HomeMy WebLinkAbout0051 J \~ RARGi\lN & SALE DEED ::::::: :~'.::$?}~:~~~'~l,O,C,~""'.:::,::,:::",::':::.:::::::::::.:::::::.:.,::::::.::::::::::.:::::::::~~~:'~~: THIS DEED Made this 31st day of August 1972 ,between JAMES SPE ASE and MARTIIA SPE ASE of the RE~DF4lfl; STA.MP, On..n -'v Co.") s~ -i .- -.. ~.::~ ~i~; - ~ (J1 N u; ,n C. e,..) County of Jefferson and State of Colo- rado, ofthe first part, and THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE a municipal corporation and bOdy politic ' a~ corporation organized and existing under and by virtue of the laws of the State of Colorado of the second part: WITNESSETH, That the said part ies of the first part, for and in consideration of the sum of Ten and No,'lOO and other good and valuable considerations ----------- DOLLARS to the said part ies of the first part in hand paid by the said party of the second part, the receipt whereof is hereby confcEsed :end acknowledged, hale gmnted, bargained, sold and conveyed, and by these presents do grnnt, bargain, sell~ convey and eonfil'n1, unto the said party of the second part, its successors and assig;ns forever, ,ell of the folIowirJ'~ described lut or parcel of land, situate, lying and being in the County of Jefferson and State of Colorado, to wit. That part of Lot A, Block 18, Juchem's Garden Place, in the City of Wheat Ridge, County of Jefferson, State of Colorado, more particularly described as follows' BegInning on the East line of said Lot A, Block 18 (Lot A being the West Half of said Block 18, Juchem's Garden Place, recorded in Rook 2161 at Page 558 of the Jefferson County Records in the Courthouse in Golden, Colorado) said point of beginning lying 170 feet southerly from the Northeast corner of said Lot A; running thence West and parallel with the north line of said Lot thirty feet; thence south and parallel with its east line thirty-seven feet to its point of tangency with a curve to the left of seventy foot radius and ninety degree central angle; thence south- easterly along said curve 67.37 feet to a point on the aforesaid east line of said Lot A; thence northerly along said east line 94.44 feet more or less to the point of beginning. FOE PUBLIC ROADWAY PURPOSES. ~j N~ ~~,.->.. ~~. "" ~- ::::;J _= "'. ~.--.. ~ 0": -, - ~:: < '... '0 ,--. ~.. :- , />"'--~... 1\\!IEJ\ll H ,iJ(;E PHP I \!;l;cC/ \, ) ./ '-..... TOGETHER with all and singular the hereditaments and appurtenances thereunto belonging or in anywise appertaining, and the reversiop. "nd reversions, remainder and remainders, rents, issues and profits thereof; and all the estate, right, title, interest, claim and demand whatsoever of the said part i es of the first part, either in law or equity, of, in and to the above bargained premises, with the hereditaments a:nd appurtenances. 1fX)~~Na1fX)2UOlX~OC~)'JJl))(~~~OVli.X<1t]f.3i.l0lXOOli.)$K:~00lC~~xugl(X\li~IleK:HlX~XXj),tJj.2It1\iJ( XlX~~J'.l;XXiit:l:be~OOXdl.li.~j(,)9.~X'llIlilCl\m!OtlC4XdlM4W\lKm:M1i.1XJlOO1l..)tM{~IiMKXXXXXX1:K~K}IatX,XO\K XXXX~NXXXXXXXX~X~~X~~~~~~XXXXX~~~~~~X1~~K~K~~*OOOC m!.iJ(l!a!.<K~~jKlUX.lllill~dt>h<K~~~~:K>X~~IDaK:l!\K.mex~1\;O(Nill~~~*,,"~~jK~f(. m!.~~~XXXXXXXXiVm~<KlUX.~2t>1t~~J>>.HdVX);'xJl!\M~IO.iK)if(.