HomeMy WebLinkAbout0024 ~ Recorded at...... .....................o'clock.............M.. .......................m..m..... ................................... Reception NoJ.U1.Z7.9........ m.........................................................,.! . . 90 03.25 N ~ : 99240.H : 1# ~A .. : fleA (i r~1" " This Deed Made this 5th day of January 1971 ,between Hadea Mestecky and Frederick Frank Mestec ky of the County of ]effer son and State of Colo- rado,ofthefirstpart.and TIlE CITY OF WHEATRIDCE, a municipal corporation, XXMll:M~r~anized and existin~ under and by virtue of the laws of the State of Colorado of the second part: WITNESSETH, That the said part 1 es of the first part. for and in consideration of the sum of Thirty thousand and no/lOa ($30,000.00)- - .. - - - - - - - - - - - -DeLLARS to the said part leS of the first part in hand paid by the said party of the second part, the receipt whereof is hereby confessed and acknowledg-ed, ha ve g-ranted. barg-ained. sold and conveyed, and by these presents do g-rant, barg-ain, sell, convey and confirm, unto the said part.y of the second part, its successors and assig-ns forever. all of the followin~ deseribed lot or parcel of land. situate. lying- and being- in the County of Jefferson and State of Colorado, to wit: An undivided one-half interest 111 and to the property described in Schedule A attached hereto. RECORDER'S STAMP n :L, a '- ." n <= ;:;. -(1")'-' A '" z r- -fr-=--- --< r~:t~...... ,...., c ...~ 0 " ;: '" N c' " (X) I- ~ ~ <n "- OJ ~ ..., ~(- r" :r::- r-:?- -..' ~-') ~ c.:, -"- ;-roo, ~~. .. ~c, 0 wow CD m ...... :.r.. ". :0 The Within deed is accepted this day of :!tft~:pt tt!~~~ waft: ' -L;~~~~~-r(.~-L_ T GE HER h II d. 1 h h d' d CHI Clerk 1---=-' . . o T wit a an Slllgu ar t e ere ltaments an appurtenances tllereuntoDe vn~lll~ or III anyWlse appertaining, and the reversion and reversions, remainder and remainders, rents, issues and profits thereof; and all the estate, right, title, interest. claim and demand whatsoever of the said part ieS:>f the first part. either in law or equity, of, in and to the above barg-ained premises. with the hereditaments and appurtenances. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the said premises above bar~ained and described, with the appurtenances. unto the said party of theti'e<:ond part, its successors and assig-ns forever And the said part i es of the first part. for them sel ves t el1,eirs. executors, and administrators. do es covenant. g-rant, barg-ain and ag-ree to and with the said party of the second part, its successors and assig-ns, that at the time of the ensealin~ and delivery of these presents. they are well seized of the premises above conveyed, as of good, sure, perfect, absolute and indefeasible estate of inheritance. in law, in fee simple, and ha ve g-ood rig-ht, full power and lawful authority to g-rant, bargain. sell and convey the same in manner and form as aforesaid. and that the same are free and clear from all former and other grants, bargains, sales, liens, taxes, assessments and encumbrances of whatever kind or nature soever, except taxes for the year 1971, payable January 1, 1972, reservations, restrictions and rights of way of record, Acceptance of the within deel is Z'eO~!lded this _.....