HomeMy WebLinkAbout0139 ~~ ~ '~ ..,.. u " ~ - o v " " '-r ~ 80056lf54 1980 AUG -5 t.\IIQ: 43 1_3 J:~ecorcJecJ at.. . .. .. .. .. .. .. <I .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 0 I clock.. .. County 01 Jef!"~,Jn Stale of Co Recorded IN , "................................ .1'1............. kccoption rIo....................................... 13. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. " .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. IZecorcJer COMMISSIO~ERS DeCD . ") c\ ! ') I '.t'\iI.~ IlmEU'J.'lJKL malle this 20th day of May , one thousand nine hundre,1 ane1 80 betl'/>2en the County of Je[ferson, ~~tate of Colorado, ilctin<] bi ilnn throu<]h its 1uly constituted una appoiT1ted Comrai,3;:;ioncr ;larold A. 1\!1c1crso!1 to convey and to exe- cute <lPP<1, fir.5t L)artj, em 1 the City of 'iJheat Rirl']e, a r:mnicipal corporation, partj' oI: tlle .3econc1 L'al.-t, ,HTnCS;-.,C'J.'ll: 'l'HA'i' Vlhereas, the i3uan1 oJ:: County COlal'lissioners of the County of Jefferson, State of ColoraOo, did at a regular meetin<] of saic] Board held aL the Courthouse in said County on the 30th Jay o[ May , 1\.D. lSlJLO_-, riuly adopt aWl pass a resoTution authoriz lnq the conveyance of the hereinaf ter described real pro- perty to second 9arty, and dirt hy said resolutioT1 appoint and conc;titutf~ the unuersicJned ,1:3 Commissioner to convey and execute deed for said real estate to second party [or and on behalf of the said County of Jefferson, state of Colorado, ann did further authorize the underc,i<]ned to execute thip, e1ee,1 an <.1 to affix the seal of the County hereto, NOli, '.l'HCHEF'OEC, FOF: ,,,UD IN COl\:S:::;::lI::n.Z\':'ION of the sum of One Oc::Jllar Clnc1 other ']ood and villuable considerations, in hanel paid by second party to sai<1 County of Jetferson, ~.;tate of Colorado, receipt of \/hich is hereby confessed and Clcknowledgec1, the undersi<]ned, actin'] as Commissioner aforesaid, does by these pre- sents remise, release, sell, convey, and quit claim unto second party its succe~,sors and assi<]ns for so 10n<] as the follo\,in(j described property is used exclusively for public open space, ~ark and recreational purposes and no longer, all the ri~ht, ti t 10 I il1tcr-2~.3t, cll.1ir:l ClnJ clell.a.nd \'Jhicl1 t.Ile s~\irl Count] or: Jefferson, State of Colorado, has in and to the following (lescribecl real property f3ituate, lyin<j and bein'J in the County of Jefferson, ~tate of Colorado. T~e(Jal descriution is attached hereto and incor~)orated ilerein by reference dS Lxbibit ".1\". '1'U HAVE AND 'L'u HOLD the sane, togetller with all and c;ingular appurtenances and privileges thereunto belon<]ing or in anywise thereunto appertainin']. and all the estate, ri<jht, title, inLerest ana clain \JlJatsoever, of the silid County o[ Jefferson, State of Color;:do, ei ther in lall or e(1ui ty, to the only ~Jroper use, benefit and behoof at tIle ~3aid party of the s(2conll part, its successors and assi<]ns, but i[ the second party, its successors and assigns shall use saicl property for any purpose other than public open space, park and recreational purposes, said property shall revert to the first party and this (]eec1 shall l:>e null and void. CulJN'I'Y OF JL;FFJ~ESUH, STATE UF COLORADO A~'rL sr~ . By_~/~LL~"L~_ C rll<lissioner to Convey and to r::xecute Dee(l [or i.md on behalf ot Ule County of Jefferson, State of Color2-1<10 ~li~~ . puty -':'Clerk a~4ec-6rc.fe-r- A .~,:,' ~D A5 10 lIUHM: j ( -7 i /j ~Z-e-- '" . . /' .l/[? / :>--.~ V ::;:z /~..../---,--1.C"",./-'_"-'f==-:-' . , ('-~_.- 80056454 ~ 4 I ,::/;'/\.ilt~ l)t' cnLJl)1{hDu ,~ ,-. 0'-J. COUl\j'l'Y Uf JCF'fEl-ZSON '1'l1''" torecJoincJ instrument \'laS acknmlleJgec1 before !1etllis 20th day of __ M~, 1\.D. l';.i~, by Harold 1\. Anderson, Comuissioner: to Convey and Execute l)ee(l for and on beh.'1l;: of the County o[ Jefferson, State at Color:ado. ;JI';:;JESS L1'j hand and official seal. M:{ COI.1.r:1is:::;iui1 eX.t-1ires; ,,;; it "(' '" V /: June 18, 1981 ~,/uj Z;'Az/~~_ Notary Puulic / ' ..... ,j, ~~.l ~'~ 1", .~' . ". '",\- \),- ,~, ~) "I' .' -:'1 \\ S Vff!Ce J, r OX ."",3 ;NhEAl RiDGE, 00l0RA00 SOOs:-~ , ~ 80056~54 l<>~~1..