HomeMy WebLinkAbout0464 RECEPTION NO. F0402347 6.00 PG: 0001-001 212 RECORDED IN JEFFERSON COUNTY, COLORADO 4/22/97 10:39:53 Project No' 8-32.01-96 Locatlon. 5925 W 32nd Avenue Wheat RIdge. CO QUIT CLAIM DEED 0.0'0 vNl KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, that SONS OF IT AL Y IN AMERICA LODGE #2075, whose address IS 5925 W 32nd Avenue, Wheat RIdge, County of Jefferson, State of Colorado, 80212. for the consIderatIOn of TEN & NO/lOO DOLLARS ($1000), In hand paId. acceptance, sufficIency. and receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, does hereby remise. release, sell, convey and QUIT CLAIM unto the City of Wheat Ridge, a munIcIpal corporatIOn In the State of Colorado, whose address IS 7')00 West 29th A"("f\IH,? Vv'he'lt ~id6~' CourJy Gf kffcr5011, Stale of Colorado, 80215-6713, its successors and assigns, forever, all the nght, title, interest, claim and demand whIch the grantor has In and to the following real property, In the City of Wheat RIdge. County of Jefferson, State of Colorado, to WIt: / ~( A tract of land lYIng III the NE 1/4 of SectIon 25, TownshIp 3 South. Range 69 West of the 6th Pnncipal Meridian, CIty of Wheat Ridge. County of Jefferson, State of Colorado, described as follows '-' ~ kr'-- ?~~ p~~ ~ ~ ~ )/\ . , THE SOUTH 30 FEET OF THE EAST 2807 FEET OF THE WEST 305 7 FEET OF THE S W I;" OF THE S W ]/4 OF THE N.E.]/4 OF SAID SECTION 25 SaId tract contaIning 8,420 square feet more or less. '\1.1 SaId tract to be used as RIGHT OF WAY FOR W 32ND AVENUE. Also known by street and number as. 5925 W 32nd Avenue, Wheat RIdge. Colorado 80212. Whh gJllts arYll_~:te!l8~CeS~ ~u~d daes quit-cl;.~lm ..:ny lnt(rest tLi iht: same ::'UDjCCl to easenlents, rIghts of way and restnctlOns ofrecord. If any SIgned thisl1" day of ?e./~ ,1997 'hL; :8/ctZ ~"~L~te >r-/- , ) SONS OF IT AL Y IN AMERICA, Grantor Felix Poletto, PreSIdent STATE OF COLORADO ) ) SS COUNTY OF JEFFERSON ) , 'Ai (j The foregOIng instrument was acknowledged before me thIS 12 day of } t' f) , 1997, by Felix Poletto. 1\1y f'ul1'tnl1SS11 \1"1 explF~S Nfl. ),{i_ 199'} V~.rllnes~ lilY na.'lo ~jIld 0ffi~lal seal / ' -.I..' ~ 1/ t' ", 'I ,,,;{/ / \. 'I f/li/. 1.//1111'/.( L",----, Notary P he ~l::f\L The drafter of this descnptlOn is Mr John P McGuire, prepared on behalf of the CIty of Wheat Rldge, 7"00 W 29th Ave, Wheat Ridge, Colorado, 80215-6713 and IS not to be construed as represcntmg a monumented land survey