HomeMy WebLinkAbout0542 flUL\Al to: . \ (!ji.:Lj 06 tI)/ucd tdf--. 7 sdo LU d-crth alii, ())A1tN /!ifi~J /!v . ~O()33 (2tb/ ' Jtcl.~ IlJuL~L~ ~lo ,1)l' )~D ~() j tV ~.Y \)0 w UJ LI" ~ -l.) ("') <( = 1-"<:::.= 2. " ('-J w ..,J F~ ::!;<-"-' ='",-- 8~~ -' c """'=:> ~J"":l RECEPTION NO. F 11:\ () ! IVIi:\ 7/16/2003 16:23:01 PG: 001-005 PAGE FEE: 26.00 DOC.FEE: RECORDED IN JEFFERSON COUNTY, C GENERAL WARRANTY DEED TO CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE George Nesvadba, whose mailing address is 329 Parkview Avenue, Golden, Colorado 80401, for the consideration of Nine Thousand Three Hundred and No/100 Dollars ($9,300,00), in hand paid, hereby sells and conveys to the CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, a Colorado municipal corporation with offices at 7500 West 29th Avenue, Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80033-8001, County of Jefferson, the following real property, in the County of Jefferson, state of Colorado, to wit: /~ \ Legal Description and drawing attached hereto as Exhibit A and made a part hereof, with all its appurtenances, and warrants the title to the same, subj ect to those matters set forth in Exhibit B attached hereto and made a part hereof by this reference, Signed this ISM \/'L; -r-,u. I '\ , 2003. day of k lu~-nL~' \ George Nesvadba y STATE OF COLORADO , ,~ ss, The day of instrument was acknowledged before me this / j.-tIJ , 2003, by George Nesvadba, and seal, My commission explres: ,I) /9 /O~ / I I ,( Uti /U" (lI.1JaiV {"I Notary Publlc Address: /&, on ~ItOL(IVv_ #/ooD Lf.L4LI/-t1 (!/,J .. f !.J;x () ~ " (SEAL) DIANE C DAVID NOTARY PUBLIC STATE m: COLORADO My Commi5&ion Expires 5/9/06 r (~ /5-,// It '13u~"5 EXHIBIT "A" PROJECT NO. SHE M361-001 PARCEL NO.1 PROJECT CODE: 13764 DATE: October 15, 2002 J LEGAL DESCRIPTION Parcel No 1 of the Department of TransportatIOn, State of Colorado, ProJect No SHE M361-001 contammg 688 square feet, more or less, m Lot 1 and Tract A, REPLAT OF LOT 1 KIPLING 5000 BUSINESS PARK REPLAT OF LOT I, SECOND FILING, a subdIvisIOn lymg m the SW ';" of SectIOn IS, Township 3 S, Range 69 W, of the SIxth Pnnclpal Mendlan, m the CIty of Wheat Ridge, County of Jefferson, State of Colorado, described as follows, COMMENCING at the Southwest Corner of said Section IS, a 3,25" Brass Cap in Range Box, marked WIth LS 13212 (1984), WHENCE the West Quarter Corner of said SectlOn 15, a 3,25" Brass Cap m Range Box marked WIth LS 13212 (1988), bcars N 00012'29" W., 2632 46 feet; THENCE N,03013'OT E.. 1032,24 fed to a pomt on the westlmc ofsalu Lot I, REPLAT OF LOT 1 KIPLING 5000 BUSINESS PARK REPLAT OF LOT I, SECOND FILING as defined 111 that Warranty Deed recorded May 0 I, 1984 under ReceptIOn No 84039527 111 said Jefferson County records, saId pomt bemg the POINT OF BEGINNING, whence the Southwest corner of Said Lot I hears S 00012' 29" E, 92 00 feet, THENCE N 01050'32" E tangent With the following described curve, 10068 feet: 2 THENCE along the arc of said tangent curve to the nght, hav1l1g a radIUS of 16 50 feet and a central angle of 55031'15", IS 99 feet; (the chord of saId arc bears N.29036'10" E, 1537 feet) to a pomt of reverse curve; 3 THENCE along the arc of saId reverse curve to the left, havmg a radIUS of 12,25 feet and a central angle of 110053'08", 23 71 feet; (the chord of Said arc bears N,O I 055' 13" E" 20 18 feet) to a pomt of reverse curve; 4 THENCE along the arc of said