HomeMy WebLinkAboutUpland AcresI ■ , PLAT 0 F UPLAND ACRF5 (A 5USDIV1510N) BEING THE NE 14 OF THE 5E%4 OF THE 5E Y4 OF SECTION 23- TOWN5HIP 3 50UTH- RANGE 69 WE5T OF THE SIXTH PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN- JEFFER50N COUNTY COLORADO- 5CALE 1"=40' STRONG AND LINN ENGINEERS AND 5URVEYOR.5 --_" - _ _— _ --_—._ _t1VE5T T QV'1=niJE I ° R TRACT 1 TRACT 14 �I i .1 I I $ TRACT 2 TRACT 13 n' 0 m I I 1- I 1 } I 0 m hs 1- 1 ARVADA AND LAKEWOOD, COLORADO. FEBRUARY 25, 1939 .I I94.46 I TRACT 15 I P TRACT 16 m TRACT i, HOLLEY 5USDIV15ION Go' WITMER5 5U50iV1510N DEDICATION KNOW ALL MEN By THE5E PRESENTS! That I, MINNIE HOLLEY, the undersigned, whose Post Office Address is Wheatridge,Colorado, being the owner of the Northeast quarter of +he 5ouf1ke451` quarter of +he SDUtheasf quarter of 5ection 23, town - Ship 3 South, Range 69 West of the 5ix+h Principal Meridian, JEFFER50N COUNTY, COLORAoo, have caused the same to be laid out subdivided and platted into Tracts, 5+reet5, and Avenues as shown hereon, under the name And s+yie of UPLAND ACRF5, and do hereby dedicate and grant' to the Public the perpetual use Ofall such streets and avenues, reserving however to myself, my heirs, execs+ors, administrators and assigns +he right to construct, operate and main -fain on, under, or over said streets or avenues or within three feet of +he in- side lines of all tracts telephone or telegraph lines or wires, Water and gas pipes, elec+ric power lines, 5ewer lines, and any and all other improvements that I may desire, and reserving the right to transfer such righ+ or righ+s to anY person or persons or incorporated company or Companies_ THE FOLLOWING STIPULATIONS AND RE5TRICTION5 APPLY: (A) No tract may at any time be occupied or owned by any person or persons of Mongolian or Negro Races. However, this shall no+ prohibit +he employment of persons of such races by +he occupanfs, upon their premises_ (13) No residence or dwelling may be erected containing less than 600 square feet of ground floor Space. (C) No unsightly buildings Will be permitted, Such as basemen+s ¢ons+ruc+ed as residences and used As such, except when house is fully Constructed above Said basement; nor temporary re5i4ence5 covered With tarre4 paper or roo+in9 ma+erial, Which are later to be Converted into garages and Chicken houses; nor outbuild- ings constructed of second- hand lumber and left unpainted_ (D) No building may be Set nearer than five fee+ from any 4djoining property line or forty feet from suet (E) No tract may be used for fox, mink, skunk, or hog farms, or for dog Kennels. property line_ (F) Until Pdblic Sewers are available each Purchaser agrees to construct and use fur each dwelling a 5ep- fic tank or cesspool conforming to specifications of +he 5tate @Gard of Health. The foregoing stipulations, restrictions, Conditions, and regulations Shall be considered as a Coven - an+ running With -said land and Shall extend to and be binding upon all Purchasers, their heir5,executors,administra• tors and assigns, tL and until JAnyary First, 1960, when they Shall become null and void_ Owner and 5 divider Approved by the EMILE DE55ER)CH TRU5T of �pnverColo., Mortgagee by 7eeo r, —,st recorded In Book 3Zo_Page„6o r, of +he Jefferson Coun+y, Records at Golden, Colo., 5ald rrus+ being +ne Beneficiary named thprain,and at present the legal holder of +he indebted Haas. THE EMILE DE55CRICH TRUST Signed -------------- ---_ Trustee - NOTARIZATION Mate of Colorado - ffhs, County Of Notary Public in and for the Said City and Counfy of Den +I r- �- ver, 5+ate of Colorado, do hereby cer+ify that MINNIE• HOLLEY I...i• personally known to me, appeared before me this day in person and acknowledged that she signed, xaled,and delivered th;s.`7 plat of UPLAND ACRE as her +roe and voluntary ActenddeSd for the uses and purposes then in set forth- e ~ Given under my hand and No+arial Seal this_3110 day of F"a y, A. D, 1939. Signed -_'- My Comm; sSian expires e _ Notary Pblic i �l ENGINEER'5 CERTIFICATE I, David H. M. Strong, a registered engineer of 57RON6-AND LINN, Engineersand Surveyors, do hereby vra9-f"'h,, ser+ify that +he survey and plaf of UPLAND ACRE5 were made under my supervision.ond instructions andt Such SurVay is accurafely represen+ed u�an +h;r map. � i'C6GE YeI'dC t`s Legis+ered Eng eer NOTARIZATION S+a+e of Colorado /e//6j- a Notary pvbl,'c in and for the said ei'+y and eouAfV of 4i4r� County o{ f Denver, 5+a+e of Colorado, do hereby cer+ify thA+ David H.M.5+rong, personally Knowf1 .0 +o me, appeared before me +his day in person and acknowled5ed and signed the above s+atemerrl- Given under my hand and V.fa ria l Seal -fh is�%y .of Ferry, A. D. 1939_ Signed _ - -1 fl MY Commission expires_ Notary Public Accepfed for filing in +he office of fhe Coun+Y Clerk and Reeorder of JEFFERSON COUNTY, COLOLADa at Golden, Colo. - on this - day b Febr.