HomeMy WebLinkAbout0029 f "'"J vy Recorded a Ln n. n n n n n n.. n. n.. 0 'clock.... n.. n.. M., o u U :L7. S ,j: fot I. iI' I /'1,') i'e .91.8 I Jlll , :' 2 ,. voJ t1.). j Reeeption N o.n.nLl.l.a6b nnn..nnnnnnnnn.nmmnm.nn......n..n.t.OJ.j.i].~~r}er. KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, That We, JIM D. HELBIG and ELIZABETH B. HELBIG whose address is 50 South 17th Avenue Drive, Brighton, Co 1 orado 80601 , Count.y of Adams , and State of '" Om OC Cr: ~3- .....~ ~ ::::...? "T'J (") r:-=U:D n1-'C 'p.-... O--i-i :;:fTi-( ;?~ ~"~f_ (l~) " ...",...,-, ~.:O--'-i C; ;1.);71 ~~ ~--..:o . 'DtJJ OC):J Z 2: Colorado ,for the consideration of other good and valuable consideration and Ten ($10.00)------------ -------------------------------- Dollars, in hand pain, hereby sell(lIt) and quit claim(:ar) to CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, a Municipal Corporation, ld(JOO<Mldc)t*<~ County of Jefferson , and State of Colorado , the following real property, in the County of Jefferson , anJ State of Colorado, to wif Beginning at a point on the West line of the Northwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter (NW~SW~) of Section Fifteen (15), Township Three (3) South, Range Sixty- nine (69) West of the 6th Principal Meridian, which 1 ies 1225.55 feet South, 00 2' East of the Northwest Corner of the Northwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter of Section 15, thence North nO 18' 20" East, 921.40 feet to a point of tangency to a curve to the left which has a radius of 500 feet, and an internal angle of 770 20' 20", thence along said curve to the left 674.91 feet to a point of tangency; thence North 00 02' West 270.93 feet, thence North 87048' East 5.0 feet to the existing West right of way line of Independence Street; thence South 00 2' East along said right of way line 385.13 feet; thence North 890 58' East 25.0 feet; thence South 0 02' East 66.83 feet to a point of intersection with a curve to the right which lies parallel to and 60 feet from the curve described previously in this description; thence along this curve to the right a distance of 332.54 feet to a point on the North right of way line of the Public Service Company of Colorado, thence South 740 20' West along said right of way line 1170.81 feet to a point on the West line of the Northwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter of Section 15; thence North 00 02' West along said West 1 ine, 72.14 feet to the point of beginning, for road purposes, Ac~ort~nrQ of ~l~G ~i'l i~ ~ 3 ..- '" -.., " ..:-'5' ~ ]: ~ -'v. .>1.... _ l.. ~ d~S t...,a_'l_~U_~ (~~T OJ.. F. ...)i~:>:~~~~~~..CLI:.,~"lSZ~~ L"...i)//}-cf' / j:7'1~')-/ .IL 'e.~ ~ " z:;~~-n~:~;.~{;l~;;-. k~C"-h'__1 /;' "..11 with all its appurtenances. if: Signed t.his '!l s t ': '?)f!II c1'~y of Deoembe'.l~~~~~~..... " p..... '*""$ '. t'le -- ...... 'n._.u n noon........... u. __. uno.... ..000....... no_.