reverse curve to the nght, havl11g a rad1Us of 16 50 feet and a central angle of580 16' 41 ", 16.78 feet, l the chord of saId arc bears N ,24 023 '00" W 16 07 feet) to a pOint of compound curve; 5 THENCE along the arc ofsmd compound curve to the nght, havmg a rad1Us of 66,50 feet and a central angle of 14032'05",1687 feet, (the chord ofsmd arc bears N 12001 '23" E, 1682 feet to a pomt of cusp on the west Ime of smd Tract A. Said pomt also bemg on the easterly nght of way Ime ofKlplmg Street (October, 2002), as dehneated on the CIty of Wheat RIdge Vacahon Ordinance No 569, Senes of 1984 recorded May 01, 1984 under ReceptIon No 84039242 m saId Jefferson County Records, 6 THENCE Southerly, along said easterly nght-of-way lme the followmg two (2) courses, 7 ALONG the arc of a curve to the left, havmg a radius of 69 15 feet and a central angle of 29031'12", 35 63 feet (the chord of Said arc bears S 14033'OT W" 35,23 feet) to a pOInt of tangent; 8 S 00012'29" E.. 131 15 feet more or less, to the POINT OF BEGINNING The above described parcel contams 0 0158 acres / 688 square feet, more or less. BasIs of Beanng: N 000 12' 29" W between the Southwest Corner and the West Quarter Corner of Section 15, Township 3 South, Range 69 West of the Sixth Pnnclpal Mend13n as determmed from the pubhshed Honzontal Control Coordmate Data ofthe CIty of Wheat RIdge Colorado Steven A, Dynes Colorado ProfessIOnal Land Surveyor No.24949 For and on Behalf of Farnsworth Group, Inc 2696 South Colorado Boulevard, SUIte 250 Denver, Co 80222 /J "I / r " 'I ~ II ., '. III ,) i ':/.. ....-::. ,....."... (1:'> "''';' ..::' \ ^ D}~.. ~~ . ,.;-' '~... ~ ~~~;f~? 9(]l:~~ :c ';. 2494 . >- ~ :-. -;: .. I : L.u :::: '':; , J,'. 04/::;//0 >... ~ '" ";.; ~..r -.. ..- 'S ~ ~o'l{' . ....... :-...: /, I ~ 1'!}iJIJI:HH\\\\\ EAST RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE KIPLING ST, (OCTOBER 2002) (CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE VACATION ORDINANCE NO, 569, SERIES OF 1984, MAY 1. 1985, REC, NO. 84039242) D=29D3 1'1 2" R=69 15' L=35 63' CB=S 14033'OTW CL=35 23' 0:: W Z 0:: o U o::LO w~ f-- O::Z <to ~i= ou W f--(f) (f) WLL ~o I C? Z 0:: <t w m "- 01 (f)1 (f) <t m EXHIBIT wEST LINE OF / TRACT A / '\ 10' UTILITY EASEMENT REC NO 84039242 0=14032'05" R=66,50' L==1687' CB=NI2001'23"E CL=16,82' 0=58016'41" R==16,50' L==1678' CB=N24023'OO"W CL=1607' 0=110053'08" R=12.25' L=2371' CB=NOI 055' 13"E CL=20 18' PARCEL NO 1 688 SQ.FT 00158 ACRES E-< u.:I u.:I ~ E-< u:l o Z ....... ~ 0.. 1~' UTILI r1 EASEMENl I I REC NO 83110373t1 0=55031'15" R=16,50' L==1599' CB=N29036' 10"E CL=15,37' SOOO 12'29"E 131 15' ;. I i RHtAT 0; tur'L KIPtlNG 5000 BUSINESS PARK. RHtAT OF tur 'I, SKOND tlUNG WARRAN-rY DEED REt:ORDED 1'/1;,\1 0'1, '1984. RK, NO, 84039527. JEffERSON t:OUN-rY RKORDS NO! 050'32"E 10068' 7 PO,B, NOTE, THIS EXHIBIT DOES NOT REPRESENT A MONUMENTED SURVEY. IT IS INTENDED ONLY TO DEPICT THE ATTACHED DESCRIPTION, LEGEND' P O.B POINT OF BEGINNING PO C. POINT OF COMMENCEMENT . CHANGE IN COURSE ONLY % SOO'12'29"E 15 0 30 92,00' I I I SOUTHWEST SCALE: 1" = 30' CORNER LOT 1 I tmeek I p, \2002\302068 - kipling st imprvmnt\dwg\survey eontrol\PARCEL1.DWG I DATE, 10/17/2002 I Time: 09' 45 I I Eg~rsworth 2696 S, COLORADO BLVD SUITE 250 DENvm. COLORADO 80222 (303) 692-8838 / (303) 692-0470 Fax WEST LINE OF LOT NO, 1/- EAST RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE KIPLING ST (OCTOBER 2002) City of