HomeMy WebLinkAbout1897 363 r t, !-" If f' f t II ','''Y'', ,. r--------- ! R~corded al .__o'CI()Ck_ M I Re<:ordf!-l 1Kno~Jlm18l\1ih~St'1f'r~5fnt5 I ([hat 1. of hl$. ' , -i,,,,i ",::':" '~~ , 'j ~''1' ~<., . '.j>" ..,;1,( ;'::'f,. ,': ,,;:.'-':{;,. :," 19""~"""""""'" 'i<!"-""">"~ c~~-_~~_~~;:;J.t i:1~1:Ji.'..:}:'~>~~' .~ ~j-, ~' Recepl,on ~O ~O71l3~~,~=- ,,:,,, "" ~ f k f' ^ , f t , h'ILLl...-: II. BIlJ\rroN .1nd ~TlIEL BlVlrTON the GtoMOf' 0' Grantors.. ,. I "l't'ie and C.oun'v 01 J ff, rS:"'a ,and Slate of Colnt;'ld~' . lor and In Cons,de'ot,cn ollhe sum of TE"~ DOLLARS and other qood ond 'f'oluablt conSIC"Holton.. lothe wId Granlo' or Crania" .. t10nd pO-d, Iht" feee r' .,..hereo' ., hereby confes'iled ond ocknowledqed, have c;Jranted. borQa,ned. $Old and cOt1Vfyed. cnd by thest o<esen" do ".'e~y :;rU,VT. BARGAIN, SELL MID CONVEY onlO The Depurtment of Highwa_ys. State of Colorado. ;'-,rontee. II!. succ,,"ssO'~ 0"<3 a"S'QM forhef. 1he foltow,n9 reaf proper'y situate In Ihe: ~ and Cou"'1of Jc{{,,'rsQn ,1'"1d '3101' of Colorado,la,wlt .~ \ Lr'('t ," :"1t..\1 0: 1.ll:i ~.;"'. 179 of th..:-Ocp.:Jrtthmt oC,: P:' \ '....t ';'. 1 7 .Hq) 'Il~, S 'cLil'n 2 c,'ntalning 0.042 tlcres, morl' :-'\1,",.1 \' :; 'I' I~, ~ ~;!.:;:. llf S..'Cl; .'n ::J, C-',:nship 3 South. r~1nJ.;e b<l Pi' ncit'.ll ~: ri.l! :1, in J.,rr"rs,'n t:c"IlInty, C<:"l(')rthlC1, 'tI~d tr~ltt Of clll.1rlv ,1~~cr;tl"~ 15 r,11ows: ,f,.: t"!u.,ays. St~t~"'~C Color3uo 01 l~ss. (nLot 7, L~e'. \.loot, o{ th\\'Slxtn r'''c1 bctnS:,lllOr~ l'ntl- ....*.~ 1>,'1 :l;lj:~' l~ .1 1..:': S.',:" ,., 2t\ t Th'i nt \H' th r. ., ~. f .\. nl'\fth pror"l,:rty (,9 W,. b~.rs N, Un~ fr~lr.t which poin:- th~ nort.heast 5~. 26' r:.. a dht.nc, or ,1,547,9 [Cl't; t~,:i ot';, ~;': "., :!.~'~: ~'h, ':c l ,11 'n, :: t' '1~. b ft.'t,t: t,,. t):t nart;; prop~'rty lin~. S. 8:J- 21' "'.. a. distihlCC ""~5:' 111H~ of Lot 7. Lt\c'. Subrll.vlsion: ~!h'nc ,IL'n~ th\~ S" ~, wc~t line of Lnt '. S. 00. 161 1::... II distl'Jnc(e' of 41."1 rt..'~t; :. tht.'nc,-, ~,. /).'.t. 20' 30" L I a dlst:1nce of 98.1 feet. morc or l~.st to tile r~i~t ~f b~~.~nfn~. rh~ :"t'>C'I..... :I...scribl'(f \"","CC... conta os O.O~' ~'cre.9t ~h)Tt~ nr 1 .ss. ~ .\ tr.1ct ('Ir rnrcl.!"l 01 1 :hi ::,l. 179...,\ "'1 tilt., L)l..'p.lrC'l\,.'nt; of l!ii~h"'ny.. State 0; Col('l(iJd,J, ?rnj..,ct. ~('I. 1 70..)(?l)2b8. Section 2 containin~ 0.186 acrl"S, :nl'r~ or less, 1ntots 7 & 8. Let,ls SlIhdivisioll in the NE~ of S'-'ction 20, rOW'nshtp 3 South, Ranf':i.' 6'.) ;'Jc:st. '-'of tile Sixth Principal H('ridian. in J"ffcrson County, Colorau...., laid tr.oct or p3rcel beinstJnore polrti... cularly d~5crlbed as follows: t~~ :,<,,~.,.. Be~innln~ at n point on the south prop~rty l(no {rum ~'hlch the north~ast ellrner of 5~cc.,on 20, T. 3 SOl R. G,:.;'.. h\.''''1"& N. JO" 54'45" E., &:I distance of 1,J51.7"fect 'i>~, ,,<,,:', 1. Th~nc~ alollft the $....ld south rr\'re-rcy l1nc-, N. 89- 271 E., 8 distance of 19.8 It.l'ct to th(' cast line of L(lt 8, Leel, Subd.vi8ion; ~} 2. 'rhcnce along t:lh eo1st 1 in.., or Lots 8 & 7. N. 00- 161 W" a distOlnc~' of 221.1 feet to the northeast properl1 corn~r; ,.t;~ ). TIlcncr along tlJ(.' nor tit prnpcrty line, S. S't- 271 W., a distance ot?~< 53,4 feet; 'Ii 4. Thence S. OH- 55. 15" E., 01 distance of 223.5 f~et, more or less, to the point of bc~inning. $f: The above described p:ac.cl cont..!n! 0.186 acrea, mort= or lei'. t RClervlnp, unto the grantors all coal, 011, ~a. and other hydrocarbons and all clay other VB luab 1e mlnera 1s 1n IInd under sa I \1 preml eel; provided t however. and the grantor. .nd