~~)_Lt "[\[1 to Corruni.:-~s L0n(~rS' D20d between Jefferson County dnd the City ur \'illOClt lhdge dated the 20th day of Hay , 1980 3 A HcACT OF LA~iD \!ITHIN 44th STREET VILLAGE, OFFICIAL DEVELOPI\[IH PLArl l\ND PLAT AS REC0RDED 0:; AUGUST 9, 1972 Iii DOor~ 2 AT PAGE 17 OF JEFFERSO:; COUilTY RECORDS, AND nORE SPECIFICllLLY DESCRICED AS FOLLmIS: .' CQi,l!.:::NCING AT THE tiE CORiJER OF SECTIm; 21, T 3 S, R 59 H OF THE 6th P .1-1.; TIlU!CE S 890 15' 10" \-l ALOiJG THE NORTH LIfE OF S!\ID SECTIOiI 21 ^ DISTAUC[ Or . 1329.48 FEET TO THE IIDRTHI-IEST COR:\ER 1-11/2 E 1/2 tiE 1/4 OF StdD SECTIOn 21; THENCE S 000 26' 42" E ALONG TllE l'IEST LIrlE OF SAID H 1/2 E 1/2 NE 1/4 OF SECTION 21 AND THE CENTERLINE OF mLLER STREET RIGHT-OF-HAY, A DISTflNCE OF 331.07 FEET; THENCE 11 890 16' 17" E A DISTANCE OF 30.00 FEET TO THE mST llORTHERL Y NORTH/lEST CORNER OF SAID 44th STREET VILLAGE SUGDIVISIO~; . THENCE S 000 26' 42" E .~rlD ALOHG TIlE EASTERLY RIGIIT-OF-:IAY LIrlE OF !,lIllER STREET A DISTA~CE OF 402.93 FEET TO TIlE NORTlI\,IEST CORNER OF GLOCK 3 OF DRETNALL GARDENS; THENCE II 890 13 I 18" E ALmlG TilE NORTH LINE OF SAI D GLOCK 3 OF BRETIIALL GARDENS A DISTM!CE OF 136.07 FEET; THENCE S 000 25' 42" E MID ALO:IG THE EAST LINE OF SAID GLOCK 3 OF BREHlALL GARDENS A DIST/\:ICE OF 282.81 fEET TO TIfE TRUE POINT OF GEGItiimIG; THENCE N 890 16' 17" E A DISTNlCE OF 493.06 FEET TO A ponlT ON THE EAST LItlE OF SAID 44th STREET VILLAGE SUGDIVlSION AND THE EAST LIj'lE OF H 1/2 E 1/2 NE 1/4 OF SAID SECTION 21; THENCE tl 000 24' 21" H AND ALONG Sf\ID EAST LINE OF 44th STREET VILLAGE SUGDIVISION ArID EAST LINE OF \4 1/2 E 1/2 NE 1/4 OF SAID SECTION 21 A DISTArlCE OF 265.28 FEET; THEtiCE S 890 16' 17" \.J A DISTMCE OF 498.17 FEET TJ A POHIT orl THE EAST LItlE OF BLOCK 3 OF flRETNAlL GARDEtlS; THENCE S 000 25 I 42" E AIlD ALO,IG SAI D EAST LI NE OF OLOCK 3 OF BRETNALL GARDENS A DISTA:lCE OF 265.28 FEET TO Tll!: TRUE POltlT OF GEGINNltlG. CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COUiITY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADO. ' - _.- -- - -_t :,,''; OFfICE ," 638 WHeATRIDGE. COLORADO 00033 . - -1[>. , .- f.,." C...JF~ WHEAT R~, . 'H A.DO S()(l'D Policy of Title Insurance Issued by Transamerica Title Insurance Company SUBJECT TO THE SCHEDUU, OF EXCLUSIONS FROM COVERAGE, THE EXCEPTIONS CON- TAINED I~ SCHEDULE B AND THE PROVISIONS OF THE CONDITIONS AND STIPULATIONS HERFOF, TRANS AMERICA TITLE INSVRANCE COMPANY, a California corporation, hercin called the Company, insurcs, as of Date of Policy shown in Schedulc A, d!(ainst loss or dama!!;e, not cxcceding the amount of insurance stated in Schedule A, and costs, attorneys' fees and expenses which th" Company may hecome ohli!!;ated to pay hereun,ler, sustained or incurred hy the insured hy reason of: I Title to the estate or interest descrihed in Schedule A being vested otherwise than as statcd therein. 2. Any defet:t in or lien or l'ncumbranct:.' on such title 3. Lack of a right of access to and from the land. or 4 l'nmarkdahility of such titlp. In Witness Whereof, Transamerica Title Insurance Company has caused this policy to be signed and sealed by its duly authorized officers as of Date of Policy shown in Schedule A. Transamerica Title Insurance Company \. \; X- \\\t \) ~. - , \CJ,~\j By ~U;:''7 p~ President . \ t\\\ \; t ' 'J~~'" c::,':/,C\CJ\\t\\'i \J'il~~etS()\\ \e\\ By Secretary A, .. '1 '.::f '..r.:: P R ':' > ,: ,~~._--, DIVISION OF INSURANCE DEPARTMENT OF REGULATORY AGENCIES 106 STATE OFFICE BUILDING. 