Wheat Ridge Project No Drown by Approved' Date' Revised: 302068,0 TAM SAD 10/15/02 Legal Description of Parcel No. 1 of the Department of Transportation, State of Colorado Project NLmber: SHE M361-oo1 1 of 1 EXHIBIT B to General Warranty Deed G 1, Any water rights or claims or title to water, In, on or under the land, 2, Easements as shown on the recorded plat of Replat of Lot 1, Kipling 5000 Business Park Replat of Lot 11 Second Filingl recorded November 15, 1984 at Reception No. 84106977, Notes and conditions as stated on the recorded Plat of Kipling 5000 Business Park Filing No,21 recorded April 26, 1982 at Reception No, 82027688; Replat of Lot 11 Kipling 5000 Business Park Filing No. 21 recorded January 5, 1983 at Reception No, 83001299; Replat of Lot 11 Kipling 5000 Business Park Replat of Lot 1, Second Filing recorded November 15, 1984 at Reception No. 84106977, 3. 15 foot utility and drainage and ingress-egress easement along the Easterly lot line as shown on the recorded Platl and as conveyed to the City of Wheat Ridge at Reception No, 82001948, 4, Any easement or lien of Valley Water Districtl as disclosed by the Order of Inclusion Case No. 10589, Division 11 recorded June 22, 1983 at Reception No, 830568831 paid current to date of policy, 5, An easement for utilities and incidental purposes granted to Public Service Company of Colorado by the instrument recorded November 161 1983 at Reception No, 83110373, 6, Public Service easementl 10 feet in widthl as reserved in Ordinance No, 5691 Series of 1984 recorded May 11 1984 at Reception No, 84039242 and February 171 1987 at Reception No. 87020514, First American Heritage Title Co 950 South Cherry Street #1200 Denver, CO 80246 (303) 691-3333 DEL I V E R Y T RAN S M I T TAL DATE ORDER NO PROP ADDR O\~NEP 'BI1YEP DECEMBER 16, 2003 KC15416B03 4990 Kipling Street, C'ity "f Wheat Ridge, R :1\;= f \ ~ cp I ~~ Wheat Ridge, Colorado ec Q Colorado municipal corporation PLEASE DELIVER TO THE CUSTOMERS LISTED BELOW: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ TO: City of Wheat Ridge 7500 West 29th Avenue Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80033 TO: ATTN: NO. OF COPIES: 1 D ATTN: NO. OF COPIES: D ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ TO: TO: ATTN: NO. OF COPIES: ATTN: NO. OF COPIES: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ TO: TO: ATTN: NO. OF COPIES: ATTN: NO. OF COPIES: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ TO: TO: ATTN: NO. OF COPIES: ATTN: NO. OF COPIES: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ TO: TO: ATTN: NO. OF COPIES: ATTN: NO. OF COPIES: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ THE ABOVE IS A LIST OF CLIENTS TO WHOM THE ATTACHED MATERIALS HAVE BEEN DELIVERED SHOULD YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS REGARDING THESE MATERIALS, PLEASE CONTACT FIRST AMERICAN HERITAGE TITLE ('0 AT THE ABOVE PHONE NUMBER PLEASE REVIEW THE ENCLOSED MATERIAL CAREFULLY AND TAKE NOTE OF THE FOLLOWING ITEMS CONTAINED THEREIN ])(.'].[J\TI<!\' HIt:' # K(,1541(,Bln ~ 2 r/). '--3' ~= f- ;' , ~:-tiY~ ~, - ,"'i, '- _..,~{ J -~ ""'~ ~:,U--30~ P """". ,,~ :"""'"'~'~.'.~"""" ;.. Ii .4'""",,, ;~''>liS.9'''~iQ" , ~. ,;;t~;,\ ~'-:::iIIi t ..4.....4 <4i ~-4!""..A ~ :r- '"", ....,,-~ \....~ ~ L..j .'" W' , . ,. "', . "".' .'., .' i' ", .,,; 'V,.' ..~,' <\', >" .... ", '- ~,~ ..~, ~., ~..~..~i';','it"', ,;t~: ;~~ ~,~ ~:;_'~'~"~:t~:~~~!i~i,~~:~ ~",~'f-., . '. "< \~;'~~" ~)> ....