HomeMy WebLinkAbout1575 341 ~ f;\ '", . ~ ' . , I , I , , Recorded at / : Sd.. o'clock t.M'. Rec~otion No 96804'7 19_. .De' t '~I.\JlV JAM~ . w_ Jl\noiuJ\lrJlm]BB~5f1?rf5IEnts ([h&t 11. Or' b~. RICHARD K. SUMMERS AND ESTHER J. SUMMERS the Gronlor or Grantors, of the and County of Jefferson ,and State of Colorado for and in consideralion of the sum of TEN DOLLARS ond other good and va luable considerations to the said Grantor or Grantors on hand paid, the recelpl whereof is hereby confessed end ecknowledged, heve grented, bcrga!ned, sold an~ conveyed, end by these presents do hereby GRANT, BARGAIN, SELL AND CONVEY unle The Department of Highways. State of Colorado, Grantee, its successors and assigns forever, the following real property situate in the and County of Jefferson and State of Colorado, to-wit' Section 1 sq. ft. A Irect or porcel of lend, Ne. 324 of Grentee's Project No. I 70-3(8)268 conteining 8,000.00 - more or less, in Lot 2, Pleasant Valley Subdivision, in the SEt of Section 15, Township 3 South, Range 69 West, of the Sixth Principal Meridian, in Jefferson County, Colorado, said tract or parcel being more particularly described as follows: The South 100.0 feet of Lot 2, Pleasant Valley Subdivision, in the SEt of Sec. 15, T. 3 S., R. 69 W. The. above described p..rcel contains 8,000.0 sq. ft., more or less. 15'75 :312 TOGE TH ER with aU ond Sli"IQUIOf 1M hered\lomenls ond owurlenonces \nereunlo 'oelonQmQ, or In anywise opp~rlaln'I(IQ, and the rever- Sion and reversions: remainder ond remoinders, renls, issues ond profits Ihereof; and olllhe estate, rlOhf, litl e, interest. clai m and demand whalSM'ri!f of Ihe sOld Gronlor or Grontors, eilher 'm low or equify, 01, in and to the l'lbove boroained p-smises, with lhe heredifaments OM the appurtenances TO KtWE AND TO HOLD Ihe sCld premises above borQoined and describ6d, with Ihe appurtenances, unto. the said Gfonfee and i'~ SUCCessorS and ossiQns forever. And!he said Gran!CI' or Granlors, for themselves, Iheir heirs, executors and administrators, de C(M!(lOnl, 9ront, bOHJoln and oQree Ie and with the said Gran!ee end its successors and assigns, thot 01 the lime of the execution and delivery 01 these presents, they were well seized of the premises above conveyed, os of good, sure, perfecf1absolule and indefeasible estale of inheritance, In low, in Fee Simple, and had good riOhl, lull power and lawful ol,llhorily fa OrOr'lt, bargoin, sell and convey Ihe some in the monnerand fo~m oforesod, lhot the some ore free and clear from 011 other grunts, bargains. so I~S, Ii ens to xes, assessmenfs and encumbrances 01 whal. ever kind or nature saev~r, by, Ihrough or under the Granlor or Grantors; lhOllhe said Granlor or Grenler:; will WARRANT AND FOREVER DEFEND !r.e above borgoi/'led premises in the Quief and peaceable possession o~ the said Grantee, and its successors ond oss19ns, agoinst 011 and every person or pprsons law/ully claiming or to claim lne whole or ony portlhereol, by,throuOh or under the said Grantor or Granlors. /l"',,"~ Ihe said Grantor or Grantors hove hereunla set their hands this_ G.~ 00- day of ~ I IN WITNESS WHEREOF, -- d3 -L<-bL~U-~'L"'-:'f--- A 0_,'9____ ~ , ~ _0~4"t ,,-,CLL _ ~1J1k-NkLc!-';;:"__ ___ RICHARD K. SUMMERS Si9n~d in thl" presence of ~, - I ._..~._~____ .L1.-J... - I~~_.~_._---_._- ESTHER J. SUMMERS !' - -- -: "'- STATE OF ~ ~ ,,--""' <Ie_ ________ and County aJ e-ft/e ,-:5 (:', '7 ",,\,,\"~I,' :'.:'""" , -/ '. / '~' \ The for~q~~".if~1;!lstrumenl was acknowled ged " ~- 'Jf.l\~,.i('. SUMMERS ANll ESTHER by.. --,~ - - ; - 1..' .' . ~2-L_'_~i..LJ.~\~~. :,..~'Jl_ '-:-,.">, . W1TNES?.~~.'h~nd and Officlol Seal, <: .:"~':. i" J'v') My Commission (!XiJi~8$ Ol'r.. 1. : Mlj .~mmH.sIQ(I Explres~ _ \" before me thrs__~~t' :iOf _ ,/ .:.. <.:..Iz_~_'-'<-~<.,(-_t.".:-'1.-_, 19_0 J. SUMMERS U ---. " /./ t.., - 5-- /' " /"', (' '..,~,~:~:'L-f._)C1--:~Y.....~_~'I_~)L~t:::_~~:~=-~ . N~Ta'y Puhlie - -- -, ....::: ---- STATE OF_ ____ond Counlyof }ss The lorego1r,q inslrumer.\ wos oc,.,now\€'dQed belole me lhls __~...daJ' c:! __. ,I~_, . -.~- ~- - - -- . by____ ___ .__ WITNESS my hand and Official Seal, My CommiSSion Expires NOI'l'y"UI'I'e ., ~ ~ ~ i ~ ~ ! w c " J " o i i , ~ cu I ~,t ~~ moi' -3 ~ d ~i\'i \1> ~ ~. ~ ~ -::f: ~ i ~ : i ~ 1 g.~ ~!'~J~~ ' (t" ,." ":- i I _ <u ,,:: " ""I.ll ~ Ci <t;.,= ~' c ~ '" v u.... ~ Jl - .,." [;~3~-~~..~ "~ I' 0 ~ ~ "-'-1~ 8 . ~ 0 {3.."( a ~ 'l2 0~"'L: "- >,0 ll! "J." ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~. ~ ~ ~ E ~ ~ 2~.gob'n -----,~---------,--~- Ii !i I: Ii ~~i"1 II IL' 110-"1 I ~ !~ll I.... r-r 011 ;1(5 10.1 "'11 I~ t2l-s i ~~I, ',-I', III .I~,! I~! Ii , ~: ~ ~l5i :: ~ ~ I II , I Ii I I.! I! ......, ~~l! ,r--' Nil I '1~1-'10,i, 9,"'1'" --'I",' WI >--- WI -:I' <1'UI 01 <..)'o::,! I itl~io:!: , 'I,',' ~~- -.0 ~ w Fto ....lP"(::! :::;~:-. U ~ ~ W ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ '" i ~ '" ~ '" o f- ", r6' :;. , .E 0 I, Oi-o :i .- ~' :r: , 1 '- (3 I! 0_1 'C 01 OJ '=-- t: 0 a v Ii 0 ..., tn' r... <u" 0 t'C 4.J i) ~ c. III 118 6 V):! ~ <u ::' C ;2 _J ,0 i! ~ ~ I ~ \J) ffi \1- I,>. ~J '\,.:;1 I~ f '.I~!-II ~ ~r iii,,: ~ ~ ,,1~ I II ~ ~ 0t I Ii ~" \] I il ~ L_ '~Iii ~ n~o J I II c -a.l ~ ~ f,Y [' ii I' 8 !1n Ii ,I ~ ~;:., ';,;, N I ii' II ~ lf~! 'rU ~U~d ~ " ~ '" ~ , 1! ~ " .