub,ie~t to conditions that the City s~(d 1 ass',:me maintenance only after er-nst:'ucticn there of in accordB,nce with :SuMiviEion ilegulationG of the City of WLeat Ridge as so.id regulations :app,~y to roads DATE, ..u!?,?~,~,..-'!.!{j,?/'-L" ,3_3.."..19............ 13y: ,!t.L1..~1:~,~~r-..::::a~~_ /~ May!)'!!" ..r- . .r--"? ATTEST: ,....<.kf.).,:kP~;:...z;.~-:0-::2::!:z.~:__.__ Ci ty Clerk , r'''~, ~'r) FOR ROAD PURPOSE t t) conditions that the City e ~ainten~nce only ,fter nt_Ere of in ace r ~~e ~ith ,j :c8r;.dati.o;'ls of Ltc' L,~ ,.1 of ~e as ~~id rc~ulations 1 : 'Y of WHEAT RIDGE, COL~:;..DO 1-- . . ' A T:--'~T: *.......n_____U~h.._..__.._. _._ _ _ ._. u.....................................u..... ~ 3811 Routt st. Wheatridge, 0010 8003; July 10, 1970 Mayor Anderson, City of Wheatridge 5110 West ,8th Ave. Wheatridge, Colo 800,3 near V~yor Anderson: Attached are copies of letters, plats and legal descriptions of land which we propose to dedicate to the City of Wheatridge. This land dedication is located between Parfet and Simms streets and between ;8th and ;5th Avea. This would be approximately whore Quail stre.t should b. located. We propose to dedicate this land for the purpose of building a public street which eventually will connect ;8th ave through to 35th ave. Alao this land will be used to extend public utilities systems such as water, sewer and gas to serve the adjoining private lands. Request this land be accepted by the Oity of Wheatridge. understand that it will be our responsibility to develope and the land so as to become a public street. We fully improve We would appreciate your early consideration of this request so that we may proceed with the plans for developement of both the dedi- cated land and the ~djoining lands that we own. Thank you for your assistance Sincerely - /Y /~ , t/e~'JL{~ William S. Oarlton f)-e.-nl1l:JJ J \ / L ....' fe. I nJ t f~ f""'----' ,~ \$~'i .......- /(,5' , ---~ _ 1-40' ''-/' \ '-........ I '''-.. .:}----. ,~ ----- . , ,~ \~ ,"<:. \~ ~ \0.. ,... \ \ ~ ~ 1 t--. ('} " \ 'ft, 'J\. 'b \ n ;; \ ~ ~, ,\~ L,lo h\~ t\1 ~~ ',~ " \ "" \) \A ~ \ \~ ~ It:. ~ ')0 \.... ,- \ <") tl '. t. \\ \~ \':\ , " (; l't I"" ,t- ~ '^ ,. ;;< ", 'it '" ';; \;> \ ~ ~ ~ ~\ '.. (i) " 't '::\ '" ~')" " "- 't'~ u,I>",~, ~ ~..h ,....:>"> ", ~ '" " -.. ~ \ \ :~ ~ ~ (-'\ t" " '); '" <I <_ 10, ~ ..... '" <.' ;:-' ",,-..., \ ","' ~ ", --{... j '\ "'... h '"' t-, ~ r:,,' t , ',,:, ( (', ("J,. 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