HomeMy WebLinkAbout0143 o ~.o {' '~ ~ 8 I :0 i6 0 6 3 7 I-o#r--".... /WHEAT , 1 RH'':''7.' , ....)"~, ,. ~/;~, G 11":"1 11V' I c. III ,..., i'" t:';~i r:~ ~ oJ l,\ti i~J l} \.."" County of Jdf~7):1 State of c- Rec()rded at.................. 0' clock. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . M. . . . . . . 1_3 Reception No.................... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Recorder COMHISS IONERS DEED THIS INDENTURE made th is 18th day of May , 1981, between the County of Jefferson, State of Colorado, acting by and through its duly constituted and appointed Commissioner, James E. Martin, to convey and to execute deed, first party, and The City of Wheat Ridge, Colorado, a municipal corporation, party of the second part, WITNESSETH: THAT whereas, the Board of County Commissioners of the County of Jefferson, State of Colorado, did at a regular meeting of said Board held at the Courthouse in said County on the 1 Rt-h day of May , A.D. 1981, duly adopt and pass a resolution authorizing the conveyance of the hereinafter described real pro- perty to second party, and did by said resolution appoint and constitute the undersigned as Co~nissioner to convey and execute deed for said real estate to second party for and on behalf of the said County of Jefferson, State of Colorado, and di~ further authorize the undersigned to execute this deed and to affix the seal of the County hereto, NOW, THEREFORE, FOR AND IN CONSIDERA'EION of the sum of One Dollar and other good and valuable considerations, in hand paid by second party to said County of Jefferson, State of Colorado, receipt of which is hereby confessed and acknowledged, the under- signed, acting as Commissioner aforesaid, does by these presents remise, release, sell, convey, and quit claim unto second party its successors and assigns for so long as the following described property is used exclusively for public open space, park and recreational purposes and no longer, all the right, title, interest, claim and demand which the said County of Jefferson, State of Colorado, has in and to the following described real property situate, lying and being in the County of Jefferson, State of Colorado. See Exhibit A attached TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the same, together with all and singular appurtenances and privileges thereunto belonging or in anywise thereunto appertaining, and all the estate, right, title, interest and claim whatsoever, of the said County of Jefferson, State of Colorado, either in law or equity, to the only proper use, benefit and behoof of the said party of the second part, its successors and assigns, but if the second party, its successors and assigns shall use said property for any purpose other than public open space, park and recreational purposes, said property shall revert to the first party and this deed shall be null and void. COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADO ,ATTeST : / /1 ,QQh- (-," ,; ~ tU I:, Deputy Clerk and Recorder APP~ AS TO f-Cm!} !~~"~' /--a: , , ._._ ASSIstant ,: \I In.c I ,. ,_ .- ..~~-~<. 81060687 ~ STATE OF COLORADO ss. 2- COUNTY OF JEFFERSON /y' r / The ,foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this t...!-. day of 1/( Ie.,} , A.D. 1981, by James E. Martin, Commissioner to Convey arld Execute Deed for and on behalf of the County of Jefferson, State of Colorado. WITNESS my hand and official seal. My Commission expires: l L ;' ~j .... >, } ;. , .."...... G: .' l ~;)( ( {. Notary " /, / ' I , ( Ie [" Public f 7 /. J: .." , ; '\ I"'" ~ ~ '. ~"r : '; \("~ : -, ! C'l-\. . ,..::. j ,.).... . ... I ,L, I .., '. -2- EXHIBIT A 81 0606~ \l A tract of land i,.;it..:.'iin 44t..:.'i Street Village, Official Development Plan and Plat as recorded on August 9, 1972 in Book 2 at Page 17 ~ of Jefferson County Records, and more specifically descri~ed as folloi"s: Cml.l.lENCING at the Northeast corner of Section 21, Tm..nship 3 South, RaIlge 69 West of the 6 t.ll. P.M.; thence S 89" IS ' 10 "H along t..:.'ie North line of said Section 21 a distance of l329. 48 feet to t..'ie Nor th'.