HomeMy WebLinkAbout0158 OUrl ,I ,I 11-;' : I I ! ! ~~ , '.u~.J I:-cr') q~- .~U, I II H...........n I ~ ' g \J~I! :4'al illQ ! ~ <> II' z: ' , I I I I I, !I 83001300 19B3 JAN -5 PM 2: 29 "trftk~\Jk ~OUtlH, CdAOD ___ l\l'l'Ordl'r T{l'l'()l'Ckd at Rf'l'ppti()l1 ~o 1) 'cl()('k :\1., --===~--, I RECOIWEKS STUll' THIS DEt:1l :\Iade tll" I ,i :.-/ dayof Ivt..1t' rlt- t,i L, 19 82, Iwt\\' 1'1'11 Ridge Village Partnership, a Colorado partnership of t 11" . , City and C11unlyoj' Denver <-llld Statt' of( ()lo- rad". "fth,' fir,1 part. alld the City of Wheat Ridge a l:xJdy politic :T'M1T'T'."."..ml'l "l'g'anizpd and 1::':\ i~ting: under and hv Vil'tllt' of the law~ (If t lit, Stall' of Colorado "f 1 11< "'('''nd pal'l \dl"'p legal add 1"'" i, 7500 ~vest 29th Avenue, Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80033 \\ IT,\;ESSETH. That till' ~aid party ()f t.11l' fi r~t part, for and in ('()n:-;id"ratioI1 (If t lw ;';11111 of Ten and no/l 00----------------------------------------------------------DO I~ I~A R S t.o t hI' -.;aid party oftrw fit":-;t part in hand paid hv t hl' ;.;aid party of tilt' ;.;('('()Ild part. tll<' rp('eipt whi'n>of i:-; hert'\'\ l'onft's:-;f'd and ,-\('kn()w!t,dg"t>d, ha S g'l'antc'd, hal'gainl'd, sold and cOllvt-'ved, and bv thl'Sl'IJI'l'St'nts does .u:r<lnt, haq.!:ain sl'il, conyi-'Y and confirm, unto thl' said party of Ow st'l'OJld part, its SllL:l'{'SSOl'S and assig'ns fOl"l'vt'l', all oft hL' f()lI()\\'ing: dl'scrilwd lot I)!' parc!'l of land, situate, lying' and Iwill.l-!: ill t Ill' City of Wheat Ridge, Countv of Jefferson and State of C('!orado, to wit. A PARr OF THE SOUI'HEAST QUARI'ER OF SECI'ION 24, 'illWNSHIP 3 SOUTH, RANGE 69 vJEST OF THE 6TH PRINCIPAL !1ERIDIAN, CITY OF ~'lliEAT RIDGE, COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF COIDRADO, BEING r.URE PARrICUIARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOV1S: COMMENCING AT THE SOUI'HEAST CORNER OF SAID SECI'ION 24; THCNCE NORI'H 89044'00" WEST AlDNG THE SOUTH LINE OF SAID SECI'ION 24 A DISTANCE OF 205.00 FEET 'ill THE TRUE POINT' OF BEGINNING; THENCE CONTINUING N 89044' 00" ItV AlDNG THE SOUTH LINE OF SAID SECTION 24 A DIS- TANCE OF 125.94 FEET; THENCE N 00000'30" W A DISTANCE OF 30.00 FEET: THENCE S 89044'00" E A DISTANCE OF 125.94 FEET; THENCE S 00000 '30" E A DISTANCE OF 30.00 FEET 'ill POINT ON THE SOUTH LINE OF SAID SECI'ION 24, SAID POI~lT BEING THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING. T()(a:THER with all and sing'ular thp hen'ditanwnt.s and <'IPPUl'tellances t1H'rt'unto lH'lollg:illg O!' in anywise appt'l'tainill.u:, and thl' j'{'\'l'rsion and n'vl'rsilllls, l'l>maindl'l" and remainders, n'nts, i;-;Sllt'S and Jll'ofits thereof, and all I till' t'stali-', rig'ht, title int(~n~st, claim and demand whatsop\'pr of the said part. Y of tllP first part, either in law or I equit\', Dr, in and to the ahove ba!'g'ainl'd premise.s, with the hel'editanll'nts and appurtenances. I TO H.