HomeMy WebLinkAboutLakemont Center-Stage 2 Final Develoopment Planrl- W. 49th PL. yambp/1 JUCHEM DITCH . r L � d 311 \T 22' LOT 19 CIANLEY HEIGHTS INWSTMAL S 890 25140° W 631.71 NATIVE GRASS 2:1 ASPHALT 478.7 BLDG. ENVELOPE A BLDG. ENVELOPE 1 8 c 5I Ib.w 30' WATER MAIN. EASEMENT HC IIIINIIII� I I I I I I I I V SHRUBS B NON -LIVING 422.75' � MC -T 111 Ml •.11j -:s 2bO.9O SHRUBS a NONLIVING--_ )0 f 21 1I 3q BLDG. ENVELOPE C —� S89' 'S7"W 250. BB' I V / ;n;>iM11BS, TREES, 8 NONLIVING n Ff P S- Oa A 00 &I -•1 BLDG. W 1 tr 1 BLD(',, 'if ON _ NONLIV1 ENVELOPE , , ENVELOPE D x t Ht J ( SIGN' $._. 22' 22( LAMM TREES B aHO/UBS i LAWN, TREES B SHR M SEE SHEET 2 z 53' LAKEMONT CENTER -STAGE 2. FINAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN A RESUBDIVISION OF PART OF LAKEMONT CENTER SUBDIVISION, EXCEPT TRACT B THEREOF, )AND A PORTION OF TRACT 8,. NICHOLAS GARDENS BEtNU A PART OF THE SE 1/4 OF SECTION 17 a THE NE 114 OF SECTION 20, T,3S., R.69WW, OF THE 6th PM, CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADO 'l State of Colorado ) 1 ss OWNER CERTIFICATE County of 1 r7 Q Recreational Storage and Land Syndicate, a Colorado limited pari Ilirehip, being The fpregoi no instrument was acknow, edged before me this day of 17�F� _, the owner of the real property containing 24.2195 acres more -dr less described A.D., 1989, by Robert J. Vermillion, General Partner of Recreational StdFage antl as follows: That part gf LAKEMON7 CENTER SUBDIVISION, except for Tract B Land Syndicate, a Colorado 1.111ted Partnership. thereof, lying North of the North right -.f -way line of West 1-70 Frontage Road I Nortn If [mown as West 48th Avenue) as described under reception number and official seal. My Commission ex ,i �+ _ - 98n66969 of Jefferson County's records, containing 13.1763 acres more or lees, Witness my --------- - - Pires more particularly described -' -"- s follows: BEGINNING at the Nprthwast earner of Black 1, LAKEMONT CENTER SUBDIVISION; Thance 57 05'11"E (bearings based - the record Rl at of LAKEMONT CENTER SUBDIVISION), along the West line of said Block Ndtary Public 1, a distance of 1060.57 feet to the North right-of-way gh t-Rf-way Brie of West I-70 Frontage Road North (formerly known as West 48th Avenue) as described under caption number SB066969 of Jefferson County's .card., thence 539'09'38"W, SURVEYORS CERTIFICATE along said North right -way -line,, distance of 76.33 feet to a point of curve; thence Easterly, continuing along said North right -c way line, along a curve ncave to the Southeast havin radius of 367.03 feet and a I, Edgar B. Jennings, do hereby certify that the survey of CM1e boundary of co n g a eentralr angle of LAKEMONT CENTER-STASE 2 w made under my supervision and that .the accompanying 45°12'313", a arc distance of 289.65 Fee! to a point of compound cu ; thence Nvrtheasterl continuin alvn aid North right-of-way line t 1 nts s along lot a tura e e rase aid s that this Y, 9 9 s r g y p y r I vey, art does not lie w 9 prop ithin a Y e to the Northwest having radius of 2G.D0 f 100 - year flvotl plain, accvrdi nor tv HUD Map H b I -0l, for the City of Wheat cootie g a eat and a central Ingle ur of Ridge, dated July 22, 1977, and that 1 have ccmplletl i s aall respects With 9346'57" an arc distance of 32.74 feet: thence B87°28'47"E, conte nuing along Colorado Revised Statutes, Chapter 51, Article ^ 1953, a mended. The basis said North right-of-way line, a distance of 69.50 feet; thence 59°24'21"E, of bearings far this Survey is the South lane • 1 SE• 1/4 of Section 17, continuing along said North right-of-way, line, a distance o4 8.56 feet 'tp a Township 3 South, Ranger 69 West o{ the 6th .. t�, �, ,,pal'. .589.27'00"W (as per the point of cu e; thence Southeaster? y, cantinui ng along said North right-of-way record plat of LAKEMONT CENTER SUEDIVISI➢pLI..Ep a©?',ywi¢h Colorado State Highway line, along a curve concave to the Northeast having a radius of 20.00 feet and a Department beari t entral angle of 69°49'02", a art tlistance a{ 24.37 feet to a point of compound -urve; thence Southeasterly, continuing -along :aid North right-af-way line, along a curve concave to nthe[Southwest having a radius of 367.03 feet and a F_dg ar B. Jung a LS Nu. 11619 tcentral angle of 22°43'02', a ar distance of 145.52 feet to a paint of ompound curve; thence Northeasterly, continuing alongsaid North right-of-way / line, along a e to the North having a radius df 27.00 feet and APPROVALS ) .,_ o- ,'F thence1N4192W2'34"E,° =31 uin9 al ondisai dr Nvrth38rightfeet of way lin., pvines distant. of n of 7.39 feet to a int pf tangent; thence Northerly, continuing along said Norih po -----= --"'_"`^"---*--"-------------��=.