~~....u day of iI~~-~..._nc"'''''is~9I~: ~~/ {'cL~}l1t ~/~~ '-';;.r; (/ Chaifme.a and the above barg-ained premises in the quiet and peaceful possession of the said party of the second part, its successors and assigns, against all and every person or persons lawfully claiming- or to claim the whole or any part thereof. the said part ieSof the first part shall and will WARRANT AND FOREVER DEFEND. IN WITNESS WHEREOF. The said partieSof the first part ha ve hereunto set their hand S and seal S the day and year first above written. u..fto~:flt0"mC\\l&~;t~Y.?1f.t ..<:::...[SEALI -Haaea Mestec,,-v .' ~ L-~l '- '."-'~'CFfr-eatifck"fflf:;k".~~ALI Sig-ned. Sealed and Delivered in the Presence of mu..[SEALI STATE OF COLORADO, 1 J ff f ss. County of e erson I The fore~oin~ instrument was acknowledg-ed before me this 5th day of January 19 71,bY Hadea Mestecky and Frederick Frank Mestecky. Illy cQlri'l1ilssion expires A ugu s t 7, 1972. " l' . WITNESS,m:\" hand and official seal. .;, t , ~//~ (~I \ /'i- ~mmj?ett~~( '...- , 17 (r:-? 2"--<"3 CeclI.n........... Notal"y Public. .~;. ; ,-l, '.ARRANTY DEED TO CORPORATION-For Photographic Record.-Bradford Publishing Co.. 1824-46 Stout Street, Denver, Colorado Z231 54~j 2231 546 SCHEDULE A Pared A TilJt ;JOl"tion of the Hest 255 feet of the East half, Northwest QU<lrter of Section 21, Township 35, Range 69 l'ICSt of the 6th Principal Meridian described as follows: 3e;inning at a point on the West line of the East Ualf, Northwest Quarter or said Section 21, said point being 1049.09 feet North of the South line of tne Eilst ,tali:, NortnlVest Quarter of said Section 21; thence Easterly parallel to the South line of the East aalf, Northwest Quarter of said Section 21 a distance or 255 feet; thence Nortl:erly parallel to the Was t line of the Eas t '1a1r, "or thwes t Quarter of said Section 21 a distance of 310 feet to a point 710 feet North of the ~orth line of the Cour,ty Road knO\offi as the North Golden and Denver Road or West 44th Avenue; thence Westerly parallel to the North line of said County Road a distance of 255 feet to a point on the West line of the East nalf, Northwest Quarter or said Section 21, thence Southerly along the West line of the East Half, Northwest Quarter of said Section 21 a distance of 310 feet to the point of beginning, County of Jefferson, State of Colorado. Parcel :3 That portion of the East 2 feet of the East Half, Northeast Quarter Southwest QUilrter NortiMes t Quarter of See tion 21, Township 35, Range 69 I')es t of ti,e 6 th Principal ,{eridian described as fol10\0/s: Beginning at a point on the East lir.e of the Eust Half Northeas t Quarter Sou thlo/es t Quarter Nor thwes t QU<lrter of said Section 21, said point being 1049.09 feet North of the South line of Southwest Quarter l;ortllwest Quarter of said Section 21, thence Northerly along the east .J.:l.ne of the East Half Northeust Quarter Southwest Quarter Northwest Quarter of said Section 21 a distance of 274.26 feet to the Northeast corner of tae East 113.lf Nort;least Quarter Southwest Quarter NortlMest Quarter of said Section 2::'; thence Westerly ~long ~he North "ine of the East Half Northeast Quarter Southwest Quarter C:orthwest Quarter of s".t~; "ection 21 a distance of two feet; thence Southerly parallel to e cast line of t,le East naif C:ortheast Quarter Southwest Quarter Northwest Quu:~er of said Section 21 a distance of 274.26 feet to a point 1049.09 feet North of the South line of Southwest Quarter Northwest Quarter of said Section 21; thence Easterly a distance of two feet to the point of beginning; County of Jefferson, State of Colorado. .