HomeMy WebLinkAbout0121 i~ l ,. 'I " c~ V ~ '. :' 1 co ;./ r- v CJ I ,:'~ ...' I ~~, - I '~~:--.:z II (, l ' r.,.... l:L ()'N lJ...J ! n\,UJI ro' ~" (/)~, ~ o () Recorded aL... hhhh...o'cloc~"80~"9"2l2 ~ F,.==,=.::=._.::.~ece~~ion No...... .=-=--_ II THIS DEED, Made this day of September, 1978 , between Coldwell Banker Residential Brokerage Company ,.dP21 AM n. 4' Jefferson :-ita!e of ~t ii .~ I-I ~ a corporation duly organized and existing under and by virtue of the laws of the State of ~~ of the first part, and California Ci ty of t'lhea tridge) 75C.' ..0 ~'," A",_ \.>J"e.' 'r "1" . L,,[, :;C'C 3) of the County of Jefferson State of Colorado, of the second part, WITNESSETH, That the said party of the first part, for and in consideration of the sum of Ten Dollars ($10.00) and other good and I valuable consideration ~X, I to the said party of the first part in hand paid by the said part y of the second part, the receipt whereof is I hereby confessed and acknowledged, hath remised, released, sold, conveyed and QUIT CLAIMED, and by these pres- ents doth remise, release, sell, convey and QUIT CLAIM unto the said part y of the second part, its s~~n~sa<?sfg~s forever, all the right, title, interest, claim and demand which the said party of the first part hath in and to the following described real property situate, lying and being in the County of Jefferson and State of Colorado, to wit: ,I 'I I, I I, I: ,1 II Ii :1 II II I The Northerly five feet of that certain parcel as described in Book 1758, Page 307, being a portion of the Southwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter of Section 15, Township 3 South, Range 69 West of the Sixth Principal Meridian, County of Jefferson, State of Colorado, more particularly des- cribed as follows: Commencing at the Southeast corner of that certain parcel as described in Book 1758, Paqe 307; thence Harth 0()022'00" West and along the Westerly line of said parcel a distance of 75.00 feet to the Northeast corner of said parcel, also being the true point of beqinning; thence North 89051'30" Eastand along the Northerly line of said parcel a distance of 127.50 feet to the Northwest corner of said parcel; thence South 00022'00" East and along the Easterly line of said parcel a distance of 5.00 feet; thence South 89051'30" West and parallel to the Northerly line of said parcel a distance of 127.50 feet to a point on the Westerly line of said parcel; thence North 00022'00" Nest, and along the I Nesterly line of said parcel 5.00 feet to the true point of be- 'Jinning. II For roadway purposes. TO HAVE A:'<ID TO HOLD the same, together with all and singular the appurtenances and privileges thereunto belonging, or in anywise thereunto appertaining, and all the estate, right, title, interest and claim whatsoever, of