----------- right-of-way line, along a c v c ncave to the West having radius of 220.00 Puhli Service 1'�mp any v{ Lol or ado C'ty f Hhe a! Ridge, Director of ur e o Eli feet antl a Central angle of 41 54 09' an arcn stance ofd 160.89 :1 Public W /� East line of said Block 1: thence Nn°05"03 W, along ithe East line of seat to the 1, a distance i 5t once of 776.3.2 feet to the Northeast c t' _ said Bl b[k �.r����/,•� _ of aid f Black 1; then 11 smss- S'B9°25'4U'W, along the North line of said Block l,ea di st ante o{ 631.78 feet tv Mountain Stat Tel ephana antl Telegraph City oY wn t Rldger+-Chairman of the POINT OF BEGINNING; TOGETHER WITH: That part of LAKEMONT CENTER BUBDIVISI DN rk s` and Ree ea.a dh lying 5outh of the South' right -way -line of West 1-70 Frontage Road North J _ __ __ (f or man y known as West 413th Avenue) as described under reception number. Cl ty of wheat idge, Di ctar of i38066969 of Jefferson County's records, and that part of Tract 8, NICHOLAS Community De ve]opment GARDENS lying South of the South right-of-way of West I-70 Frontage Road North (formerly known as West 48th Aven u -I Ties— ibed under reception number 88072013 of Jefferson County"s records,a containing 13.1763 acres more or less, mora particularly described as follows: BEGINNING at the North wast car r of PLANNING COMMISSION'S CERTIFICATE Black 1, LAKEMLINT CENTER SUBDIVISION; thence 50605'11"E (bearings basadnan the y This is to certify the within plat has been approved by the Planning Commission record plat of LAKEhONT CENTER SUBDIVISION), along the West line antl west line extended Southerly, of said Block t a distance of 1155.41 feet to the TRUE POINT of the t f Wh Ra tlge, Cpl orad o. OF BEGINNING, which right-ef way line of West 1-70 point as on the South Frontages Road North (formerly known as West 48th Avenue) as described under I CMas'n al onc.pti onidnu South of Jefferson County's records; thence 339°09'313"W, g sa right-of-way line, a distance of 68.49 feet to a point of curve, thence Southwesterly, along saitl South right-of-way line, along a curve MAYOR'S CERTIFICATE concave to the Northwest having a radius If 367.03 feet antl 4 central angle of 15°20'27", an err distance of 98.27 feet to the South line of Tract B, NICHOLAS This is to certif that the La! Wheat Ri GARDENS; thence N89'21'16"E, along the South line of said Tract 6, a distance of y y ge, Colorado, by motion,p,.vei the 114.90 feet to the Wes, line of Block 2, LAKEMONI CENTER SUBDIVISION; thence 80° City Council, did on they sy of _ , 1989, do and a G5'IS"E, along the West line pf said Block 2, a tlistance of 46.13 feet; thence within plat and accept the tledicaia ons her n m d a ✓- 4i a SV°0q•15"E, continuingi-along the West line of said Block 2 a distance of 643.31 ) feet to the South st -r- of said Black 2, thence N64°17'57'E, along the -___ ___ R TIE S T: ;-',t_ - _ •l ut'--yy -- , South line of s -d Black 2, a distance of 619.78 feet to the Southeast cor er of Mayer City Clerk and alb ! S ai11,111.11 k 2, thence NO°14'411 'W, along the East lane of said Block 2, a distance 04 58.7 ieet; thence N12•SB'38'E, continuing along the East line of said Block (\ ^ tlistance of 105.38 feet to' the South right-of-way line of West I-70 DITCH COMPANY'S APPROVAL \' Frontage Road North (formerly known as West 413th Avenue) described under ,•,: cep t.i on umber 88066969 of Jefferson County's r grtls; thence Westerly, along r t certify that the Ditth COa men her cin' does not This i P nY wn. aid Sou h r Y .. s t igh t-vf-way line, along a curve concave ­.rd.; the South having a radius stcr age to in the lake shown on sheat 2n of this plat and does notovb, xt to of 307.03 feet and a central .angle of 105.04'52", an arc distance of 563.10 Feet the reduction of the volume of water stored in the lake (if any) caused by to a point of tangent; {hence 339°09'38"W, continuing along Said South construction of the proposed improvements. right-of-way line, a distance of 149.77feet to the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING, containing 11.0432 acres mora or less: has laid cut, subdivided, and platted Swadley Di-EA-77CAW-a- y Wadsworth Ditch Coepany said land as per the drawing hereon [ontainetl under the name and style of p ,� LAk:EMONT CENTER -STAGE 2, a 1 vel apment of a part of the City of Wheat Ridge o tlate StP ^�% by: _�/ V_•�_ dote �`-- _ Colorado, and by these presents tloes detlacate to the Ciiy of Wheat Ridge and the /'avenues, and drives accompanying plat itl e: title•..