HomeMy WebLinkAbout1853 781 l ! I , I I , I ! 1 ~ r i r 1 M,L,--,___ ___,___ " ReW... 01 _.:tG8g~S-.-M _________________'9-==--.----.-----.---~ I :~l'Q~~~_~ -~~.--~-~ -~~ ] Ifut1ro~Jltn181l~s~'FrESJmt5 I ~ ~ ~ , (1[hat 1/,. or' 'UJ~. i :1 I ill!' the Grontor or (',on'o", l !I !/ II i Ii I II i .. CECiL j".d !.. BOWM...._-.r 1"1. DU.....u,.U EARL of the cnd Cauflly cl Jefferson ,Qt\d SIa1e Qt Colol'ado for (Jnd inconSIderation of the sum of TEN DOLLARS and olher QOod and ~Q\uQD\e considerations fothe sold Grantor or Grantors 1M hand paid, :r,e recelpt \'.Inc,eo! IS hereby co.,tessed and oeknowledqE'1, hove gronled, bcnqoine.d, wid Qnd conveyed, and by these ;-resen!!. uti ".:.eto, GRAN~. et:!HCAJrl. SELL AND CONVEY unlo The Department of Hi!=Jhways. State of Colorado, G,ontee, Its Successors elld a%V;}f\'S. fcrf!',I~r, u\~ fO\\OWlnQ reol property slluole In the ond Coun'yof Jefferson ona Siole 01 r.A.J;u((]Qu, ;0 A frae! :)f parcel of IO'ld, No 146 of Gronlee's Proted No. I'?O- 3'8}268 See 2 COl1to-IAmQ 0.350 ocr8$, more or ie~~, i:c. t~~ NE 1/1! cf the SW 1/4 of S~ctiC!! 20) '!'.,..,Mtlip 3 Sonth; Range 6'l west, of the Sixth Prinel,.l Y~rldian, in Jef~~r8on County, Colorado, said tract or parcel being ~ore particularly described as follows: Be~innin~ at a point on the south property line from wbich the ve~t 1/4 corner of ::::e.:ti;:;r. 2C, or' 3 S R. 61 u be~= N. 6)0 57' 1511 w. :;. :iiata~'.:~ '.;)f lU64 3 !"e~1:; IJ"'I...........,. ~ .~'-..~'-', f)-)D ~ rl~AtAnrp nf 147 6 feet~ 15' 15" E 2. 1 iO 52' 15" E. B. distance of 62.8 feet to the north property 11ne; Thence, ?; 3. Thence, along the north property li~, S. 8~0 50' W., a distance of 100.1 feet t.o 'the :-:0:-,:.h~gc'.lth cent@"r"]ir,'" nf tho.! SW 1/4 of said Section 20; 4. '1?'.lence, along the said north-south centerline, S 00" 09' 30" W., e. dist~nce ot 2n4,5 feet to the south-west property corner; 5 Thence. ~long the south property line: N. 8?o 50' E., a distance of 56 4 feet, more or lesp, to the point or beg~nn:~. The above describeJ ~af(El contains 0 350 acres. more or less, of whicb 0.150 acres ~_ in the ~:gbt of wey o~ the present ~oad. n 7 ;;:" ;-:J. 0 n c~ ... m~ 0 01>" ~..: ~~ 7> m ...-::r: 'J ex> 2 .,mr1 f-'" ... '" CO ~~~ c..> ~ C' ~ .;....-;:; \J.J ... ~C' _7 CIl N ~c N ;;:~ W ~ n;J".J n:-~ 0'- = ",,,- CD ~~ " ..; o~' 0 00:-- ~ ':.C ~ '" ~ on i \ ! j I , 1 "" J 1 ~ ,1 i -'" " __.......J 1853 78~ 1-~ 1~ , 1 I;. I I ~ ~ I !j i i L .. . tl r I \ , j 1 J tj .... 18~a 782 1~ TOGETHER \IIi!h all and s'n']ular 1M heredltamer.t5 ond QIJPUr1eoontft thtif'tUnfO belonQing. 01 in on)'Wl. oppertaininQ,Grldlht "...... limn and reverSlOtlS, (fmQlnc:Ier and rel'!l(lInders,. I'IInl,. ISSUes Ortd proflt" ~.of; Qf'\( 01\ the .ltate, n9hl. t.t1., Im'mst. c.lailft and dImCInd I whct~..