HomeMy WebLinkAbout0074 ..:s 5 . . 1::t .--i '-- 543692 ::0 C- nIT! 0,-, """ Co :z ~~~ -< rl = ~-:: .;: - - u ;i N;;:, ::0 ~ m ~:". n <:> =,- ;D ~ 0 rn ~ ::0 (Jj C& z ..~. :::0 ::::D '-=' C!~C! ~2 ,~ ':: _.~... ~.~ ;:::, t:::') ::_ ::,,) 1:.j~.t<;C U'l' L't( I S D 1:.1<;lJ '1',:15 1NDEiTUh."" made this 12th day of ,January 1973 bctHeen Ti-L::": FIh;:iT jlllTICiNllL tJj\.i~L OF DE1~v.t<;R, QS l:.xecutor of the ~";'l'J\'l'l:. OF Ll:.OI-JJ\.RD S. ZALL, deceased, party of the fir::it part, and CITY U.r' "H.r:;JlTRJlJGE, a Color~odo Jc!unj cipal Corpora- tion, ]Xlrty of tl e s'--'cond PQrt, ,JITI,i:';SS.0;'l'E, THHT Leonard ::;. '/,all, ,'Iho was the o\'mer of the real property hereinafter described, died in the ,it" ;md County of 0enver 8nd State of Colorado, on the 24th day of March 1972, leavinv a Last 'iill ilnd TostGrnent, ",'hich was rjulv admitted to probate in tho Probcte Court in the City and County of Uenver and State of Colorado, on the 2nd day of May 1972, on ~ich day th" said The Fir ~:t l\Jat ional Bank of Denver W.:l::i dul v appoint- ed ~xecutor o{ the estate of said deceased. That in and bv his Last Will and Testament th~ said Leonard S. "I. all , deceased, did provide, amon,!! other thir:.gs, as follows, to-wit: lIS.c;VEN1'H: I"ly executor and trustee henmnder shall hilve, in addition but not in limi~aticn of those elsewhere ,O'i yen in thj,s i nstrurnent, or by law, the following rights, powers and exemrt~ons, all of which may be exercised by them without any order of or reoort to any court: "Sub paragraph (2). To buy, exchange and sell any vroperty of the estate or trust, of any nature whatsoever, at public or private sale, upon such terms as it deems proper, VQ th or wi thout any order of court, or "lith or without any advertisement. "Sub paragraph (7). To execute, acknowledge and deliver all the necessary and proper notes, mort~ac'es, deeds, deeds nf trust, or other similar evidence of indebtedness or instruments securing same; contract::i, deeds, receipts, releases and other instruments, "'hether or not under ::ieal, incident to any of its powers, ri~hts and dis- creticJn.1I That the party of the first part, pursuant to the autr:oritv and Dower thus given to it by the said Last ~'lill and Test~ment 61' said Leonard S. Zall, deceased, did sell unto the Dartv of the second part, the real estate herein- after described, for V.le sum of Ten l'housand Five Hundred Dollars (~lO,500.00), to it in hand paid, the receipt of which is hereby acknowledped. NO,,!, TEDREFCRE, this indenturc:: Hi tnesseth, that the said party of the first part, in consideration or the premjses, and the further consideration of the sum of 10,500.CO to it in hand paid, the receipt of which is herobv acknowledged, has sold and conveyed, and by these presents does sell and convey unto the party of the second Dart, its successors and assjgns, all.the riph~, ~itlp, interest and estate ~~ich the said Leonard S. ~all, deceased, had in his lifetime, and ':It the t,ime of his death, in and to the following described real estate, situJte, Ivinr and being in the '~ounty of Jefferson am State; of Colorado, to-I'lit: 2465 889 -) UI ,.b. "j~ , , , , w CT to . 0 ..-\- ['0 ~:. :r ;;:' ; RIi~( ! ])[L.) . , II J \ It tl / \ / ....._,-~ 2465 890 '['racts Thi.rty-five (35), Thirtv-sj-,: (36) and Thirty- seyen (37), ibpC>H 'hlliey (~;}rdens, ~~ccoc'dinp: to the recorded plat thereof, County Dr JefferDon, State or C ,lorcw.;; sub,iect to thp folloVlin'" e,lSr?ment:3, ri~hts of ',ray "nd reserv:l.tions, tn-Hit: 1. U_" vht 01.' 