-. _�.�aT publi❑ the streets, tootle, as shown on the for the public u e thereof forever antl does further dedicate to the public the Co l dated Ditch emergency vehicle ecce s easements as shown and does further dedicate for the _ ate -_• `1T/ of the City of s Wheat Ridge and all municipally owned an /or municipally I,, ) jgJ�;�{�'jy- -- franchised utitities and services those parti ons of said real property which are t itr tlOd�'� af'�! rCLL`OY-s so designated as easement. and rights-of-way for the construction, installation, operation, moa ntenance, repair, antl replacement for all services, including wi thou[ lami t'ng th- generality of the foregoing, telephone and electric lines, c PDR°TE LIMITS work, pales, and d g ountl cables, gas pipelines, sanitary sewer lines, street light,, culve t hydrant s,ndr as nage tlitches antl tlrains, antl all appurtenances w ; thereto, it be g or.. ssly under st von and agreed by he untl.'sig, r si goad that all e•;pen sat and costs involved a constructing and installing sanitary sewer system " HI .SHEET orks and linea, gas service lines, electrical service works and lines, storm 50Th P.. : sewers and tlrains, street lighting, grading and landscaping, curbs, gutters, Px l' street pavement, 1idewalks, antl other such utilities antl ser vi [es shall be II SUUTryi'� ! guaranteed and paid for by the subda vi der or arrangements made by the sub di vitler �I �L,0 A _ _ _ therefore which are approved by the City of Wheat Ridge, and sums shall not he lC r paid by the City of Wheat Ridge, Colorado, and that any item so constructed o ¢1 f installed when accep sed by the Ciety of Wheat Ri tlge, Colorado, shall het oma the sola property of aid City [apt items netl by municipally franchised 4ti lities and/or the Mountain St a tea Telephone wand Telegraph Company, which I _ o items, when constructed or installed, shall remain the property of the owner and J shall not Dec oma the pr aper ty of the City. a ; saTW. �..• � Retreat 1, Storage and Land Syndicate, a Colorado Lim tad 51, g hip ipe. f� Ir to 11 II I Robert General Partner fi rJe SHEET 2 CLERK AND RECORDER'S CERTIFICATE State of Colorado I 's r"l it LA ' KEMONT CENTER se' r County of Jefferson ) -f/'' - KEY M A P1 I hereby rtify that this plat was filed in my office at /f[j o'clock f ,M the'�t day of _ 1989, and i duly recorded in Plan Fila an An s 0 50 100 +u scaaE % _W73Y -. Fee. Pai _ SCALE:I"=50' BY: _ n '`/•L ` ° - _____ Recorder Deputy J�ILL±•/I//�'CJ� SHEET I Of 3 LACehwn/* C.EF/TEI✓r , 2 of LAKEMONT CENTER -STAGE 2 FINAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN A RESUBDIVISION OF PART OF LAKEMONT CENTER SUBDIVISION, EXCEPT TRACT B THEREOF, AND A PORTION OF TRACT 8, NICHOLAS GARDENS BEING A PART OF THE SEI/4 OF SECTION 17 a THE NEI/4 OF SECTION 20, T,3S., R�i9W, OF THE 6th RM CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COUNTY OF JEFFERSON. STATE OF COLORADO TABLE OF SURFACE COVERAGE It is the intent of this plan to provide flexibility for construction of individual building¢ within Bi ock 1 which would alio- the ability to divide building envelopes for o ,all structures r to expand or combine building velap.s, which may cross lot linear for larger structure. with only a admi niatr atl ve approval required for the plan revisions. A different mix percentage of the alloxed uses may result in larger o smaller gross floor area. which shall be determined by the number of parking stalls provided in accordance with the City of Wheat Ridge -a ordinal— number 7411 series of 1988. DESCRIPTION S12UARE FEET Y. BLOCK 1 BLDG ENVELOPES 168,5113 29.4 ASPHALT DRIVES, PARKING & misc. 241,173 42.0 WALKS 7,934 1.4 LANDSCAPING 156.271 27.2 BLOCK BLO6 ENVELOPES PARKING GARAGE ASPHALT DRIVES & PARKING WALKS & CONC LAKE AND LANDSCAPING BLOCI, 2 SUBTOTAL SUMMARY OF BUILDING AREAS & PARKING REQUIREMENTS BUILDING MAX. GROSS USE READ. HANDICAPPED ENVELOPE FLOOR AREA PARKING PARKING A 51,700 WAREHOUSE/STORAGE/DISTRIBUTION/ 74 2 MANUFACTURING 8 67,900 WAREHOUSE/STORAGE/DISTRIBUTION/ 127 3 MANUFACTURING/OFFICE/C-1 USES C 68,900 WAREHOUSE/OFFICE/SHOWROOM/ 254 6 RETAIL/C-1 USES D 12,200 OFFICE.rSHOWRODM/RETAIL/C-1 USES 44 1 E 10,000 OFFICE/SHOWROOM/RETAIL/C-1 USES 36 1 F 194,500 HOTEL/OFFICE/RETAIL/C-t USES 424 q G 9,000 RESTAURANT/LOUNGE/C-1 USES 102 2 1,061 24 NOTE: The maximum gross floor a ass shown a e haled upon proposetl u end Iimited only by the umber rof parkl'n gest a lls pr o,.". I' Oiffer.h m percentages of the allowed uses permitted and ..td su It in greater qr oss floor s than a indicated. Actual gross floor a eas permitted 'hall be determined by the number of parking stalls provided and ah all be c alcul.tad in accordance with the City of Wheat Ridge-. ordinance number 748 series of 1988. 