the said party of the first part, either in law or e~uity, to the only proper use, benefit and behoof of the said part of the second part, i ts ~if~~nllsa~Jigns forever. . IN WITNESS WHEREOF, The said party of the first part hath caused its corporate name to be hereunto subscribed by its President, and its corporate seal to be hereunto affixed, attested by its Secretary, the day and year first above written. Attest, I, I, 1) II II II I (2a.. Ml{'.a COLDWELL BANKER RESIDENTIAL BBOI<~~G E,:c;)MPl\,NY By,...WL j ( A]/;{;,/;n,: / h.............m. I / "_y~/,,~ // ((' President. ~+@ "(./Y1 /':1- l.~:;c~~t;.-.;.;~-_h_. S~,~~~c~:nt~O~~,~~~!...} ss. / The foregoing instrument was aclmowledged before me this 27th day of ~eptember 19 7 8 ,by Jack D. Johnson as Senior Vicepresident and ,-"",; , Carol A. Forney , Coldwell Banker Residential Brokerage Company, a California as Secretary of Ie cC'rporat~on. C '_ I My notarial commission expires X!,,) 5/ !? {J I Witness my hand and official seal. ..,!.<?{~~c(vx./!(!~ L-<L~ l,: ..:...:~_.........u,..u ~7~- NutarY P~lie. I lL No. lOS-B. QUIT CLAIM DEED.-Corporation Form-Bradford Publishing Co.. 1824-46 Stout Street, Denver, Colorado I [I II II ff ~,.-. 10 P 1 "li 5 .. o . . f'~r 1'"81 i E ~ 5, . f~~ () .,.. ~ O. r.. - ... o ;J> P- oD " C c:.o 8 fO (0 V vi G:J . ~ ~ cr "J (J) .''1'" 'Y., '."';, - 'I'l~t .. AI. ........~. I.,...., I" (..Iv"; '" 0"''\ '/\1\j; ./\.\. r'li-L' .,i.' c..>.:.. THE ;,~.:G i),},.",Jt'<..., c, ' ..,. , WITHIN DOCUMj.~NI HAS :'I,U:l:. .rEFUIE. ".)1,) FOUND CORREC'r . Dat,e, 1S..f ~,:..~L:L.~ ~ 19_zL- BY. Si1:~.L.2Z~'v .-.--- Dl.!:' ctor, Public Wo.cks :C6partn.,"t. 4c~pt!l.uce of ',h6 ',7J. ':.'li~tJ. .. ~ ,~~~::=::~''''''''',-''''7i1 ~~~~:~~~M~- .. 1!I .....0( ,~.. ~ ' 1I..,.-ChEi,...r-mtJ.\l - ,- The within (l""'xl i~ Bceepted this -!ay of ....Q~~~'2~t...LL..mmn .....mm..n".n....'m.....19.z.~_ ~cr:!: 0 ';~~A'j:' RIlJ~GE,CO' .0 _ ~. ~ ....J i ./ --' _.- ~~ DZ. . '1' _~__...~.u ~ _ '.. . ~..~. l,'la~ Oll;:r V. P~f'ilips A1"l'.ES1':,-C -::::c..e-e~~~~ / J0:L~/ Cit7 Clerk Ca~ F. Hampf -- ~ It' t. , '- / ;1\ c'{./' I " , II ,) hili \i' I~[I)(,I 1'1 \::':1',',111\'1';)1)\ CU:'l~lI\T::.> nATE l'I~Ll',\JU II. Ol'tl)]ll r ~:(1, 1 q;~', ~lEET 1 Ne/D \TL ;-;"v,"nbl'r 2, 1~J7Cj CASL 1\1) \'ili - ": ", - I I \ N,\~IE . C,'1d\\vll I',ln~l'r 1\1" i,kn, i,11 I',rckr']',jgl' I',; ADDRESS OF RLQULST. LIP 1 in f ~l t 19 t h PRESINT ::lI'HNl, Ik;tri'_.l('d (,lrr'lill'rei::] ::-oNI-NG- 'Hi'~\H'~11I'I). Al'PI~l1AI'~\T1' '\RLA c:mll'RI IIE:;S 1 Vl: I' I.M.J FO!~ Till .\RL..\ ~1:ilt il'!i' i :Ind 11"1' ld :.11 RAL ZO:.11Nl; UF TIlL AI\I..\ ,',] (,f'Nf'lt\L L:,\iIJ !l';I~S 1', TilL "RLA "('1:11]'('1'" i:i] TRAFl-JC COU:.T llf apr]leal>]l') ~~~ - ~------~- - - - ------- -----~- - - - --- ----- --- ---- CO:,FUI~~I.