__ ow n n n _.. _ _ _ _...... ..0... STATE OF COLORADO, }ss. County of Jefferson ..- 1,1. I The foregoing instrument. was acknowledged before me this Jay of December ,19 70 ,by Jim D. Helbig and El izabeth B. Helbig. . L.-- .My ,'ollllllission expires .?..." ( ) , 'Witness my hand and official seal f 'I7:~ /' , \ f '1 ( \ ~ ~ ... 0 . ' \, ~ '. ,~, " - :1 '.f-.... ~ '. -.' ~, I ,_/''''. . I L /', . u,~.":::0 II '" \ ..... 'h' -- ........... ..~::,-?..,.. .h.I.:-:.::;J.",-". :::.-'.1. n. " ":l::'....~ .:l!:::::.-::;-!:;,c:_ . .. . 'tiif".,. ptjlili.... , " . <I (I'~ ," d"fl 1 t:..,; Statuto:JI Acknott}ed,qmel1 t.-If by natural pf'rson or persons here inse.rt name or names if In- pe-raon actin~ in .'~e~r~tatN~or' o.ffIcia;1 CapaCl!Y or ~s attorney-in-fact, then im~p.rt name of pet;'son a,g ex~cutor. attorney-in-fact or other Capacity 'pro ~eicf'il1- tlOn; .If by off.lcerj;l corporatIOn, then insert name of such officer or offIcers. as the president or other ufficers of such cor- No. 898. QUIT CL~\IM DEED-Sh,;.rt form-See. 118-1-13 as amended 196L-Dcadford Publishing Co., 1824-,J6 Stout Street, Dl'm'cr, Colorado 2246 74~ I L L'\ A w CT c'.' '-.. "11[.\1"\ l ;~::~ ) V t,~ I:Jj 'd ~ 0 ..." 2246 746 ~ ~ '< ., ",' 0 "- Il'l 0- 0- ... ..... !" ~. " ... "" I~ "' r '" '" go '" ... to 0 '" ... tr !;{ 0- '< U1 d "'l ..., 5' '" ..., Z . '" J-oI F . '" ~ r :t ;.- > !" S ..., l-3 I 0 0 . ..., '< ~ t.:>:J 0 I ~ 0.- (-) . '" 0 0 n " "'" ..... ~ 0 . ..." ~ ':rJ .... ....' ~ c :3 I> P ~ . r 1" .... C':l ~ 0: C" !)t 0 ..., 0 ., 0 " 0 r 0 t:""' z r Iii' \ 0 0 Ji ~ 0 S' ~ ~ "' ;.- .... tj 0 ;l 9 0 " El z ~ < '" " " . <1- ~ ~ '" ~ tl . .... ., 0 . 8 ;-" '" '0 " " '" ~ '--v--' ~ ~ ~ "' 0- m ACCEPTED FOR ROAD l'OIlPOSJ Subject to aonditiona that the Cit~ "hall assume maintenance o~11 after ~struction there o~. itf~~~~~oe. with bdivision Regul&t~ Ot J.heA1~1' of neat Ridge a.a saill'TegulaUoJ:il{? ' c1pply to ro&da' ,( .". . /"< /' 'f DATE:.. ,3//'2= /7/"}' :.;:f,9'2t.'- f: ' . rI"f r .NIl"''D AlV\ '._' iII.~'" By:. "-.Q,,-.', '. , \,J;.~ /' '.....a.,;...... ~/ ,,-/ -Yf'f")~' A'l"'1'Bm:(-----;( .-rw.4-.~ :;;it._ ;.~~.r~~ ,,/ OlQ C1~ 2246 '14.) ------------ / \Z\p\-,N':' \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \J 1'1 ~ 11\ (\ \ \ \ 'j) \ 0 \ ?j \ :1 \ 'ii \ '6 , \ \1'\ "~ \ \~ \ \ \ \ \ 4\ ') 1\ 1. :r 1'1 ~ " (j\ '6 (1 'l> r \1\ JI d i' j11 .. O/J '1 r 'if i. 1- 1'l o o '" o -r C 1'\ 11 ;I p ,c ~ SI. )7 ?-- -z:. '" -,/.,. '?: ~ '- "- '- "- " " '- ' I~ ---t C' (~) ~ --<, -\""1, "fo- r ~ -1 :)j ---- o c0 r<' r \ \ I \ \ \ -y \ 1 \ ~ ~\ 'Y ',,', \ (l ';; \ ~ r1\ ..I.. 1j \ \ \.-. 1) .~ il ~ \ V' ~ \ ~ -~-- ~ C ~ ~ o -r tJ' 111 'f1 \ ~ It-_I -jJ '.J r \ \ \ \ \NOSp~Nt),E" \,-,ex: ----I L-- rc:" \\\'" .,> \ I"~, .' \ .> \ lJ,,_,l \J \ \ r.