HomeMy WebLinkAbout0441 (Pt ~\ dj~ l'- ~ I U o a. a I..&J I:=' (/) <( I- en Re RECEPTION NO. F0112068 6.00 230 RECORDED IN JEFFERSON COUNTY. COLORADO PG: 0001-001 9/07/95 14: 11 ReL. WARRANTY DEED /-) THIS DEED, Made thi, 17th day (It July I~ 95 hetween JOSE LUIS OCHOA and JOHN L. SILVER of the County or Adams State of Colorado grantor, and The City of Wheat Ridge, a Home Rule Municipality located in the County of Jeffe son State of Colorado acorporationorgani7edand existing under and h;-. virtue of the !av..'s of the Slate 01 Co 1 orad 0 granke whllse k.l!a] addn.:ss is 7500 W. 29th Avenue, Wheat Ridge, CO 80215 \'7ITNESSETH, That [he grantllL lor and in clll1siJeration oj the "urn oj TEN DOLLARS and other good and valuable consideration DOLLARS, the receipt and sufficicnn oj which is hcrchv ackm'l\vledgcu, has granted. oar;.!,-tlnt:d. sold and conveyed. and bv these pre,:>enb unL's grant. bargain, sell. cnove\' ,md confirm. untll the grantee its SlICLcssnrs and a')')igns hm:,vl'T. all nj the real proper!\'. tllt:dhl'f with lmprovements. if ~1l1\ situate lying and beml! in the Count\' of Jefferson and State nIl ()lmalJ.n descrihed a" lullmvs. The easterly 13 ft. of the parcel of land described as fOl1ows: That part of Block 19, Berkeley Heights Second Filing, and of the Southeast one-quarter of the Southwest one-quarter of Section 13, Township 3 South, Range 69 West, described as follows: From the South one-quarter corner of said Section 13, North 985 feet along the center line of said section to the point of beginning; thence North 235 feet, more or less, along said centerline to the Northerly line of property described in Book 478 at Page 105; thence South 75028'40" West, 305.91 feet, more or less to the East line of Ingalls Street as extended North; thence South on said extended East line of Ingalls Street to the Northerly line of property described in Book 792 at Page 366; thence North 69029' East, along the northerly line of property described in Book 792 at Page 366, to a point which is due North of ? point which is South als()&"(~nt;~~;i:"'amRX;~b,~r, less, to a point which is South 89049 West 150 feet from* *the point of beginning except that portion as conveyed by Frank N. Lancaster, T~t.E.i\E.tQ.ltp,J~fi,tl(,~~ar !l,PIlcI),ty,,,,,J~Y'lI1irl'),~tlt,l,\!l1fm~hcr~lr,QikQ)~~nl1qx, a~",)"lQ,R~"alIi/;b ~Qqi\\. r~J,~it,n anJ I, re\el"ions. rcmainder and rem,llnucr.... renh. i..."ue... and rr()tit" thell'llf anu all the C"ldtc r1,C.'ht. title intnc...!. ,..Iaim and demand \\hatsuc\cr ul Ihe grant oJ". citlll'r lIl1a\\ or equit)'. (11. In dnd tn the ahuve oar~,llned premisc.... with thc hcredllamcnh :md appur!L'n,lIlCc", TO Hi\. V~ ,\:\1) TO HOLD thl' "',lid prellllscs aomc klrgained ,U1\..1 lksnihcd. \\ ith the appUrlcndnLl'" unIt) Ihc .::rantee ih '>lICCC,>,>(l["" ,Illd a""ign" forever. '\nd the grantDr. !"Dr hinl',clL III'" heir... and pcrs()nal representatives. does l'll\Cnilnt. ~rallt. hargiUtl and a~rlT ti' and \\-llh thc grantee it'> '>UlTessOJ"s and assigns. that at the tilllc llJ thc cnscallll;; ~lt1d deli\er\ llt the...e p[esenh. hl' is wL'l1 SL'i/l'd oj the P[l'Jl11'>L'" <1hml' c(lJl\e\l'd. ha" g()od. 'lure peilect. ansolute and lndekd\ibk estall' ,)1" inhcrit,Il11:C 1111;1\\ ill kc ..;implc ,llld ha'> gLlud ri;.!hL lull P()\\,c[" ,JIlL! la\\ lul aUlhurll\ t(l gr:llll harg;lin. sell and L"OI1\:e\ the same in manne! '-Jnd forlll as a(\lfl:...aiJ and that tilL' "amc arc free and (k,1I" troll1 alllurmcr and (lthel gr;mt' h:trg(llTl\. \:dcs, lil'IlS ta\e" a"...e"Sllll'nts. encumhrance..; dnd reslnl'ti,ms (ll \~halc\'cr kind llr nature S\l('\el. e.\(cpt NONE *at Page 291, and also except that portion as conveyed by Anthony Jersin and Frances Jersin to Herbert Dahlberg and Rose Dahlberg by instrument recorded December 8, 1972, in Book 2454 at Page 255 and corrected by instrument recorded~ Thc grantur ...hall and will \\ARRANT .\;\D F()RE\TR. DEH-:r--.. D the ahovc-b:trg:tlllcd prcllli\c\ III I Ill' quiet <lnd [le.....eahlc p()<;"e'>'>\(lllllt" the ~rantce its SUl'l'L'"SOI"\ and a\"ign" against all and ever\' pcr..;un ur [1c[\on\ l<lwlully cl,l1l1lin~ thl.' \\hnlc \)1" ;i1l\' part tflL'relll rtw \lTlgu]al nllIllbcrshall indudcthc plural. the plurallhc "'Ingular. and the lI<.;C III am i-'cndL'1 "h.dl hc applicahle I(l all gl'lldcl\ , 1:\ \VITNESS "'HEREOF, The ,Craf11llr hd\ l'XL'CLItcd thi" deed llll the dak ,c1 Imth :Ihml' / "(~)S (7 (sE' 12a Era ~ JO ' SOH A ~)/ ~ I) / f " ~c.~!-v ~ -:( ~c _ ~/ _,1..._______ 'JOHN L. SILVER / ST,\TE 01- CtlU lRA[)O City and 'oUIH' 0' Denver }" .I'he hlregning instrullKllt wa" ad.IH)wkdged hctnre me this 17th ~ Jose Luis Ochoa and John L. Silver July I" 95 d:l\ 01 .\1\ COHlllli......ion expire" .l' I' {-t L. f I I (' f": <"--' ,... '- /1_ \\TI!\H-"SS 111\ hand and official "tal ,I , 'j 1\ 0d \ !' (' ~ '0 ' \ C- '. Jelt~~'~'son , ) '. *August 7, 1984, as Reception No. COlorado 84074029, County of ).;F II - I~) State of. I, ' It in DCIl\er, in<.;crl "Cil\ and (, r, <i I~! I ( j I'" "Jo. 952. Rev. 3~85. WARRA"H\ DEED Ito Corporation I For Photographil: Rt'curd ,;';7 Hr.IJj('rd Puhlishinh, 'is::''i \\ hill .....\1;' tah>\~(l(ld. U) i<O::'I-1. -- 111J'1 2,1 (,9IHI