-les t, corner H~E~NEl:r of said Section 2l; t..:.'ience SOO"26'42"E along 2] and t..:.'ie centerline of of 331. 0 7 feet; thence N89" 16' 17"E a distance of 30.00 feet to t..:."1e most Nort..'ierly Nort..'iwest corner of said 44th Street Village Subdivision; thence SOO"26' 42"E a..,l.d along the Easterly rig~t-of,-','ray line of :-liller Street a dis tance of 402.93 feet to t.."1e ~!orthi.;es t corner of Block 3 of Bre.tnall Gardens and the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; t...1;,ence Ng9 "13 '18"E and along the North line of said Block 3 of Bretna1l Gardens a distance of 136.07 feet; t..'ience SOO "25' 4.2"E along t.he East line of said Block 3 of 3retnall Gardens a distance of 17.53 feet; thence :189"l6'17"E a distance of 498.17 feet to a point on t..1;,e East line of said 44t..'i Street Village Subdivision and t..'ie East line of W~E~NE~ of said Section 21; t~enca NOO "24' 21"':'1 along the East line of said 44 t.."1 S treat Villas-e Subdh"ision and t.."1e East line of \';~S~NEl:r of said Section 21 a distance of 420.34 feet; t..'ience S39"16'17"W along the Xorth line of said 44t.."l Street Villas-e Subdivision a distance of 256.93 feet; thence SOO"26'42"E a distance of 350.00 feet; thence S39"15'17"';'7 a distance of 377.54 feet to a ooint on the ~'7est line of said 44t..~ Street 'Village SubdivislO~ a:lc. the E2.st.erly right- of-way line of Miller Street; thence SOO 026' 42"-':; along t.he ;'7esterly line of said 44t..~ Street Villas-e Subdivision and t...'l.e Easterly rig:"t-of-,,,ay line of Miller Street, a distance of 52.93 feet to Gl.e TRUE POINT OF 3EGI:rnI~IG. the West line of said W~E~NEl:r Miller Street =is-ht-of-way, a of Section distance .- ~ :IE '" .. ;(0 ~ WS ;' ~~ c ~~~ '0 g-::~~ ~ --Ill nJ "" )> a>{/l_X - ~;;:~ = ~~-.:'~ : 3g~('D 0 \1'l;:: "0 ~'< ftJ 0'" ~ ...~ ~ So g 1/1 ~ <5 Z E to ~ Co> -l~ ~ g~~ ;, . ;~g. g 'f~i:il 0 g~~O "i o~'~ ; om =. 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The estate or interest in the land described herein and which is covered by this policy is: IN FEE SIMPLE 3. The estate or interest referred to herein is at Date of Policy vested in: CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, a Municipal Corporation \. ... , ,~ ., ~t~ ~ ~ \~~1. ~C\ \ vii':. ~~ ~ '. ,\ \ .. .. FORM NO, C-6000-2 FOR USE WITH COLORADO REGION AMERICAN LAND TITLE ASSOCIATION LOAN POLICY 1970 (AMENDED 10-17.70) FOR USE WITH COLORADO REGION AMERICAN LAND TITLE ASSOCIATION OWNER'S POLICY-FORM 8-1970 (AMENDED 10.17-70) S C H ED U LEA-Continued The land referred to in this policy is situated in the State of Colorado, County of Jefferson , and is described as follows: A tract of land within 44th Street Village, Official Development Plan and Plat as recorded on August 9, 1972 in Book 2 at Page 17 of Jefferson County Records, and more specifically described as follows: COMMENCING at the Northeast corner of Section 21, Township 3 South, Range 69 West of the 6th P.M.; thence S890l5'lO"W along the North line of said Section 21 a distance of 1329.48 feet to the Northwest< corner WJ.,EJ.,NEJ.;, of said Section 21; thence SOoo26'42"E along the West line of said WJ.,EJ.,NEJ.;, of Section 21 and the centerline of Miller Street right-of-way, a distance of 331.07 feet; thence N890l6'17"E a distance of 30.00 feet to the most Northerly Northwest corner of said 44th Street Village Subdivision; thence SOoo26'42"E and along the Easterly right-of-way line of Miller Street a distance of 402.93 feet to the Northwest corner of Block 3 of Bretnall Gardens and the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; thence N890l3'18"E and along the North line of said Block 3 of Bretnall Gardens a distance of 136.07 feet; thence SOoo25'4:2"E along the East line of said Block 3 of Bretnall Gardens a distance of 17.53 feet; thence N890l6'17"E a distance of 498.17 feet to a point on the East line of said 44th Street Village Subdivision and the East line of WJ.,EJ.,NEJ.;, of said Section 21; thence NOoo24'2l"W along the East line of said 44th Street Village Subdivision and the East line of WJ.,EJ.,NEJ.;, of said Section 21 a