<0 ""CD _=> ~:;; ;:a~ '" ... -, ~ !:l ;:: :::l :::t. '" ;;;- "" ;: i:l - ;::; '" g ~ !:l ~ ~;:-:~M~~"~' ,~.,'IW ,'il':, c15J!~Ii,1;<,~ !jII1~d W;"~.,~~ ~,~ iW-<A"!~' J;?,~ ';~. :~:C~ \,~ \ ,.' ~il'.';:' .if ! , , , j ',I ,I ~'{t' \i:~ \.~' ,i,...~\ 'i~' \,~ ~.. '., ...... ~ 3: ~ '" "'- -oO<.D-l"Tl 6~gj~Jj ~~cnFn~ ;...:.. ~-. g O::t> ~ooS'o<: w o<:m ;;~l~~ (O(\J......zO "tc5;-<-<~ ~r0SQ I ~~~ m 00_ JJ en :;2 C Gl ~ m N o o FIRST AMERICAN TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY OWNER'S POLICY SCHEDULE A r(>(:M1284 12,16/03 08 20 38 Order No. KC15416B03 Policy No. J940157 Amount of Insurance $9,300 00 Date of policy: July 16, 2003 at 4 23 P M 1. Name of Insured: City of Wheat Ridge, a Colorado municipal corporation 2. The estate or interest in the land which is covered by this policy is: FEE SIl1PLE 3, Title to the estate or interest in the land is vested in: City of Wheat Ridge, a Colorado municipal corporation 4. The land referred to in this policy is described as follows: SCHEDULE A PAGE 2 ATTACHED HERETO Irf('()(}]'l l'ilc# KC15416B0'3 rill' # KC15416Bfl3 FIRST AMERICAN TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY schedule A - Page 2 Order No, KC1541GB03 Policy No. J940157 Parr~l NG 1 uf the Department of Transportation, state of Colorado, Project NJ ,;HE M3GI-UOl, containing 688 square feet, more or less, in Lot 1 and Tract A, REPLAT OF LOT 1 KIPLING 5000 BUSINESS PARK REPLAT OF LOT 1, SECOND FILING, rt subdivision lying in the SWl/4 of Section 15, Township 3 South, Range 69 '0est cf the sixth Principal Meridian, in the City of Wheat Ridge, County of ,Tetfersc;n, StFlte of Colorado, described as follows ('onunerw ing at the Southwest corner of said Section 15, a 3 25" Brass Cap in R'mg~ B,']x, marked with LS 13212 (1984), whencp the West Quarter corner of said Section 15, a 3 25" Brass Cap in Range Box marked with LS 13212 (1988), bears NOO'12'29"W, 2,632 46 feet; thence N03 13' 07"E, 1,032 24 feet to a point on the West line of said Lot 1, ~eplat of Lot 1 Kipling 5000 Business Park Replat of Lot 1, Second Filing as detined in thaL Warranty Deed recorded May 01, 1984 under Reception No 84039527 in said Jefferson County records, said point also being the Point of Beginninq, whence the southwest corner of said Lot 1 bears SOO'12'29"E, 92 00 feet; 1 Thenep NOl 50'32"E, tangent with the following described curve, 100 68 teet; 2 Thence along the arc of said tangent curve to the right, having a radius c,[ 10 50 feet and a central angle of 55'31'15", 15 99 feet; (the chord of said arc bears N29 36'10"E, 15 37 feet) to a point of reverse curve; 3 Thenre along the arc of said reverse curve to the left, having a radius of 12 25 feet dnd a central angle of 110"53'08", 23 71 feet; (the chord of s8id arc bears N01 55'13"E, 20 18 feet) to a point of reverse curve; 4 Thence along the arc of said reverse curve to the right, having a radius at 16 50 feet dnd a central angle of 58'16'41", 16,78 feet, (the chord of ~aLl arc bears N24 23' OO"W, 16 07 feet) to a point of compound curve; S Thence along the arc of said compound curve to the right, having a radius ot 66 50 feet and a central angle of 14 32'05", 16 87 feet, (the chord of said arc bears N12 01'23", 16.82 feet) to a point on tne West line of said TLact A, said point also being on the Easterly right of way line of Kipling strFet (October, 2002), as delineated on the