'ray for C! car Creek, jf tner ~ ius been ~lny chcm,-e in the 10c'lti::m 0: CJ"ar Cri:p),: as sh(1I'rn on the recorded plat. ~~. ju.G8r:1(~ntJ and ri,~ht (jL' vfay~ if any, lor i.rrj,r:a- tion rhtclws as shown on the recorded Dlat. 3. lq73 ~eneral ta~es 3nd all veneral taxes here- aft2r assessed, and all future installments of lloftat 'funnel District taxP'3; and subject to all ot'1er e'lsements, if c:my, l'f record. TU jHl\f_~ .diJJ 'l'U HOLu THb SiLlb_ with all of' the QprlUrte- 'lances T hereunt-) belonginr:, or in anywise a poertaj.ning, to the proper use, benetit and behoof 0; the said party of the second part, it" successor:; and assi[!,ns, i'orcv,:er. IllJITlJESS ,j-lr.:RLlI.b', thp said party of the first part, ;13 j'lxecutor of the s;lid estate, as afore:3ai,1, ho. s hereunto set its hand and seal the day and year firJt hereinabove written. " ~~' lClrt"';'l' N}\TI0,JEL Executor of the s. .~3.11, deceased. B!i1~l\ 0.1:" UEhV",l-(, tlst,Qte of Lc;onard rni2J "" ",C) <. , Bv ./~ '<.If. L' I rJ' " c .(,' f,L ! . VfC1'l-Pn;;;id~nt 3.nd lj'n~6:COfflcer- " SdlTi C:ti' COLO;-(i\.00 ) )ss Ci ty and County of ])env,.;r) The forc;p:r)inr' instrument vTClS acknowledn:cd before ill": this 12th day of January 1973, bv _~J".:0_.3') I~?:!L_~";",:.______, Vice President and ['rust Officc;r of the ,,'lid The l"irst tbtionf\l B;1nlf: of' Df?nVer, as bxecutor 01' he !:,st'ltc of Leonard S., /~ll, decea:"pd. \litness T::Y hEW" and offici'll seal. :.. \ ~! ' , ~h Cc-' ,,~ ily co:'"]mi3Sion 1'~xpire~J_~~____ ,~ 20, 1973 " I " l . )c "L(_ .~~( ~:_____ I~._~_~~' l-) jTotarv Public "-,,, , , .'WHL\T\ ! )\ll)(;E ! UfED I ~ n f \ ~ l \ / \ / ~/ 2465 &~ T -3 _L- ~ -1'.01 ~ ';.'.--i-! I -:J::N:: .. 0: CJ} ~ ). _ cD f.-o~" "r......,- >- ~ bJ .::> F-;.~ *" ~ 0. oJ ~2 .. c~ fJ) ~-= - ~ - ,:......;- ~ .. ~ ..~ .~ ~Q .J S ~_sr= 0. ~ I!> .~ i_x .if x~ cl ~ .J Ii 0: ~ -'i- -( \ I ~ - ~ ,- -- r X < <t ~,' ,- ~ =-~ ~ .:;> ./}.C) 'GREEN L ~ ~~~ x.:~~ - .EIY SUB :;::~-~!..- ~~ I."~H~ ,..-:;:;--r--=-- ~ ~ r:: ~1UI-~ I~,.; co FERr.!.t'o~ W' L \'I 0 . Wu~ 1 Y_ '-~ . ~ '= " ...-. ~ __ SUB ..J!l: /<' ~<? ~I- ~ Lc..' n "- 0:::> - - - ~ .. I~U"'-H' -.v. .. 0: X:Z: 0: _ vr~ <4 CD -0 ~ <t CO or-..... Z ~..,,~ _ ..; oJ !.~~ ~_ en ~::> I fJ) >-- $-tJY- -% ~ ~ fJ) ; ~ ~ ~~~_~. ",f ~~. ,,) z fJ) U. 0:] I \ \ -- S U B. "- .. '" I- .. >- CO ,.. 0 0 ::> x :s: fJ) .- Tl UCHEtJ G A R 1 E N .. ~ ... " ,. ~ ... " :a i \ \ HE M'S \ Pl.ACE VI .. rH AvE I IlltlTT .uI.1. ~' /!-:.;" "'A' ~..'7".:"rh" ..~ . " ~';~:.~';'}.: , '---\ -1 ~~ .~~. f \IF' T " " c oJ .J o Z LlJ w 1- ::> ~ o ::> 0:: "j (/) I I- w 'S .. Pl.ACE D~ fJ) >-- 1:% 'L: Ii - 'Iii q h '+ie. ~b ~\A FIELD PARK /' (- r:L ( . - ... h s u ~ l:.J '\ - UJ ..I !\~ .. nTH o => iVl Co i~W . h Wi"'" ,l - F' e,-i-y 1"'1-- l.- POLICY NO Z 357152 ^ AMERICAN LAND TITLE ASSOCIATION OWNER'S POLICY FORM B - 1970 ITLE NSURANCE OMPANY OF INNESOTA a Stock Company, of Minneapolis, Minnesota SUBJECT TO THE EXCLUSIONS FROM COVERAGE, THE EXCEPTIONS CONTAINED IN SCHEDULE BAND THE PROVISIONS OF THE CONDITIONS AND STIPULATIONS HEREOF, TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY OF MINNESOTA, herein called the Company, insures, as of Date of Policy shown in Schedule A, against loss or damage, not exceeding the amount of insurance stated in Schedule A, and costs, attorneys' fees and expenses which the Company may become obligated to pay hereunder, sustained or incurred by the insured by reason of I Title to the estate or interest described in Schedule A being vested otherwise than as stated therein, 2. Any defect in or lien or encumbrance on such title, 3 Lack of a right of access to and from the land, or 4 Un marketability of such title IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the said Title Insurance Company of Minnesota has caused its corporate name and seal to be hereunto affixed by its