HomeMy WebLinkAbout1895 38 A' "iii.., '.' ~ord.d 01 O'Clotk_ M 19_, I ~_R~~PfO-~fM8~!} R.,....J.,_ 1 'l\noutAllj]llmJ8.g~~1'rfsmt5l ~hat '1. or' ill.:. CENE ODELL ROBERTS and SHIRLEY ANN ROBERTS 1h~ Grantor Of Grantors,. of ''''e and County of Jeofffrlon ,and S'al. of Colorado 'oJ' ol'ld In Cal'\\;d~'Qllon of 'hf sum 01 TEN OOllARS and othe' qood and valuable ton'I~JrQhons to the wid G'ontor Of Gronlo" .,., ""one! C'<)tC', f""~ '!C~IDt ...t'\f,~f IS ~eb-t conlfSSfd and ocknowted;ed. have Qronted, bOrqa.ntd, iQld and c' '.yed. and by these pt~'S('n . do "'~fby GRI''Vr. BARGAIN, S~LL AND CONVEY unlo The Department of Highwa.ys. State of Colorado. :;'Ol"'~!, lIS Suc~es'iO'\ and 05S1Qns tore~, the '",110"1"9 ~I proper I, Sllvate m the Qnd Cour.t, d Jeffers In :Jnd Slo'e 01 Colo,ado,lo-wlt A tr~ct or oarcel of land No. t82-R of the Department nf Highways, State of Colo- rado, Pr,'Ject No, I 70 3(8)268. Seo, 2 oontainIng 0.055 acres. more or loss, In Lot 5 Rt..,.....e's S\lbd vision in the ~E~ of Section 20, Tl'lWI\lhip J South, Range 69 W~st, of th,' S xtb Princip..l M.~ridian. in JeffersCln County, Colorado, .aid tract or parcel be-ing morE' p.llrticularly d~lcribed .s follows Be~inr.in~ at a point nn the north line ~f Lot 5 Rowe's Subdivision from which the nor:"hesst corner of Sectf('IO 20, T. 35.. R. 69 \I., bears N. 31.32' 450" E., a distance "f 1.133,1 reet 1. TI-once .IM~ the sold north line of Lot 5, S. 89. 27' W. a dIst- ance of 31.7 feet to the nOlthwelt corner of Lot 5; 2. Thence alonR the welt line of Lot 5, S. 00. 16' E., . distance of 15.0 feet to th~ southwest corner of Lot 5. 3. Thence along the aouth line of Lot 5. N. 89.27' E.. a distance of 26,6 feet; 4. Tt.ence NORD 08' 15" EOf . distance or 7.5.9 (eet, "11:. or I..... to the nolnt of be~tnnIng. Th.' ab{'!V," described parcel contain' 0.OS5 acres, more or leal. n c-. <> ~ ..., r- ~ r- ... ... N ZL, '-' -~ -. ~1t , ..... r 0 r,..; r.'" ,-- ,> -v' ;; ~J ... "'.J ~ A 1"- .: .c.</..A ... r: 00< ~:=lf N ~l. -., CO = r] ~ ~-<I ,...,:. - l CD ~ " E7"f v. .. - on .. 11. I L_ 1 ~,:'J .--.l :p~ -~~A"~'ji+,~.)"'F'\'\; .-......----- -