HomeMy WebLinkAboutSchaefer's PRD7 r 1 1 1 •", t'fAOr �'JT •I F7♦��7fT11 z LU O \ LL Z - 2T1 u v 25.00' I SEc:Ze � rC SirALC ; ii 2 m " TRACT. I 3 <°a � _ 3 �A$"T- w�ES `LL': SEG ,b:w ?Er�forur,_s�ir`_3 5o�tr. RArv6E 6"�'4:'e s'*� ' 3tj" W C€NTKw tN6 p„WE[ MND AV UE _, .. Vii', 1 I�:,�t•1 KNOW ALL Mab Byrr,-,t rk ..FNT, .hat i dmunrl Scnae.er. nm the own _. of he Na .h .a of .he hes.. HEilf of Tract 18, Brookside, in the Ity or Wheat 9idte, ,n deftersaa Cminly. Cniorado, except the S with 252.7 feet thereof, conveyed in !eel rf'corded January 17, Tifi9 in %oP 11f1C' at 1"19P 1.67a„i- ern.Lt th.-`,y:)rtll and i'P,gt tw,'.nty-fl Ye feet thereof. both con—yol to Jeffsrsrn Coi;nty by deeds re,orelei re re t:cely cn Ma'v R, 1956 1r Nook 994 at rage 11and tin 0 toper n-lqcg 1n Bouk 214q Fag- -.td of !;p Jpr. a �cr JF.J. 4r; , sa dtrn.ri al,.) at part of the outhp>.t 4a3rteFof the. Nr Ifive t Zu.arier rf let:fnn ?9, Township ; "ot'tt urge q !esl of the -ixth e "' t4.. ^. 4 r'- p - f-'rincinnl ko.J, •1n, n of ..s{ dg.�, n Jefferson ,._"! y ..i,;radn, c' ,c . o _ ,.g a .h. .est, -; r rr . t- i a Rr 9' r ! f a h a v.. a :p r r i. r p. a I r ren ha. qY ,J - � 1 1. O: if ,.i , ,3 € n :,:ectad) 10) r"_( Fadi :r ••n or ,,, to :!Its rote".ct;nn wt I,',? px 'tee.`,ass i hi -1f rv. v f,—I, f.h pre 'nr?`t G 06 nD alnny said rfgtl r 117 n ?_f. .. t,I the Southwest corner of the sub,�eot nroncriy; tnenna ronttnuinr'r North 11;,09 40'.tient aloof,. snl.i W99t line -of Parfet Street 37!.,29 feet, moa nr, I-eas, to the South riFh't n,-wny line of ".r.at 35th Avenue at. the Northwest cor- ner of the anh,j"..t nrorr,rty; thence North P9° 3?' 10' ?ant along mall :c,,-th 11ne of West 35th Avenue 1.'4.45 feei to it.n ,torthssst e-rner; thwnce South CI' 07' ,." r";'4ai nlong.its East line, 371.,28 Feet i.o tts 'Snct.herOt :ornPr; t•henr,a'znuth 94''lggnt•, p"rn17.p1 with the '.foresnid' South l..ine n, €est. ?4th Avenue. 1?4.31. feet', more:or 1.ePa. i:c thrun Point ni ?Ag.nnlrg, a td tract nnfitiulninp, 1.1Vn inr a• or ti)9 pesre, mcr< )'1 c,, et, 1. have 7..•,+i ?'t, av!+dlvlaed'^0 rL,t'2!1 4,r,t1 l.,rd:nn hergnn pti<iwn, under thr,.naar. Rr.d Style Ci` .SiH;,F.F:fi':i ILANNr^,0 iitf,f')PN7iA1 RYr'!r,"MF, T. + ,lnvnl.nrk 't ,f nart or t-,. City of 'whoat t+,i:if;a. in trn CoontY, of Jeff,:rnrn, :;te;e of olnraAn. T ?n-hv tse? frr< -tr t,r.r,,. .1114 .i.d!r.!t^ t11 01.1 1;— of ile r11..v of Whpgf. 