9Jo 589.54'49•W I86.32 le, ryjlJ S\ lllllllfllll.l�l. T Il�II�Ir1� PARKIN@ .GARAGE (LOWER LEVEL) SEE ABOVE FOR STRUCTURE-i*AENS.Omg 0�r 1O SCALE: (=50• LUCAT ION NW coe rn r of I -/J and Tabor St res c. Part of the SE 1/4 of Section 17, and part of tne' NE 14 of Section , TTS, R69 W. of the 6th P.M., City of Wheat Ridge. C...ty'of Jefferson, State of Colorado. AREA 24. 195 ZONING North o4 West 1--70 Frintage R.ad North: Flannel De-.elcpment ,Light Industrial and Officer S 011th of West I-''(', Frontage Road Nortrr: Light: Industrial OWNER ENGINEERISUP.VEYUR Recreattpeal Storaya antl Land Syndicate Edgar B. Jennings o Equi table Realty antl Investment Co. 12120 E. Amherst Circle .721 G. Colo ado El vd.. uitz 1055 Aurora, Colorado 61CiL4. Denver, COI orad. 8022^ s (30') 696-8460 Attn: Faber[ J. Ver mi l 1, nn !3031 692 -5G DEVELOPER Robert J. Vermillion Equitable Realty and Investment Cc 721\ S. Colorado Blvd., s .rite iC,55 Denver, Co I c'sdc eC'222 (3rl' 1 692-132;:8 SITE CHARACTERISTICS The project Sita was at ane time a gravel strip mining operation. As a salt of the past mi ring .ac ti vA ties, its' c elevation aPpro.. -ely ., ie{set below the s r oun di ng properties. No ­gnifacant vegitat is grows mch the 'site. A shallow tlaLe en[empassing appro:;imately 7 a co s the southern portion. West I-70 Frontage Road North, which has been recently Jeconstructed• runs east and we+st thea the rent er of this site. U1ILITIES Sanitary Sewer-: This site lies within Frui tdale Sanitation District's boundaries. An 8 1 nch - nitary sewer in traverses the southern portion of this site just n.rth of the->: eisting lake. ma rave This sa nitary sewer main will be rel nested to permit the propnsetl con5truction.Apro:4imataly 200 feet c .the sanitary Sewer ma n pr opo_' to ser lice the northern portion of this project has beer, c.nstructed.i Water: Th" site lies within Valley Water District's boundaries. A 12 inch water - d ata in West l-7!, Frontage Road North and also runs north t11" the west portinr�e'I this site to the 16 inch water main traversing the extreme north Portion at the Wash 49th F'l ace alignment. ai Six of the s n fire hydr nts necessary t1 pr ovtde fire protection for that portio,. of this site lying North .fewest. 1-1 r) Frontage Road North have P___ r e� _I, been const, acted. 13IONS All signs shall be constructed and installed in accordance with the City of Wheat Ridge's Code o4 Laws, a cept that the sign located at the main entrance to the North portion of this pr bl ect may be constructed with no setback requirement from the North ROW line of West I-70 Frontage Road North. Af, TABOR STREET IMPROVEMENTS I'll developer shall be espansi ble for the construction of the additional asphalt, with base co se c s ary to widen the e— sting 22 foot wide roadway to city requirements (anticipated st o be either 36 or44 Feet total flow line to flow line width), and the curb and gutter along the West side .f Tabor Street from the North property line to West I-70 Frontage Road North. The c nstruction shalt be ti metl to c tide with other City improvements to Tahor Street which e planned to o r tluri ng 1993. All other- improvements required for Tabor Str-eet such regrading, utility lowering., lowering of the Siphon, additicnal asphalt pavingassi dew. lks, additional base material, o any improvements other than the _g, 'i ion of asphalt with base course and the curb and gutter, a described, is the responsibility of others. s LEGEND —a-'W--— EXISTING BOWATER MAIN AND FIRE HYDRANT —PB'W---+{i— PROPOSED 8•YIATER MAN AND FIRE HYDRANT —8'S ----Q ExISTING V' SANITARY SEWER AND MANHOLE --p8 5 — - - — PROPOSED 8' SANITARY SEWER AND MANHOLE —42'IP------0EXISTING 42"IRRIGATION PIPE AND VAULT —P3d'IP------*PROPOSED 30'MRIGATION PIPE AND MANHOLE —24'SS—-----QEXISTNG 24'• STORM SEWER AND MANHOLE D OUTSIDE LIGHT TABLE DF BOUNDARY CURVES CURVE RADIUS CENTRAL ARC NUMBER (ft) ANGLE LENGTH (deg in sec) (ft) 1 367.03 45-12-58 289.65 2 20.00 93-46-57 32.74 3 20.00 69-49-02 24.37 '4 367.03 22-43-02 L45.52 5 27.00 81-40-3338.49 6 220.00 41-54-09 160.89 7 367.03 13-20-27 98.27 B 307.03 t03-04-52 563.10 COaoOa aTE ! rT5 P I I SHEET I ` SOUTh ERN AF - 9 7LAKKEMONT —SKEET 2 I CENTER _- KEY MAP x NV SC4LE j 1�4Yi�9s7niT [:i.