HomeMy WebLinkAbout1083 109 ,1, ~ / ~\I.. Or.1 - :.~ 1m ~OUERT .w. N[W.lOr~ I tt.!l" I r ,I, ~ r 10H:J ~ ..... { t:t'1.,,)rl!(',l :\1-"".....-... t,ICll~\.; i' Pti ''''''II f R\'('\'p~ion ~o. (1'.. J _. t , THIS DEED, Mnlle thi:il 15th duy llf July ill lilt' YL'I1I' of lilli' I.ord Olll' thlllll4ttTld ,,1Ill! hundrt'd und Fifty-seven CARL E. ANDERSO~! holWtlOIl of the County or Jeffer~on t~'~"ti\~~9f CQlo,.,hlo. or tho rir.t,p.rt, and tl:e COUXTY OF r....~O:l, a bod)' DO.lit.ic :1.nCl copOl'ute under e .Laws . ot'thc ~"{'O( lOa Slatt. tlf C010flltio. o( tl\\' :o!l."l'lllltl p:~..t. WIT~ESSE1'''. Tlut.l the ~Di,l partieS thr (iNl tllllt, flU' nud ~ t"IUl:..i,h'lutinll;)( th~ "!tlnt ,If one dollar 9.nd ot!,cr Gcod :md valuable con!l1der:J.tiona .. . IHIl.I.AIIS, to} the :-ni,l I'nrties uf the (ir:ll pnrl ill flulltl pnitl lIy tilt, !<llitl l,arty 1)( the IWl'Olld JllIr' ,h., n'l'cipt ""h.-reo! i~ ht>n.hy ro1\(('~..t-d nlllt tU"knl1wlooR'C'ct. hu ve r..'mi~l'd. n.'Il'8l\('d. auld, cUIl\'{,)'l'd und QUIT cLAJ:"itEI>. IIn/t hy tlh'~\' lU"~t'nt dn T't'mil\t'. n.'ll':I.~. ~('H. ('OfWl')' and QUIT CI.ADI unto thl' ~nitt II;arty .,( tilt' !:(~"nll part. its hl'ir~. ~\ll.Ct",,,,'r~ :t1ul n:lo~iJ::n:-;, (ort'n'r, nll thl' ri~ht.lill('. inlert."'t. "11,;", all.1 '11.m.Il1tI.....hid, th(' "ai.J i1:l~:les of the first pnrt haVe ill ul1/1 to thf' (ollowin.: dt'!u..rihf'd oarcel of land ~itlln:e. lyitlJ:' nlhll..-in", in tht' Cuunty,'( Jefferson and S~3tl' 0: C.lh.r:ulo, t(l.\vit ..., The Sct;th 22 f"et of the ',vest 25 f.]et of the :\....~ HE~, Section 29, :'3S, R69W of the 6th P.E. Z~e West 25 ?eet of t~e SW~~E~, Section 29, T35, R59~ 8f the E~..h p.~r. J.\' ",.,1 r ',,-, ~. d' ---...-"""d '&"":9 Th~""_a::\......e '.v-"'''''-- ";. 3c' "1J::w or S-ef4_... ..__,195/__ BOARD OF CO! 1~r:"{ C\)~''''!1 '~~... C".:~Z!\S OF JEFFERson Cc\U:::Y. COL.;:,.fd::D Bc;J[:~:::. :L_<':~'(:__~::'.:S V Cna::-mnn I;.d /:,./-(/1;r~:.t~~A/" I 7 .... .~~ . ~ ;': I ..~V "'" / .. -'(7-" ~::,~".7'f.---:~"~/ ~~~____ 1\ '. r-a~ I v...;J".I.. ........ \.. r TO IIAYE .\~U TO HOLD the samf',lo~clher with all und singulnr toile ftJllltlrtl'l111IlC"l':'\ and privill'l:::t:';i tlwH'lltlto !'l';'IIlJ;ill~ l,r ir. :lI:ywi~C' tlll'Tl'unto app('rtnining, and nil the estntc. ri~ht. title, interl'st ani I claim whntsOl'\"t'r. uf the ~:tid par!. y o( th~ first part. either in law or l'quity. to the only propf'r Ul'=f', hf'Ill'fit Rnd llt.'hoof of tllf' ~aid pa, ~ y IIf tht, ~('('ot\(1 part, its heirs and 8s~ign~ forever. I'," \\Tl"\ E~S \\"11 EH)':Or. The 1"11id pnrt y of the first pnrl hu S ~\...j ~l'l\! tho fhl\' nnd v('ar fint above written. . I I I I , I I , I ! hCl'eutlL) ~et ~is h:n.i :-- .~;:l',1. ~t'alt-d :lnd Ddinred in the Prescnec of ~rG~ l~f \1.] [:-::1 \1.1 ["::1.' \1.1 I ~l' \1.1 ~T,\TE OF CQLORADO, 1 t S~. '. County of Jefferson Till' ftllt'J:\lilj~ inl\lrunwllt wa'l ll('kll'l\vl('d~('t1 hrorol't" Ill<' thi)'t !l '" 57, by' Carl E. Andernon 20th Ila~' ,I: July ~,l\' t"1\nlmi~:'oilll\ t'xpilt,,,, March 21 1:159 . WittH'!\" Ill)' hand 1\t\,J ll(fh'illl ~t,:d, .",.1'11'11'" .' //'. V~~C B /{I~~~ er'a .. oyer -,;..,;),:;,~ ' } nT,',,"l_ . " . , , - . ~ I '/ '\ ~ ('J