HomeMy WebLinkAboutComp Plan Map Sept 1976 ITY OF WHEAT RIDGE «rrrrrrrrMgrrrrrrirrrrir•rrr •r®■■rrrrr W DN I _ _ M~~~a 7 _ ,FIIR~rrsr®rsrrrrrrrsr®rrrr® iii7':''i iii4 E D M E I D COMPREHEN rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr~erarr®a JJ Il DE TY h _::~i~~.i ' i ' I 4rrrr~r;rrsrrss I A : 3;1u ~Y ~ ER AL A I T YC N E TR .rrr. g H D M RI A ..snrC M E A LA CTIVIT YC ENTE ISIVE DEVELOPMENT PLAN -tea a 5g H F~ .5 ` v ep Vii. '{wi'^-'~;r ~'a= ~~fiv'=~ rrrrrrrr®.rrrrrrrrarrrrrrrrrr IND TRI ~ . • i.~? •yM~*tt~lt r■■■r■r• P _ AR ~ , K & P EN P A CE ~r~rrrrrssrrrrr•rrrrr■ ~ _ ~ ~ rx':=~ P - LIC E _;u.~ ~r I P _ _ _ _ _ Uhl C _ _ _ ~ _ I _ _ ~ - 'rel. . ~ ■rrrrrrrrrrrrarrrrrrrrrrr■ a_ L E - y .a _ _ _ . 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SCALE IN FE T _ ~ E fP b.. i___. , ; '~ifW ~1~F ~\F .a Y ; ~ ~ t ' ~ ~ ~i~i~lll1~11611~1i6 r, t ,eeir~`~~ 11l9i1 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ _ ~ 1 ~ r tif111i11! ~tllllllllltlllll~~i11IN1~1tllt ` ~ ' ~ . - ~ a D. To plan fo tation plan and plan for an urban form which will complement the transpor- New industrial development is needed to provide jobs and a Ian and increase the feasibility and utilization of mass secure economic base. The Plan reserves the area north of I-70 for industrial development due to good access to Interstate 70, availabil- ~ I , i E. To ensure ensure that each development is a positive contribution to ity of relatively undeveloped and flat land area, as well as access to ~ ~ i I ~i ~1 ~ COMPREF~~NSIVE transit. the entire comm 'e community and is related to existing development, rather railroad lines. i ~I~ than allowing pr DEVELOPMENT PLAN d,ffere t needs fabric of the Gt yving projects to occur haphazardly. emphasize planning for the neighborhoods; recognizing the ~~~1~ it , ~ ' ~ f ~ i needs of each, while striving to integrate each one into the T RAN S PO RTAT I O N the City. I i I ~ / ~ e i ~ ~I ~ ~ - -4..,,~„~ 1 i rte; ~ ' ~ l-i ~ ~ / ~Y i •~d ~ i ~ i/ i .>`'.r Residential Goal CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE A. To provide r _ a ~ ~ _ _ _ ~ I ~ , ~ - - I needs. _ _ I t~~.~ ~ fir' - - \ ~ Nc,Y~ ~ f.. """rc~~t; B. To locate proper amenitie The comprehensive development plan is a public document C. To provid officially adopted by the City of Wheat Ridge as a long-term policy those who need ~ ; . r _ _ _ M guide to promote desirable physical, social and economic develop- D. To make ment of the City. The direction of the plan was determined by the and protected fr citizens of Wheat Ridge with guidance from the Planning Commis- j ~r _ _ - . - Il ~ ~ i ~ ~ ~ . _ _ - .r_._-_._._ / ~ r'° • ^l _ 3' ~,1 1. , j _ ~ _ _ I sion as well as from the professional planners and "engineers of the ~ - ~ _ ~r City staff. In addition, the majority of the economic base study was ~ ye ~ ~ _ s t ( \ 1. prepared by Qblinger-Smith, a consulting firm. Each segment of the plan was reviewed by the six neighborhood planning groups, the -L _t ~ - / ~ 1 \ z ~ _ ~ ~ , Planning Commission and approved by City Council. F i ii ~ ~ Chi, / i ~ i ~ - / i ,.t. ~ - ~ - ~ it ~ - \ The plan is compri'~ed of tFie Goals and Objectives, Population, Land Use, Transportation, Parks and Recreation*, Economic Base ~ ~ Lam, ~ "t ~ ,i-~ I ~ ~ \ - , -r-,l~~`"~r _ - / ~ ~ _ A , _ c~ r ~ , ~ ~ - - i., , , , , ,ate ,i ~ ~ ~ -l - - ~ i and Public Facilities Sections. j{ Below is a summary of the Plan: The document in it5'entirety is ~ . a I I i I ~ ~ ~ ~w i ~ I~ ~ i - I' I ~ ~ I ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ; ; ~ ~ i ~ ~ , , ~ , : ~ available in the Department of Community Development: ~ ~ v 'The Parks and Recreation Plan was approved as a separate entity on March 3, 1975. A summary of this Plan is available in the Department of Non-Residential Community Development and other City offices. ~ t- A. To promot GOALS AND OBJECTIVES Within the neigh J..