\/7I(iQ Ot1La} 4n r iptt� ,viLloscovou FLAW DEVELOPMENT SCHEDULE Bul , ILDIP , M ENV . ELOM A LAK EMONT CENTER - STAGE 2 part"ispano ."k ­tald,apoi ol� 0tkk, Pllitt is intended to to he ".4 Of .Vaaoftd W,*-* com'W" fl overall chatescter � the %V!oaSso COMPLETION DATE. pec amber 31, 1995 REQU IRED IMPROVEMENTS,. FINAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN It"ta Ing Wasin P4,Lh)s projec " tell larwacng Plan. are Construction of the "in access drive, from the West 411th Avenue entrance. L.'fit" be lief to the rt Y of wKeraot 'n-0" lar-ist, to Cheng I 1.1mal"M o* bIl I koo poatto 'a, - 24 V" PrOfre%" bull�qlriqj.. the folloi.g along the East and North property lines, to West 49th Pt sent C Lotion of th. -m tary sawar eaz. long the East property Y A RESUBDIVISION OF PART OF LAKEIVIONT CENTER SUBDIVISION, EXCEPT TRACT B THEREOF, of " Let, ip" . I io" 01.13 fo, the 0 -at.- lar000copor P at Onnt .. tion of the required parking stalls and driven. C.%Ioticoh of the landscaping along the East West AND A PORTION OF TRACT 8� NICHOLAS GARDENS Landocinet .0 An inty .0k. " any 'Oomb,roat.on .4 two - more, the ", "0."'., C,Ido��jwt dee.di-IL7 Ond and property lines to distance of 249 feat South from the North property line and Completion, of the landscaping .1-9 North Property line. BEING A PART OF THE SE U64' OF SECTION 17 & THE NE I/4' OF SECTION 2q TM�R.69W OF THE 6th PR V :hry:Wy,, =IcOroano trown, -0 1" dait;-. - . . Inerk , mck, 1-1 4, -masomtel ob,00ct "t oww"i4el,of 2ft of the Drainage improvements shall he constructed as required by the Director of Public Works, CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADO :wnonan," -w. "v 0*,Vft";m. T�:s net.- *IF 4.os Xop" .=Vysao= ad j=1 1= the Lost flow E*.n ed 41-k Z Are DU ILBING ENVELOpe- B PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT ­Wtono .,,ita this rVuxo­-t- HIKER/BIKER PATH COWLETION DATE, D..-Aher 31, I996 FLEXIBILITY OF FINAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN I--*ir4 lot* adjat:omt to public tloot. shat-] lis vViespowki f"nat jam, by the R M IRER IMPROVEMENTS: An 8 foot wide pathway hall be ...strutted round the lake to connect 'es 011. morti;,�',l -400sew, or l.jLLw pl#Ato. is Construction of the oni. -.2.. drive, from the West 40th Avenue entrance, It I. the intent of this plan to provide flexibility for the construction of with the City of Arvada's pathway under the following conditions. otiscurt 4 snail be at 1. 7A ; -has "t MWE bel" than 42 0 East property Lin., to West 49th Place and constructionh al Ong the p of t individual buildings which would It.. the ability to divide building ­.Ipes ""Loogot hive- the Ac.". driven lying South and West of the building ervolope, IS for small- Structure, 01 to m or combine building onvolopes, which may I m.t­cti.n hall be c-oplotont up- d.v.I.p-t of the proposed of the sanitarr sewer "in along the East property line. �nlgo;,Pl c..s lot line. for structure., with only .n administrative approval building to be Constructed within building at a'] -to n,j .6 tth other 0­4wete noriyon, the Th of t :r, Carystructietto .4 the required parking tells and drive.. required for the plan A different Mir. or percents the 111-d go of envelope F. any otem' , -140, XNP -t.,: e -I 001 *V,.dtW-& novel 4? inch" and" the Completion of the landscaping .1cong; the East and West Property Imes from .... may result I. larger or smaller gr..,s floor are.s which shall be determined I are, Be'tioto ttr 'Ve nor e Ch Qdm it ucto the VaAwo of traffic hall a distance 04 241? feet from the North property line to a d let.-. .4 to the number of parking stall. provided i . ....dace with the City I+ Wheat 2. Theh' North of the take hall avoid planned improvements by `Yth. 7 enat o"Ostes from the pot mot 04 North h 495.5 feet from the property line and completion .+ t fd s Ridge's rdin,mc. number 748 series of 198S.. C.nm..tipn' gtt walkway adjacent to West 1-70 Frontage Road North. I.