HomeMy WebLinkAbout0549 ! 111111 11111 1111mll! 11111111111111111111111111111111111111 ~ ~ ~ : 0 g 0 2005094876 QUIT 10/07/2005 11 :04:00 AM 2 Page(s) Jefferson County, Colorado Location: t 2600 W 42"" Ave. Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 QUIT CLAIM DEED \ 'J 1, i r 'J \\v , , KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, that Matthew Phillip Rock and Trudy A. Rock, whose address IS 10300 West 65th Avenue, City of Arvada, County of Jefferson, State of Colorado, 80004, for the consideration of ONE andOO/lOO ($100), m hand paid, acceptance, sufficiency, and receipt of which IS hereby acknowledged, do hereby remIse, release, sell, convey and QUIT CLAIM unto the City of Wheat Ridge, a mUnicipal corporation in the State of Colorado, whose address is 7500 West 29th Ave- nue, Wheat Ridge, County of Jefferson, State of Colorado, 80033, its successors and assigns, forever, all the nght, title, interest, claim and demand which the Grantors have m and to the followmg real property, in the City of Wheat Ridge, County of Jefferson, State of Colorado, to WIt: A portion of a tract of land Iymg in the SWY., of Section 20, Township 3 South, Range 69 West of the 6th PrinCIpal Mendian, City of Wheat RIdge, County of Jefferson, State of Colorado, as de- scribed at Reception Number F2056378 and at ReceptIon Number F0596908, m the official rec- ords of the County of Jefferson, State of Colorado, more particularly described as, Beginning at the West Y., Comer of said Section 20; thence S73032'34"E, 190470 feet to the True Pomt of Begmning bemg the Northwest Comer of a tract of land described at ReceptIOn Number F20563 78, thence N89026'30"E along the North Lme of said tract of land described at Reception Number F2056378, 205,29 feet to the Northeast Comer of said tract of land de- scribed at Reception Number F2056378 also being the Northwest Comer of a tract ofland described at Reception Number F0596908, thence N89025' 14"E along the North Line of the tract of land described at Reception Number F0596908, 99,97 feet to the Northeast Comer of the tract ofland described at Reception Number F0596908, thence S00054 '04"E along the East lme of the tract ofland described at Reception Number F0596908, 3,36 feet; thence N89057'37"W, 305,30 feet to a pomt on the West Line of the tract ofland described at Re- ception Number F2056378, thence NOoo08'59"W along the West Line of the tract ofland de- scribed at Reception Number F2056378, 0 14 feet to the True Point of Beginning, NOTE: All bearings are relative to one another and are based on the bearing of the North line of the SW '/4 of said Section 20 bemg N89009' l2"E between two 3 '/4' diameter brass caps on alu- minum pIpe stamped L.S #13212 m range boxes- one at the West 1/4 Comer of said section and one at the Center ';' Comer of said section, SaId tract containing 534 square feet (00123 acres) more or less. Said tract to be used as, Right-of-Way . ,_ Also known by street and number as, 12600 West 42nd Avenue, Wheat Ridge, Colorado, 80033 With all Its appurtenances, and do qUlt-claimany interest to the same subject to easements, rights of way and restrictIOns of record, if any '~ 11\ SIgned thIS --.lJday of~ plr>iJIll.,r'l005 ! ;/ 0. cQ)uJ atthew Phillip Rock, Gra t., ~~ ~Li t1d~L Trudy A. ock, Grantor STATE OF COLORADO ) ) SS, ) COUNTY OF JEFFERSON -th, , The foregoing mstrument was acknowledged before me this /1{- day of-:-x pi ,2005, by Matthew Phillip Rock and Trudy A. Rock. My commission explres:C), ),In(~ Witness my hand and offiCial seal. .I- \/ i C"'. / ~ (' /' --,.,,,,) ,/,/ . ,'. / /',/' i/ ~. -_.~ /1 /t"t-b ~-.-/ \ Notary Public l.;!{jQ(f\XT A)nct A"pn"~ ~(- \. i .' ~ "'-L !,;:,i,/ lv('C S~ ' W~eat Ridge, Colorado, 1\ UJ3 V.:> ( ./ / #.6-..:'$.,-1 ~ "1""",,.;,.........,,,.....,,__.4'4-<.