HomeMy WebLinkAbout1766 306 Ree:orded at.. ,(I'clock Receplion ~ I \! -, -. ~ . -Ir' ,.........1\ u , l' Reeordel'. 1766 3( 6 n <::> " <", ~ ,..., ;::~..",:Q ~ .., ",-Ie: => ot..~ , '.. .... a o;.J <.n ~ 3'l '" 3'l ~ :l = ~ en ,., C:J... ): "'ow -=- z z M,. THIS DEED, Maue this q T H day of ~ E C [\' 8 F R in the }'psr of our Luru one thuusand ninl' hundred. and 5 I )( T V _I=' 0 U R between PHI L r pH. T A Y L r R, A U R F' R (l N T A Y LOR, G E 0 R C E .;. HEr.RY AND BILLIE E. H,NRV of the Count~. of J L I=' f l R S ~ N anJ SlJ:Itl' of Colorndo, or the first part, and THE DEFART':U!T CF HIGH~AYS, ST.ITE CF CnLl'R.\DO ~~~xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx~~~xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx~x MU(~:4}(~d('*~XoI the seconJ part: WITNESSETH, That the sRid part I F.: S of the first part. for and in consiuerntion of the sum of TN DOLLARS AND OTHER GOOD AND V"LUABlE CCN~lDE.RA:IONS- g,oLLARS. I to the saiJ pLlrt I F S of the first part in hand paid by said part y of the second pal't, tbe receipt. j whereof is hen.by confessed and acknowledged, ha V E granted. bargain~d. sold and conveyed, anJ by these ! presents do gl'ant, bargain, !\ell, convey and confirm, unto the said part Y of the second part. i T ~. II.j heirs and assigns forever, an the r ullowing described lot or 'Parcel of land. situate, lying ana heing in the County of J E F F l:. R S ,) N and State of Colorado, to-wit. Ii " " I I[ 8~GINNI.'G AT A PCINl liHICH I~ r: ~~'jr 51! <"",li r A DISTANCr OF (JI~' I='f:'.:1 AND~; --0 :=,=' li::ST A D'~TANCE. CF c)..+) FEf:.T FROV THE Slj CORNER Df SFCTi'.:N 15~ 1" )'I/N:';HIP 3 SO~T~,], ~A~G:: l :i~ST OF ~~[L~~l,; P. ., J~F~:R~U~,"\~o~~ry~ _~..._ -~"' T1.J[!'JCo: ~ I ~ )''''.0. IIIC!.o.NC~ J Ftt.l; 1~1~_N\...t 1 v"" ,.)1 ")-,11 F DISTANC OF ?5 FlfT; THfNCE S 1r)O ~1~1 t:"" A DISTANCE OF 112.0 FFET; THlNCc. [\1 p'90 51' J!r A DI~TANCE CF '?;:"(J. Ft.E.T; TkfNCE S /10 ll\!' ~ A :J1!"TANCf 0r ~7g.9 FlLT TU THE SCUTH LIN[ CF THE. N' IF THF. S'Y~ 5~'J-2 SN~ '_r ':.1tD SECTICN 15; THlNCf S eq"l 51 r 3CJ1r :1 ALONG THE $11UTH LINE JF THE. ~\:I 'f' Tf'f S..'i~ SNi S!J,; r ::AID ~r_CT1('N 15, TO THE 'NLST LtN~ OF THE SW~ or S 1 r: ,. T S'~' I <' I" S'III ~ A I!J !.. c~ II N /; THfNc';: RTH AlDNG THe jiE:\T L INf or, "HE ,I~ ilf' .,A l.J :li , r 'A IDS Eel ION 1 5, TeA P J I N T 1 5 FEE T SOU T H () r T H ~ ~) \"j C \-J R N l R n F T H [ S ',J.'.... Sli,.S!;~ cr 3AiD SECTION 15; TH[NCE r,' n00 51' 3Clr F A DISTflfl.iCf. GF 6::: FEET; T(' THr. PGINT tiF BE.GIN~jINr>~ C0lJNTY (iF JrrFfRSCN AND STATE OF r.