HomeMy WebLinkAbout1875 162 M.L. !--=' Recorded ot~_,M. R.."..otinn Nfl 19_, _ Recorder Ino~Jlm~~~6EItt5 ~at 'l.~ Or G$~ ELLA H. COURTRIGHT, Survivor in Joint Tenan~y of VIKGIL O. COURTRIGHT, Deceased I~e Grantor or Grantors, of the and County of Jefferson ,and State of Colorado for and in consideration of the sum of TEN DOLLARS and other good and va luable considerations to the said Grantor or Grantors in hand paid, the receipt whereof is hereby confessed and acknowledged, hove granted, bargained, sold and conveyed, and by these presents do hereby GRANT, BARGAIN, SELL AND CONVEY unto The Department of Highways., State of Coloradof Grantee, its successors and assigns forever, the following real property situate in the and County of Jefferson and Stole of Colorado, la-wit: A Iracl or porcel of land, No.184 of Granlee's Project NoI70-3(8)268 Sec. 2 cantainingo.981 more or less, in the NW 1/4 of Section 21 & the SW 1/4 of Section 16, Township 3 South, 69 West, of the Sixth Principal Meridian, in Jefferson County, Colorado, said tract parcel being more particularly described as follows: acres, Range or Beginning at the northeast property corner, same being a point on the west present R.O.W. (November, 1964) of Robb St., from which point the southwest corner of Section 16, T. 3 S., R. 69 W. bears S. 820 34' 45" W., a distance of 645.2 feet; 1. Thence, along the north property line, S. 760 58' 45" If., a distance of 656.1 feet to the west line of Sect'I"1n 21, T. 3 S., R. 69 If.; 2. Thence, along the said west line of Section 21, S. 000 16' E., a distance of 97.0 feet to the north R.O.If. of the abandoned D. & I. M. R. R.; 3. Thence, along the said north R.O.W ' along the arc of a curve to the right with a radius of 5780.0 feet a distance of 433.0 feet (the chord of this arc beare N. 710 58' 45" E., e distance of 432.9 feet); 4. Thence, continuing along the said north R.O.If., N. 740 07' 30" E., a distance of 236.5 feet to the said we.ttpresent R.O.W. of Robb St.; 5. Thence, along the said west present R.O.W., N. 000 21' W., a distance of 46.2 feet, more or less, to the point of beginning. The above d.escription contains all the land conveyed to Virgil O. Courtright and Ella M. Courtright by Warranty Deeds dated April 4, 1953 and recorded in the Office of the Clerk and Recorder Jefferson County on April 17, 1953 in Book 804 Pages 156 and 160. The above described parcel contains 0.981 acres, more or less. -" .') !"l .:E ~ ('"") !: ~~ ~ -( ~"": r:::: 0("11 f;) .Vl~ 0'~"J ~';-2;l .... ~I~' ~ CJ' == ;u-<; c::: ,. rT\ _ ~ x .-J CF') , ~~~;' - I _.~ i:r:; -, r:~."-' ~. ~~ ....... c..>~ ~t ':-_1 :::~ ~~ ~ - o~) rr:> or~ 0C:):': :z: -- -r~.t:l, ~..........._-, 1875 J.fiZ. ~;;:,;_":''''~~''''''''!''~_,,,,,,,_ ,.;" ""'~~<>=O""--l'I-"""'-"''h~ - ,"---~-~ ~= .~c",..;.c."C'~"""'--"."""""'--"',c-,-..._ ---- .-- 1875 168 TO GET HER wilh 011 and singular Ihe heredilaments and appurtenances thereunla belc.