+wry A.D 1939 _ q Sign<d_10--------� ------ /i L`ar�;`� -.,4, ,�s _ �jj,,.. e�✓yu �xri. 7a'>; P, aG3. Coun+y Clerk and Recorder” I 1 , hs 1- 1 ARVADA AND LAKEWOOD, COLORADO. FEBRUARY 25, 1939 .I I94.46 I TRACT 15 I P TRACT 16 m TRACT i, HOLLEY 5USDIV15ION Go' WITMER5 5U50iV1510N DEDICATION KNOW ALL MEN By THE5E PRESENTS! That I, MINNIE HOLLEY, the undersigned, whose Post Office Address is Wheatridge,Colorado, being the owner of the Northeast quarter of +he 5ouf1ke451` quarter of +he SDUtheasf quarter of 5ection 23, town - Ship 3 South, Range 69 West of the 5ix+h Principal Meridian, JEFFER50N COUNTY, COLORAoo, have caused the same to be laid out subdivided and platted into Tracts, 5+reet5, and Avenues as shown hereon, under the name And s+yie of UPLAND ACRF5, and do hereby dedicate and grant' to the Public the perpetual use Ofall such streets and avenues, reserving however to myself, my heirs, execs+ors, administrators and assigns +he right to construct, operate and main -fain on, under, or over said streets or avenues or within three feet of +he in- side lines of all tracts telephone or telegraph lines or wires, Water and gas pipes, elec+ric power lines, 5ewer lines, and any and all other improvements that I may desire, and reserving the right to transfer such righ+ or righ+s to anY person or persons or incorporated company or Companies_ THE FOLLOWING STIPULATIONS AND RE5TRICTION5 APPLY: (A) No tract may at any time be occupied or owned by any person or persons of Mongolian or Negro Races. However, this shall no+ prohibit +he employment of persons of such races by +he occupanfs, upon their premises_ (13) No residence or dwelling may be erected containing less than 600 square feet of ground floor Space. (C) No unsightly buildings Will be permitted, Such as basemen+s ¢ons+ruc+ed as residences and used As such, except when house is fully Constructed above Said basement; nor temporary re5i4ence5 covered With tarre4 paper or roo+in9 ma+erial, Which are later to be Converted into garages and Chicken houses; nor outbuild- ings constructed of second- hand lumber and left unpainted_ (D) No building may be Set nearer than five fee+ from any 4djoining property line or forty feet from suet (E) No tract may be used for fox, mink, skunk, or hog farms, or for dog Kennels. property line_ (F) Until Pdblic Sewers are available each Purchaser agrees to construct and use fur each dwelling a 5ep- fic tank or cesspool conforming to specifications of +he 5tate @Gard of Health. The foregoing stipulations, restrictions, Conditions, and regulations Shall be considered as a Coven - an+ running With -said land and Shall extend to and be binding upon all Purchasers, their heir5,executors,administra• tors and assigns, tL and until JAnyary First, 1960, when they Shall become null and void_ Owner and 5 divider Approved by the EMILE DE55ER)CH TRU5T of �pnverColo., Mortgagee by 7eeo r, —,st recorded In Book 3Zo_Page„6o r, of +he Jefferson Coun+y, Records at Golden, Colo., 5ald rrus+ being +ne Beneficiary named thprain,and at present the legal holder of +he indebted Haas. THE EMILE DE55CRICH TRUST Signed -------------- ---_ Trustee - NOTARIZATION Mate of Colorado - ffhs, County Of Notary Public in and for the Said City and Counfy of Den +I r- �- ver, 5+ate of Colorado, do hereby cer+ify that MINNIE• HOLLEY I...i• personally known to me, appeared before me this day in person and acknowledged that she signed, xaled,and delivered th;s.`7 plat of UPLAND ACRE as her +roe and voluntary ActenddeSd for the uses and purposes then in set forth- e ~ Given under my hand and No+arial Seal this_3110 day of F"a y, A. D, 1939. Signed -_'- My Comm; sSian expires e _ Notary Pblic i �l ENGINEER'5 CERTIFICATE I, David H. M. Strong, a registered engineer of 57RON6-AND LINN, Engineersand Surveyors, do hereby vra9-f"'h,, ser+ify that +he survey and plaf of UPLAND ACRE5 were made under my supervision.ond instructions andt Such SurVay is accurafely represen+ed u�an +h;r map. � i'C6GE YeI'dC t`s Legis+ered Eng eer NOTARIZATION S+a+e of Colorado /e//6j- a Notary pvbl,'c in and for the said ei'+y and eouAfV of 4i4r� County o{ f Denver, 5+a+e of Colorado, do hereby cer+ify thA+ David H.M.5+rong, personally Knowf1 .0 +o me, appeared before me +his day in person and acknowled5ed and signed the above s+atemerrl- Given under my hand and V.fa ria l Seal -fh is�%y .of Ferry, A. D. 1939_ Signed _ - -1 fl MY Commission expires_ Notary Public Accepfed for filing in +he office of fhe Coun+Y Clerk and Reeorder of JEFFERSON COUNTY, COLOLADa at Golden, Colo. - on this - day b Febr.+wry A.D 1939 _ q Sign<d_10--------� ------ /i L`ar�;`� -.,4, ,�s _ �jj,,.. e�✓yu �xri. 7a'>; P, aG3. Coun+y Clerk and Recorder”