~ ~..w w~~. n.,~ w. .~,~.wn wi...we-~ T~u r. glen wnE~ n~~atin$ ear~~~ ~n n aen n~ ~rtn uses in the neig B. To encour citizens, so that ~4 The Goals and Objectives are ideally an expression of the will of work within the the citizens concerning the future development of the City. They C. To provide serve as the basis for the physical development plan and as a frame- provided that th work for decision making after adoption of the Plan. and meet the de D. To continu dustries within POPULATION 'r r' ~~x w From 1960 to 1970 the City's population increased from 21,619 to The Land Us 29,795 (38°/a From 1970 to 1975 it is estimated that the population tion, recommen increased by 6000. In 1976 the estimated population was 36,000. use categories a future. There are sev development pla 1. Residential dry 2. Neighbonc 3. Multiple U design) y~. it 4. Commercia 5. Public and 6. Parks and 7. Industrial _ _ . , ~ _ z, The plan, as 4 ~ Population increase has a direct bearing on the physical develop- protection of th ment of the City. In order to protect and retain the low density char- family homes. acter of the City and to insure that the demand for City services can activity, howeve be met, a normal rate of growth is recommended. •._:~j activities along t i- i i j A living less desir EsT The detrimen •r 50,000 saooo .••i~i€o esr Tana use conriic Z .41500 ~ CUtS; lack of ad D 40,000 idw esr GOnTlICtS; tfaTTIC COfI(~e~IlOfl re5u~lir~y irc7f~w r~~rrieruu~ guru 0111"@Ct access t0 aQjaCent prOperi~es anu dcuC~s ~u ~~~G ii~yi~e~ uiuce uo nd hi h den- k of arlPni,atP narkont~_ anc~ the desc~uraaina visual effect o$ ~tra~tc ~ nra1 stra~tc may serve res~ciential (both IOW a F strip developme Q p6 ~ 3 Ny :,I..." However, stri BIKE ROUTE a ~`VHE~T= RIDGIE_ -==CITY=H~L~==-: 1 YQUR TAX QOL~.ARS AT iNORK _ - - 30,000 - community. Th a - and encourage - - VIDING substa 20,000 and enlarged p 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 ments and redu YEAR the essential im cEr~=n sro~c~oea - s aa+caa ,y ECONOMIC BAS E -~~~-L~-- ~ ~w~-a other than the -E WHEAT RIDGE POPULATION PROJKTION stops, walkway concentrate on The eastern 2/3 of the City is nearly fully developed, therefore, s repair, street new growth will primarily take place on the western side of the City. buffers between ~~i r. ~~s~~ Population at full development is projected at 44,000. The eliminati and environme borhoods. . T. LAND USE The Economi types of comme r..~ mends the cre GOALS ~k-~ provide a unifi provide a full ra r The goals for land use are an a"tempt to reconcile the existing such as services land use patterns with ideal land use relationshipa,nd to preserve Primary emp the most desirable land use patterns, alleviate- th~~„ problems and elements will i promote compatible new development.. Listed below are the goals sive landscapin that are intended to assure that this happens. - The result shout A. To recognize land as a valuable and limited resource, which parison shoppin should be used in the best interest of all citizens. feasibility of ma B. To recognize the fragility of the environment and to plan for More than ju land uses which will cause a minimum of harm to the environment. centers can bee C. To promote an aesthetic and pleasant environment for all citi- activities and c zens. master plans wi :r, L }l I 1 1. J _ _ , ~ - - i s i i. f _ T_ ie goals for the economic base are intended to maximize the needed projects. City offices are presently contained in five widely ~ z _ , 's economic potential and to provide the citizens with convenient scattered locations resulting in lost time and inconvenience for citi- ~d r^" :~.s tn~eded a9ods_ and services and to provide additional em- zens and the staff alike. Present plans are for the construction of a 4. r - .:,a , ~ _ _~i ems. 1, r Y~