~.ir.g, or in anywise apperlainill9, oncllhe rever- Sion and reversions, remainder and remainders, renls, issues and profils Ihereof; and 011 the estClle, righl,lille, inleresl, claim and demand whatsoever ot Ihe said Granlar or Granlars, eilher in low or equity, of, in C1nd 10 lhe above borqained premises, with the hereclitam~ and the appurtenances. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the said premises above borgained and described, with the appurtenances, unto Ihe said Grantee and Its successors and a55igns 'forever, And in" said Granlor or Granlors, for themseh:es, !heir heirs, executors and administralors, do ccwenant, granl, bargain and agree 10 and wilh the said Gronlee and ils successors and assigns, Ihal 01 Ihe lime of Ihe execulion and delivery of lhese presents, they were well seized at the premises above conveyed, as of good, sure, perfecl, absolute and indef_ible eslole of inheritonc:e, in low, in Fee Simple, and had good right, full power and lawful authorily 10 grant, bargain, sell C1nd convey Ihe some in the mannercr1d form aforesaid; that thesamearetrea and clear Irom 011 other granls, borgains, SOles, liens, taKes,assessments and encumbrances of what- ever kind or nature soever, by, through or under the Granlor or Grantors; lhot Ihe said Granlar or Grantors will WARRANT AND FOREVER OEFENO Ihe above bargained premises in the quiel and peaceable possession of lhe said Gronlee, and its successors and assigns, againsl 0\1 and every person or persons lawfully claimi ng or to claim Ine whole or any parI Ihereot, by,lhrou,h or under the said Granlor or Gronlors, ! IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the said Granlor or Granlors have hereunto set Iheir hands Ihis 2nd day of May A.D" 19 66 &:~7h~~ ELLA M. COURTRIGHt, Survivor in Joint Tenancy of Virgil O. Courtright, Deceased Signed in the presence of :-~], 1~, , __; ?Th'- ~~i~~<~r~rrient was acknowledged before me Ihis <:.~ . ............ !,.:I I..~ " t , by." J; '. -' , . , "Survivor in Joint tenanc .. '- \ \ ~. ..:: "~.-'"'' -~' '--:.,~;:~~;:~~:~~~~fficial Seal, ,., ~>..... ~".. :~..~.I....'...~. ~.:~ "'~~.~; - "-':;, '.,,'" o"Y'~ssioR;f!lpires: 8/24/66 t.~~.~";::~'~J" '... ...~.. ~ ',': STATE OF: (:olor,qclo !ss. ';. . Jefferson C!TI4'.,Counly of , ., 2nd day of Mav .19~, , ~ ";:~o~~~~t}>"'<. }" :" The_tO~I1~~{f~m~1 wqs acknowledged before me Ihis_~_day of by I:l o I:l N '" II ,> U II 11).., 00:1: '" , N CiO.z ""'" CO> 0 rb i: .....-0"1' .00 0-< =- ... , J~~~ lf9~ L-.-, ,19_, ,,,w. '~. , ' ;-...~ '.:::. WITNESS my hand and Official Seol, My Commission Expires:__ Notary Public ~ ~ ~w. ~ i1 ~ ~~ J ~ ~ r E r 'E g ~ 1 I 8=' 0 0 ~ .g ''<:; .. c: <X - ~ - '" If. -=:€~ i- o' ~ ,'a ... Q) & c. ~*'fl " ~ 2~ ~ u_'5 <i &! '" '" ... fi '5 11~ ~ ~,- ~ i ~ ~ ,5 ~ 8 G~il l~ g ~ j! ~ ~~. ~ 8-8:; j,;:.s ~l~'5..:; _"!V\~-SE= Jai.gli.!'~ 10 .!3'l "0 ~e ~~ o ~u E- lU ;~ !~ ~rf.:l a' ..c< r-- .,; '" ~ . " jj ! i .II .'3 " . i ~ J i~j f UIJ i. i!!8{ ~ .r cst ,~ ~ t~~ <If 1 ~ ! ~ ..J j '" ~ ~ !d S ~ ~ t:I ~ l; <3 o Cl ~ 9 8 u. o '~. ~ 1:! '" . :I: :s o-l c.1 '" z is ~ IZ IZ ~ lIi ,~".;:.: -;-;