-r' oJ . AGREEl-1ENT T[[15 i\Q\.EENENT, entered into this 18th day of June bct,;ccn the City of Arvada, a Hunicipal Corporation, h!'rcinaftcr City, .:md Kipling 5000, a Partnership, hereinafter referred to as 1973 , referred to as the a Partnersh ip. \-!ITSESS2TlI: 1':'lEREAS, the City owns a parcel of property described in Exhibit "A" that the Par tne rship ,.;ants to purchase; H1mREAS, the Partnership olms a parcel of property, described in Ey.hibit "B", that the City may want road right-of-way throu~l this parcel; l\0\~ THEREFORE, be it agreed that; 1. The City will deed the property immediately, as described in Exhibit "A", w~lich contains 21,780 square feet, to the Partnership. 2. The City retains the right to transfer the State of Colorado registered and adjudicated well to another location, and therefore, no right to use water from this ,,,ell is transferred from the City to the Partnership. 3. The City will, within 90 days of the execution of this Agreement, remove all of the contents that"it desires from the concrete block building presently on the premises described in Exhibit "A". The concrete block building transfers from the City to the Partnership. 4. The Partnership will correct the existing 60 foot right-of-I"ay between Kipling Street and Independence Street by vacating the existing 60 foot right-of-I~ay and dedicating another 60 foot right-of-way, which can-include portions of the Public Servic~ Company right-of-way, and is acceptable to the City Engineer. Tne limits of this new right-of-way shall come as close to the Public Service Company's transmission towers as allowed by the Public Service Company. 5. The Partnership shall provide the City with a letter, prior to the transfer of the parcel described in Exhibit "A", satisfactory to the City Engineer, from the Colorado Public Service Company stating that a road can be built an~"here within the Public Service Company's right-of-way between Independence Street and Kipling Street, as long as a roadway does not touch the base of the trans~ission towers. 6. The Partnership will deed, for roadway purposes, up to 21,780 square feet, from the parcel described in Exhibit "B" at a location in the parcel described in Exhibit "B", adjacent to an existing road right-of-way or adjacent to the right-of-w;1y described in Paragraph 4 that the City desires. If the City docs IlOt request this 1 and from the Par tnersh ::' wi thin 12 mont:,s of this Agreement, the Par t nership shall ?,y the City $5,000.00, or th~ proportion$.:;' part of $5,000.00 if the area l,hien the City has acquired from the Partnership is less than the 21,780 square feet. 7. The parties h~reto agree that this Agreement, by its terms, shall b~ binding upon the City and the Partnership, and litlf)n the as signs and successors the (eOl; .3.IH.I shall constitute convena,nts running with the described property. This Agreement shall be recorded with the County Clerk and Recorder of Jefferson County. 