HomeMy WebLinkAbout1895 46 R...1W fURM NO '2 Recorded at o'clock_,M, 19_. Receotion No, 29 i894 Re order 11Kiul~]lmll.g~5f1Presmts ([hat 11. (It>_e~ CORPORATION OF THE PRESIDING BISHOP OF THE CHURCH OF JESUS CHRIST OF LATTER- DAY SAINTS, a Utah Corporation ~h~ G!"~~'cr ~r Gr~.,t~rs. at the and County of ,and State of Utah far and in consideration of the sum of TEN DOLLARS and other good and va luable consid~rotions 10 the said Grantor or Grantors in hand paid, the receipt whereat is hereby contessed and acknowledged, hove granted, bargained, sold and conveyed, and by these presents do hereby GRANT, BARGAIN, SELL AND CONVEY unto The Department of Highways~ State of Colorado, Grantee, ,ts successors and assigns forever, the tollaw,ng real property sItuate In the and Countyaf Jefferson and State of Colorodo, la-wi" A tract or parcel of land No. 304-A of the Department of Highways, State of Colorado Project No. I 70-3(8)268, Sec. 1, containin! 266 sq. ft., more or less, in the N% of the SW\ of the SEl,; ~f the SEl,; of Section 16, Township 3 South, Rsnae 69 West, of the Sixth Principal Meridian, in Jefferson County, Colorado, said tract or parcel being more particularly described ap follows: Beginning at a point on the south line of the N~ of the SW\ of the SE\ of the SEl,; of Section 16, T. 3 S., R. 69 W., from which the SE Corner of Section 16 bears S.63056'30"E" a distance of 742.6 feet; 1. Thence along the south line of the N% of the SWl,; of the SEt of the SEl,; of Section 16, N. 890 40' 30" E. a distance of 53.2 feet to the 51 Corner of the N\ of the SWl,; of the SEl,; of the SEI,; of Section 16; 2. Thence along the east line of the N% of the SWl,; of the 5El,; of the SE~ of Section 16, N. 00 22' W. a distance of 10.0 feet; 3. Thence S. 790 01' 30" W. a distance of 54.1 feet, more or less, to the point of beginning. Th~ above described parcel contains 266 sq. it., more or less. n ,., ~ " co fT> r=V'>~ co C".l ",,- :::> m--i' '" -t'" :;c o't .- --<x CJ ...... ~ n rn r-. i:r (:) .-VlC ~~~ '" :J:~L. .Ao, ><", -< ~. o;i'a.""'J Ct..' W <.."").:.... Q) 'W -:0':-; ~ ~Ir n> (.(' :. i= tJ :l ~a CD ~ n:r ;n-< ITI ~. r ~ I~ .; c:' ,..- .lit. .., ~C>~ ~ ~.-.. I 1 1 t ._~~~ I \ I I l~.;;.:..;o;....~__.~"",. i RQw':ORMNO 32 12-6 6J 18~1~ 4'7 TOGET HER with 011 and singular the hereditaments and appurtenances thereunto belonging, or In anywise appertaining, and the rever- .Ion und reversIOns, remainder and remainders, renl., issues and prolils thereof; and alllhe eslale, righi, title, interesl, claim and demand whatsoever 01 the sOld Grantor or Grantors, either in low or eqUIty, ai, in and 10 the above bargained premise., with the hereditaments and Ihe appurlenances, TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the s:lid premises above borgained and desCFlbetl, with the apputlenances, unlo 'he saicl Granlee and ,ts successors and assigns forever. And the said Grantor ar Grantors, for themselves, their heirS, execul0rs and administrators, do covenant, grant, bargain and agree 10 and with Ihe said Grantee and its successors and assigns, that at the time of the execution and delivery of these presenls, they were well seized of the premIses above conveyed, as of good, sure, perfect, absolute and indefeasible estate 01 inheritance, In low, In Fee Sin,ple, and had good right, lull pOwer and lawful authoflty to grant, bargain, sell and convey the same In the mannerand form aloresald; thaI Ihe !oOmeore free and clear from 011 olher grants, bargains, soles, liens, ta,es,assessments ancl encumbrances 01 what- ever kiOd or nature soever, by, through or under the Grantor or urontors; that 'ha said Grantor or Grantors will WARRANT AND FOREi/ER DEFE,1"1D 'he O~y~ bargoineri premises in the quiet and peaceable possession of the said Grantee, and its successo)rs and assigns, against 011 end every person or persons lawfully clolmlng or to CiUlffl Tile wLvic- or ar:.'i pa~t !r-e"~(lf. b~. through or under the said Grantor 0' Graniors. I IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the said Grantor or Grantors hove hereunto set their hands th.s_, 10th ., .day of ~ 1\~u.gust _, AD., \9 ~ THE CORPORATION OF THE PRESIDING BI:SHOP OF THE CHURCH OF JESUS CHIlIST OF LArrEa-DAY ~ c:;:z:--- ---- Corporation So. J~\~:'~W'~";"", ~.''t..~I'' "d1,,0 ','. ~:;"~ilO.~\..f~./'''.",'''/,.I' '; -~ ~;~t~~~~0'~~'~>1Y c~ ~ ~" ;:~:,- .....h.. ~ ~tf -.- ~\['~, ,:J 'I .:',J.~ ? .() ,. "/" r r ~., ~~)'.p l.>'t' . ",...:.' _;- ......(' '.1 .... '~\',:.o.,"'~ ..': e, ".:/" .....A..... ""':J' , ~,,' i,~""strulTlent was OCknowledged belore me this_ lOth day 01 _ August 'f,,, {iJ~ln\\' ,19 66 ~...,.,. ~ _ Iq'~~IH~~..\.~\l --, . . ,,'.~~ THE PRESIDING BISHOP OF...!!IE CHURCH _~_ JESUS CHRIST OF LATTER-DAY ~.~' / ,.,. . ..t";{"ll'~'poratTon. By: john H. Vandenberg .... ~ .-'~l\ 1, ._ '-:<- ..- '.' '~~~ .--.... - -------~~ ~~I~ES5 mvdloJf~ ~d Official Seal, '"..!.. ~t.U 8.l'..;.,l'v .. ~ ')~' .~~. . -"- II ~.k J 3 969 ~~~ml~~p.li'es' une , J____ ."~",,",,,......~~.., . ,:;. rJ -; . .., ~I .... :l.'n:"\;!\" ~ / " ~~~P. &.~ / STATE OL_1J.TAH ~---,c1 fS. CJ1Y__ond County oL~.Q.lt Lake ~-I J -------- --} ss __ _and Counlyol__ __ --~--- STATE OF The loregoing instrument was aCknowledged belore me this_ _day of by WITNESS my hand and Officiol Seal, My Commission Expires' ~ ~ ~ U)< ~ ~ j ~~ j 0 l~ - i!l .~1 ~ :::f( a~; ~] -U~~~~~~8 ~ !~ f:: ~ O~t l~~ ~ .'. 5B3e .s grs~~ ltl j ~ni ~Vl vi '" .............. I \ 1 u Qj en , ell . .01/ ~. 110< ::::-5..: . 110 . f;od'g folt:.i"" ~ ~;;1. ..,....i,;! o:'l.Q: il:9~ ~]j r~ f ~ ~ ~."g 8 g c:S Gi 'C "".s::.o> '" c: .... -.;; B' =:s1! ie... - i-I ~ ~ ~ i. ~o~ ~ ~;,~ <I I oo~ife J,~ o ~ "l'l ,E c is tf ~ a; oS' ~ 1'- e- 9 c:5 G t! 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