HomeMy WebLinkAbout0495 RECEPTION NO. F0996081 12/27/1999 10:17:44 PG: 001-004 PAGE FEE: 0.00 DOC.FEE: 0.00 RECORDED IN JEFFERSON COUNTY, COLORADO QJ vyJ ~0 INDEMNIFICATION AND HOLD HARMLESS j- ~ THIS INDEMNIFICATION AND HOI.f) HARMLFSS, dated ~="a=~ ~?I is granted hy the CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE. a munIcIpal corporatIOn (the "CIty"), for the benefit of the COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, ST ATE OF COLORADO, a body poIrtJc and corporate (the "County") 1<7,'71' WHEREAS, by that deed recorded on f),cer1 h <:,~ ;;2. 7 , 1999 at ReceptIOn No F 0990 0 go, the County has conveyed to the City the property descnbed m Exhibit A attached hereto and mcorporated by reference (the "Property"), and WHEREAS, as a condttlon of the conveyance of the Property, the County has requested, and the CIty has agreed to provide, the withm mdenmificatlon and hold hannless. NOW, THEREFORE, for good and valuable consIderation, the receipt and suffiCIency of whIch is hereby acknowledged, the City states as follows As used herem, the term "Hazardous Matenals" means flammable or exploslVe matenals, petroleum or petroleum products, oil, cmde OIl, methane gas or synthetic gas usable for fuel, radIoactive matenals, asbestos or any hazardous, tOXIC or dangerous substances, matena]s or wastes which are regulated under any applIcable county, mUl1lClpal, state or federal law , rule, ordmance, dll'ection, or regulatIOns as may be amended from tIme to time 2 Withm the IrmitatlOns Imposed by the Colorado ConstitutIOn and statutes, the City, by and through the underSIgned, does hereby release, WaIve, discharge, indemnify and hold hannless the County and ItS officers, agents, employees, successor:; and assIgns, from and against any actual or alleged Injury, damage, or loss to the County relaLng to or ansJ;1g from the use or presence, commencmg from the date hereof, of Hazardous Matenal, on the Property, mcluclmg, WIthout lumtatlon, all (l) ciVIl, legal and admll1lstratJve costs, (2) fines and penalties, (3) response, remedial, and clean-up costs, and (4) attorneys' and consultants' fees, whIch may be mcurrcd by the County ATTEST CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE "'------..... / ! B :-'l,\ATl (JI{.\'I-, )~,( '( J.\l.\I_RFS\( lrl" ,~f' -1(' '],\J.\hll~I'n, Wh',ll Rld~~ irld,'111illi I~':\ll(lll .I'lL S TATE OF COLORADO ) ) ss COlT:\TY OF JEFFERSON /~~ /\. T ~ ~ The tore gOIng ll\DEMNIFICA TION AND HOLD HARMLESS was acknowledged before me thIs J-.~) day of 0 ctlA:f.Y , 1999, by Gretchen Cerveny as Mayor of the City of Wheat Ridge, a mUTIlClpal corporatIOn WITNESS my hand and official seal M) Comrrllssion expires Q 1-- .:.2LJ----l) I ~&11N~ n", MADONNA M. WYMAN NOTARY PUBLIC STATE OF COLORADO My Commission Expires Jan. 24, 200t Notary Publtc ~_J \\:' '1 r[)R~~r' ,[0\1\1 !<L~ _ 'F-"';SP,I,J\~l\Ij":-.~.\,\I\,W\\O\ RillfC ind.;-nu\lllL;lIi<>n .}"c ~ { . ~ I >- n. o u cr o ~ __ ~...~... ~u.) ~/.l ~~~.) .nr/'(..U un:..:' :'I".