>-#;,- ( JE" ;_EMME~~~ J i~GT f\PY PUBl.\J \ ~~ATF t,c";OLORADO ~ I, ,_ . .>.,.,~.",.-+ ...............~..........."..J'__., E ". r ,~'" ""'''',"52/6/200 v,v v ~"-- , The drafter of this description is Michael S. Chessnoe, P,E, & L.S., prepared on behalf of Matthew Phillip Rock and Trudy A. Rock, t 0300 W 65th A venue, Arvada, Cotorado, 80004 and is not to be construed as representing a monumented land survey ?J"D=%I:"DOJ"""iJl:iE _o....::o?JO(T\(T\ 0_Vl......>>COiJl IZN"'iJlZ' -1 -1-1NiJlt/lO N.... \ -1 0,,- O~_Y'OVl' ~ """ Z~Y'....-1 \ OJ?J "D "D,,- VI 0 :iE(T\Y'(T\0~Y'0 >>0ZOZ: ';xl -<Z0r O';xlZ OZ(T\t/lJ:>-Q)~ - r):><O'^' (T\ZOJ C' :iE \.200 ~ ~ 0""" ';>< . ):>0 :J?J o Z "",,';xlO;3:iE t;:S~~):>~ (J1(T\OO-1 OliJ?J-1.- VI-1- '- -J-OJOZ 0l<i8"""1'i ZY'';O 0-1Z""" OY' C/) ~(;j- OW<O -tv 0 ""-I C,v' ;A. -.;: -A. 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'0 @ 'StrI 08 ~ P"Tj ?J I'l o ['1\ "D :t(/) :J J:>['1\-10 ~ -1't1~zg""" OS;-1\Jz?"'O zl'lo ['1\0 C 0(/)-\00, Y'Z ,0 0 ro o~o?J\0'C 0'OJ4"I*,V1?J~"" lot;r?J rn .... 01 >> -JOJO,,- g~6~S~?ON: 1(NON SIR((1 50' R j"N 5\-1[[\ :3 xxxxxxxx City Deeds zzzzzzzzz I 111111 1I111 111!i IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII!IIII!I!III\ 111\1 III! 111\ ~ ~ ~ : g g 2005082200 QUIT 09/14/2005 10:25:33 AM 1 Page(s) Jefferson County, Colorado Lncall<m 2Y\J I Reed St. W"1H:al RIdge. l'() X()()~ ~ OlfIT CLAIM DEED ">i' ), KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, that Patnck C Hyland, whose address IS 10403 \\'. 44th Ave., Wheat Ridge, County of Jefferson, State of Colorado, 80033, for the conSIderation of ONE and 0011 00 ($1 00), 111 hand paId, acceptance, suffiCiency, and receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, do hereby remIse, release, sell, convey and QUIT CLAIM unto the City of Wheat Ridge, a municipal corporation m the State of Colorado, whose address IS 7500 West 29th Avenue, Wheat RIdge, County of Jefferson, State of Colorado, 80033, ItS successors and assIgns, forever, all the nght, tItle, mterest, claIm and demand whIch the Grantor has m and to the followmg real property, m the CIl) of Wheat Ridge, County of Jefferson, State of Colorado, to WIt: A tract ofland lymg m the SE1'4 ofSeCl1on 26, TownshIp 3 South, Range 69 West of the 6th Pnnclpal Mendian, CIty of Wheat RIdge, County of Jefferson, State of Colorado, as described at ReceptIOn Number F1902102, in the official records of the County of Jefferson, State of Colorado, more parl1cularly described as follows: The east 10 feet of the followmg described parcel Begmnmg at a pomt which IS 15 feet West and 120 feet North of the southeast comer of Lot 3, Block 2, Barth's SubdivIsIOn, thence North a dIstance of30 feet: thence West a dIstance of 10 feet; thence North a dIstance of I ] feet; thence West a disfiklce of 101 feet; thence South a dIstance of 4] feet; thence East a dIstance of III feet tb the'p01~ ofbegmnmg, CIty of Wheat RIdge, County of Jefferson, State of Colorado ,,' " ~, < . Said tract containmg 300 square feet (0 007 a~re~) moi;e:or less. ~ t' " \ Said tract to be used as: RIght-of-Way Also known by street and number as: 2901 Reed Street, Wheat Ridge, Colorado, 80033 WIth all its appurtenances, and do qUIt-claim any mterest to the same subject to easements, nghts of way and restnctions of record, if any his ~ day of ~~"'$~~2~05 Patrick C Hyland, Grantor STATE OF COLORADO ) ) 55 ) COUNTY OF JEFFERSON The foregomg mstrument was acknowledged before me this 11.. day of (~u."v.~ 1,2005 by Patrick C lIyland, J My commiSSIOn expires: q/tq (L,U) Witness my hand and official seal '/ J /r (lV. fA.. { Notary Public -J ('t-#l/ and is not to be construed as representmg a monwnenled land