HomeMy WebLinkAbout1589 306 I I I Recorded:: o'clock_.M. --- ------. . ''9:'''' , l -, J r>' , r jtw~:IRm~\IDttstlT~i '\. ~ fLhat It O"f -bt.. , , _ PAUL W. CURTIS AND CHARLOTTE M. CURTIS : ~ ~ ~ ~ r ~ I !he GrQntor or Grantors, ~ " 'bf'the and C-ounty of Jefferson . and State of Colorado . for and in consideration of in. ;Slim Qf TE~ OOLLA~S Clnd other good and valuable considerations to the said Grantor or Grantors in hand paid, the feCeiDt whereof is hereby confessed and acknowl3dgecl. have granfed. barvainecl, said and convey.a. ohil ~ lh;;; preSenls dp hereby GRANT, BARGAIN, SELL AND CONVEY unto The Department of Highways~ State of Colorado, Grantee, its successors and assigns forever. the foUowinglllCl1 property situoie ill the and Countyof Jefferson ond Sic!: of C-alon:!dQ;. to-wit: Rev. A troct Of parcel of land, No. 23 of Grantee's Project No, I 70-3(8) containing 5.434 acres, more Of,]ess. in the SEt of Section 16, Township 3 South, Range 69 West, of the Sixth PrincipaJ Meridian, in Jefferson County, Colorado, said tract or parcel being more partic~larly described as follows: Beginning at the south ~ corner of said Section 16; 1. Thence N. 89. 40' 30" E. along the Southerly line of said Section 16, a distsnce of 789.0 feet to the east property line; 2. Ibence N. O' 21' W. along the said property line, a distance of 300.0 feet; 3. Thence S. 890 40' 30" W. a distance of 789.0 feet to the north and south t line of said Section 16; 4. Thenc~ S. 00 21' E. along the north and south t line of said Section 16 a dis~~ce of 300.0 feet more or leSE to the point of beginning. The abov~ described parcel contains 5.434 acres more or less. Ir- I I I 1 I I I I I I 1 1 I I I I I I I I z '" 00:-;' ~~~ wc:::(- ,. --, ~ """ .... ..-. c.c ~ .., '" ~ <E ,,'" r..~~ ~ - ... ooze ~i:: Q; ~v.: ClUJ: ~~ ~~;: .... I< ::> '" u ~ ~ ~;::.. -,.... , L&..L..."i 0,0- "l- .,3= ~;::c ~;:..., oV)~ w t- ;:.a ...... ... ..... - CD N r-. en L . r- :I.~307 TOGETHER wilh all and s"lIlular !t.e MIll6ita......L S "nd ap,;u'l.nan....... !~.";" be!O!'Q;~O, c' '" <:!!'\}'Wi", applll'!aining, en! the rever- sion and rever&aons, r.moinder and remainder$, rents, issues and profits thereof; and a!1 thll lIIat., ri9ht, title, i~~~~~t. Ckllm and aeRlUiiu whalsoever of Ihe said Granl", or Grantors. either in law or equity, of. in and to lhe abavelllif!lcilllid jjiimiiiS, with lI';O hel'lditamem en! the appurtenances, TO HAVE AN D TO HOLD Ihe said premises above bargained en! ducribed, with tile appurtenances, unto ihe said Grant.. and its IUcussors and assigns tore_. And lhe said Grantor or Grantors, for iherM!iI.<lS, ll",;i. hoir:, eeeC~M !!'