8. Any proposed road alignment must be subject to the approv.,l of the City <'t" 1,11eal: Ridge. Receptio~ No. 575893 2519 l6 June 2l, 1973 EXlI III IT .h.. LfCAL DESCRIPTION Part of the SH~ SH~ of Section 15, Township 3 South, Range 69 West in Jefferson County, Colorado, described as follows: Beginning 25 feet l-lest and 100 feet South of the Northeast corner of said SW~ SW~; thence West a distance of 145.2 feet; thence South a dist:mce of 150 feet; thence East a distance of lLf5.2 feet; thence North a distlnce of 150 feet to point of beginning. 1(-; \.JlT~r':SS \,fliU:E0f J the pal:ties hereto have :.>et their halld:; ;llltl ::;...,,1:; on the d~y ;:lilt! ye;lc first ;lbovc t/citten. CtTy OF A..T1"VADA By Hayor ATTEST: <.: lly Clcrk OWNER: KIPLING 000 (A PARTtlliRSHIP) ?" / /-p ')1 \pl /~{j/ i;:ec;rt:/':'-:.-. Robert L. Williams, General Partner Jim D. Helbig, General Partner . r 1 -" , . Acknmvlcdged before me this day 0 f 19 by No l.~ry I'uh 1 ic Hy COIn::lission E^pi.rcs~ ~ . ~"'=-- .,....~-"-:"--'- HELL ~IJI\VLYI\:G CO;\fPi\\:Y Dt~ri:: .'-Iti) Ju. 197} NUM:::::~: .~o;.-~9 ,'.~ lAND StJHV[VOHS \,;;Dr; ,() W: Jim lie] biG ~(',.. . };~ Irz' Sheet 1 o[ 2 . O[,Cr.I?TION. CO.Jefferson STAT~ Color'odo SoC. ' TW? ~G, ;::'0.:: f!.:rt of th," So~tll:,.t"!>t 1//. of Section ]5. To'^'nship 3 South; R;1nge 69 \,;'.:st ~; Coil''; (,th Priacip~l ~f.2ri.di.-1.~~ Gescribed ;l!~ f()llo'.,'.3~ C(.1:-':::~~cing c~!: tl:e ::~~rthQast Ci.")rner of the ~~o(th 1/2 or the Sout.h\\-(;5t 1/4 of t~::c Sl\~ltlr"cst lIt. of s.:lid Sectio:J 15; thence South B9 degl-ees, 113 ;:Iinutes~ 2;~ B..:...-:O:~Js h\~~t ~l..:>ng the. :::Jrr::h line of the north 1/2 or th~ So~,lthh'f~5t 1/4 ot tlF; S,....\..l~:' \:.st 1/4 ~ ciist...U1CC of. 25.00 feet to tlll~ '[iAUC PoInt ()f l1egin:\i.ilg; thenr'c S0'.;.~;1 ~!,J de~;:-ces, C3 tlii'.UtCS, 29 scco;1ds E,'1~lt a.1ong v. JJrlc be-in; ::'::J fi~e:: ~'l'e~t of ~~i~d. p;.~r.:lllcl to :he East line (J1: tilt~ SOlll~j..\"est Ill. of the Sou,t:h\.;est 1/!"', a <~ist~nce of 100 f20t tu a l)oi~t 0n ttle ~orttl Jine of i\ I>3rccl of 12~d de5c~ibed in E00~ 918) ~"t PdL--= 3/.3; thence South &9 Gi."gr(~es, 43 ninu tes, 22 seconds ~..:~sL: alo-.1g the: ~:()rth li~e of S<lid p:.'t'cel i1. distanCE! of 145.20 fE:~t to a p0int 011 tne \,'est line of said pA:"c(~l; th(~ncc Souti1 ao degrees, 01 mill\ltcs, 29 seconds ~Clst 2.10;1; ~hc \.:est line of said parcel, a dist~nce of 150.00 feet tn a point on the South line of s~id porccl; thence ~~orth 89 degrees, 43 tilinutcs, 22 secollds East along the SOl..1ch .lln~ of said parcel. a diSC3;h.C of 145.20 feet to a point being 2:;.00 feet '.-Jest of t:l<! EilSt line ,:>f said ::orth 1 i2 or t:le South'.,'cst 1/4 of thE: SQllL:,','est 1/4; then:::e SO!.2th OJ cleg'::ces, 03 r.t~nutes, 29 scco;;1ds E::l~t bci.ng 25 f(~ct \Jest of and par.qll~l to the East line 0:: the silid North 1/2 of the Southwest 1/4 of the South~,rest 11:;, .:. JiSt;:llce of 267.09 feet to <l point on the ~iOl-th line of a parcel of lund cl'csc:ibed in Book 11S7, at Page 207; thence South 89 degrees, 46 minutes, 17 seconds ~est a1.0ng th.:' ~~orth line of said parcel, a dist<ln~'e of 113.00 feet to a poi,nc on the (.Jest line at said parcel; tiJ~!lCC S01lth 00 cegrCl's, 03 cinu::cs, 2~ s"conr:s E<!st ~long the West lille of said parcel, a clisr3cce of I2l.0S feet to a point ~~li211 is 15 feet: ~orth of the South line 1.')