~/HN a. ~CC 'j{ '11l-/ ?.; 'i;;z,/ < - ~~ 2231 546 , (,) 1 ~ ----- '~ n ~ '" " jl 1:: ~ (j- ~ lT1 31 r- ItIl ~ ~ ["1 12 I::>;' ," r" ,1'- 0- .-;, ~ -- PF'\f\ . - _Ji , I' \' - I ---. ,. . ,\ ! ' , , I ~~I I ~-i \ I I '~ ' ~ il I p~,', .,' ~.. i I '~ ,~ ---l:::: '1 .)'0- " ',' ; j I~ I ;>" .." ~.~~ (l) ... m Recorderl aL.......--..............o'clock...m.;~~.kL {l59 2 21 Reception No. "'7"i'd.~~c2..2/ '1918 JUll 30 .Recorder C'O"dIIi. ~ r .. _ r I _r .~ PH 3: 04 ,r,~.:t ltr. of Co THIS DEED, 5th ,1978. ~ if', G~~I II :)1 -~ II I I I I I I I I I I I I day of June Made this bet ween HADEA MESTECKY And FREDERICK FRANK HESTECKY of the County of Colorado, of the first part, and Jefferson and state of CITY OF w~EAT RIDGE Jefferson of the County of Colorado, of the second part, WITNESSETH, That the said part ies of the first and state of part, for and in con,ideration of the sum of One and other valuable considerations-------------------------_______ DOLLARS, to the said pal.t iesof the first part in hand paid by the said part y of the ~pcond part, the receipt whereof i,; herehv confessed and acknowledw'd, ha ve remised, released, sold conve)Ccd and QliIT CLAIMED, and by t~F)SP pYf>st-ni.R nn remi~p., release, gell, convey and QUIT (;1..1. EV'f unto 1 lv' ;-.;airl pari y of the ~econd part, its heirs, successors and assigns, forever, all thf' right, title, int(~!T:-;t, claim and demand \vhich the ::;aid part ies of thf" first part ha ve in and to the followirl,~ dpscrilH'o Jot or parcel of land situate, lying and tjf-'ing in thp County of Jefferson and ~~tat(' of Co!oradl.\, L) wit The property described in Schedule A attached hereto, being in the Northeast Quarter Southwest Quarter Northwest Quarter of Section 21, Township 3 South, Range 69 Hest of the 6t~ Principal ~!eridian. J,,' , 'I I ~ '.../- , THIS IS A CORRECTION DEED ONLY TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the same, together with all and singular the appurtenances and privileges thereunto belonging or in anywise thereunto appertaining, and all the estate, right, title, interest and claim whatsoever, of the said part IES of the first part, either in law or equity, to the only propel' use, benefit and behoof of the said part Y of the second part, its heirs and assigns forever IN WITNESS WHEREOF, The said parties of the first part ha ve hereunto set their hand s and seal 5 the day and year first above written. ~ 1 " l I I /~, , C::'. I. /~ j ~l ~~"~~--- , FPJ~b1iR!C~C FRANk~~ESf(<<i',..Il,,~~y/ [SEAL] [SEAL] -.1-....110, ~ 'i"J...r1,i(.:7 ~ ...'~ [SEAL] HADEA MESTECKY [SEAL] , I. :1 il !I I I i , !~ } ss. Thp forpgoin~'.in~.;;;trumf'nt was acknowledged before me this 11178 , by' Frederick Frank ~'estecky and }'adea 5th Mestecky day of June 1\'1)" commission eXpltf'S .July 29 , 19 7q . 'Witnes;.:; my nand and official seal. :.'(::(1c ( I L' 1'7;;'~:2'-" ':...................,... 7..... Notary PubUc. , ' (' "'If oy natural person or persons here insert name or names; if by person acting in reprc"cntati'.e or official capacity or as attorney-in4fact, then insert name of person as executor, attorney-in-fact of other capacity or des~rlpUon; if by officer of cor- poration, Hlcn insert name of such officer or offIcers, as the president or other officers ()f .such corporation, na.mlng It.