13idge, Ind +t rail mud c1.1,n1,v- qw r} 12dlOr Ifl!Jnir,iflliy^i'r'In.ll=rd lltl' to g arld it nrrfal eryi.rr lift•ricts ihn9n portions of Snit p11 ncr v ?r t,gn"tri 9s vaarlr ntrc .ant r ght� '?.: -wRv f. r ihr nn tmr.tion install i. n, ot'a ti n, In 11 S-e"i Y'.. P.. r_ra c nJ , pm,.r rrr nl s- r. -t„udl ng d: .h.: ror:h r.., a d el:,tr,c i}ne•i, Pnlr, acrd v!dtrgrtuir,A ,•.ktl g s ':in l:: _, A=t ,lc r!s. snrit•iry rawer ltn.s, street linhtr, r0rid:-, hvdrsnts, er.11rnkre dti.i,l rs ini n- ins. •rI-,J 4.11 -4r[arI"par.•. fr-^>to, li 11: na(.rar.tq ..-,char- stoe.i' -..i sgraei t. by the un3e :..r. ,1d. thpt !iF .-xren9c? f'..,:!?r _rtroJ,ei In !.:'r: s n.; ..! inn coil^ti ea or sar!it.ir: ,a,awer <11.r]rt4Inn.m—n ar,! liras, gin vire i,tne.n. e;.pr.' i ^;,!,-vl ..w•rch^ ani'1:io:,, ;t^'rt! ,ew.rr: an'? ... :1 e i, ra :9n +died"i s�reri =.nvrmn.. t.. .Rid"wa' r. 1.o"ior iuph utilt... dro na, vf—ot lig t..ng, g,rnding �;, 1Rn..,.rn1'.t,:g, in)rhs, Lien nrid e..1t-ns, ninil he inrarente:"l n 3 Pala F r by thr, r -.d 1Ci'°r, rr --:;rang n.. ,id,, by tai FtiJi-ir- th i sre zr roe I by :fty ci ,heat, 4 0g,, P+on s nI, ,dada 3 11 ahm11 ,If ,P r; 1 by !; c r [.t,lg., P?1a, ,7n, H .ny ltom r.r it:er•'• .t It, '191r pr,,,erty, sxrept iteme nwnr.i by m!r. CiMJ1V_'rgn hiSei !,t1 iitnn n., i,or `I.jntiin io..17 7Ir 1 `tnnr 'ompany, nal sr r}:11 v1 " liatriitn ch itrms whin rnrtstrurted cr Inni•!Iled, ar•11' remain 't" ,-u!Prfs the !rwn3r sol 91;,11 t ierrm,e i.e v,ere tag ,f .iw.rs �-rd s;rod!vhlrr "sTATKMONT._U" Ni.PN"'_ ,,.A int., f t•i" :.1..nr­i 'ir ..,'! ingrih'=, ix i•• al-I.:lr t.!,e gAvsly!.r:An'•; rr mif, 'ln'rir-ilv ho; -Ra -on n. situ wht(o1 it li•al!.e! •i,p,> In !'.•J.t:.tral-rRintir.. 1'trnhiwm.., ,ti••.,r�.h t.'^e ve�ri�.lA-of i.1i1n 11n19eA 1)"Henii`11, lot 0ti!n•larl. ^ii'•1 I,rl'l{n r;r ! nrr,lia ^,r. hn omni;: fro^ anal N t at4[nTn*lar ^, i!:ei three. sin• -le -family hmmnm n:'.rj t`* 'v •!i rr rtr:f ,, ii, '3 (i-. i rn :r., 1., le'ri ai.illitt,pt. AILNG NG 1. .nnirr Ir J I.,!, ­IA p,.H n! Int n,, to >. R-1 st„rA1r.i.= anuli. {n t.oi E -Ib 7'+t at',ri';r ply to Lots i 10 3, b�'4FroiMt' ii B G •-, '.'"7 �'N L )a s!'11 t, nrn !p faTi1V nomea. P t0 9'r+.-t.J a yhni hn Rllow-1 wi!'h!n t e llmiizi ,f ttt- lir—your Fln-i illir, I. ^r a 1) IF Lot 1. .nAinatpa .1s "Reedy Are.,” m'.v i,q ,used re- r'rs.ss Ithl to ionnn{nF,. mh �t t ..r n w;. ^:r. fn. nine-t,.rvm_n. is <.c. ow,.e9cn,�Ce£t F TREFT'CENT�FiLINE_rY �EEY WiOEIA L �- 7 9 A A, • 1 b h „$court R Y •rr: .it,e F . P J .:rr ml' rand} 0 )_131. ^. e.l. WEST 35TH AVENUE y e.tiKt`v Nb 1.1 z3 oa' {39.45' as w n '!d r9 !i' Pro .4' A e u m s t. ] nn an , v f]. that t , a .