201 E. COLFAX AVE DENVER. COLORADO 80203 STATE OF COLORADO RICHARD 0 LAMM GovrRNOR J RICHARD BARNES L l" U CC"'M ~""""ER May 1, 1977 ROEER~ L BROWN DlP'.Jr. _C"M'551<".U. Dear Real Estate Purchaser Following this letter you wi 11 find a brief explanation of your title insurance commitment and pol icy. Title insurance companies are regulated by this Division, as are other types of insurance companies. This Division makes certain that com- panies issuing title insurance commitments and title insurance policies are financially sound, and that they operate in accordance with statutes and regulations. We also have a great interest in making certain that you, as the consumer, understand the purpose of title insurance and that you understand your rights under your insurance policy. In the event you are dissatisfied with responses given to your ques- tions or problems by your title insurance company, you are encouraged to send your questions concerning title insurance or any complaints that you may have against your title insurer to this office. We are on hand to make certain that all your rights and remedies, both under your pol icy and under law, are available to you at all times. Sin ce re 1 y , ~~ ~~BARNES, C.L.U. Commissioner of Insurance JRB: b I As a purchaser of a home or other real estate you may receive a Commitment for Title Insurance and a "Policy of Title Insurance Both of these documents, like many others in connection with your purchase, are contracts creating legal rights which you should read carefully and which you may wish to have examined and explained by a lawyer or other adviser While the fallowing description of these documents cannot change the precise terms of these documents, it is hoped that this will help you to understand their purpose and effect and answer some of your questions about them QUESTION "WHAT IS TITLE INSURANCE?" ANSWER. BaSically, it IS a contract with the title insurance company in which the company agrees to defend and indemnify you against losses which you may suffer because of unreported defects in the title to your property as of the date of the contract. It is not casualty insurance and therefore does not protAct you against acts of theft or damage to your home by fire, storm and the like Essentially, the Insurance Insures that you have title to the property subject only to certain exceptions and exclusions listed in the Policy of Title Insurance Title insurance recognizes the possibility of loss, but transfers the risk of loss from you as property owner to the company ISSUing the policy For this reason title insurance companies are required to maintain reserves to cover losses If you are financing your purchase, your lender will ordinarily require that you obtain a separate Lender s POlicy to insure that your property will in fact serve as security for its loan QUESTION "WHAT DOES THE PREMIUM PAY FOR?" ANSWER, The one time non-recurring premium pays for several things It helps to pay for the cost of collecting, maintaining searching and examining real estate records and certain other public records which relate to your property so that the title insurance company can uetermlne the Insurability of your title For example the title insurance company will determine whether the publiC records show that your seller really uwns the property what mortgages or liens la recorded legal claim I may exist. whether there are restrictive covenants on your CONTINUED ON REVERSE FORM NO, C-5000-1 FOR USE WITH COLORADO REGION AMERICAN LAND TITLE ASSOCIATION OWNER'S POLICY-FORM B- 1970 (AMENDED 10.17-70) SCHEDULE A Amount of Insurance S 69,208.33 Policy No. 5305031 Date of Policy August 5, 1980 10:44 A.M. Sheet 1 of_3 1. Name of Insured: CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, a municipal corporation 2. The estate or interest in the land described herein and which is covered by this policy is: IN FEE SIMPLE 3. The estate or interest referred to herein is at Date of Policy vested in: CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, a municipal corporation FORM NO C-6000-2 FOR USE WITH COLORADO REGION AMERICAN LAND TITLE ASSOCIATION LOAN POLICY 1970 (AMENDED 10-17-70) FOR USE WITH COLORADO REGION AMERICAN LAND TITLE ASSOCIATION OWNER'S POLICY-FORM 8-1970 (AMENDED 10.17-70) S C II ED U LEA-Continued The land referred to In this poliey IS situated in the State of Colorado, COllnty of Jefferson ' and is deseribed as follows' A tract of land with 44th Street Village, Official Development Plan and Plat as recorded on August 9, 1972 in Book 2 at Page 17 of Jefferson County records, and more specifically described as follows: Commencing at the NE corner of Section 21, T 3 S, R 69 W of the 6th p.r1.: thence