- won, on no,P IgAt- .4 privaot. :drive . d11A t tanc. 'of, landscaping #oJecorit to the .-.tr-td building. 6 1 to the imAIsroactj I*t"each The same A. It 4PRI , on of private: Drainage improvements shall he constructed as required by the Director of C. Building Emv�.I.p�. "A" 3,It will be mteCessry to construct portions of the pathway lying East ars � - - Must 4-7.L A� LIb,­tht­osPt that the log of the sight P.bli. Work. , , 1, ,- and South of the Inks on State Highway Property. Th. City of Wheat Ridge OICL.ImI,clo "iAmc1l. .]mmq shont I -JO ),r", 6" good North Ilball be e5 feet. - typeoo�ib single story "rehouse foo- storage, distribution, and will assist the developer in obtaining permission from the C o -do Th. ease, t L , mook, t. mt& -tw.- of Alkaot 3-70 Frentago Road North BUILDING ENVELOPE --C light es D . or . "p -t -ml, of Highway f construction of the pathway. wt rh Tab.:... --csqt that 0., 1., .;St" sight oftatsowco triangle altiong, Materials: Prestressed concrete, Concrete block, brick, and Concrete PANEL ��L-awot 0- 1- .90 Road woor m at'. ; be fee and the Ing along Tab- 1 COMPLETION VA Te. V..obo, 31, 17 Color: artht-.s E 4 Th. pathway .1-9 the West aid. of the take (lying between Arvada'. tr .-t shaiL 0. = .-t- at,wark to which are anted to . height b4:7 REQUIRED I MPROVEMENTS, (for my portion of the building group) Maximum height: 30 ft (hot to exceed 15 ft above Crown of Tabor St) and L.k.-.t Center's which will C-..ct Arvada's and Lk.m.,t i Not may loon Per nI t t so pro,V I "A tr. ft, -1 czaial,,twto at olit"ictiOtm. � Construction Of the aih to -es. drive , from the West 48th Avenue entrance Maximum gr... ft.- .1- 51,700 no ft Center's pathways, shall be designed and constructed in cooperation with - along the East property line up to a distance of 493 f=t +l.. the - ; parkin 74 plus 2 handicapped pit,"mg tell. provided M� City of A-d.. R:,14ci,pt for mpopwal" fft'sat twov, the land"109 pra�vdod- "ithin the , North property line and construction of the access drive South, Building Envelop. "8- go, %-:0- -1 1-10 FlewZ.9. Road North #hall r �t be permitted t7. :;,.nl t:rlying West, and North Of the building -Ip.. The Dirac of Public 5, The City of Wheat Ridge may, but hall no be obligated to, t use park ent." A.a, 4. Inches above the lo*W1 of. -the rciclwAy� :,: Works may require construction of the entire access road from the, West type Single fund. to hale I, the costs of design and construction Of portions of the mho sool"Tjor-too, 19,i, at to Lmthicsp,ng Tabor Stroaot'* rio -of-hal. 48th Avenue entrance, long the East and North property line%, to West Building andtus e: story warehouse with two story office long the he building for pathway. 49thpl.... South side .4 Storage, distribution, light menufacturing, SCmagul Ing of ti-ta, taimearep...9 -qu., 0- *..ft bu.Lding, envelop. -I. C-plotion Of the sanitary the East property line up to office, office -ah...., office retail C.Immer.­I­ and C -i .... .concrete Zluded L. I:- B0,I4$0ft-t �hatt.lo- tne quarotit ion of plant Material distance of 483 feat from the North'p"r"ogert , line, and the sanitary Materials: Prestressed concrete, concrete block, brick, panel, and - whimmit 04 t.steuctiwi, or 4oi.. each : Let .nay be lying Within the main ac, as* drive South of the building mokedfor Col., rgl""'.. ,=t,lw ted ft,,- Ther Lots - P+urnaos of construction Vpr. -bttri-q .­Ipe. Construction of the fire hydrant located Southeast of the Maximum height: - it tfl.3.10 �i a,P Ago, -1 .4 too Cli!, of Who Pints- building -V.I.P-. It - .It It above Crown of labor St) Construction of the required parking stalls and drive am Maximum grass ­; 46t9Z0;!`c, ft waraomm­ and ��I,00(, q ft office 7.. J.P.,sto .­ of P-1*14t"Wel aAhww­ bol -mals siosll be fq�joea-. Completion of the landscMpi" long the East and West property line. fr- (10,500sqft 1. and C,2n❑ floors) tlpst7 distance of 495.5 feet f... the North property line to the rlin. d al , I mg . tall. provided Parking; 127 p :L ham pp ow., thou. tI wsz -mCm � jI�-­odIfoct abOynge.And. Trees �t of the Juches ditch irrigation Pip: ..ort, completion of the Building Envelop. "C" 2-*Wthan S-hoa es, o­,av as twtreasand those large, landscaping surrounding the --r.mC 4r.7V -t 48th Avon.., and than I,,memse,tt� trans. whin .1,Wpsof, t'. arepr.,id*I, ..pl.tion If the landscaping adjacent to the constructed.tructed building. Building types and uses: ­:ixile two ,'And three story buildings to, office, -h at If-wr -h- -, -co.Plumed on I t,- 'Drainage imrovements shall e ....tr-t.d an required by the Director of office sh.....M, .ificware­usa,t.il c "a':'2dC-L uon - - PublicWorks. Material.: PP..tr....t concrete, concreteb1.7b.k .hCroto panel, andW.magrA.1 am. -lowertra -h Call,or one foot b va I smoked glass q'immruff. BUI LDINS ENVELOPE D Color: E-tht.m- gVWGe- T- O -C I, hm,sqra. COMPLETION DATE: December 31, 1997 Maximum height: 40 ft Maximumare.: 68,�?Our q ft M11 (27,600 q ft Inc and 41,301) q it 2nd REQUIRED IMPROVEMENTS: - d 3r ft r no FA. --a no avae-vas, lo�bv► shot ftanjax 5 g4loth I,! i.. Construction of the main access drive, from West 43th Avenue, North and Parking; 2�� plus 6 h­di..pp.d ii-lkilg -t-11- provided to the fir. hydrant 1- ted Northwest of the building vinss -It V-. ;,)I -West Th. Di ... t- of Public Wor ks may require construction of theentire Building Envelop. "B" ..Co. road from the West 49th Avenue entrance, along t he East and Raidoo"d Z Lrn= In .).:e at least 3 inches in depth in North property lines, to West 49th Place- Building type and ­ T.o story building for office, Off- retail wrera prat a. oc; Completion of the sanitary sewer ..in along the East property line to r .... C i.1, and C-1 Lon - the first Manhole North of West 48t AV. -e and the sanitary snowor main material%: Prestressed concrete, C.mL,.te block, brick, ..mc,ete panel, and A, 'o, ­- - I .. we I-.*. A, A.. at Least 3 1 -hes '.in depth over from this manhole to the manhole located Northeast of the building .. k no g ,,, ­Iev� "'.knanto .4 Rol- ground --r- Op.. Color: E.1tht.m.s Construction m.t,,,.ti.n of the required parking stalls and drives. Maximum height; 30 it lnet.II.t5- amO i­Ig.t.- .%hall be . specified on the Completion oed I to"ah of the 1.md...Pimg lying . ithin the area bounded on the East Maximum 9.... floor area. 12,200 q ft (6,1110 sq ft 1st and 6,100 ft 2nd Oltmtl ]malt ape 0 , an. by the East line of the on ran.. from West 48th Avon.., on the North tj V floor) the coomt-lim. Of 'the J.Ch- ditch r,ig.ti.n Pip. a.__ht I on the Parlingi 44 plus I handicapped P-Pimg stall. provided Th, -atio-ty - - his wctessw .01,414 b:, leep.m.1bl. %�c ­glar West by the West property Lt.. andOn the South by West Avon... mt eaten. t­g#t,,n9. farts 1 1 .9. pram Other mast. emi on .4 .11 t c :et Lin �.. ip,.v.-t. halt c 1. taid an required by the Director of Bu, I Bang Envelop. "E" .4 sot -Las Public Works. Building type and use: Two story building ;or Office, office showroom, retail ,me species tloos. ",.be. 4rId I I , 11, specified on the detail BUILANO ENVELOPE E C1,T1rt,I,,:md,e-I Lin— 7.f"'m t7ite` sio"utta'd t. the n y if wheat Ridge Prior to the 3:7d= 9 ., .,I I. t and Com -eta, -mr-te block-., b,ick, panel, and any b. Iq --%t. the -.11-t ing pact.. also r.C-d.d. COMPLEJWN DATE. December 31, 1997 smoked glass REDUIAN IMPROVEMENTS, Color: E.rtht-.. trees; Stl*n Maple 'Acer' "n") . Construction of theain access ivs, from West 48th Avon.., North and Maximum 1,,i,,hti 7"' f o' In Ich 11hrt.10 Pondlbl.) - E h. X h mt 1::.d ant to t hydrant t:1 Northeast of the building on-I.O.. M. ­... I I 0 sq ft 95,c- SO Ft 1st and 5.000 q ft 2nd 6. 1 -lad b.01PI: Iftt- Species Red Silver) Th, Director o{ Public Works may require construction of the floor) Cpl 01- Sprie, lottea.Parogang 81-7 on t I t f the We. 48th Avenue along h ...Lt.in,d Parking: 6 plus I handicapped parking stalls provided pbe=. V11- -.m.. No' th property linen, t 0 West 49th Place. ZIP 1". 6, .­ Btalcn -I.) "INor C. mpletion of the sanitary ~r Main Along the Cast property line to Building En-Inp. "F" t„ern Ron UaL Borealis) first manhole North of West 48th Avenue and thesanitary sewer In main - from this manhole to the manhole located Northwest of the building Building type and use; Ft', story 111".1 building for .11-, hotel retail 5h, tober 61,Loo-t 50- ca'-wopt-i. In.-.) stop 'ro"r"" u..., es'.u­ht, and t h e L, s .. ..... i.ted with hotels. Croriberew ApiculAtayConstruction 11 the I.q.i so Parking t.11. and dives. Materials: Prestressed trio.sed concrete, concrete bluct, brick, concrete panel, nd -t ON- C.11111101 Cotom..%ter C'hg..t ..i.of bounded let m t nd-aL;L .9 lyx. -ithim th - on the, East "d g"" I-4-onic, Sabina Duf f a' I) b y Tab., Street, 11 the North by the ­terf.,n:...f"mh 1.ch,m ditch F-thl-as R. DVt_ , ng4ai ell pomt�tilla Fruti"n' K.Dykes) igation pip. tp. easement, on the West by te t of the entrance M. ir I.um height. Th. ­­. elevation of the top of the buil Bang'h"' be WIo4tt a C.