\u:.. tg)uu~ LEGAL DESCRIPTION , ~ A PORTION Of LAND LOCATED IN LOT 14 OF CRESTVIEW HEIGHTS, RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 22 AT PAGE 7 OF THE JEFFERSON COUNTY RECORDS, AND TIlE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTION 22, TOWNSHIP 3 SOUTH. RANGE 69 WEST OF THE 6TH PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN. CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADO, BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: 3 COMMENCING AT TIlE NORTHEAST CORNER OF THE SOUTIlEAST QUARTER OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF SAID SECTION 22; TIIENCE SOUTH S9 DEGREES 41 MINUTES SS SECONDS WEST, 632.02 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING; TIiENCE SOUTH 16 DEGREES 42 MINUTES 18 SECONDS WEST. 69. 16 FEET TO THE CENTERLINE OF CLEAR CREEK; THENCE SOUTH 62 DEGREES 30 MINUTES 01 SECONDS WEST ALONG TIlE SAID CENTERLINE OF CLEAR CREEK, 97.41 FEET TO A POINT ON THE EASTERLY LINE OF LOT 14 OF SAID CRESTVIEW HEIGHTS; THENCE CONTINUING SOUTH 62 DEGREES 30 MINUTES 01 SECONDS WEST ALONG SAID CENTERLINE OF CLEAR CREEK, 65.38 FEET, THENCE SOUTH 64 DEGREES 38 MINUTES 05 SECONDS WEST ALONG SAID CENTERLINE OF CLEAR CREEK, 67.69 FEET TO A POINT ON THE COMMON LINE OF LOT 13 AND I40F SAID CRESTVIEW HEIGHTS: THENCE NORTH 35 DEGREES 03 MINUTES 10 SECONDS WEST ALONG SAID COMMON LINE, 58.41 FEET TO TIlE MOST NORTHWESTERLY CORNER OF LOT 14 OF SAID CRESTVIEW HEIGHTS; TI:lENCE NORTH 68 DEGREES 20 MINUTES 46 SECONDS EAST ALONG THE NORTHERLY LINE OF LOT 14 OF SAID CRESTVIEW HEIGHTS 79.99 FEET; THENCE NORTH 63 DEGREES 38 MINUTES 35 SECONDS EAST ALONG THE NORTHERLY LINE OF LOT 14 OF SAID CRESTVIEW HEIGHTS. 49.61 FEET TO THE MOST NORTIlEASTERLY CORNER OF LOT 14 OF SAID CRESTVIEW HEIGHTS; THENCE NORTH 63 DEGREES 09 MINUTES 55 SECONDS EAST. 157.28 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. EXHIBIT I A (l .. . t1' l~; ~ \t m ,~ " lJ~\ n ; , y ~,l i~ ,~~ \ ;.., ~\\ I ~ //i%i~ ,/ ~~, ;. / ~ / \ ~/- -\ / / /// :\:~\ ,.. //. /;., )~, \ \ A'\;< /::.1 / \ h/', ... // ~ // \ // ....,/.,( '" // ft . / ' '( ... /'~ / ( /' c "/"// ~.S // Y \.......,.//'. ':>-~<'--....(~/ '" e \ , //'F. \ . J ll' ."'6 , / "<i ' ~ ~ r . \ elf; ,,// ~~ r'-_ / f,!;;'f:"-,- /p\., , 'l~ / ~"I,'i~ ~ \ -/ \ // ~ \ / ' / t..."....\:, \ / \ / ...., t.:::! \ / \ // !:l ~------~-_./ ~ \\ .... ~... vI C."'-.\. .,)uv ';'1 i <>:)o,/V ahf: J~'.' \"~" ~d' .tJi \If< -- ~ . __ _ --t-- - --- - f\ " 11l~ ,i., ltl,! .;i' ~\\\ '1\ \~l U~f \~ \\1\ \\ J\\~ ,\j t~\ ~\\ ,} '\ i ~ \v \~\ ,\ 1 c \~\ ~ it 1 i~ -~ li]003 .JtJ'1'(;U OPEN Sl':\Clc. i '" ;>; .~ " \\ c.. ~ Z ~ ~ m ~m !r Ol~ 1 );>: \\~\ \ ~ ~i\i a 'It. tl'~ ~il~ ..t. I~' \l\i \!i\ l\~' v.ia l~tl !~t l!'~ -.t n. f~ , ~ lifi t\ .{\ 1~ Iii \~ \\ l~li' i hil i' \ti \~ !~ ~ i,\ :! \~ n~i \ If' l' \li %! !! .1 ij~ ,. ~ Id' I ~,\~ ~,: ~~ ~ ~\ d ;~ ~\tS;l~i~ ~ I,~l '''i '. ,~~ \' I" I'. i '~l\ ~\ \t ~l \\ l~ 1 'j I, ~i' \ 11.... il ~~ .~ i~ j. if ~ ~~~ l !(\ \\ \\~ ~l g ii ~~ ,i i \~i \ \,\~ '"jl \ i,'. ~d ~ \~ \i \~ i~\ ~ .t~\ ,.' ~ illl I r' . \\~~ r, \\ ~ '1 '! \i \\i i !i~\ \ i~ ~l ~ ~d ~\ e~i ~ ~l!J . ..,' I \~ . ,J!l I ~~~~ \ r'~ i'\ \ I ~~ ~. L1 >- 0- o () 0:: o o a.. ~ ~.....:~.. ,..-j'^ '. vfr ND -' j .