City of Wheat Ridge Vacation '~rQinance No 569, Series of 1984 recorded May 01, 1984 under Reception No ,4039242 in said Jefferson County Records; 6 Thenrp Southerly along said Easterly right-of-way line the following two 2) (-:c urses 7 Thence along the arc of a curve to the left, having a radius of 69,15 feet dmi a rentral angle of 29 31' 12", 35 63 feet, (the chord of said arc bears S 14 33'07" W , 35 23 feet) to a point of tangent; 3 Thence S 00 12'29" E , 131 15 feet, more or less, to the POINT OF BEGINNING Basis ()f Bearing N 00 12' 29" W between the Southwest Corner and the West Quarter '~orn"'r at section 15, Township 3 South, Range 69 West of the Sixth Principal Meridian as determined from the pUblished Horizontal Control coordinate Data ut thp City of Wheat Ridge, Colorado (uunty ,f ,Tptferson, :tate ut Culclyado File# KC15416B03 FIRST AMERICAN TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY SCHEDULE B Order No. YC15416B03 Policy No. J940157 EXCEPTIONS FROM COVERAGE This policy does not insure against loss or damage (and the Company will not pay costs, attorneys' fees or expenses) which arise by reason of: 1 Taxe~ and Asspssments not certitied to the Treasurer's Office Any tacts, righls, interests or claims which are not which cuu1d be ascertained by an inspection of the persons in possess inn therecf shown by the public land or by making records but inquiry of 3 Easements, ur claims of easements, not shown by the public records. 4 Discrepancies, contlicts in boundary lines, shortage in area, encroachments, and any tacts whirh a correct survey and inspection of the land would disclose, and which are net shuwn by the public records 5 Any lif-'n, furnished, cr right to a lien, for services, labor or material heretofore or impused by law and not shown by the public records hereafter 6, Taxes and assessments for the current year, herf-'toiorp assessed, due or payable including all taxes now or 7 Any pxisting leases or tenancies 8 Any watpr rights or claims or title to water, in, on or under the land 9 Easpments as shown on the recorded plat of Replat of Lot 1, Kipling SOOO Business Park Peplat of Lot 1, Second Filing, recorded November 15, 1984 at Rp~ep~i'n No 24106977 Netes and ['onditions as stated on the recorded Plat of Kipling 5000 Business Park Filing No 2, recorded April 26, 1982 at Reception No 82027688; Replat of LDt 1, Kipling 5000 Business Park Filing No 2, recorded January 5, 1983 at Peception No 83001299; Replat of Lot 1, Kipling 5000 Business Replat of Lot 1, Second Filing recorded November 15, 1984 at Reception No 84106977 10 15 f ct utility and drainage and ingress-egress easement let line as shown on the recorded Plat, and as conveyed to Pidge at Feception No 82001948 along the the City Easterly of Wheat 11 Any easement or lien of Valley Water District, as disclosed by Inclusion Case No 10589, Division 1, recorded June 22, 1983 at '3056883, paid current to date of policy the Order Reception of No 12 An easement fur utilitips and incidental purposes granted Company L,f Colorado by the instrument recorded November 16, N,-, 3.3110373 to Public Service 1983 at Reception 13 Public Service easement, 10 feet in width, as reserved in Ordinance No 569, -Continued- Fik # KC154HiB03 SCHEDULE B continued Order No. KC1541GB03 Policy No. J940157 SeoripfO "f 1984 recorded May 1, 1984 at Reception No 84039242 and February 17, 1YB7 at Reception No 87020514