HomeMy WebLinkAbout1286 0475 ~-'Etii" ~ - " .. -, .:~ -, , , ' - JL~~thal-i~- or~_,. .~ ~..-- " -"-'I:l _..:-~____u RUSSELL SOmsBNAND WH.LA DELL SOR,ENs~ - . - . , . . \- ',__ _____ _~ 1.~,~tOnlorC)r.~rao'ila~s';L , .I0~_lh' on~ co~nlY ilf. Jefferson . .ond SIal. 0; - -Colorado " \ ';' - . '.".... .',' for and In-eonsideralion ofll\,e~S\!!!!_Qf~TEtlooLI,ARS_afld o!h!~od"'ol\d YOh~abl. consid.ralio". 10 the said Gran~Gianlois in hand paid.I,~' r.c.ipl whe'reof ii I*.eby conf....d aild iickiiOw~. ~~-g'fOrJti;ilQrvai':''O'~Id-Ond,conv.y.d.~,nd iiY ~he_~. 'pres.nls do h....by GRANT, BARGAIN, S~t.L ANO CONVEY unlo ,- , . The Department 9f Highway~~~State of,Colorad(j,-- ranI... its successOl'S and o,signs lorever, Ih. 10\lowi1\9 ntOl properly sU\lol. in III. . and Countyof Jefferson ~ad~il: ... ' ' sq. '1i. A !r!lcl or parc.' of lond, No. 329 of Grant.... Project No: I 70- 3( 8) 26~ conloinin(J 9,000.0 QC:llIIX: more 01' ,.SS. in the S~ of the S~ of Sec. 15, T. :3 S., R. 69 W., of the- Sixth P.M., in , Jefferson County~ Colorado, said tract or parcel being more particularly desc~ed as fol1~ws: L _ . Beginning at a POint, whiCh~', rtheast property corner, which is '8,' ~vll1;....,:' ..;to.....'" 89- 52' W.a ctistanceof zp'?-.2 fe~~ :~- 06' W. a distance of 120.0 feel;) f, ro~. 1 the SE corner of Sec.,"1:5,-'T. ) 5., R. -69 WJj '- ,--' - '- ~=c.' ~_, i , . -1. Thence s. 89- 52-1 W. alorig the north property line a distance 9f 75.0 feet to the nort1iwest-property corner: , ".J- , ' ---1----_~~__.c=._ ',' , 2.' 'thehl18 S,. 1- 06" E~i1i:mg-tha-we-sf;Jlro()e'1"ty li'ne- acdi5t:anc~1'--, -- 12(hO teet to the south line of the SEt of Sec.: 15 j , . b .~~ ~ }' ~. r . ' ). Thence N. 89- 52' E. along the south line of ,the SEt of Sec. 15 a di~t~ce'or 75.0 feet to the southeast property corner: 4~ Then~e N. 1- 06' W. along the east property line a distancei of . "120.0."feet, more or less,. to the point or begi,nning. The above described parcel contains 9,()()();O sq. '1t., more or Ie,!!:>: I -, --:to l' -- ""CI> .?'~ " ,. --~--+ I 1 - -;- '-'----r 'v " J \- ---:::, , , I ) '"", I, ., 1\' ~ i' ) i.nt -;t~ ,., - II l., \Ir ., - '7 :."t~~ - ~ c -; .' ''I' , " .-', \ I I' ~;_ -0 ~ .,. 'i,.. i" ~, .. I\;~' " "_ , ,c...~ " ~ ;""",' '.<'