HomeMy WebLinkAbout0160 ,l) ~.~ 83031944 __ u'clOl'k M., 1.,,'03 qrh 1 ~5 !.1: 10= 27 Ht'{'())'ded at Rel'l'ption'To Jk+rt./W\foi-t.,.hcctl t, H+ti~8~'der Ii I RECORDER'S STAMP THIS DEED Mad" this 12th davof April I HI 83 , hL't.\\'t'en EIWIN CWINGS and BAmARA CWINGS II ufthe Count\' of Jefferson ano Stat!' off'"lo- I! rado, ofth" first part, and THE. C~TY OF ,VHEAT RIDGE, Jeffersoo ; County, Color aCb, a Munlclpal cur]Juration urganized and I, I ('xi~ti ng under and by virtue oft he laws oftlH' State of Colorado . oftllp :-1E:'C'ond part whtl~t' h',l','al address is 7500 W. 29th Avenue, 1 ivheat Ridge, Colorado; : \ WITI\ESSETH, That the sajd parties uft he first part. fur and in cunsideratiun uf t Ill' sum uf TEN LOLlAR3 AND ornER VAWABLE CONSIDERATIaJ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - .l.l<U,LAR.,., to t hI' ~aid part ies ofth\.' first part in Land pnid hy the said party of tht-' f'ecund part. Ow rpceipt \VIH~ref)f is Iwrehv ('onfps:,pd and acknowledged, ha granted. baJ'g-aint:'d, ~o]d and conveyed, and hy these prcsenb do g'l'Hllt. hargain, sell, ('onn'\' and ('onfirm, unto t he said party of the st'C'ond part, it..., :"lh.'cessor~ and assig-ns fon'\.er, all (If t lw fullu\.\'ing de~t'rilH'd lot S or pal'l'pl S of land, ~ituatp, lving- and being in tlw I (~Oullt~' of Jefferson and Sta,te of Colorado, to wit. Tne .c.asterly 25 Feet and the Southerly 30 Feet of the Parcel described as follONS/1 Beginning at a point on the Southeast corner of the North Half of the Southwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter (N~~J~SW~), Section Fifteen ,I (15), To.vnship Three (3) South, Rarlge 69 West of the 6th P.H., thence Nortn along East line of said tract 142 Feet; thence West 138 Feet; thenc'e South 142 Feet; thence East 138 Feet to place of beginning, EXCEPT that portion deeded to the Colorado State Cepartrrent of Highways in deed recorded September 10, 1981 at Reception No. 81066887. County of Jefferson, State of Colorado. For roadway purposes. also known as street and numher nja TO(;ETHER with all and singular the hel'editament~ and appurtenan\'e~ thereunto helon,g-ing or in anywise I appf'l'taining. and thp reyersion and reversions, remainder and l't'mainr!el's, rents, issues and profits thereof, and all the estate, right. title. interest, claim and demand whatsoever of the said part ies of the first pHl't. either in law or i i equity, of, in and tn t,h." abl\\'p bargainer! prl?rnise~, with the hereditaments and appurtenances. TO IL\\' E Al'iD TO HOLD the s:.dd premise~ above hargained and descriheu, with the appurtenances, unto the said I partv (d'the ...,econd part, it:.; SllL'('I:-:'S~Or and a:.;:.;igns forever And the said part ies of the first part, fot' I them selves and Iwil'S, t-'Xf'i.'\\tnrs, and administrators, do C'ovennnt, grant, harg:ain and agTee to and with thp said party of thl' second pa.d, it~ slH'l'essors and a~~igns, that at the time of the ensealing and delivery of the:.;e pn~;-;ent:.;, they are \Yell seized ufthe premi:.;e:.; above ('onyeyt'd, as ofg-ood, ~Ul'e, perfect, ahsolllte and indl::'t't'asihh' estah' of inl-H'l'lta1H'i::', 1n law, in fee simple, ano ha 'Ve;ood right, full power and lawful authority to grant, barg-ain, ~ell and convey the samp in manner and form a:.; aforesaid, and that the same are free and clear from all fornll'r and other grants, hargains, :.;ales, liens, taxes, assessments and encumbrances of whatever kind ur nature soever, and tlH' abo\'l' harg'aint-'d premises in the quiet and peaceful po:.;:-;e:.;sion of thp said party of the secund part, its SIl('('p:.;:.;or and assigns. against all and I'very penwn oJ' pp/'sons lawfully claiming or to claim the whole or any part tlw)'('uf the said part iesf the first part shall and will WARRANT AND FOREVER DEFENlI 11\ WIT:'\ESS WHEHEOF, The said part ieS.f the first {"H.t have hereunto set their handS and seal S till' day and year fir~t above \vritten Ii Signed, Sl'aled Rnd IkliVCl'{'d in the Pn'sence of ''/ . ,- 1"., I ~ y, -EdwIn ,.} 1../,.. ,,..4...,, ~_L /h, wings ( _[SEALI [SEAL) 1~~r{;~~~"c~Jin~~~~k. "' _~_I--2~_ 'loiEHI STATE OF COLOHADO, Jefferson } ss. County of The foregoing- instrument was acknuwledged before me this 1~3 ,bv EIWIN CWINGS and 13ARi3ARA CWINCE .' . 1 ,! I' i Il f' ',~: My ('Un1ml,:,>~lon eXpll'e,:,> '- / 11....;i..).t Ii Ut I ;' '~3 12th day of April WITNESS my hand and ufficial seal. / \ ~ - ~.;' I, _ ~ . L) ~Ll)/ ILL :~-4J11L_- ~Lu_J } ~{, 'j~' _~x. '), \~' I I / I \ I ,_ I <.J' j'. l: if !Jf.. \ UL ~()tary Pu'nlic. Address: /). . , j t- ... {. / !.(.. 'L{ {I t ","0.9,')2. W,\HH.\:\TY DEED TO CORI'OR.\T1tJ'\--For PhuttJ~raphi(' Ht-'l'nrd. _ Bn\IU"r<\ Pu.hti.",h~nS!;Co., rh>n..\'r,i..',<Jlnrad" t t-79 11/-/ 1 I' I',,'.... - .' to;' ~ ~. ~\ t , I , lEu \ I '-j j\ V'..!