}gX<Kl4<-X.Krl(,X~~~~~Q(JaK<K NK<k~~\l4X X~OOXXi'j; moNm!x:)QOxx~X!X.;(*~Wle(;$KdlX1KXXXll'PXdlXiXbitXMIxOO)4-XlXi.mdXlX~:M(Xot)(<}tJt:l(XiX ~mtx~XQ\lX>md)C~meX>XlXiXklXlXMOOm3tN~a6~llI\Xi\I~XOOXWX~1t!(ftKOOHlJi)!~:l(rmtdilX :ml:!J4'roJQX:KKlKI'2v;(OOXX<<;X~Xoo.~~~W;Jti.KOOl<~X\l(!Xa6~sroc}!tt xaJW!. )H{~MUl*XX:>X~~Xj)!'*-X ~mal>U'tiJ( ~)hX ~<<X~~~~~~>>~~~)9.KX~~~~<<~X~~K.li.OOJ~~~OOX~li.~~<<~X~:I(XiK~*~<<~~XJt~ 24l1I.(}(:l!sXOtK.X~M~~~X~~iXJ}iXiKl'~l(dUKl'aXmfUl}y~~X>li.X.d<NKUilX~MNK;&K1i~~K m!.IltJWf{@KKa'id<t>:*KXX.X..li.f(il!lX~"PXJlt)s~lOWi1X~~.ElXE}(EJ(.IlEEEN.Il IN WITNESS WHEREOF, The said partieSo~ the first part have hereunto settheir hand S and seal S the day and year fiTst above written. Signed, Sealed and Delivered in the Presence of ~. ), , ..: ./'".; L <( .J., ". /( , . , ~Ii'esuSP'ea-:-seu,u;,-UC'." '" u::<u",..__..u [SEAL] , -,; ) ,..uu'...' /....,.u~',' .,. "."",,:':"',',_,u........muu...,u..m [SEAL] Martha Spease ummmuu[SEAL] STATE OF COLORADO, County of Jefferson The for,~~AW$, instrument was acknowledged before me this 1912 ,-~y James S~ease and Martha Spease. }ss. 7'/j1' day of {'f-'-7-r.-." t' ~11 commission expir~ ( 'L "4' L > t , 'I , " /'/7? WITNESS my hand and official seal. .. .) .~ ,--, " ))-z/-a- c_ '__h'" _,.~.:..u uh.. _ _.._ ,_~__ .._. n__ t: c .4.K , '~ ~.- Notary Public. ;,'"'\, .... , .. , . . /<;0. 952. ~~li~J<:lIil>1KlllX<<~"or Photocr..hl< Record. ~Bradford Publishin~ Coo, 1824-46 Stout Street, Denver, Colorado-l-71 2435 464 . . > c , o . ~ " c W r o ~ z o n o 00: ~:s: ~ l ~~. .,., 01- ~: a-c+ c::, '1 ~ 8": ::s : '1f"-\,.,., ~lI1~r . ;t'" r ~: ~i 1rl ~t" : ~'I . t:l . " c " t:d '<l :::l S z " "'J '" '" .. 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'"l:<:: u ~ ,I L i" I' ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ trj trj o z r constructiun ~.l1( b Subdivi.!lion Regu...",t_';;,' Wheat Ridge a$ said regul"~o4~ I4pply to ;r0t<411 ~:1~;'~mt!Jii7"oo;.o;;~"}; Dr ~ '--,o.l-......._..L...l...C.....~u...~"~'.rMt::u,:ur=~::~:::;:=::::::::::::::::::::;:::::: ~yo;r .~ !fTMT: 1~: 1'': . ~:/ ~- OU, C)'ft.f.k . . . '# -...~;:;;;~~~~:~:~j~li::;:Iruz4.:;i.:~~:':;:;..:;:::;; HOLLEY BOATRIGHT & VILLANO ArrolUfZYS A.T LAw 4~15 WADSWOIlTH BOULEVA.RD WHEAT RID"E, COLORADO 80033 GEORGE ALAN: HOLLE.Y GERALD E. BOATRIGHT VIRGIL A. BOATRIGHT MICHAEl.. C. VILLANO September 11, 1972 PHONE ~X:l<. 423-7131 ROGER D. WITT DAVID C. DEUBEN Maurice F. Fox City Attorney 4315 Wadsworth Blvd. Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80033 Dear Maurie: The previous deed given to the City was a Quit Claim Deed which predated conveyance of title to the grantor. This deed is a Bargain and Sale Deed which passed after acquired title. The closing took place August 31, 1972. The City should accept and record this deed to confirm the conveyance to the City of the property for roadway purposes. Sincerely, HOLLEY, BOATRIGHT & VILLANO . /".7 , /-," +:. /~'?' C::L;:.~,. "- ,.?~ / George Alan Holley GAH:dj Enclosure '-r~ '. --" .(r- \ I , I \1 1 I \ t \ .1 1 ~ - ~. :- ------- ,--,---->- \ \ I \ L - - -,~,--- \ rc~1;_.nNGTOi'i f S \ \ \1 \ \ \ _---I' \'~'; '1:1, t " \~I, \\1rFXr \ ;~I,D(;Z \ ; 1,_'r:D . t V..... I' \:::JI I"\..l.? >7 s\