-Statutory Acknowledgement, Sec. 118-6-1 Colorado Revised Statutes 1963. No. 933. QUIT CLAIM DEED., I IJ 7 8 -US ~ 2 2 I , 1918 JUil 30 P1.l 3: OL~ CO[lntyor Ii" t.t~ SCHEDULlI A PARCEL A That portion of the Fest 255 feet of the East half, Northvest Quarter of Section 21, Tm~nship 3 So. Range 69 West of the 6th Principal Neridian described as follows: Beginning at a point on the West line of the East IJalf, Northwest Quarter of said Section 21, said point being 1049.09 feet North of the South line of tfte East Half, Northwest Quarter of said Section 21; thence Easterly parallel to the South line of the East Ealf, Northwest Quarter of said Section 21 a distance of ~:5 feet; ther.ce Northerly parallel l.J the West line of the East Half, Northwest Quarter of said Section 21 a distance of 310 feet to a point 710 feet North of the North line of the County Road known as the North Golden and Denver Road or West 44th Avenue; thence Westerly parallel to the North line of said County Road a distance of 255 feet to a point on the West line of the East Half, Northwest Quarter of said Section 21, thence Southerly along the West line of the East Half, Northwest Quarter of said Section 21 a distance of 310 feet to the point of beginning, County of Jefferson, State of Colorado. PARCEL B That portion of the East 2 feet of the East Half, Northeast Quarter Southwest Quarter Northwest Quarter of Section 21, Township 3 So. Range 69 West of the 6th Principal Meridian described as follows: Beginning at a point on the East line of the East Half Northeast Quarter Southwest Quarter Northwest Quarter of said Section 21, said point being 1049.09 feet North of the South line of Southwest Quarter Northwest Quarter of said Section 21, thence Northerly along the east line of the East Half Northeast Quarter Southwest Quarter Northwest Quarter of said Section 21 a distance of 274.26 feet to the Northeast corner of the East Half Nor th€a!'t Quarter SO:.Ithwest Quarter Northwest Quarter of .,'lid Section 21; thence Westerly along the North line of the East Half Northeast Quarter Southwest Quarter Northwest Quarter of said Section 21 a distance of two feet; thence Southerly parallel to the east line of the East Half Northeast Quarter Southwest Quarter Northwest Quarter of said Section 21 a distance of 274.26 feet to a point 1049.09 feet North of the South line of Southwest Quarter of said Section21; thence Easterly a distance of two feet to the point of beginning; County of Jefferson, State of Colorado 1a. -3- R~~:_L;"C:2:'. 95 Gi:G SG ;J2rt.;:irling to wneat Ridge Water Dist~ict ::'~;:J;-i~,~;~licL.2t:Q;-!3 we:;:,....; in-~:Loduc(:2d. ~,I;~,~;;l ;J\' t~1(~2:'mi..lr: F2pC: III rilOVC we W~iV8 the reading (]nd a;Jprcv8 hG~Ciluu~Gn:..; No. 95 wno SG." IViotion W;JS secondcd by Alder-mull HowJrd l:nd p~G~8Ci ,- r-, l)-Li. Sccolution ~o. 97 pErtaining to Freeway I 80S was introduced by ~loer~an Bowling and read. Motion by Alderman Donaldson: "I move we adopt and pass Resolution No. 97." fVlotion was seconded by Alderman Bowling and passed 6-0. (J::'U./(k/'J [V'lotion by Alderman Donaldson: "I move that Mayor Albert E. Anderson ~!-.~~/~ be authorized to purchase propBrty described in Ordinance No. 53 ~ i" na;TIe o.f the City of wheat Ridge, Colorado an undivided one-half C!<~ i"terest and sign a co"tract for option to purchese the rEi7iainir;i; "..-,~ ene-half interest in the name of the City of' wheat Ridge, Colcreco, ~~/~.