[ the said i\ol,th 1/2 or the Soutlwcst 1/4 or the Sourh:;e$t l/t.; the~cc South 89 degrees, t;Q minutes, 17 jSCC0nCs \,est nlong a tine h;:,in,; 15 feet r';orth 01 and paraHcl to the South line of the ;';ort11 1/2 or l!-:<.! S~lu~h\\Io!::il Ii:' of th~ ~.;":,:uth'.:~st l/!" ;..~. dist.:ll1CC of 72.20 fppt; th0r~r:p .'0rt:;! 00 d~~rccs, 1:-; ~i~ut~s) l.3 seconds \'.'t,:':;;t a <.Ii~LanLc of 5.00 lCc~; t~~.:;ncc S~)utl~ Q) d......gl~t:~c~~J !il~ ;;dtiutl3s~ J I SCCI".'nt.1~j ~~C'st ;llong a .tine hein~ 20 feet ).o:rt:: t)[ :nv} p.Jr:lJ icl to Lh€: S<)u~h line 0.' the ~onh 1/2 of tilc :;outh'-lcst lIt, of the S(\l!th'.'c~"t l/!., <1 diS(<J"(.:c: of (,sr}.o~; fc~t to a puint un tlH' l>,st line ,)f :1 porccl of 1,-,"0 dcscri:,,:d 1" EDC";, 1225, at Page 172; thence ~Ol"th 00 dcgH,es,.13 wi;;\ltc'S, 13 sC'cC'nds '';cst a10~)h t;J(~ E3~\t line of said p:-lrccl. ;) 2.ist.1ncc of. 1~.2.0IJ fl?~t to it ?oii1t 0;1 ltt~ t':ol.~h lil....c of said parcel; tht,;l1cC S')utn 89 degrees, 40 nin\ltcs,. 17 ..7;0conis ~',:(:~l alC'ng the l~orLh line of said parcE.l. <1 distance oJ: 120.00 f..!,-,t to << r/c,i:lt 0:, i.he t\12st line of said parcel; th~nce South 00 degrees, 13 r.iil~tes t :,,] s\2conds ::t1.5t ;:ll.cmg the West line of said .parcel, a dist<1:1CC: of 162.0') feEet to a poilU 20 feet. North of the South line of tho North 1/2 of the Southl.!cst l/t, of the SO'Jch;.'u~t 11/'; th;;:nce South 89 degrees, 46 r.linutes, 17 :;CC')JH!,g i_est along ,'1 lir.-'! bei:lg 20 i:",:,t :;.nth of .::md parallel :;0. the South linE: oi t~J~ t;orth 112 or the SOL.tri'^'c'st lt', of the. Sou~h',':cst 1/:').a distance of l05,l~3 feet; thcnc~ (.(orth 00 degrees) Co2 c.\i;:ut..~s, GO seconds ~ost being parallel to the West line of the s~id Xorth 1/2 of the -S-~~;ttn.le!jc 1/4 of tht;"' SOl;th'\'t,'est 1/4, a diRtan~~e o'f If..2.QG fee::; th~nC0 S01Jtii 8~ ~cg~ees, 4~ ~inutcs, 17 seconds l~~st being parallel to the South line o[ t!l~ :-:onh 1/2 of the :)outh1,;C;St 1/4 of the South'v!est 1/:;, a disti-lnce of 23.50 ["c.t; t.hc~cp. ~o:"th .00 d~brccs) 02 rainutcs, 00 seconds \"';c'st l"cil'~g p.:'\rallE:l to C!lC -;':c-s:.: J111(: or the North 1/2 or: the Sl.lutil~..;est 1/4 'Ji t~c S(~uL~\\.:c:st if:., a dist.3llCl' 0~ 1:',00 fect; theGce South es<J de.grc.:~5, ~6 G1inut~st 17 ~;econd::;. t..:esc h.:-i:1'; pa:-:i_ll.~l to t.he Soulh lin.e of t:....~ ~.:orth 1/2 of the Sout;.l:.:....:St ll'~..,r :..:~-:.- ~o~lt~&:...C3t 1/-4',..~ di:;t:..':i.nc....~ of ]3J~OO fi.~\::t to ~ point heing !.3.5 fe~t l~a~t of :":bc :~~St: J.i:1C of ~h~ :~,,,~.th 1/2 of ~ht; So~tL~,~2st 1/..'. of th;_~ SOI.lt:i...!t....~t l/~; th(.n..::c ~orth 00 i......g:-l:\.