HomeMy WebLinkAbout0491 D:l~..J I'.._ _,,_.,,_~1 ~'h,. ..J~.. ~f' ,\ T. 10 WHI1A RlDGE DEI!D 7,52,,, P That, whereas, the following descrihed property, viz. PG: 0001-002 2/01/1999 RECEPTION NO. F0790243 11.00 252 RECORDED IN JEFFERSON COUNTY, COLORADO tinofu all -:mcn hy tqcsc Jrescnts, f~ \\' Tract A, Littlejohn Subdivision Filing Number 1, Jefferson County, Colorado / -). LU ~'~G' c:r m I- a-> z - ~ "51 ;-:- ~~;~ The above described parcel is situated in the County uf J"ff".rSOll. years I A. D 1'19.4---------. And, Whereas. The taxcs assessed upon said property for the year (or years) aforesaid remained due and unpaid at the date of the sale hereinafter named And, Whereas, The Treasurer of the said County did, on the 26 th day ur ()c tober <\. D 1'1 95 , hy \'irtue of the authority vested in him hy la" at the sale begun and puhlicly held Dn the 26th day uf Q(;tQ\:J<cr A D 1<).9.5. expose to puhlic sale at the ollice of the Treasurer in the Cuunty afDre- said. in substantial conformity with the rC4uirements of the statute in such case made and provided, the tax lien un real property above described fur the payme:nt of the taxes, delin4ue:nt interest. and costs then due and remaining un- paid Dn said property *And, Whereas, >\t the time and place aforesaid. T "" T, i.~)l G~r~ i.f i~9 t~$ ,. lll~, - - - - - - - - _ _ _ _ __ whose street address is 1.027 }!t, Ev.<!.t:\!'i 13LV9 City or Town uf Pin" County of ..Je.ffe.r.sQT! .and State of C.QLRr~dQ hid on the tax lien un all of the ahove deserihed property the sum of t.h.in;y thre~----------------------------------~DOLI.ARS and fQ\~ r- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - CENTS heing the whole amount of taxes, delinqucnt interest. and costs then due and remaining unpaid upon said property for said year - - , and the said .Tax 1i"n .c."X't if.ic.~ t" s., .In.c ,. covpred by Certificatp #1994-01615 .and State of Colorado, was subject to taxation for the year (or ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- having offered in his said bid to pay the sum of "~1;O'--------------------------------DOLLARS and DQ.--------CENTS in excess of said Taxes. delinquent interest, and costs, and thc said bid heing the largest amount which any person offered to pay in excess of the said taxes. delinquent interest. and costs so due upon said property fur said year , and payment of the said sum having been made hy him to the said Treasurer, the said tax lien on such property was stricken DIf tD hiIll at that price *And, Whereas, the said J:.<!X; .Li~n .C~.J:tif.i~.a.t.~s... I.u(:., ---------------------________ whose street address is UP 7 Ht. .l,';YiJ.us ..In V.<J. City or Town of .P.ine County of Jef.f."r~\~n .and State of .Col.o.r.a.do did. on the :'! t.h. .dayof AJJ.gus t. ., A. D 1'1 9..7. duly assign the certificate of the salc of the tax lien on the property as afuresaid, and all his rights. title: and interest in said property to rh~ City Rf Wh"at RidgR-----------------------------------------______________ whDse street address is 75.0.0.. W~!,t 29th ..AY~nUR , City or Town Df Vlheat. .Ric\gR _ CDunt)'of .J"fff.X'$on .and State"f .Gol.o.ra.c\o ____ ~_____-' · And, Whereas, At the sale so held as aforesaid by the Treasurer, no bids were Drrered or Illade hy any person or persDns ror the tax lien on said property, and no person or persons having offered to pay the said taxes, delinquent interest and costs upon the said property for said year and the Treasurer having become satisfied that no sale of the tax lien on said property could he had. therefore the said tax lien on said property was. by the then Treasurer of the said County stricken -off to the said County, and a ce:rtificate of sale was duly issunl therefor to the said County in accordance with the statute in such case made and provided *And, Whereas, The said County acting hy and thrDugh its Treasurer and in conformity with the order of the Board of County COflllnissioncrs of thG said Count\' duly entered of record on the day of A 0 I g,~ (the said day being one of the days of a regular session of the Board of County Commissioners of the said County) did duly assign thc certificate of sale of the tax lien on said property so issued as aforesaid to said County; and all its rights, title and interest in "iaid property held by virtue of said sale to whose street address is , City or Town of County or ".and State of .DOL1.ARS and. for the sum uf CENTS * And, Whereas, Tn" said whose street addrcs.s is County of ,_ did (}11 (he .day Df City or Town of ,and State of A. D 1'1 , duly assign the certificate of the sale of 1 23-A REV 2-93 TREASURER'S DEED SINGLE PARCEL-c.R.S. 39-11 135 I i ~ , >, 1\ !I 0 .s :E " ~ ~ Ii \ '0 '" , '1\ '0 l.LJ '" .~ '0 " \ ~ 0. ;;: 0 '" l.LJ '" '0 u 0 '" <:: '" i '" " -" " C<', Il~ I -- " u \1 I 0 11 I I '0 .u '" 0 !I '" 0 C[ II II z ~ '" " '0 U \ 0 "- 'ii ,I '5 ~ II . ~ 0 co , 0 ! " '" ~ c II '" 0 .c II " c; ~ '[ 0:: " I I, E '" ~ ~ I[ " 0: I L.il ~ I c.: ;;: 0 l- S '" ~ 0 -;;; II cr: "- ;; ...J -= ;:; ';1 if) II " \ 0 2:' " u '" fh X .::> 0 ~ u I " II u "" '- ::: -'" ,;, I- r.f) 0 '" 0 I '" ci u II I 0 c '" 0 z ~ ~ >, <'l "- I .D >, 1 z I I I- '" E " L.il "l: '0 ~ 'I ~ \1 I- '" .0: .D '0 " 0::: '" >, u I 2: I c - '0 '0 i ~ ~ II r--- :l 0 0 t 11 ,I 0 u '" >, I '" '" '" I u ~ ~ <'l , U . " > z " o o u " " < u " o , " u " , >- [Z9<;1i74f a1l1palps fUF<;120fl '0':) ";'i~vnr ~ea4t1 af\\! 4~6Z t1 OO<;L d2'p'nr":jp';j4Fr'J(T'7"~rj' ~i.U:"'" R:l!lON lC'8~ aIllln,,! 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