\ VE .\ND TO HOLB the said premises above hal'g'aint'd and dpsl'ri hed, with tIlt' <lPPUl'tPIHl.lH'PS, unto tlw said party of the sel'ond part, its SUl't'L'ssor and a~sig'ns forever And the' said part y of tht' first part, fol' it sel f, its heirs, f'Xel'lltOl'S, and admini~tratol's, do es l'ovpnant, gTant, h<ll'g'ain and agTep to and \vit h the said partv of the seL'()11l1 part, its stlL'l'essors and assigns, that at thp time ()f tht> ensealing and deliver~' of t1H'SL' pl'L'SL'nts, that it is Wt.ll st'ized ofthi' prpmisps ahovp l'onveyed, as of.u:ood, sun', lH'rfed., ahsolute and indpfpasiblt' ('state of intwritanct:', in la\v, in fp(' simplt', and haS g>ood rig:ht, full power and lawful authority to grant, haq!:ain, sf'll and ('onvL'V th(' sal1l(' in nlannpr and furnl as afon'said, and that th(' same <t!'(' fret' and ('leal' from all fornlPI' and ot}l('r gTants, barg'ains, sales, liens, taxt's, assessments and l'1h'umbranl'L'S of whatever kind 01' natul'P "'Il'\'pr, except for existing right of way, if any, of the grantee and/or the public, and existing private or public utilities (a portion of 38th Avenue abutting Ridge Village Shopping Center) (ROW) and tlw ahllvt' hal"g'aillt'd prl'misl'''' in tlu' quiet and peaL'eful possession of tlw said party of tilt' st'('ond part, its i SlU'('t'ssor and assig:ns, ag'ainst all and evcry person or persuns lawfully dairning or to cl<1im tlH' wholl' or an\' part '! t1ll'reof. till' ,aid party "flhe fir,t part ,hall and will WARRA~T AND FOREVER DEFEND 1:\ WIT:\'ESS WHEREOF, The ,aiel partY "fthe fir,t part haS h(,I'l'unto ".t its hand and ,eal till' da\' and \,('al' fil',t a!Jo\'e wriltl'n. RIDGE VILLAGE PARTNERSHIP a Colorado general partnership By Victorio Investment cOmpany, L~dt<.mA q as a partner - . By Victo;io Realty Group,~ Inc;_ .[stA.L] its~;l;lOle general~3T' , By ~~~ d:::C;:<: c--""" ~::;:./-z.;;: 11;, ";-1...'-.. 1 ~I';Al.l i! . George I.,.,' Thorn, presidenb"" !! STATE OF ('OLORADO, } ss. Ir rl. , 'j <--t \.... davof /:'l."l ~~ ,I J 6:-...... L.. F. Sarnson, Secretary of Victorio City and ( "unty of Denver Tht' fon~going in;;:trument ,vas acknowledged befol"e lIlt:-' thi:-; I~I 82, by GeOrqe L, Thorn, President and Richard .My l'UI1Hnisl-'ion t-'xpir.:>s I y -.fi>-; !_'_l..JI I i~J. !:",j:. i' . '.' '-)- I WITNRS,S Ill)' hand and official s('al. ! I / I J ! I / { (( L. C -' h11.'{ ,j .1 ' fC"~ l___ I Address: Ii (~ ~, I, ,,~ ~--<e 1 ..1, , ,:...'c, d I ~aouP' . t~c. ~en~ P~I6 \~CEOrlJ>f ~~~~ Company, Ltd., ~ 9~e\\ &t{ \~f\g;~.En TO ( ORI'T;W \ltR-! "~r Ph8og<;>;;:~l ~(l~~nera p ers lp \"tHl"\' I'uhli.' \\~ ,~ 1'1 ;"\.,-, 1 1);;':.:-. II ' \t~i ......~..' I J- , II II " , I ! ,! I! '! Re~ty. !I " .I as a partner of -',..11 Bradford Publi~hing, ~X2) W flth <\ve. I akc\\-<lnd. t () K0214.~ (~().\) 21j t!'}OO \) HI