~~ '-- "- o '-' ~ ~ f-- ~ f'S RECEPTION NO. F0S19E,080 12/27/1999 10:17:43 PG: 001-003 PAGE FEE: 0.00 DOC.FEE: 0.00 RECORDED IN JEFFERSON COUNTY, COLORADO (p COMMISSIONER'S DEED /-3 THIS INDENTURE is made this ~day of September, 1999, between the COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADO, a body politic and corporate (the "County"), whose legal address is 100 Jefferson County Parkway, Golden, Colorado 80419, acting by and through its duly constituted and appointed Commissioner, Patricia B Holloway, to quitclaim and to execute this deed, and the CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, a Colorado municipal corporation (the "City"), whose legal address is 7500 W. 29th Ave., Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80215. WITNESSETH THAT WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners of the County of Jefferson, State of Colorado, did at a regular meeting of said Board held at the Administrative/Judicial Facility in said County on the 22Dd day of June, 1999, duly adopt and pass Resolution No. CC99-354, as amended by Resolution No CC99-511 adopted and passed on the 31st day of August, 1999, authorizing the qUItclaim of the hereinafter described real property to the City and did by said Resolutions appoint and constitute the undersigned as CommIssioner to quitclaim and execute a deed for said real property to the City for and on behalf of the County, and did further authorize the undersigned to execute this deed and to affix the seal of said County hereto, NOW, THEREFORE, FOR AND IN CONSIDERATION of the sum ofTen Dollars ($10 00) and other good and valuable consideration, in hand paid by the City to the County, receipt of which is hereby confessed and acknowledged, the undersigned, acting as Commissioner aforesaid, does by these presents remise, release, sell, and quitclaim unto the City, its successors and assigns, for so long as all of the real property is used by a public entity for public open space, park or recreational purposes, and no longer, all the right, title, interest, claim and demand which said County has in and to the real property described in Exhibit A attached hereto, situate, lying and being in the County of Jefferson, State of Colorado, TOGETHER WITH all water and water rights, ditches and ditch rights, reserVOIrs and reservoir rights, wells and well rights, and tributary, nontributary and not nontributary groundwater on, under and appurtenant to or used on the land described herein. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the same, together with all and singular appurtenances and pnvileges thereunto belonging or in any way thereunto appertaining, and all the estate, right, title, interest and claim whatsoever of said County, either in law or equity, but if any of said property shall be used for any purpose other than publIc open space, park and recreational purposes, Said property (including easements) shall revert to the County and this deed shall be null and void. M:\ATIORNEY,COMM RES\OPENSPAC\SlslJohnson.Commissioners deed.doc September 8, 1999 ....-ru" ,/' I/" / , l<;?v~7 v-V;"",-<,.