-imee PaurifL.r.) from West 40th Avenue, and - the South by West 46th Avenue. determined in aLCOI-da-e with the Wheat Ridge Home Rule Charter rcer an., =Cu, required b Dr manage ip,--nts hall be Constructed an roq d y the Director of calculated d in ­ardanre with the Methods described in ordinance 490, series a wtnh­l­ iongli.m ivr H004r. mA:­Pnp Public Work.. of 984 as amended. Th, [,eight of the building within building er­CI,p, F Cpwsp, Mohnni . Kah . an.) May be 55 1-1 (50 feet permitted bv a ... q ordinance Plus 5 feet granted by SILL= , total i moftnawau. tivto. . due BUILDING ENVELOPE F variance). r'anc. ) . Maximumhotel unit.: 2011 (estimated hotel employees is 25/shift) 1-tonme. COMPLETION DATE, 3J, 1999-I Maximum proposed gross it ... .... 200 hit. (950 so ft each) withsupport CO -0. TE LIIAtTS REQUIRED IMPROVEIMPROVEMENTS:TS.facilities ­ evert -. stairs, utility ...... storage, Corstrulti In of the access drive 11d,19 11 from 111. Central entrance staff offices, r.str ... �, and 145 1 7 Rest .... nt/l..hg.: , 000 6, Ino n1maw at planta .-anise ­ shown in the following table. Th. 'd' "1 01-t- =t to West 49th 4 -mu., Tab., from ": an.:, West 48th Avenue, to t on, located North Of the building and th . drive -da-.ac located q f Ret it .... n-1 old -m-mt-m 43o5l.lul q ft Par king1 4 d 1, q 24 plus 9 handicapped par�img stalls provided. .1 ol SHEET i 7-:. 5L &xod ,t ors to - ...... and C.1 Northeast of the building envelope. N Fillbe ',qLlld for construction of the building pad. material -y W 50TH PL I 5 I RR AINTMUM LAMBSCAP WOurREMENTS I calim Rol of the sanitary sewer main from the West property line to the 0- t within '. West Idimg construction . th 1 11 fast of building m envelope F May be PME East 1: dcj. be restricted by the City of Wheat Ridge's building C BLOC- I 'iPims r . ign"`nt of the S..dl.y lllig.tI.n ditch from the West Colo- property pr Y line to the East property Il -.bps Building G F2 ant. Lot Number CO11tr ction 04 the fire' hydrant located North of the building an -lope. Coms d truction of the required parking stalls a. drive.. - C�l Los Building d use: T.. t.1v last .... mt, 1-9., mdconcrete tYpPr I i 4 5 6 7 a Ctimp let i On 04 the landscaping lying North of kin g-agw; North, to'. P Pre .... It Concrete, concrete block., b ­I,, Materials: I let:, .m., ...d West,and South of the building vel opal and between the building 91, ss s dosc,d­ 5 5 - 15 14 --I "d parking .g 7Col bra "SO °r east O'swe Or.i.,oga improvements shall b:'Constructod as required by the Director of height: ft or Shrublo [%A 40 41 45 42 58 vS Public Work.. Maximum gross floor are.: 9,000 sq it Parking: 102plu. 3 handicapped parking stall. provided "NNIMUM LANDELAPE PLAWr REQUIREMENTS BUILDING ENVELOPE G COMPLETION DATE!. December 31, 1999 Tract 1) FOR R=rREDtIMPROVEMENTSz Zoning: 1 C. BLOC. 2 C. t -r, ion .4 the driveand Cul-de-sac leading East and South j,lhd,,.tri Ls.; In ­­gess, parking, LuEll,ti-, landscaping, and other such aCca .... y -�SHEET 2 from a m ral ntr .. r th Central from West 48th Avon.e to the building Idihg .... Planta lot Numb- r.n:t',.'t' on of the Fire hydrant located North of the building envelops. MAXIMUM BROSS FLOOR AREAS LA KEMONT lfystjt 2 3 ConatrLICtIon of We required parking stalls and drives. CENTER C..Pl.t ion of the landscaping -.lying East of the Central entrance from 1, Th, -s floor ­­ sl..n above are based Lpllpr,p N Street tae !7 11 24 Avenue and North of the parking garage; .1..q the do -i .; :!m ac.... V between limited on y by the number of parkorig stall, provided. Different mI"es or KEY th.-..*:mdrji- � and Tab- $tr- to :and North, East, and South of the p.­mt.g.a of th. allowed ..s are permitted and could result in greater -- . 'building. ,1. ops. .. i.mgross floor areas than i ndiCated. Actual gross floor areas per. x t ted 110 SCALE rn,,i,be ,fin, shed 1!Sil 32 41 Drainage, improvements hall tis, a. laq.i1nd by the Director of r " hall to determined by the number provided shall be I= I Public Marks. calculated I accordance .,stall -and with the 1: of -1 RIdoe's ordinance -b.r 74B .. series of 1988. SHEET 3 OF 3 � Slew 77 7 I �W�n! X94 L -Y „qMAP i _,���� ' `• - sibp .. �.' wry • M} ti.— r,},� } ' It" ,. •♦ -r 46WN* . s•' 040, At 'IN'111111 �1 j'1 �f1f 11'i19ar_y1; n � . I ,%-'.s, �b