HomeMy WebLinkAbout0046 Recorded at........... .............0' clock............M., ..................................................................- Reception N o......t1~n~>lh"......................................................................Recorder. r~ :0 MIT! 0.., c: Cl ::':;.:1 -t 'C\ .<~ ~"~ ... ~ -. i ....:. ::;~ ,.. ::=.-.... ~ ;:..,. c::::> Tms DEED, Made this between WHEAT RIDGE association day of March ,1972, NATIONAL BANK, a national banking r- XOCIOO1lllNltOOl{~~it~1((t~iGl<tO(g<.XU\lt.l\-~~~xtli&li&w:~ xofx:tb.l!JStatllJOt;>(}(OOt~ of the first part, and the Ci ty of Wheat Ridge, a municipal corporation - " r-J ~; N~ :, ~\J:) ~:' I' cr: -.: :>, (l) ::x 51 - mc..;-..lI '" C.l' ~ a: :; .~ ; c;~: :;20 c: ....- :::' xafXtll& ::COllntrxof State of Colorado, of the second part, WITNESSETH, That the said party of the first part, for and in consideration of the sum of Ten land good and other valuable cons ideration) ($10.00) -- h.. -- - u.. - -.. - - 00- - --- - - - - h __u_.. - -.. -.... -- - - - U -- -DOLLARS, to the said party of the first part in hand paid by the said party of the second part, the receipt whereof i5 hereby confessed and acknowledged, hath remised, released, .sold, cQnVe~E\d and QUIT CLAIMED, and by these pres. . for sere :e purpose5" . ents doth remIse, release, sell, convey and QUIT CLAIM.1unto the sai part y of the second part,l ts succe' J<heiol and assigns forever, all the right, title, interest, claim and demand which the said par~ of the first part hath in and to the following described 1 and situate, lying and being in the County of Jefferson and State of Colorado, to wit: i'''''~~ The West 22.00 feet of the South 293.00 feet of the North 430.00 feet of Block 6, Coulehan Grange, EXCEPT the West 15.00 feet of the South 263 00 feet of the North 400.00 feet of said Block 6. TO HAVE A."'ID TO HOLD the same, together with all and singnlar the appurtenances and privileges thereunto belonging, or in anywise thereunto appertaining, and all the estate, right, title, interest and claim whatsoever, of the said party of the first part either in law or equity, to the only proper use, benefit and behoof of the said part y . "ucc:e~sors of the secon~ part, l t s Jlben and assigns forever. m"",T1\Ess WI;l-EltEOF. The said party of the first part ha~ caused its corporate name to be hereunto \subSCribed ~y '~l President, and its corporate seal to be hereunto affixed, attested by its "I \Secretary, J4he day an" y"ear first above written. ~ttest: \ . , .....: \ ---\.. '\ " \ .~_\ -J- .- ~ --~ ~..." I ......~........................................... Secretary. \~~.E.A..r77~' ~;J-lP.7Bt\~......... ..... . ./- -./. ~.. ,,ij..../ B~Z..(;.-E~~.....t?tL a-'&;:07..... .. ....,.......... ',- .... I a~"")Presldent. r " //} / y- ,..._- ~HY...~.TIq.~~.~~:c~:n~o:~.~~Y.~.L........... } SS. The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this 1972 1'>tg~:.::L~ n~'E] =l " 7 IJ r (f.~'7f ~71(1~yrk as r/, Cf" President and day of March . by Secretary of Will~~m :P..,J.ohnson as WHEAT RID{,E N'A.T iDNA.L BA.NK, a nat ional banking associat ion. M .' 1 .. I A' ~ . .. . '~"73' '/ Y no",arta commlSSIuDexp res..............~.....'.....,.......,............. .'- '), ,', -', /,._,;r- /'.. Witness my hand and of!icial seal. ..... ./.c::,.;;;::::/.~~:j~.".......'tf72~--(...~~,....... -/f-_..-:. I- I" Notary Pubhc. / ;axCOX}!.M'll1l4ll1K "-' No. lOS..B. QUfl' CLAIM DEEIl..,--CorpOro.tJ<lO Form - Bradford Publishing Co., 1824.~46 St..,ut Stn-et. Denver, Colura(k'-12~'23~8 39~ / ;.po; ~ GO) o m I'..: <S'\ ors #'-1 {;, I:J:f ::.1 ~. r "" .... = ~ 0 '<l S " .... 0" ~ t:l" 0 0 z 0 I '" ~ rO 0 , r " ~ J p. cj , <' . (, '<l UJ. ",~ ~ S' > "," '" t-3 ~ Z "'l .. ~ 1-3 0 , " El " f 'r ~ .. E; 0 CD '" '<l ~ .!" r t.:J J ,0 0 '<l h (j r'0 , .... :::: ~ 0 0 '*- '- c n' S ':rJ t""t < . ~ '" (" , 'r' "- .. .. q C".l > , Vi 0 t-3 r:-,/ ~ ";\ (l> e: ~ ;" ~, ~ " ~ t"' 0 ~ co '" ~. 0 ('{. " 'C .. r 0 ~ <'" 'Y" ~ <+ '" S' ~ 0:; . n o' il'l >- " , " ~ ;> .. .. , , , = <+ t:I r , /0 Z p. a 9 0 r, \" ,~ r p. s tr:1 ,. z ..,. c < Eo (l> >.. ....'u.) ~ = ~ r , ~ '<l <+ ~ >-' " '-~... \.. to " 0 "- H t:l ~ (l> ~ .. ,t:~'H '-'.l i 0 '" .. ,..r, " 0 r~ rt c... '" i:t .... '-.-~ m Q I ." , (l> (l> .. ,. \ '~} P. P. !" . "- ':s;''?- <"'" ~r , (OO \, ~~ '-< ~ - '" \~ ,') " "> ~. ~ i.J' ';> r ~ :..' I r I'G "\..,~:) ,=: ~l.,:, I". '-.\ W'Kj~:L.:r.-aJ};"Gi.~:J:~~~:L' li;a .'Hy; <<..~__"";;_=-~.._.."......li...i..~t I..J i.. ~'J ,. ~ \ -. ) ,J, ;'j 1 '. ,).. .- COMk+~M10.li '~~"""'''''''n FOR ROAD PURPOSlI , to conditionS that the City : assume maint.enance only a.fter " T" C t. ion then~ of in a(}0ord.anoe wi th j,,',sion Regulation!; CJf~he CUy of . ."'1P.~ t Ri.dge as sa.id regulations ClppLy to roads Df, IE: .,z(%~_L.~_...:m__....m~.~2.._._ml9-.Z c .. T.Y'(.::~L..ll~.:~i;:~~~.r:~~;~o~,o~ ~ . Mayor I, "'TP.S1': \"':~.~g".._..r:-.1~ ,......:..____ City Clerk " ~ .A(~i't,Pr:. '-';;',7;, e J, l'Thairman ~