~ i'l: CUI,II'RLllL)>'S] VI. I'LA:.J M'\'l.I~SE ]~~I',\CT UPO,.J NI jr;llBiJ!ZI!'JOIJ Ill( Ec;\'I!Hn~.1I NT CJNFI)R>bIU ::'11JlIWU',I1I\r; "l1;-"ING - ---~~-'--n ---'t~}------ x. ._---~~,-~._-- ------~---------- --- I3.:le).,!,r~'~lll.,l Th, Prl'I'1 l.t, ,it 4gi)i) ~ipJ Ing '"as llntil "('untl) a sen il'l ,t Iti"il at tilL' Illltltiuli lIf fipJill); aile! I-;ll senicc J'uad C:uldh'c' 1 1 1,;ln).,e1' huught tIll' pruperty illld 1'1'2<'11",1 it frlll;1 di"l"lt,'d I,C: t.o RC ae, llf Fl'hniar\ 27, ]CJ7iJ. The> arc currentl)' building :J r,'e;le!l'nti,tl I)],o~l'r.ige offiLL' at tili" ,,'I., The Jnelopml'nt :lgrel'lh;nt is lul' ,1 S ft -;t!'ip to widen 4<)t11 Avcnuc tel bcttl'r t.ll'ilitatc the p1'ojl'ctrG traffic 1:l'nl'1'at,.d h)' thj '; new dc\'('lopml'l1t :IS 1'.1'1] :JS Kipl ing 5(1(10 ami t.)w [Ielln>.; Slx!Jl'nec ~lotcl projelt". ----.--~- .- ";1\'.' - '~l' .1 'I 1=30' l- (j) <.9 Z -1 CL ::<:. :.11I. -......-, -~ ! ~.\~*: : _... .:,"'J..:d' .~~....... ,.~Iw-' .~:..;. :"::11- ..&... .~..,.... ..-.-==~.- :~. ~"'~~_..- .. ~- ~ ---' ...- t LOCATION MAP '0 I{) I'- :t C\J C\J " o z 49TH AVE. S 890 5( 30' w 1275' 5' DEDICATION N 890 5 i' 3 0 ~ E 127 5' S 89 51 30 W 125 0 Q lD .0) N 890 5 (30"E 105'0' 1-70 FRONTAGE ROAD ~ L'llIfII~;.::::-IDat-...-..L ...-...r" 3: C\J C\.I . o z ! I ,'I j.:;' i .J.O C()lj'\CIL HFAIUNC No\; ~, 1978 i' : ,[ , ''',jj '-. ii! i' t 1,1 , I )] ; I , , i r t;1 ! I, j\l'i I,,! II ; j ut J ( Ii \', II i\1.. T{'gular : l I i ,I)i!) I II I l-,iTI1 ! I, I , I I I u] , ,It,ir\l\t-!'.l )"" I , In t I I \' I I \ i , I I " I , " , , , " 1 ]lI' lit , "j' , . , J (" ! !Ilr 1 c: 'r 5 () I:. \ i :1 , 1,1 .: 1(( \~u\"cmhC'r 1 _ \ 7 8, i! ~ I I .~ f'rcsll1n Ave L,-ngn Aye \t ,'wart \} c )~\)h,lm:11l '\ye ~c Ol1\d. r\ye J" '''\\ 'd by C<\':\11\1.; ;UlT1e,r '-;TI:Wi\\ZT, secondeJ by l~ornrnj.ssioner BOWMAN, th~t the lie _,I j ('I' r""dh:1 \. purp' ',' ( s ,18'10 t,. i pI i ng, for Co1 (live] 1 Banker' Residential Brokerage (, \!Li,ar,\ ~ 'Co,: ',u. \VII.. ~g..i\.!. ['" 'lCLcptell and forwarded to City Council. !'I sic Illlde" ) r" [>,' r ,i1': '\ I)\.'c'mr\c r ,r1,C~ .,-~JJ 51 ;J -'B , t I, ) j ,~ .! ~ !,': t. i I !'....:iifl' '{II F F1 R \' r c\'J TI ()cVAL BA/'dl'IX 130/ Jackson Slreet . Golden, Colorado' 80401 T elepnone 279.4563 January 25, 1979 Ms. Carol Hamtf City of Wheatridge P.O. Box 638 Wheatridge, Colorado 80033 Dear Ms. Hamtf: In accordance with the city attorney's request, we are enclosing the Kenneth H. Gantenbein quit claim deed, recorded in Jefferson County January 4, 1979, Reception #79001141. Kindly acknowledge receipt of this item by signing and returning the enclosed copy of this letter. Thank you. Very truly yours, \' ' \ \, - \ Lilly R. Cuirk Loan Servicing Officer Commercial Loan Department \. l \ .. " , LRQ : kkk Enclosures