(lL~RADO. Fl" HIBL Ie R' ADW,\Y PURP'SES THlr [lfln IS A CvRRrCTIVf Dfff"l ANIl IS INfrND~D TO LORR(CT PRlrJR C ~J V ~ If ^ ~l C ~ r:: r, F 7 H l G P fI. I\l T rJ R r J H f G RAN T E. t. H r- REG r r1 r PH () P [ R T Y C G N v F Y f-. D f-'U P'..!8!...IC fl''''!]'' PURP(1<'"tr,; "~N"~ Tel C\1NfIRM IN THf GRANflf- TlltE. 1:) HH AB Vf r,rcCI1IBfD P...n.CfL ~r RI t,l PROPERTy" t_~ / I I I ,j I .f." \ ~ I II I III I Ii I TOGETHER wHh .11 "nd ,ingul", th, h",JitAm,nt, unJ sppu,t,nun,,, 'he,etn helnnging, 1" in .nywi.e II II appertnining, and thl' l'('v~r"ion and reversions, remainder and rem6ind~r:;, r~l1tll, js~ues and profits thereof; anJ all II .1 tflt~ e<sll1L." J"igllt. litl." intcrc,.;t, d..i,r, and demand. whatsoever of the :...:.::d p:::.rt 1::-:: of the first ~!l:l!'!, {'itho:"!" if! IflW 1\' vr equity, of, in and to the above hurgo.ifl~d prCmi:3CB, with the hereditaments a.nd appurtenances l!X1(J(X!i:>>""'~~)(Wi!(~~*l(~l\'X~~j(>~"~*~'J(~)!\(<X~~~'J(~\('Y: X~<<~~~XXXX~W~~X~X~~XXXXX*k~~*~~~~~*~~~~*X~XXXX~*\(<X~~~~~ X~XXXXXXXX~WXXXXXXXX*~~~~~~~~~K~XXXXX~~~~~~~~~* ~~<<~~~<<~~~~~~<<~KXXX~~~~~~~XXXX~~~~*~~~~~~*~~~~~~ ~~~)(~~~X~~~~X~~~KXXXXXXXX~~~~~*~k~~~~~~f~~~~~~'J(~ ~~~~~~l(~~~~W~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~XXXXXX~~~~~K~~~~X >>~'l(I)l9(l)!~~!i'Jl)!9(Q*K~~j(>~lJ:~M~~)('l<~~n~~~~,):fflf~'l!'l<'R'k~~'l<~1 ~~~~K~~<<~IX<<~~~<<~_<<~~~~W<<~,~~~~~,~~~~~~~K~~~~~X X""~*l( X;)\~ lhl<KliCllI"X )I~l(<<. 17(){j 3U7 II I >>)I<<~~~~K~~<<~*~~~R~~~~~~~~~~*~~~~~~~*X~~XXXX~X~~~*~~~X I' XXXXXXXXX~~~~~~R~~~K~~~~~~~~l~~~~~~~~~~~~~ )(>X)(*XPI'~9t~*)('l(~kl~*XXXXX'lO'~~~l<~~;(~~~:fj?lIli~*,Jiili~ iN WITNF.SS WHEREOF, the sa.id part I [G of the first part \Is V E hereunto s('tT H E I Rhnnd S llml s('ulS the duy and yeur first above written. l CE~~k!t/l r Af.~~vlt'Z,,', lll' ~'R;~~\-T ~VCL,;;...\J"'C\..-m ., ,<",_' , ';;'_''''''''< <' ,-; /2:",<, j. ,'.'~ ~~~f':*".,. Gr"ORGE A.. H[~...A'( 1,:.' ~ ~r. "'1{~~ATE OF cnr.ol~l)() 1 . >, .~,.!t ' /' ";:~ Counlyof (: rf f Rc."'N I S8 '" 'lIJ}~. ~.. .~ ..,."..' '..' ~..f R ILL IF r. H r N R Y :.J .~.--,.#~,,-t'hsb-UlTl(;nt "'u~ ud,nowJ'da..,j la'fOll' metl1J!~ /....: uayo!.,c/ ~'/~s..- . 4.l!' 1)- ~lt . I hi f M , L \ P !-I. \ r. '( l r f'\, Au R fRO N T A'( LOR, G r 0 R G ( A. HEN R Y AND R I L . l M!{ .;,bmnijs~~9n ell:pll cs \ U G U co T 7 I HI 1...;9 ,WItness my huuL! und uftid"1 sl'a1. " :J, ( , ',' 1\ . . ._~- 7J: T V /~:C I. C ~r. '5~R'GA I N MID SA'-I O[f D" I --1 No. 932. "XIiIKlI'(,If~~K-"o, "bo..,,,,bl. n...", ~ - I (SEAL) (SEAL) (SEAL) " (SOL) I E ~'. Hf NRY. .." .::"-~/ N"thry 1'"t..lJ~ HrllM"nl.}tuuin."n I'rl"lill>: CUllll",l1f, 1~~~.~Q ~ll"ul ~lr~'d, U,'ll\"'t, Culllrlldo i1 .______,__.l.___