HomeMy WebLinkAbout1855 425 I j I I \ I I I I ,~ , ('1 '.~? 1 .... . .1 >\;'f;'l"', ~:",,- ,~"' 'dif"".'fJ:lii .... ,I. II 1--- II- ~ M.L. ~o'eloc:k .M. \9_. 11\no\l!AIl1lmllY<IItts~l!g~ts m-L_, 11 .... ~<_ g... ~;;'c, - 'lL.-nat .. or ..,.. ;:';; ~ s: =~i:: ..... ~~~ w ~ 0 -:"~'1..I(JI Q c N ~~~I '~. G~O! Of Gral)te& 0.-- ::z:: m> of the Qnd County of . Qnd Sto'e of CaJ 0 c:r; C)~ ~ ~ fo, ar'ld in consideration ot tne sum of TEN OOLJ..ARS and other good and valuabl. con'idarcilo tothirlakl GlJanfOj' Of GranlOrl tr'I hond poid. 'he receipt whereof is hereby confesseet and dC.lnClwJedQ~. hove qronled. bofQaintd. .old Gnd conv.y.d, ond b)' rh.... presents do hereby GRANT. BARGAIN, SEU ANO CONVEY vnto The Department of Highways. State of Colorado, Grantee:, tts succeuors ond Gssigns fOflver, ,he followino real property IIt\,lG'. In Ihe ond County of and $t01. of Colorado. 'o-wit; A tract or parcel of land No. 143 of Department of Higbvays, State ot Colorado Project No. 170-3(8)268 See, 2 containing 7.836 acre., more or le.., in Lots 17, 18, 17, & 20, Roxbury Garden. in the NW 1/4 of the NW 1/4 of Section 27, Tovnahip 3 South, Range 6Q West, of the Sixth Principal Meridian, in Je~ter8on County, Colorado, ~atd tract or parcel being more particularly described as folloys COLORADO WYOMING FARM CHEMURGIC COU'i{CIL, INC. Beginning at a point on the south line ot Lot No. 11 Roxbury Gardens, in the NW 1/4 of the NW 1/4 of Section 27, T, 3 S" R. 6, W., from which point tbe west 1/4 corner of said Section 21, bears S. 36" 27' 45" W., a distance of 164'1.7 feet; 1. Thence, along the south line of Lot No. 17, N. 810 38' 15~ E., a distance of 323.'1 feet, to the east line of Roxbury Gardens Subdivision; 2. Thence, Along the east line of Roxbury Gudens Subdivision N. OO~ 2'1' 30" W., a distance or 1322.6 feet, to the north line of Section 2~; 3. Thence, along the north iine of Sect.1on 2'1, S. 8?~ 331 W., & distance 01" 324.1 feet; 4~ Thence S. 000 30' E., 8 distance of 1322.1 feet, more or less, to the point of beginning, Tbe above de8cribed parcel contains '.836 acres, more or lees. AUlO PARCELNo. 143 A A tract or parcel of land No. 143 A of Department of HighwaYI, State of Colorado Project No. 170-3181268 See, 2 contain.ng 7.486 ac,~., more or le.., in Lot 24, Roxbury Gardens, in the SW 1/4 of the SW 1/4 of Section 20, TOWDShip 3 South, Range 6, \l'e.t, of the Sixth Principal Meridian, in Jerferson County, Colorado, said tract or parcel being more particularly described as follows Beginning at a point on the north property l1ne, from vhich point the vest 1/4 corner of Section 20, T. 3 S., R. 6'1 '.4. I bears N. 300 581 15" W., 8. distance of 1'105.3 feet.; 1. Thence S. 00030' E., a distance of 1005.2 feet, to the Bouth line of Section 20; 2. Tnence along the south line of said Section 20. N. 89" 331 E., a distance of 324.1 feet, to the east 11me of Roxbury Gardens Subd1vision; 3. Thence, along the east line ot Lot No. 24, N. 00. 