HomeMy WebLinkAbout0517 ~\J ~. ~:, ~:, UJ W u. >- <"l IY <=> i!' ~ tE "'" ;g~N u C' --' c ::2 I.lJ l- e; RECEPTIOH ~O,_ 11::~.:;{~i~1{'" Pb: (Jcj:l.-ij02 7!24/~~~~ U.~~'O. DOC.FEE: 0.99 . PAGE FEf:. J~F)I;cR~CON COUNTY, COLORADO RECORDEli IN . ,c:. L ...J Proje~t No.. S-O 1-0 Location: 3940 Harlan Street Wheat Ridge. Colorado 80033 W A RAANIYJ)EED WITNESSETH THAT Irene V. Pearson, Bonita R. Kealing, and Ronald W. Olin, whc)se address is ')940 Harlan Sln~et, Wheal RIdge. ('uunt:-- of Jefferson :-,taL<~ ,)f Color;.tdu. >\o(Li3. for the consideration of One Thous;.tnd Three Hundred "eventy Four a:-ld 72/ Ion nOU,}\R <; ('Sl ,~"74 7-'), ill hand paid. du hereby gr~nt. ~)<.:!"gU1n c;e!' ~lllli j~'nn\ ev I 1 the (:i1.y ot"\Vheat J~i{)~c. ~J nn;n:~,I~ :~:! ~ .Un)!)l a~i:Jli in dL~ ")l'll~ \,'{"( (lI8-: ado. \vh( )~e \) ~!d/"'i_'~:~'1~f'5fYl'V~.'-'!.2').'h \ :.'"n;~ 'Vh-.:, f~ ,1W'" , ,~I \"':~:'( "it? I"';; (-'!~~ ll..'\:.i_.,n....\"'~f~..~l'P~.lr.:'l;-.f.n'\.'....'tn_~'..c. lymg and b'~Ing 111 the C i~y uf Whe:all~id~,~. ("\['1;'101 J ,! fe--soTl. State uJ' L'oinradc\ hl wi' A traclOfland lying 111 the ~E I;~ uf ,";eet:on 24. Township j Saudi. Range 69 West of the 6th PrinCIpal Meridian, City of Wheat RIdge County 1'1' Jefferson. Sla~e of( 'clurado, more parti::ularly described as Commencing at tlw SW Comer of the SE li4 01 5l.cticTI ~'.4, thcrlce NOO" 16'49"W, a distance 0f 7S 1 OS fcet: thence ~89"43'1 j "E. "distaJlce of .~5 (10 !tet Iv the: Point (If Bcginning~ Thence NOO" 1 ()'49"W a dIstance llf 60 (J() fe;:t, U) " p,)Ir,t u[' eUi've 10 the right having d radius of lS 00 feet and a centra] angle of 4l'." t j '22", lneJ1ct: northeasterly lllong the: arc a r1isl<:nce of 12.02 feet; thence SOO" 16'49"E.ll distance of7 i ..~O fed fhcmc ~glJ"S-:'43"W_ on and along the :-,outbline of the parce'l of real plOpf'rty as reeJrded at Rect~jJ,ioll N "m,b'~1 C) 1()(Jl)87] in lhe official recurds uf the Coumy uf Jefferson, State of L:ol(,radu, a (Ii ;taJi::c of 5 J() feet. to the Point of Beginning. Said tn:ct l'ontaining YW square fe:et, inore <'I less NOTE: All beanngs are relative to one another and ale basl'J ur; rhe beanng of the 'Vest line uf the ~E : oJ )io ~<<id S(.\rt~Ur; :~ u\_~.ic ?..~ GOo l,~,,-.+~~'l V;.., Said tract to be u'ied as Right-of-WilY AlSO known by street and numt,a as 3940 ~IJr:<in Srreet. Wheat Ridg.:, CO SU(J33 With all its appurtenances, and wan-ant me tItle (0 the' ,,,,me ~ubleet to easements lights 01 way and restnctlOns of record. If any Signed thiS __ day of ___, L002. , ,......... / ~( .::r~.....:.~~__ Irene V Pearson, Grantor STATE OF COLORADO pS CO\ TNTY Of Jt'FFER\ON The foregoing inslrument Wi,S acknOl~ledgccl bdl11'e ;I1t, '"'' __ dJ) 01__ ___,2002, by (rc~ \'~ Pearson. My cormmssion expires __-' ___ Witr.es~; ]'1} hanu and ,ltliual "ai My Commission EXpL es October 5, 2005 4350 Wadsworth Boulevard Wheal Ridge. Colorado 80033 St.M" 'J\ )tlii) ...)url ~L // STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) ) 5S ) '~'1 )- COUNTY OF VENTURA The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this J.J..!!day of J....I'oit:' ,2002, by Bonita R. Keating. My commission expires. JotofYI( ,A:03 't~~~~~~~~~~~~~i U... ....... KENNETH RAY DICKEY::> COMM. # 1216743 ~ C) - : NOTARY PUBLlC.CALlFORNIA G) ~ VENTURA COUNTY 0 }~ ::<;:'~ -,;~~~P~M~~\~o~t SEAL Witness my hand and official seal ~.~, Notarytublic . ? 1<t?AiM-erf{ RPf pCKl?-r /-; /- ,/-- .. //1 / )~_ ~~_~( r (:/ Ronald W Olin, Grantor / :,1' )... J I / lLo -L-_ STATE OF COLORADO ) ) 5S ) COUNTY OF JEFFERSON The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this _ day of Olin. ,2002, by Ronald W. My commIssion expires My COffiffiicsien Ev~' Q. O€t~M~t9,t2IlQ:;ny hand and official seal 4350 Wadsworth Boulevard Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80033 Notary Public The drafter of this description is David F Brossman P L.S, prepared on hehalf of the City of Wheat Ridge, 7500 W 29th Ave., Wheat Ridge, Colorado. 80215-6713 and is not to he construed as representing a monumented land survey 2