{,?:.c if U7 f/~ ,-:' r '1 1 (11!- ) C In'v;;'c,,N 1/1C'/;:V':'Tf {'0i7; , } 17/ "<C'Ol 4~il-cL/ z.-, AL ~--1~~--0~A--<"/ ~a,/ /"-<'h p/~c ~ Lv/~y' /C~~~'?~" !) n I ' /.' _ (t,--<I/ 1-,J2~-~~cf:j ('(:'(/7 i ~ '-.)b "''''''>-It.<''.t:., if II '/h I, ;I;' " ~-u vL- ....'''''-- Zu:- I ,11:-.-- 'I' v;r"- /Lifv-<-v'. :c:; I RECEPTIOH HO. F0996080 COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, ST A F COLORADO :2 B Patricia B Holloway, airman Board of co~ C/ryssioners Date f; ~ ~ ST ATE OF COLORADO ) ) ss. COUNTY OF JEFFERSON ) The foregoing Commissioner's Deed was acknowledged before me this i b day of September, 1999, by Patricia B. Holloway, Chairman of the Board of County Commissioners, County of Jefferson, State of Colorado. WITNESS my hand and official seal My Commission expires. [:/j z. /2(:2 I I I Not.ry'~ A-L ""'-.~--~ .,)-, 4"-# -# .' _ 6 I -3 .:r -" ~~} t GREGORY A. GROSSMAN . ~ NOTARY PUBLIC J. L.... . Y~T~ .,OF ,C3~~~AD3,,~ Mv Commission Expires 05/12/2001 APPROVED AS TO FORM. '"~t;:;d: Xr~ Assistant County Attorney M:\A TTORNEY\COMM_R ESIOP ENSP AClslslJohnson. Commissioners deed.doc September 8, 1999 2 ... ,i.... Our Order No. ABD546308- 7 LEGAL DESCRIPTION T RiD( E DEE ~ it, ~) A PORTION OF LAND LOCATED IN LOT 14 OF CRESTVIEW HEIGHTS, RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 22 AT PAGE 7 OF THE JEFFERSON COUNTY RECORDS, AND THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF '3 SECTION 22, TOWNSHIP 3 SOUTH, RANGE 69 WEST OF THE 6TH PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN, CITY. OF WHEAT RIDGE, COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADO, BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS. COMMENCING AT THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF SAID SECTION 22; THENCE SOUTH 59 DEGREES 41 MINUTES 55 SECONDS WEST, 632.02 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE SOUTH 16 DEGREES 42 MINUTES 18 SECONDS WEST, 69 16 FEET TO THE CENTERLINE OF CLEAR CREEK; THENCE SOUTH 62 DEGREES 30 MINUTES 01 SECONDS WEST ALONG THE SAID CENTERLINE OF CLEAR CREEK, 97.41 FEET TO A POINT ON THE EASTERLY LINE OF LOT 14 OF SAID CRESTVIEW HEIGHTS; THENCE CONTINUING SOUTH 62 DEGREES 30 MINUTES 01 SECONDS WEST ALONG SAID CENTERLINE OF CLEAR CREEK, 65.38 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 64 DEGREES 38 MINUTES 05 SECONDS WEST ALONG SAID CENTERLINE OF CLEAR CREEK, 67 69 FEET TO A POINT ON THE COMMON LINE OF LOT 13 AND 14 OF SAID CRESTVIEW HEIGHTS, THENCE NORTH 35 DEGREES 03 MINUTES 10 SECONDS WEST ALONG SAID COMMON LINE, 58.41 FEET TO THE MOST NORTHWESTERLY CORNER OF LOT 14 OF SAID CRESTVIEW HEIGHTS, THENCE NORTH 68 DEGREES 20 MINUTES 46 SECONDS EAST ALONG THE NORTHERLY LINE OF LOT 14 OF SAID CRESTVIEW HEIGHTS 79.99 FEET, THENCE NORTH 63 DEGREES 38 MINUTES 35 SECONDS EAST ALONG THE NORTHERLY LINE OF LOT 14 OF SAID CRESTVIEW HEIGHTS, 49.61 FEET TO THE MOST NORTHEASTERLY CORNER OF LOT 14 OF SAID CRESTVIEW HEIGHTS; THENCE NORTH 63 DEGREES 09 MINUTES 55 SECONDS EAST, 157.28 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING RECEPTION NO. FO~)9E,080 't :0 D :l A EXHIBIT