2q1 45" W. t a dietane~ of loo6.Q feet, ~o the north property line; 4. Thence, along the north property line, s. 810 15' W.J a distance of 324.2 feet, more or less, to the po1nt or beginning. The above deBcribed psrcel cont.iea 7.486 acre., ~ore or 1.... ~.~~ 1-~'l<i.SU\VlllG TO Till; GRoioTOll ~LTl1 IWiPiIC'r ~"J .IlLL OF Till; iJlOVl;, DESClUllUl PltDl'!.I<TY ~~'~ ~, lillIli.IUJ.S, W~ iUGl!~'S, ~4TU\ UlD U'fUl IlIc.llTS ~'i ,) l " ROW '0"" NO )1.( la.S.lll TOGETHER with all and sinoulor the MteditClmellr, and Qppur~f\tes'h",,,unlo belonglnQ,OfinlMywia appenolqamltl.1'IVIf'- sion oncl ,..,.rsiDM. temol,., and remolnd.rs, lint., iuuu on" r-ofUs thereof; and all ihl _011, ,I,ht, tltll, iflt."., claim CI\CI dImOnd wMtaae..., 0' the lCJid GrantOf Of G(aJ\toJ', either in low Of equity,oi, In and !atheabovtbtJrQaln.ct pr.rnl....wlthtnl~rtdi'amMlcnI th, oPfll.'rtenallCe5, . TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the sold premises above borvoined and described, lIWlth the appurtel1Ol'\Cdl, unlo the said GnlIntn and its lucceuOfS ond ossiQns fOfs'IeI'. And 1he saId Grantor or Granlcrs. for tt\emu'',Ies, thair heIrs. aeclltOMl and odmtnlttRmn. do ClMI'lDnt, grant. borQa.ln and ._ '0 and with me sQid Grantee and it. &.uCClI$sors and ollsions, tho' 01 th. lime of the "Icution and d'"v,ry 0' lhese PftSen11, 1hey wert well seIzed of the prQm(ses above cOl'Iveyed, as 01 goad.lur8,perfeet,<lbIOlu" andindltlOlltlil.ltOl. of InhlrltClnCl, in low, ,"Fee Simple, ond hod good flQht, full power and lawful au,horily 10 'Qrani,DOfgoin, sell and conlfBy me some in the mGlinerQ'ld form afortl!5lJicj; fhot the60R'\I.QNf,. and cleor 'rom all other Qronl'. bOr;ains, 101es, 11enl, fall.11Q.."smtril Qf\d Intumbf'oncn. of what- Illvtr li.lnd Of Mture ioever, by. through or under the Grontc; or Granror'i thot the soid GrontOr OJ Gfontor. will WARRANT AND FOREVER OEFtNO the above bargained preml... In tns quiet and peaceable pon...lon ot tn. said Granl.., and Ita avcc...on and aIBions, tJQQU'lS.t all ono every perSOfl or persons lawfully claimIng Of to claim t"e whole or any part U\et'f1ot, bYI t'rtrougn 01 under the said Grantor ar Granlors. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, tl1e said Grantor or GrantorS noye hereunto sellne;r tlands this hbl?l/.J':.j ffL "-/'1 of , A.D., \92L of: COLQRJJlO IlYOMUC PARI! CIIEMlJRGIC COUNC!L. INC, Secretary f <,~'r"dtJ ht'lA /j~r ) ~... \ .-i The fOflQOlnO IOSlfumenf WOI ocknowtltfdoed before me tl'l/. f? IiI do, of i I t I j 1 ~_ Velma C. Salter a8 Preatdent and William 3. Salter .. FARM CHEMURGIC COUNCIL, INC. WITNESS my hon,c1 ond Official Seol, /; My Commi..ion ~P\;.a' ,...; /,l,rch ~I\. 1~~811. S"TA"TE OF ond Counlyo' }" The foregoing instrum8nt W(lS acll.rlQwledqed betore me Ihi5~day of ,19_, 0, WITNESS my hand and Official Seal, My Commission Expires: NOlo.)' Pi,obll.: ~ ,J....,. !O :E!'ll "6] o i:8 I ~ 1'5 Ii IJ ~ ~ ~,~--' all l.f;; Hd = iLl! II . 'ii6li I ~ if ~ I Ict .ill 1".] J, S;I'~ I I~.J ~ ~I.!~ ).,1 -' .., I:H. , 11" J'.'a j 1 S Ii i J f! ' j ! ~ - j ~ Ifl ! I j,U .1. ~~IU I