~ of '''e said Gram~ O!' tJ!'(In!n,c, mther In low Or eaul~V. of. In and to tt\e abOve batQc\ned prtm'5a, wltnltllhIrCltam...n the oppu rtelll:mces TO HAVE &IND ro HOLD Ihe said Pfemises abOve Mrvcnnld a~ deserlbed, wlth ttIl (lpp'U~ unto the laid GtonIIt and I iit. !ilIICC~>>Vr"'i ....,;:: lZ::;;~: fo:-e\'!!'_ t..!ld f~ ~!!;d (;mn~/)' Of GraflforS:, for thlms.lves.lhtir heir!:. .....ut0tS and ~roton, 40 ~ I grorn. bo~oin or:d 00'. to ood with the sold Grantee and ils lh..lCceUorll Clod aSGignl, that <:II the "ma of Ihl ..eut\on sd deliv.ry ot IheS8 pftst1\l~ they ~e: well ~i!ed of r~ fVAf1IlseS abova. conveyed, 0$ of good"ure, per1ed.abIoa.Ift GIld indlf...__ of IWrI1era. in Jaw, in F1leSitt\Pl4:, and nod good ,i9\"11, 1ull power and lawful ovthclrlty to gron',bOl'~O:'(I, ~Il n...~{"nnuf)' 'n. aorn. In 'h. ma:nrwGd form ofore5Old; lhof thesamramtl'88on<1 cle.nr IrQm 1)\\ othw Oran'l, bargaint., lain, lienl, toa',asutlments. and encvm~ 0' wfIat. lever kind or nature loever, oy, through ar I)l'l44r tt1e GrOomor Of Granror-.; lhall),_ wid Gn:mfor OT GrQf;f~; '.,;;m WAP.RA1/r AND FOREVER OEFENf) the above barQeit'led premisei' in thl quiet and peaceable pot....ion of ti1lt 1014 Grant... GAd ill IUCc...or. end ossigns, 090;n51 011 and every pefCOn or persons lawf'll!y cJeimin9 or"to cl.Qim 'tie whole or ony part theNOf, by. ftwouGh OTundIr Ihe said GrOlltor or Grentors. ~ IN WITNES3 WHEREOF, lhe said Gronlor or Grantors have hE-r,,Jnto set their hands tnis 28 ~,at I. , i S'Qood 'n ,~: :.~:.~: I I -~--'--"----' A.D., 19 05 (;; Y(' ~t)of..L'rJ1.q"L.l.-L- CECIl. K. !O\!I1AH & a.-J.. ~~--( EAJl1, a. IIOWIJI , ..- , ;' / I ST, A,TE, OF.,_...L.L ;,,;:'r:-~.- -, - .-) ... nnO C",unh of JL .tfr' c.iil2f] . _ ~ ,", . , The foregoln9 instrument was acknowledged before me t!'lis 2CfB.da'10f~d"./1 CI i I I I ". CE.C IL M. _ BOYlMAii Rnd EARL B BQl!!!I.N WITNESS my hand and Oft! clal SeD), L,.:. ~(J~.. >;1,1",. My Commission Expices:__ ';''':0 iG, m~~ '~'f!~~;:,;' STfI,TE O~__ \ _J55 ____end COtJn!yDf_~._ The foreQ(ling insl,umen1 was aCknowledgad berore me IhI5__day of ,19_, by WITNESS my hand and Officio) Seal, My Commission Expires:_ ~___ _~ _ ., I \ 111~ I ~I ~gl ~ i :i~ I ~ill g $<:l ~I ~: 1 I I~il J ~ a ~ ~I gi ~ ,_~cJ \ ":I~~Jes ~ il ~I ;~~,~ LJ~~.~. 0 I .,.--j I II I I ILl NOMt)I' PII.H~ fIl I,.; b" I r ~ r ~ m qlcrj .@ 0 '"/ s~ I~l ~11 I H~ [{~I -.=~ i u~ I~ it:c giH~111H l'i c S ~j I -~ ~jll! ~ fH ',~!i V", I i15::_.i!~ ..c ~ :-....... ~~~J f- r,; ~ I ~ 1; ~'15 .-... w " I~ .. ! J e ~ j = I w , ~ ~ I,! ! ~ i~U ! ~ .Sill' I ~ ~Jji i 1R.~ ~ t ~~ ., t it,,' i;:~ ,~; ~,~:. J";e. ,( 1 j; , I I L,{", I' 'ii',"" "~' l"c"" i I Ii p, I 1