duly authorized officers as of the date shown in Schedule A, the policy to be valid when countersigned by an authorized officer or agent of the Company ITLE NSURANCE OMPANY OF INNESOTA President Countersigned. ':&AIl~/ 6, r~ Authorize Officer or Agent Secretary EXCLUSIONS FROM COVERAGE The following matters are expressly excluded from the coverage of this policy Any law, ordinance or governmental regulation (including but not limited to building and zoning ordinances) restricting or regulating or prohibiting the occupancy, use or enjoyment of the land, or regulating the character, dimensions or location of any improvement now or hereafter erected on the land, or prohibiting a separation in ownership or a reduction in the dimensions or area of the land, or the effect of any violation of any such law, ordinance or governmental regulation. 2, Rights of eminent domain or governmental rights of police power unless notice of the exercise of such rights appears in the public records at Date of Policy 3 Defects, liens, encumbrances, adverse claims, or other matters (a) created, suffered, assumed or agreed to by the insured claimant, (b) not known to the Company and not shown by the public records but known to the insured claimant either at Date of Policy or at the date such claimant acquired an estate or interest insured by this policy and not disclosed in writing by the insured claimant to the Company prior to the date such insured claimant became an insured hereunder; (c) resulting in no loss or damage to the insured claimant, (d) attaching or created subseq uent to Date of Policy, or (e) resulting in loss or damage which would not have been sustained if the insured claimant had paid value for the estate or interest insured by this policy I I L -1 I:'~~'~I Form 121 6/71 10M. . . . \."2/ Copyright 1969 American Land Title ASSOCIation TITLE INSURANCE POLICY AMERICAN LAND TiTlE ASSOCIATION OWNER'S POLICY FORM B - 1970 Issued through the office of: LAND TITLE GUARANTEE COMPANY 7580 W. 20th Aveuue Lakewood, Colorado 80215 Phone: 232-3111 AC 303 '".~..~ i '''''<' " t ",..N\W.'~ i <, n"'><G -\ . \ ""' ,~" \ (,~ ~, ~~- \. ,.;r ,.",,.. "". '. "" ,~ \ "':"..~' ~~4l\i>' " . \.~- - ITLE NSURANCE OMPANY OF INNESOTA Home Office: 400. 2nd Ave. So., Minneapolis, Minn. 55401 . 612/322,5111 TIM OWNERS 12/67 FORM 2255 D File No. J-3106 Policy No. Z 357152 Amount $ 10,500.00 SCHEDULE A Policy Date. _ ~ec~mber 29, 1972____ at _ 8:00 A JL 2, The Insured hereunder, in whom title to the fee simple estate is vested at the date hereof, is: CITY OF WHEATRIDGE 3. The land referred to in this policy is situated in the County of Jefferson Slate of Co 1 orado and is described as follows: Tract Thirty-five (35), Thirty-six (36), and Thirty-seven (37), HAPPY VALLEY GARDENS, according to the recorded plat thereof, County of Jefferson, State of Colorado. This policy valid only if Schedule B is attached. A -r TIM OWNERS 12/67 FORM 2256 FileNo. J-3106 Policy No. Z 357152 SCHEDULE B This puliql OOl'S Illll Insure against loss (II oamagl by reaSUll of the fl)lluwill~:," 3 Facts which would he disclosed hy a comprehensive sUlvey of the premises herein deserihed_ Mechanics, ( ontraclllrs' l!r Matcrialmen's liens and lien claims. if any where nll notice thereof appears on recurd. Rights and claims III pal tics ill pussession. 4. General or special taxes and assessments required to be paid in the year 1973 and subsequent years. Liens for unpaid water and sewer charges, if any. Right of Way for Clear Creek, if there has been any change in the location of Clear Creek as shown on the recorded plat. Easement and right of way for irrigation ditches as shown on the recorded plat. 5. 6. 7. A ,..