�• mr 'r,+ at a .% .,•t e c.e npz r .p c_]rlteiv re.^rr' n s said survey I f.J, ,h ert.ifv" -that 1 have ccmrlie.'i in a1-1 resnrrts with.t,.P p-`nvia.i.nn af'•'srapranh 10of Art);c:,e !'r]- of 'Ci.t7r iR,.:Colo,-ago.evisPd:�.' 3i o.atittPs n1', 1''375- f��T -T HfIirbert{ ata' Cw ' :itv or '''�ncnt-tadge )hector of :,).'y of 14? _1+,RiAre >mirma. 6f -:City r•t`-�-7tl'a . . ,ab:ir,- ;York, isrke aril t.crenticn Comgip0on P Y1,R F tl ' tf 1 / 1 i � ao r� � /�• I, fr t h' 14I 1I- w I , IFI r 1 'i � i 1 I i I w �i 0 - t ° t• e W i� u F: w l00-v'Ej,R F�.�ciW l r_ r 1 t: "L,_ PAIN to w m t< y1 30' �.. ¢ ra \ r \111 La Z F - - 139.37' z LU O \ LL Z - 2T1 u v 25.00' I SEc:Ze � rC SirALC ; ii 2 m " TRACT. I 3 <°a � _ 3 �A$"T- w�ES `LL': SEG ,b:w ?Er�forur,_s�ir`_3 5o�tr. RArv6E 6"�'4:'e s'*� ' 3tj" W C€NTKw tN6 p„WE[ MND AV UE _, .. Vii', 1 I�:,�t•1 KNOW ALL Mab Byrr,-,t rk ..FNT, .hat i dmunrl Scnae.er. nm the own _. of he Na .h .a of .he hes.. HEilf of Tract 18, Brookside, in the Ity or Wheat 9idte, ,n deftersaa Cminly. Cniorado, except the S with 252.7 feet thereof, conveyed in !eel rf'corded January 17, Tifi9 in %oP 11f1C' at 1"19P 1.67a„i- ern.Lt th.-`,y:)rtll and i'P,gt tw,'.nty-fl Ye feet thereof. both con—yol to Jeffsrsrn Coi;nty by deeds re,orelei re re t:cely cn Ma'v R, 1956 1r Nook 994 at rage 11and tin 0 toper n-lqcg 1n Bouk 214q Fag- -.td of !;p Jpr. a �cr JF.J. 4r; , sa dtrn.ri al,.) at part of the outhp>.t 4a3rteFof the. Nr Ifive t Zu.arier rf let:fnn ?9, Township ; "ot'tt urge q !esl of the -ixth e "' t4.. ^. 4 r'- p - f-'rincinnl ko.J, •1n, n of ..s{ dg.�, n Jefferson ,._"! y ..i,;radn, c' ,c . o _ ,.g a .h. .est, -; r rr . t- i a Rr 9' r ! f a h a v.. a :p r r i. r p. a I r ren ha. qY ,J - � 1 1. O: if ,.i , ,3 € n :,:ectad) 10) r"_( Fadi :r ••n or ,,, to :!Its rote".ct;nn wt I,',? px 'tee.`,ass i hi -1f rv. v f,—I, f.h pre 'nr?`t G 06 nD alnny said rfgtl r 117 n ?_f. .. t,I the Southwest corner of the sub,�eot nroncriy; tnenna ronttnuinr'r North 11;,09 40'.tient aloof,. snl.i W99t line -of Parfet Street 37!.,29 feet, moa nr, I-eas, to the South riFh't n,-wny line of ".r.at 35th Avenue at. the Northwest cor- ner of the anh,j"..t nrorr,rty; thence North P9° 3?' 