\!! odlninistrators, do CCMrlIInt, grant, bargain anefagr. to and with Ihe .",J Grantee and its successars and assigns, that at ihe fime of Ihe e.ecutian and delivery at I~ese presents, they were wel! seized of the premises above conveyea, as ot goad, sure, perfeet,abiolute end indefeasible eslate at inheritance. in law, in Fee Simple, and had good fi;;M. full power and lawful authority to g;anfJ bargain, sell ana convey the seme in the monMrond form aforesaid; thallhe same orefrlJe and clear from all ather grants. bargains, soles, liens, ta..., assessments and encumbrances at what- ever kind or natur. soever. by, through or under lhe Granior or Graniors; ihal me said Grunt"r or Grar.tars will WAl"P.AfJT AND F,OP.EVER OEF"ENO !tie cbove borgained promi.n in the quiel ond peaceable IlOsse..ian of IhesQidGrantee. and lie successor. aM assi9ns. against all Q!'Id every person u; j)t3'f5ijiii ia"~Un:; cl::;imin; or!~ :!~!!!! !I"!~ w.thnle nr any part thereof. by, throuQh Oi under the said Granlor or Granlor., April A.D" 19 63 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the soid Granlor or Gronlors hove hereunto lei thel. hondl Ihil 16~h I I I day of ~ r-:> - [2' ~<c_1 '-i/ ~,.;Lj Signed in the presence of; PAUL ~. CURp:S - ~fl/", 1* ~ (~{1.i; CUffiLOTTE M./~ TIS STATE OF____J;;olg..r~~~_ .~---_.~~-~----- - ~ .s, J)!:n~_ _ _____ __ ___and Co,'nty 01__.._ I :.~,e ,I_ore90In9 mSlcume,11 was acknowledged before me Ihis~h..d~y of I .~,,\ (U I j : L b:1~.;:\'::'~'~'~~';,~~~_CUR'fIS AND gIARLOT~_~. CURTIS ~ ~ . . ~,.. f ~ ~ . <:. . ,) .~------~---- -~~_.- _ . "-WI'l'NE'SS- m~ ;aid ond Official Seal, 1 . .._J . ._ ~... ...) , I ..... '\ \. :~..... .:-: '" <^ , ,My' Co;;mi~li'n i.llires:_.1'eb.----h. 1966 ~~ :::, , .,'~ .....~~~:. .'~ """llll"\\.' STATE OF..______ ~~- + "?/}--J: .one County ot___. ------- t. ----- ------ j i I I I I L I-T~Tgf---'---',-----l---=- b 'i; -. r Ii; r I II] g~ ~ I t II~ 1 i I ;-11 i j I; ~[II_ ~ ~] ~ i ~ i t~- i ~ , "Q.~ ~('P{ ::c: c.;.~ I O~5 -g I <::--+ I:> ,- ~ "- 0 ~ ~ ~.. 0_ O! 1\ li.!~~ _ f1 (~ell ~ ~ ~ 1 II S ~ ~ ~ I ~ Ii '::<: 1- U ~ 9 < ~ I 0 :::: U _ &l ~ '" I ~ ti ] I~"'I M::: I UI~ V,,- 0 0 1i!'€~' ~; I ". ~ ~ ~ ~' , S 0 0 1:' Q 8 ,- I", '5 " . ," ~ ~ c.. ~ ~ul ;_1 t: V ~ g t ~ ~ i i e- ~ .,r--~I~IIV'l ~ ::: !~19 ~ ~~! I g~ -I 'HI....""" ~ ..:i S' A.l .511::' 6 ~~.2 llie!i Ij~gll ~ ~i ~I ]V}II~ I ~-f~~~fi I lfl~~II..I;;J ~I ul f- tii I .e i ~ 1; ~'e L-.-~-..l-j __ll- April ,19~, I -------l ~ I I - / 7,' (..~___> ,~~ , No a, Pu~ic / .~. I by The foregoing ins1rumer.t 'NOS aCknowledgej t:efore me this__~_doy of____.________. 19_1 WITNESS my hand end 0f!icial Sea!, My Commissior: Expires: , -----~-----,--- -----.----=JI Noto'~ PIJ!:llic _. _.__..~~ ___n_ __~_____ ____ . ---Iilr--'[ , i 'I , I~ I b"-.I ~ I r-~~ I I .i II~ 8 Ii Ir :! I 'I ~ j i I 1 I" ..i'.. I I II ~ aU I : II ii ~ lciS IIUHiIi j I ~ it . 15 J; I .. Ii Z f "!!