HomeMy WebLinkAbout1758 307 . Recorcied ot o'clock_.M. OJOlIlQ,1 ') ""'''''''-...L .._19_. 'i;; R Ii n No. _ Recorder 1Kno~1m3BB~-5~1PrEsmt\l {[hat 11. or .t. GEORGE A. HENRY AND BILLIE E. HENRY the Grantor or Grantors, I 1 of the and Counly of Jefferson ,and Stote of Colorado for and in consideration of Ihe sum of TEN DOLLARS and other good and valuable considerations to the soid Grantor or Grantors ,n ;-,i).,d paid, tha fee:;lpl whereof is t".ereby cor.fessed Clnd ackncwledg~r1. hr::!Vl" qrnf'!ted, borqginp.d, snld and conveyed, and by these presents do hereby GRAN;' BARGAIN, SELL AND CONVEY unlo The Department of Highways, State of Colorado. Grantee, its successors and aSSIgns forever, Ihe following real properly situate In the an.d County of Jefferlhm and Stote of Colorado,lo-wit; Kev. Sec. 1 A Iroct or porcel of land, No. 309 of Grantees Project No.1 70-3(8)268 conlcming 2,354 more or Jess, in the swt of Section 15, Township 3 South, Range 69 West, of the Sixth Principal Meridian, in Jefferson County, Colorado, said tract or parcel being more particularly described as follows: sq. it, - Beginning at a point on the south property line which 1s N. 890 511 30" E. a distance of 32.3 feet and N. O. 22' W. a distance of 560,0 feet from the SW corner of Sec. 15, T. 35,. R. 69 W,; 1. Thence N. 890 51' 30" E. a distance of 27.7 feet; I I I 2. Thence N. 00 221 W. a distance of 85.0 f~et; 3~ Thence S. 890 51' JO" W. a distance of 27~7 feet; 4. The~ce S. no 22' E_ s distance of 85 0 feet, more or less, to the point of beginning. rne above deocribed parcel contains 2;354 sq. ft., mere or less. :d ~ " !" "\ I L______ z:: ... ,., g C> r=~g ~ -= r."lpoz "< ~ OA o -I-~ . " "',) r 0 c ... ..... , :z: " .,;:; "'-'b,;.i'" ~ --...J -=- i'o~ . l/1 00(' Vel A- I I C) ClD c.., CO .c:.. "-> u ~-___J . , 1 '7:}~ 30B TOG ETH ER wIth all and singular the hereditaments and appurtenanees thereunto belonginQ. or in onY'\l;lse oppertainln;.and the rever~ Slon and reversions, remainder and remainders, rents, issues and profits thereofj and 011 the estate, riQht, title, inte,est, claim and demand whatsoever of the SOld Grentor or Grantors, either in low or equity, of, in and to the above baroained premises, with the hereditaments and the appurtenances TO HAVE AN 0 TO HOLD the said premises abovl! bargained and described, with the appurtenances, unto the said Grantee and lIs successors and assigns forever. And Ihe said Grantor or Grantors, for themselves, their heirs, f))IeCufors and administrators, do covenant, gron1, bargain and agree to and with the scud Grantee and its successors 1Jnd assigns, thot at the time of the ellecution and delivery of th8$e Dresenl$. they were well seized of the premises above t:orweyed, os of 900d, sure, perfeet,absolute Qnd indefeasible e:stQto of inherlt~ in law, in Fee Simple, and had good rioht, full power and ICiwful authority to oront, bargain, sell ond convey the some in the mannerend form aforesaid; that the some are tree and cleor from all olher grants, boroains, Sales, liens, IOlllS,aSsessments omi t1ncuml:m;mcii ijf wOOt- ever kind or nature soever, by, thro'Jgh or under the Grantor or Grantors; that the said Grantor or Grantors will WARRANT AND FOREVER DEFEND the above bargamed premises in the quiet and peaceable possession of the laid Grantee, and its successors and assigns, against all and every person or persons lawfully claiming or to claim the whole or any part thereof, by. through or under 1he SOld Grantor or Grantors. I l- I IN WITNESS WHEREOF the sr]id Grantor 0r Grantors have hereunto set their honds fhis /p- ;: ) ~ C' en &..L~_-::_ A. D., 19 c.-- Signed In the presence of STATE /" / OF,C,C /12 I~ Ll cf' {) - "-. and County oL ,,:J ~-fi/ - (" 4 .5 0-'7 -Iss -?A' ~ &--c..- ( / -r- , .-.!:~(u: b' <l jj<fi-'7F ~ HENRY J ~ , ?- .7)) ..-,-~~J_~_~_~~~-2"" BILLIE E. HENRY ~ t I ./ I day of ~ I I I I I I ! """" ~ / r;I/llf'J, -"5 ~ ~y- ~ T (. L .The tore~I~',lnstrument was acknowledged before me thiS~ of___ --.:.LL 0 ;1 c.c::. c::. I 19__._, JJ: ,Ij'. ',{fEPRGE'oA, JlEHRY ~~LL~E E. HENRY ~ I ~<;.~____\~J___n NiTNf::SS. n-!y i'1ond and Cffic;G: <""--, "'>O;:U' , '" ' .. :';.. .,.. My CQmmiss' 5 ""'-0- r ""''''~,~m''''Sslon ExP"es'-'!>Il..~If~ ~Q,~966 __ ~...<-<.'"""~~ ./ f .. ~">..1 / (j<..-t..rl,"-r~ -- "'olary Pub,ic - STATE OF _ _ ____and County of:.. ___ '}ss by__.~_ The foregOing instrumenl was acknowledged betore me lhis I I~ WITNESS my hand and Officiol Seal, My CommiSSion Expires: .____ !J. ~ 'IJ~ ~ i .. .....lC~ e I~ ~ -< ~( < ~i~1 U- 't: 6 .. ~~~ ~ M ~ ~ ~~tj I If A ... I I i I I il e fo .2l "0 :r: E '0..9 ~r3lf ~~ ~ ! ~ 9 ~~ ~ ~ ~ .J:: ;; f- Vl ... ... 3 :;: 1II 0 c ~li I ~ ~ ::i:.! I oi- I ~ E : I s ~.g I rl >- ~ '0 ~ ~ E ?: 0 2i .: o ... l! ~ ~f~ j8-8.e " ~ l~ -".n _~__day of _~_ Nolary Put/lie r~ r ",- -- ~ d ~ cU'l '! f J~ .5 ! ~ Ii ..J~ ~e!1 ~..,. o.h ".~U il 1l.S"1l I~ n ~ ~ 1 ! . ! _u__~-J l I I __ ______, 19___. i? -' " 2 w " . ~ f g '& ~ " .. is 8 II! ~ J J,J ! ";lit } UP I .' ~ J << : " ~ ~ ~ I I I j