HomeMy WebLinkAbout1052 524 of the County of Jefferson , and State of Culorado, L052 524 Reeol'ded at..~.L-:?;L:.:O.~__..!4., .._......__.._.!1t.'.~...~.n...t9.5L..........._._... ,.. . 67S~ ''''''''",.,~. ,.. "I\f'U'" 1''1'' l.......~;::i":...l -.'V~ tl. \. ,,_!~ Reception No....__......... ...._.. __......._........_.............. ..................................Recorder. . WE, KNow ALL MEN By THESE PRESENTS, That I, t'aul L. Rowe and Doris R. Rowe fo.the cODlliderationof One dollar !'!.:Jd other ::;ooci and va.i.uab!:; eonsi.c.:eration Dollars, i!lhandpaid,herebysellandconnytQ County of Jefferson a body 'Jolitia and eorpore.te of the County of Jefferson , and the State of Colorado, the following real property, situate in the County of Jefferson and State of Colorado, to-wit: 1'Le iiest one-foot of the Ji:a.st ne.lves of J..ots or Slacks 15 and 16, Lees Subdivision .~. , l . Th'i~Hhin_.~":'~ is !lccep~ed t~\, ~ . ,;...-' . r ./,.4'....:/./. lO~';>' day q. ././ ._~__~_ __".....-n.. .;) (' .' r .- of trIG wi tbin deed is p,.' t:::i9. ~fli::._.day ot ), . / 1957 .."/ L<'_~ ~f.....__. .-.' _.____ ___nO JEFrERSON COUIlTY PUNNING COlOIISSIOH . . BJ ,/ .' . ::Zf"~...~~~~!.i_~-,~...L';~ 'A- -L-/ -- Ch.airuD j BOA~.v OF COtlN'fY COWISSIONF.fl.'] OF JEFFERS;QH COUNTY, COLORADO /'>-:' -' _/ ---, '---1 / ./ "-" N''1 ._/ ./ ~ /~(:-~~i;;::;~~-----';':':':::_- with all its appurtenances. Signed and delivered this tJ, ~O - day of /n~ , .A. D. 19 ~7 ) , \ STATE OF COLORADO, ( _ } COl!nty of J e'1'-rc r~""" lIB. 'L "II, The !oregolng Ins)JUment 1"~owledpd bef~ me thiJ ~ _ day of A.D.19~7 ,by.' /~O(. ~~ .c...-.<. ~~"e ~ In the presence of .........L~...f..c:L?d:.~.{SEAI,] ....h......7I.~....!!f.:.....q.~~~...::~...... [SEAL] ...0........... .mh.h............ ....,................................ [SEAL] .. My commission expires, \ Kenneth R F~nwicc, 'N-,I,HY Pub Ie ]61!orSCJn Coun'.'" CcLr1\(lo . , , '. &.."...t 20 19'''' My commiaalO.. GZplre_ ....,...... . - ,19 .,.li..;~,;,iji ~ ,.,.....:.~ -. ,.......\ : .~~ \'I..J(.~;) ~~. 'r ,'..~ ...... 41",. ~.. ,,~ .. .'. -.fIII"" ..' ~. " . . u~. . Witness my hand and offlcllll seal. '. ::; ....~, 1 '1 {J ';". ~ \ , :..... . ".. ' -.: ~. 4 ~... } '.-. .. . .~.-, . ...,. \0 '.., . ." ~ /'Jd '. ~ .... ,fl. fl: i . ". ,", ... Q ... 1 . -rt---..~ . . ' .. .. .~.....:tf.~..IQ....'l!:.:... ..~~~~' .:.,..... ,.." "'\,_ . """"''','' , . Y'" '" ..~. .,"", '\" '. . h ........' .' ~'$ #." ~i n 1.... .." . .., . . ~ ,;, t . .. . . . ..'" ,I . - I /7,*/"Y.-~ .If by natural pt'non or penon. ho.. In...t namo or nam...; It by pe....... ....tlna In rep.......tatlve or ottlola. capacity or a. attorney-tn-tact. then Inaert name of penon .. axecutorj .ttomey-In.r.ct or oUler capacity or dellClflptloll. It by officer of co.... poratlon, then tnnrt na"le of lunh officer or outUI'll. a. the pre.td.nt or other offlcerB of BUell corporatloD, namlal' It. No. 90t. BARGAIN AND BALK DKKD._atatol7 P....