~:;,. (;) ::-..:..:'.ut(..:~)) {j1J ~ccon( \tE:st il.!O\~g.:l lilH~ bcin6 !,S.5 ~...'0t =:~st Ot Cl~:"'; lJol-all~'] t.n ti.,~ ~:t;."';t. jinc of tJl(; ;~()rth l/~ of t:lC S~)ut~:'.\r(...st 1/4 ufo the ';(l~Lt1\,'l..~:.: l/:t.. a :iL,"L.:t~'!.':'~ c,_ :::,1.C3 feeL to a point on thi: N\)r.th line. of tl~c ~:orth 1/2 o[ t.hi"' SC1i..lth'..:cst 1... c:. t:4c So--..:t:(...."C,.st t/~; t~~(,:nc4.: ~ort.il 80 di.;:..;~..(le$, 43 l~it).ltl~~, 22 f'\~C'_(J:1J~ "::l~!'" ~lL;~l..~ 'Li:...-' :z~).:"th li.i~(, OL ti,...~ ;:orlh l/~ of ::h..: S()ut~i:".~sL 1/4 of tL~: ~outb\...~~..:;t ] /4, ;.~ {ji~;t~il".>_' c:. ~J.SC fL't.:t LO a POi11l: bl~i.ng 5':, tt'QL Ef\st of the :...'(gt l..:r:,c of tIlt: ~~o:t~~ l!~) i.."'~ t!h~ ~\'J;lt.h,;.;t~s:: lIt. or tilt" ~;OU~h'...:(;st l/:J; ti~e:)c(! };<'lr'lh 00 c.~"i.1r0cs. O.~ t:ii;\l:.t(~, t ~ ::,.... ~"f':~do:; \.'....~.t .~lo:lg ,:'1. j 111(' b,;i.l!/~ 5j if..\~l. i.:::-\~t of ~uld r':1I..:\11\.~1 t\J :..be ~':.."~: l"iut.: e!.. Sijj,i :......Cl.i.(j.~ 1'::, .. ...!....:.::..:::i6:.._ c:. (l';..'.~ ~~'et; tllc1\'"(" ~t.lrth ti(, ci~....t"c<'>~;'t :,H r:lilHlli~S, :J} ~.;I C.(..:t:~, l.a~-:t,',t .ji~i:::ir..L~ o[ :'L lJ fet~t to d ppint (.J~1 l:.:,,~ S.),lfl.lrly .1in,~ "li thlt P :-c..._~ ot 1.;l1H1 uesc..i~,~d ill ::0......:" 2230, a:: ll~lg,,~ G:!9; t'lell",:<." SL'utrl :-;.=. d<..:g:~(,.'s, .... . - .' --.,.~"':'-_......~,' -- .~----.- --~" "--.-,---':---.-.-,".:... ~ . . - -_._--~..._.. '-..-.-.- -~ ..---- ~-- ,~----- . ) I I I . I I I I 1 . I I , . , I ! I I I f I I I I I I I ,_J P,1gC 2 BELL SUR V FYI"C; CO:--IP1\i\:Y D:."':::': "pdl 30, 1973 l ^ r, 0 5 \l R V f. Y 0 R S NU/AC.il: )(;89 1'. Jir.l Eclbib ()i'~ ll:~\ ., O'.j.~,D i>Y: .Sheet 2 of 2 D:::'~C;:t?TtO~ : HC. "rWP. I:G. . CO. STh" Jeff.erson Color~do 0:; r:~i:::.u~es, 0(; st!COUc.1 E4iSC .:llong said Southerly line,',:} clist.iln.:c of 30Q.02 f(-~et; t;:L_.";.CC. S()ut~l UO dcs.rces9 25 r.iirlt.1tes, or) SCC(l:)CS \:t?-;t alrYl1g said Sout~~crly line" .~ ci~;t.:!nc~ of 70.00 feet; thence 5nutlt 88 cllgr(?~s, 44 rninl1t~s) 56 S~"!C():lds East ,~h':;~~ s<lie.! SO:Jtiwrly line .:J. disUlnce ot 513.73 fret; thence South C>~ degrl'es, 1:: ~:;i nu :':es) 0': ~";cco~ds East, H dis tarjce 0 f 39.50 fee t ; thell LC SOU tit 88 0""-= zr~e s) l,l~ t..i:~l:tes, S6 se.co~c1s t:ast, a dist.1r1Ce or 422.83 feet to it point being 2) teet t.\....~:.;t of th~ Etl;;t: liGe of the i'(lrtln':Qst 1/4 of th~ South::cst 1/4; tlH~ncc South au CL'r;rees, (;,) mir..utcG) 29 seconds E.:1st fllong n line being 25 feet West of .1.n<:l ::::::'0.1 Lel to tLu Sast line of th~ l';onh,:cst 1/4 of the Soutll'.,cst 1/4, a distance ol :;70.79 fee: to the True Peint of Beginning. Containi.1g 31.514 acres. J0ffcrsou C~Uilty} Colo ..auo. I . ! i \ I I I i I i ! I' I i I I I I I I I I I . I .' i I i I I i f I I I . , ; I ! t I I I , 4 ., . :.:;, ".---;--~ J. (.__..... ,.. _ .... r. . 'II _ =-. ~.."rr~ .~..:.})r ~"'" .. ..' .~ >':"':"'~' "-t' .t :... ~,,(" ;. '.~ ...... ...