10' ?ant along mall :c,,-th 11ne of West 35th Avenue 1.'4.45 feei to it.n ,torthssst e-rner; thwnce South CI' 07' ,." r";'4ai nlong.its East line, 371.,28 Feet i.o tts 'Snct.herOt :ornPr; t•henr,a'znuth 94''lggnt•, p"rn17.p1 with the '.foresnid' South l..ine n, €est. ?4th Avenue. 1?4.31. feet', more:or 1.ePa. i:c thrun Point ni ?Ag.nnlrg, a td tract nnfitiulninp, 1.1Vn inr a• or ti)9 pesre, mcr< )'1 c,, et, 1. have 7..•,+i ?'t, av!+dlvlaed'^0 rL,t'2!1 4,r,t1 l.,rd:nn hergnn pti<iwn, under thr,.naar. Rr.d Style Ci` .SiH;,F.F:fi':i ILANNr^,0 iitf,f')PN7iA1 RYr'!r,"MF, T. + ,lnvnl.nrk 't ,f nart or t-,. City of 'whoat t+,i:if;a. in trn CoontY, of Jeff,:rnrn, :;te;e of olnraAn. T ?n-hv tse? frr< -tr t,r.r,,. .1114 .i.d!r.!t^ t11 01.1 1;— of ile r11..v of Whpgf. 13idge, Ind +t rail mud c1.1,n1,v- qw r} 12dlOr Ifl!Jnir,iflliy^i'r'In.ll=rd lltl' to g arld it nrrfal eryi.rr lift•ricts ihn9n portions of Snit p11 ncr v ?r t,gn"tri 9s vaarlr ntrc .ant r ght� '?.: -wRv f. r ihr nn tmr.tion install i. n, ot'a ti n, In 11 S-e"i Y'.. P.. r_ra c nJ , pm,.r rrr nl s- r. -t„udl ng d: .h.: ror:h r.., a d el:,tr,c i}ne•i, Pnlr, acrd v!dtrgrtuir,A ,•.ktl g s ':in l:: _, A=t ,lc r!s. snrit•iry rawer ltn.s, street linhtr, r0rid:-, hvdrsnts, er.11rnkre dti.i,l rs ini n- ins. •rI-,J 4.11 -4r[arI"par.•. fr-^>to, li 11: na(.rar.tq ..-,char- stoe.i' -..i sgraei t. by the un3e :..r. ,1d. thpt !iF .-xren9c? f'..,:!?r _rtroJ,ei In !.:'r: s n.; ..! inn coil^ti ea or sar!it.ir: ,a,awer <11.r]rt4Inn.m—n ar,! liras, gin vire i,tne.n. e;.pr.' i ^;,!,-vl ..w•rch^ ani'1:io:,, ;t^'rt! ,ew.rr: an'? ... :1 e i, ra :9n +died"i s�reri =.nvrmn.. t.. .Rid"wa' r. 1.o"ior iuph utilt... dro na, vf—ot lig t..ng, g,rnding �;, 1Rn..,.rn1'.t,:g, in)rhs, Lien nrid e..1t-ns, ninil he inrarente:"l n 3 Pala F r by thr, r -.d 1Ci'°r, rr --:;rang n.. ,id,, by tai FtiJi-ir- th i sre zr roe I by :fty ci ,heat, 4 0g,, P+on s nI, ,dada 3 11 ahm11 ,If ,P r; 1 by !; c r [.t,lg., P?1a, ,7n, H .ny ltom r.r it:er•'• .t It, '191r pr,,,erty, sxrept iteme nwnr.i by m!r. CiMJ1V_'rgn hiSei !,t1 iitnn n., i,or `I.jntiin io..17 7Ir 1 `tnnr 'ompany, nal sr r}:11 v1 " liatriitn ch itrms whin rnrtstrurted cr Inni•!Iled, ar•11' remain 't" ,-u!Prfs the !rwn3r sol 91;,11 t ierrm,e i.e v,ere tag ,f .iw.rs �-rd s;rod!vhlrr "sTATKMONT._U" Ni.PN"'_ ,,.A int., f t•i" :.1..nr­i 'ir ..,'! ingrih'=, ix i•• al-I.:lr t.!,e gAvsly!.r:An'•; rr mif, 'ln'rir-ilv ho; -Ra -on n. situ wht(o1 it li•al!.e! •i,p,> In !'.•J.t:.tral-rRintir.. 1'trnhiwm.., ,ti••.,r�.h t.'