distance of 420.34 feet; thence S890l6'17"W along the North line of said 44th Street Village Subdivision a distance of 256.98 feet; thence SOoo26'42"E a distance of 350.00 feet; thence S890l6'17"W a distance of 377.54 feet to a point on the West line of said 44th Street Village Subdivision and the Easterly right- of-way line of Miller Street; thence SOoo26'42"E along the Westerly line of said 44th Street Village Subdivision and the Easterly right-of-way line of Miller Street, a distance of 52.93 feet to the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING. FORM NO, C-6000-3B FOR USE WITH COLORADO REGION AMERICAN LANO TITLE ASSOCJATJON OWNER'S POLICY-FORM 8-1970 (AMENDED 10-17-70) SCHEDULE B This Policy does not insure against loss Or damage by reason of the following: 1. Rights or claims of parties in possession not shown by the public records. 2. Easements, or claims of easements, not shown hy the public records. 3. Discrepancies, conflicts in houndary lines, shortage in area, encroachments, and any facts which a cor- rect survey and inspection of the premises would disclose and which are not shown hy the public records. 4. Any lien, or right to a ]jen, for services, lahor, or material heretofore or hereafter furnished, imposed by law and not shown by the public records. 5. Taxes due and payable; and any tax, special assessments, charge or lien iJ'lposed for water or sewer service, or for any other special taxing district. 6. Right of way for lateral ditches now constructed and used to carry water over and across subject property as contained.in instrument recorded March 27, 1916 in Book 196 at Page 21. 7. Non-exclusive easements for installation of utilities over and across subject property, as more fully described in Right of Way Agreement to Valley Water District recorded January 2, 1973 in Book 2460 at Page 849 and in Indenture recorded February 15, 1973 in Book 2473 at Page 809. 8. Utility and Public Access easement 30 feet in width and Easement for Valley Water District as shovm on the Official Development Plan and Plat of 44th Street Village ~ubdivision. 9. Restrictions and conditions which do not contain a forfeiture or reverter clause, but omitting restrictions, if any, based on race, color, religion, or national origin, as set forth on the recorded Official Development Plan and Plat of 44th Street Village Subdivision. 10. Rights of way and easements as shown on the Official Development Plan and Plat of 44th Street Village Subdivision. 11. Easement and Right of Way to construct, maintain, repair, remove and operate one or more water pipelines as granted to the Valley Water District in instrument recorded January 2, 1973 in Book 2460 at Page 849. 12. Terms, conditions and stipulations of Covenants and Restrictions, Respecting Unified Ownership of Property, in consideration of Fruitdale Sanitation District, a quasi-municipal corporation, recorded October 11, 1972 in Book 2440 at Page 748. 13. Terms, agreements, provisions, conditions and obligations as contained in Lease-Purchase-Option Agreement between the County of Jefferson, Colo_~jo, a body politic and corporate and Robert Mugele and Helen B. Mugele recorded June 22, 1979 in Reception No. 79055821. Jefferson County Colorado BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WALT TOMSIC District No, 1 BOB CLEMENT District No, 2 JAMES E, MARTIN District No.3 '~\J^C'~ June 3, 1981 CERTIFIED MAIL NO. 1152756 RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED City Clerk City of Wheat Ridge Wheat Ridge, CO Re: Commissioners Deed Gentlemen: Enclosed you will find an original Commissioners Deed which has now been executed by the Board of County Commissioners, Jefferson County, Colorado. Please read over the legal description and if this Deed meets with your approval have it recorded. I would appreciate your returning a fully executed, recorded copy to me for my files. Your assistance in this matter will be greatly appreciated. Very truly yours, I dIu , I /( /-- / <...d.1t J- Karen R. Littler Contract Administrator Enclosure COU RT HOUSE 1700 ARAPAHOE GOLDEN, COLORADO 80419