~\' ,. (..... t. ( ':t" ,..l ,: ~ ...... .~ :~ ., ~. - "7 ~ ;:.. : ; ;~ .. . \ '.. ~} " ",. -~~. r': \. ,.~ ..r, j '. '\~, .....t ;';'. : I \ o.: ';. .... ~"./ . '"t.r t- .....___..- '. .... '. '- /:! _ ....::;........,,, .11",'.' I ,.,;/ .._ ... ~_ ,- ~ " I '" ..- '. ...... "/...~~ ,_~.r.~<...:::..~. ,'_ - ._ .... ,,'" J \ 1 .,.-_.- _~ . &.~~-~' to" INTERDEPARTMENTAL MEMORANDUM May 17, 1974 TO FROM MR. WILLIAM McCARTHY, CITY ATTORNEY CHIEF OF ENGINEERING SUBJECT R/~ DEDICATION FOR KIPLING 5000 PLAZA ENCLOSED ARE COPIES OF CORRESPONDENCE DEED AND AGREEMENT CONCERNING RIGHT-Of-WAY TRANSACTIONS BETWEEN THE DEVELOPERS OF KIPLING 5000 PLAZA, THE CITY OF ARVADA AND THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE. I HAVE APPROVED THE 60' RIGHT-OF-WAY DEDICATION ALONG THE SOUTH SIDE OF THE PUBLIC SERVICE RIGHT-OF-WAY AS SHOWN ON THE ENCLOSED PLAN SHEET. PLEASE REVIEW THE ADEQUACY OF THE ENCLOSED DOCUMENTS. A REPRESENTIVE FOR THE KIPLING 5000 PLAZA WILL BE MEETING WITH YOU IN THE NEAR FUTURE TO DISCUSS THE NECESSARY AGREEMENTS. ~ 7C:-:.-.::;- y.......---"'<l. cc:~~ Rybkowski, Planning Director Encl: CITY ATTORNEY'S OFFICE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE RECEIVED Iii, 7, , ,'1 I.C/7U/-/;"j . ','I /.o.~.:l.-'~L.7- _Y-:/a.. ..(..L:..C..C<.rLd , date '8y{.. :J), LD~n .__on__ ---------0.... ----. February 25, 1974 M. Iwi~ht Grig~s Attlilrney at Law 1st National amnk of Arvada Branch 5771 Wadsworth 8y-~ass Arv..a, Cmlaraee 5~002 Re: Kipling 5000 Plaza, Filing No. 1 WZ-7240 Dear Mr. Griggs: Please be advised that on behalf of the City of Wheat Ridge, your proposal, an the above subject, contained in your letter to me of February 22, 1974 is hereby approved. Sincerely, WILLIAM E. McCARTHV City Attorney li1EM/kkw cc: John A. Jerman Mayor Paul B. Abramson Planning Department NOTE: Approval of attached letter was a joint venture with f1r. RVbkows\<:. ORAHOOD AND GRIGGS ATTORNEY9 AT LAW tST ""'A.TI()NAL,. BANK OF ARVAD... BRANCH 15771 WACSWORTH HIGHWAY (PY-PA.8.) ARVAD"- COLORADO 90002 HARPER Mo 0RAJ0400C M. DWIGMT GRIGGS PHoN~(303)_42~la February 22, 1974 Mr. William McCarthy City Attorney City of Wheat Ridge Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80033 Re: Kipling 5000 Plaza, Filing No.1 WZ - ]240 Dear Mr. McCarthy: The hearing on the above matter was continued to February 14, 1974, for the purposes as stated in letter dated January 15, 1974, to-wit: This additional time is necessary for further departmental review and research as to conformity of the proposed development with the existing requirements and ordinances of the City of Wheat Ridge. The matter was again continued on February 14th inasmuch as departmental review indicated that the landscaping provided within Filing No. I did not contain 27.7'10 of Filing No.1. Further, that inasmuch as the approved Outline Development Plan required 27.rlo landscaping on the over-all project, it was the Staffsl desire that each