^e ve�ri�.lA-of i.1i1n 11n19eA 1)"Henii`11, lot 0ti!n•larl. ^ii'•1 I,rl'l{n r;r ! nrr,lia ^,r. hn omni;: fro^ anal N t at4[nTn*lar ^, i!:ei three. sin• -le -family hmmnm n:'.rj t`* 'v •!i rr rtr:f ,, ii, '3 (i-. i rn :r., 1., le'ri ai.illitt,pt. AILNG NG 1. .nnirr Ir J I.,!, ­IA p,.H n! Int n,, to >. R-1 st„rA1r.i.= anuli. {n t.oi E -Ib 7'+t at',ri';r ply to Lots i 10 3, b�'4FroiMt' ii B G •-, '.'"7 �'N L )a s!'11 t, nrn !p faTi1V nomea. P t0 9'r+.-t.J a yhni hn Rllow-1 wi!'h!n t e llmiizi ,f ttt- lir—your Fln-i illir, I. ^r a 1) IF Lot 1. .nAinatpa .1s "Reedy Are.,” m'.v i,q ,used re- r'rs.ss Ithl to ionnn{nF,. mh �t t ..r n w;. ^:r. fn. nine-t,.rvm_n. is <.c. ow,.e9cn,�Ce£t F /�• ire a T '� r c h" �- 7 9 A A, • 1 b h „$court R Y •rr: .it,e F . P J .:rr ml' rand} 0 )_131. ^. e.l. My C'CTimi 1''n expl.ren y e.tiKt`v Nb 1.1 lerbert'1{, Linn, do c .. _hy. ce„i-;cr t' 'h t a � .•!aid t.:e survey n. e poet. -:fry of „f;flrF r - cR .i-'I,.V.._ F..S1rlSNTiA.., Ti til'„ _ w n '!d r9 !i' Pro .4' A e u m s t. ] nn an , v f]. that t , a .�• mr 'r,+ at a .% .,•t e c.e npz r .p c_]rlteiv re.^rr' n s said survey I f.J, ,h ert.ifv" -that 1 have ccmrlie.'i in a1-1 resnrrts with.t,.P p-`nvia.i.nn af'•'srapranh 10of Art);c:,e !'r]- of 'Ci.t7r iR,.:Colo,-ago.evisPd:�.' 3i o.atittPs n1', 1''375- f��T -T HfIirbert{ ata' Cw ' :itv or '''�ncnt-tadge )hector of :,).'y of 14? _1+,RiAre >mirma. 6f -:City r•t`-�-7tl'a . . ,ab:ir,- ;York, isrke aril t.crenticn Comgip0on .. - it;y :nrrin.egr CIM',! m1,1 Pgrnrda rooradc r,1_ur'r t ltersun rr .e criziral can ° t flint J '11' 1` - id0 f 3ef`.e,;2•,n Lv,nryr d ^.Prr •. r,. f .i?rv7 re .:mr•v v .;c nr6+,:^ a .. 'P l r. �_ .1. ,.. Mowttain ii_]�7 e .erhnae-, (•gmrsra r„ .:U"....SS1--'N' V1TIE,..;'ic1 - .- "!•:.^ is to r!.riifv tf,•!t the r:i.hin ir7at hrt.^ lbeen approved -h; file 11ai tinp,'Gomm:svann the, of Wy e;it Rtige.;�' _ . ' Chalraer,: Thla i!l in ,erti'fv t! ! ".tv P.., ;heat ;olora'c,. by moticn'of its Gity-L'ourcla did nn tag :1•,.y of 'E. A.11. l`3$0, a'iapt and approve the within 111at a•;1 e:-cept she: deiiicatLons herebn sada, fps f; ix .. ` _dark 1Pz�or ' I hfirpbs eg r +'. tllzt iii .-.. 7.1->4we fi?.ca )n m} )rf -:e at �,:�.'�:r. on she _.^� = ._ dvy of(.s` _ _ A.D. 1'190,'-.n,l in du]• rerarled in flan 41.:.. 1 7cr 1,2- V. Fees noel. '. 0,_�_� _..• C1 eik -'r rid 4e ;rider Deputy PRE'hgc CO �V, HERIBERT K. bN.N 1205 Pmotcer 5TREET LAPswcoU, COLO. 13420 Au�Lisi' 37, 1978 ] ,,y,'Jt.��^..� 5 r..are�+,•. yb/5;we )r}v+�sro F;a�w