HomeMy WebLinkAbout0336 o~ ~ 1,' ,'"'' '", -,.~ c.. t-<L l~r.:r ! ..1 '...JI '. ' '-'. '+ / (19 / q 1 1 1 : 3(1 mCOR:Jfll Iii r lJl Jr\J~' I :1- f:- f r r~r: (~r}/ L j(:_\-r[ --\,\:.- crJ~. r ~\(~t\\ \ 5. ()(l ,. " , ,- ~ k; ~ro}ect ~O.: ~-)~.~1-~\ Location: 5695 ~ 38th Ave Wheat Ridge, CO WARRANTY DEED ------------ ROBERT E. GREGORY, SBERYLL K. GREGEORY, whose address 1S 5695 W, 3Sth Avenue, Wheat Ridge, County of Jefferson, State of Colorado, S0033, and JAMES J. HAMILTON, whose address is 3Sl0 Eaton Street, Wheat Ridge, County of Jefferson, State of Colorado, S0033, for the consid- eration of TEN AND NO/lOO DOLLARS ($10.00), in hand paid, hereby sell and convey tZ-th-;;-c"ity-o"Tw'h-e-;t--Ridg-;:--a- municipal corporation in the State of Colorado, whose address is 7500 West 29th Avenue, Wheat Ridge, County of Jefferson, State of Colorado, 80033, the following real property, in the City of Wheat Ridge, County of Jefferson, State of Colorado, to wit. )/\ A tract of land lying ln the SE 1/4 of Section 24, Township 3 South, Range 69 West of the 6th Principal Meridian, Clty of Wheat Ridge, County of Jefferson, State of Colorado, de- scribed as follows: Commencing at the Southwest corner of the parcel of land described at reception number 90049401 in the official re- cords of the County of Jefferson, State of Colorado as the South 125 feet of Block 26, STEWART GARDENS, except that part reserved in plat; thence North along the West line of said parcel fifteen (15) feet to the True Point of Beginning; thence South along said West line fifteen (15) feet to said Southwest corner; thence East along the South line of said parcel fifteen (15) feet; thence Northwesterly to the True Point of Beginning. Said tract containing 200 square feet, more er less. Said tract to be used as right-of-way for W. 38th Avenue. Also known by street and number as: 5695 W. 38th Avenue. With all its appurte'nances, and warrant the to easements, rights of way and restrictions :0 S i g n e d t his ?::.CC day 0 f _-1.~_____ title to the same subject of record, jf any. 1991. _1r~_~~dL~____-------- ROBERT E. GREGORlf-;--Cr;antor ~.~~~~tZt----- J~-~~o~~:;tZt------- STATE OF COLORADO, , J ) s s . ) COUNTY OF JEFFERSON The foregoing instrument was aCKnowledged before me this ~Ci~day of -lI\~c.h.L_-- ' 1 99 1, b y ~L..E.",~B-~~'LT~_~~'i'=b.J::,_GRLG0.R..'LL.l-~~Sh't..'S.. . :S. tl..F\S{\\u()N W1tness my hand and seal. My commission expires:_~~~~______19~_. .."$ E'A'L' ...:. . . , , .. f i \ ~ .. _~&-\&lli~_________ NotatY'Q) b 1 i c __l~~Q__~~_~~~~~______ Address : ,\ -... I ~ \ \ C,: .. J ~.) \,.-~ _".0' _~~t::(\~5.i~~~~~Q_~~~___ ......