S 89015'10" H along the North line of said Section 21 a distance of 1329.48 feet to the Northwest corner W 1/2 E 1/2 NE 1/4 of said Section 21: thence S 00026'42" E along the West line of said W 1/2 E 1/2 NE 1/4 of Section 21 and the centerline of Miller Street Right- of-Way, a distance of 331.07 feet: thence N 89016'17" E a distance of 30.00 feet to the most Northerly Northwest corner of said 44th Street Village Subdivision: thence S 00026' 42" E and along the Easterly Right-of-I'7ay line of Miller Street a distance of 402.93 feet to the Northwest corner of Block 3 of Bretnall Gardens: thence N 89013'18" E along the North line of said Block 3 of Brethall Gardens, a distance of 136.07 feet: thence S 00025'42" E and along the East line of said Block 3 of Bretnall Gardens, a distance of 282.81 feet to the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING: thence N 89016'17" E a distance of 498.06 feet to a point on the East line of said 44th Street Village Subdivision and the East line of W 1/2 E 1/2 NE 1/4 of said Section 21: thence N 00024'21" Wand along said East line of 44th Street Village Subdivision and East line of W 1/2 E 1/2 NE 1/4 of said Section 21, a distance of 265.28 feet: thence S 89016'17" W a distance of 498.17 feet to a point on the East line of Block 3 of Bretnall Gardens: thence S 00025' 42" E and along said East line of Block 3 of . Bretnall Gardens, a distance of 265.28 feet to the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING. r- FORM NO C.6000-38 FOR USE WITH COLORADO REGION AMERICAN LAND TITLE ASSOCIATION OWNER'S POLICY-FORM 8-1970 (AMENDED 10.17.70) SCHEDULE B This Policy does not insure against loss or damage by reason of the following: 1. Rights or claims of parties in possession not shown by the public records. 2. Easements, or claims of easements, not shown by the public records. 3. Discrepancies, conflicts in boundary lines, shortage in area, encroachments, and any facts which a cor- rect survey and inspection of the premises would disclose and which are not shown by the public records. 4. Any lien, or right to a lien, for services, labor, or material heretofore or hereafter furnished, imposed by law and not shown by the public records. 5. Taxes due and payable: and any tax, special assessments, charge or lien imposed for water or sewer service, or for any other special taxing district. 6. Right of way for lateral ditches now constructed and used to carry water over and across subject property as contained in instrument recorded March 27, 1916 in Book 196 at Page 21. 7. Non-exclusive easements for installation of utilities over and across subject property, as more fully described in Right of Way Agreement to Valley Water District recorded January 2, 1973 in Book 2460 at Page 849 and in Indenture recorded February 15, 1973 in Book 2473 at Page 809. 8. Utility and Public Access easement 30 feet in width and Easement for Valley Water District as shown on the Official Development Plan and Plat of 44th Street Village Subdivision. 9. Restrictions and conditions which do not contain a forfeiture or reverter clause, but omitting restrictions, if any, based on race, color, religion, or national origin, as set forth on the recorded Official Development Plan and Plat of 44th Street Village Subdivision. 10. Rights of way and easements as shown on the Official Development Plan and Plat of 44th Street Village Subdivision. 11. Easement and Right of Way to construct, maintain, repair, remove and operate one or more water pipelines as granted to the Valley Water District in instrument recorded January 2, 1973 in Book 2460 at Page 849. 12. Terms, conditions and stipulations of Covenants and Restrictions, Respecting Unified Ownership of Property, in consideration of Fruitdale Sanitation District, a quasi-municipal corporation, recorded October 11, 1972 in Book 2440 at Page 748. 13. Terms, agreements, provisions, conditions and obligations as contained in Lease-Purchase-Option Agreement between the County of Jefferson, Colorado, a body politic and corporate and Robert Mugele and Helen B. Mugele recorded June 22, 1979 in Reception No. 79055821.