~ with tne total price for each one-half undivided interest to be thirty thousend dollars (S30,000.00), or a total purchose price of sixty thousond dollars (~;50,OOO.00). Payment to be made at time of closing for u"divided one-half interest and purchase price on parcel option sholl be made at time of exercise of option on or before January 4, 197" Gnd ofter Jonuary I, 1971, ond th3t the Treosurer be authorized Grill iJircctl!u to proviuc :i:;30,CCJO.lJlJ (thirty thouGond dolLll's) in certified funus pDvoblc to flDiJc~ MCGtecky ono Frederick Fr3nk ~cstecky cnd further directing the Trc3surer to withdrLiw up to ;>20,000.00 (twenty thousand dollars) pursuant to Resolu~ion ~o. 82 previously approved." Motion was secondeD by Alderman Bowling and passed 6-0. / ; /'-. , Aldcro.3n Pepe requeGtcd thot the Planned Unit Development Ordinance be on the agenda next week. ,?/.u.o/r/""N /P.:tl'"E,-rE.o _/,,""'~'...:?'cA./ SC"'<'/E<iIO.~~L'.o -;=-~.....-:.- ~&1~ /7. Meeting was adjourned at ,11:25 p.m. " ?-7'-/ c:?jJ/~J; ~~ Louise F. Turner City Clerk ., i\ qf)'.')\ l..J //X;,.~/~~) /7.:/ _r:-..........-...........,...............,.................. LyiL ~)~i[f'::., Pfcrr6K+Y PHf....Cc/S ,," c..i ",J uJ LANE ENGINEERING SERV1101..-'6 ,i/6Sc.i<;pt,0,,) A PROFESSIONAl. CORPORATI v~.:.-' ^-Ip/,et\. (~ - Ail "' ,,J 1iJ500 W FOURTEENTH A.VE. . LAKEWOOD. ( TELEPHONE 233.4042 W 9 DESCRIPTION: A TRACT OF LAND LOCATED IN THE NORTHWEST ONE-QUARTER OF SECTION 21, TOWNSHIP 3 SOUTH, RANGE 69 WEST OF THE 6TH P.M., CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, JEFFERSON COUNTY, COLORADO, DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: BEGINNING AT THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF THE EAST ONE-HALF OF THE NORTHWEST ONE-QUARTER OF SAID SECTION 2l; THENCE Noo09'19"W, ON AN ASSUMED BEARING, ALONG THE WEST LINE OF THE EAST ONE-HALF OF THE NORTHWEST ONE-QUARTER OF SAID SECTION 21, A DISTANCE OF 1049.09 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE N890 51' o2"E, PARALLEL TO THE SOUTH LINE OF THE EAST ONE-HALF OF THE NORTHWEST ONE-QUARTER OF SAID SECTION 21, A DISTANCE OF 255.00 FEET; THENCE Noo09'19"W, PARALLEL TO THE WEST LINE OF THE EAST ONE-HALF OF SAID SECTION 21, A DISTANCE OF 3lo.oo FEET TO A POINT 710.00 FEET NORTH OF THE NORTH LINE OF THE COUNTY ROAD KNOWN AS THE NORTH GOLDEN AND DENVER ROAD OR WEST 44TH AVENUE; THENCE WESTERLY PARALLEL TO THE NORTH LINE OF SAID COUNTY ROAD A DISTANCE OF 255.00 FEET TO A POINT ON THE WEST LINE OF THE EAST HALF OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF SAID SECTION 21; THENCE Soo09'19"E ALONG THE WEST LINE OF THE EAST ONE-HALF OF THE NORTHWEST ONE-QUARTER OF SAID SECTION 21, A DISTANCE OF 37.95 FEET TO THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF THE NORTHEAST ONE-QUARTER OF THE SOUTHWEST ONE-QUARTER OF THE NORTHWEST ONE-QUARTER OF SAID SECTION 21; THENCE S89046'39"W ALONG THE NORTH LINE OF SAID NORTHEAST ONE-QUARTER A DISTANCE OF 220.79 FEET TO A POINT ON THE WEST LINE OF THE EAST TWO-THIRDS OF THE NORTHEAST ONE- QUARTER OF THE SOUTHWEST ONE-QUARTER OF THE NORTHWEST ONE- QUARTER OF SAID SECTION 21; THENCE Soolo'2o"E ALONG THE WEST LINE OF SAID EAST TWO-THIRDS, A DISTANCE OF 250.00 FEET; THENCE N89046'39"E ALONG THE SOUTH LINE OF THE NORTH 250.00 FEET OF SAID EAST TWO-THIRDS, A DISTANCE OF 220.72 FEET TO A POINT ON THE EAST LINE OF THE NORTHEAST ONE-QUARTER OF THE SOUTHWEST ONE-QUARTER OF THE NORTHWEST ONE-QUARTER OF SAID SECTION 21; THENCE Soo09'19"E ALONG THE EAST LlNE OF THE NORTHEAST ONE- QUARTER OF THE SOUTHWEST ONE-QUARTER OF THE NORTHWEST ONE- QUARTER OF SAID SECTION 21, A DISTANCE OF 22.05 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING, CONTAINING 3.082 ACRES, MORE OR LESS.