phase of the project meet this minimum requirement. We have studied the possibility'of amending Filing No.1 to include additional landscaping to meet this additional requirement and have concluded that a more satisfactory approach would be to amend Filing No.1 to include the entire 9.7 acres covered by the Outline Development Plan in Filing No.1. In order to prepare a prel iminary development plan covering_.,theo-- erffrFCtract--;-n:wnrbenecessa"ry-o'thiITO the - road a 1 i nement between KTp-rrng' and Tii~aependence --as' i t affects the Northern port i on of the property be established. This requires the co-ordination of the Cit~~of Wheat~Ridge, the City of Arvada, the Public Service Company of f?lorado, and Kipling 5000. We would anticipate going to final development stages in two or three phases and with the ~rproval of the preliminary dev~lopment plan would have no problem in meeting the landscaping requirement on each phase of the final development plan. Page 2 Mr. William McCarthy February 22, 1974 We would respectfully request that the City of Wheat Ridge continue the above captioned case to allow submission of a preliminary development plan on the entire parcel. We will co-ordinate our efforts closely with the City of Wheat Ridge in an effort to complete the amended preliminary development plan at an early date. Thank you for your consideration. Very truly yours, ~ . Dwig ig9s APPROVED: By 2r'5(~?7 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE May 13, 1974 Kipling 5000, A Pa~tne~.hip 9995 _at 49th Avenue Wb.. t 1U.dge, Colorado Re~ A9r....llt datect June la, 1973 By and BlItvll" the city of Anada and KipllnCJ 5000 RecOftled 1n Book 2519 at Page 16 GeDtl_A: The city of A~ would requeat that you arrange for the oon- veyance of the xoad right-of-way aa ahown and described on Bell SUrNyiDq ('~ITr.DY Drawing #5496A, date4 Marc:b 18, 1974, revised Marah ~O aad llaxcb ~9, 1974, fr.. and clear of all liana and en- CumbraDc:88, to the city of wtMlat Ridge, for road purpo.... Acceptanc. of th. above CODVeyance by the City of Wh.at Ridge will m..t your o'bligationa to the city of Arvada under Agreement dated June 18, 1973, r.corded in Book 2519 at Page 16, and the City will executa the re- quired 40CU11leAbt relaa.ing the covenant. contained in said Agr....nt. The above roadway between Kipling and Inde~ence will be eubatituted for road deaeribed in Boox 2246 at: Page 745r and the City of Arvad. hel'eby ~t11 to the vacation of any portion of the roadway dellcribed in Book 2246 at Page 745, which doe, not li8 within the roadway described in the above mentioned Drawing #5496A. The road alignment aa a))oye. requaated t. a\abject to the approval of the City of Wheat Ridqe., Very truly your., C:I'l'Y or ARV'A.1:l1. By ~~ ~\~,-~ City Engineer A2PROVED. APt?roval of the above roaaway i. hereby granted. C:ITY or WHFA'l' n.:IDGB By IUPLDiG 5000 I 5-"JjB0'4iXiffj;p ~ PUBLIC SDVICE COMPAlIY OJ' COLO~ By