HomeMy WebLinkAbout1909 161 217178 1~(~ 161 I PERJo.IANENT EASID-1ENT KNOW ,lIT 'Ti 'W '1'}fl\SE ffiESE1'J"S, Tn'tt the PUP~,IC 8ERVICE COMPAJlJYOF COLORADO, r'l,"'~rnr, fYr' 'In'-! "in ~ '~lri jpr1.til..ln th,' C1L~! of THREE THOUSA]\jJ) S IK }-i1J~\IDREJ_1 -~~,.~-- ~".,....,...~......... rri.-. ~ ........., '_~L' -' l)\jj..J.iili...t\,l \'t>":-,'\:"" .'!I J 1. 11 ! ~i:t! t ! ~ l?::i_~ , r--"_ t'...:-l ~ ,.,,-1!'2rt::cf is CL lnf'eSst:.j L; L....kl1li.\rl, -,',j, 1.9.8 --jVf-'H n.n,l -r3.ntc1, an.1 b.'/ these presen1:.s ,lee.;:: here t cLn c:n,nt unt: th0 DEPi\.P,71'.;:ENT ()T' !frr,1-MAYS, STh'I'E OF COLOHAllO, thi' Gr2,nte -, 't PERPETUAL EASEJ'.fEN'l' ov,' r, u' cn, aI, ,ee and ac~os s the following I ,_tescribnJ r ~r:..:i~..-'~.. ,l:::)Y tL"~ Tl1.lT~)::(: 01 L~c'3.tinL"".. r':'.loc'atln~"". c.jn.structinv. reconstruc .le - ~.nl maintainini' a :'ort.ion CI Stat, Ei;;~J\.ray IJ0. 70, to!.:ether bri(L_~r~8, ("' ,:ith all e'l' , TiLLs, 8,rtrrirll l,rlnes, 0'1t0r lli",h\.n;/C', ronnectinf' ramp,s, ,. J_~-j~ ~ '12'1-) oth'""r ~~t-l' _l' iI';-:-' rh":' ~.ssary 'r ~~onv0!li'2nt thc:~:'ei\:;r, to-,!i.'(, : A tl'a,- -1- -'JcU.~...;C:.2.. :J': ..Ld.lJ.l.j, l'IU. .lC') :)1 COlora.l;l-j .i)C r'artlj'lcn~ v::L liigl-l\v-ays PrOj"rt Ik. I 7-i_3(:'~?U5 Sf"'tl,m ? containinG C.('I, aor0s, more or le~s, in the SE'~ 01.' Ll,," S,~", of SE'ction l6, Tmmship 3 S '\lth, Rance GCl West, of +1..,,", ~.;'\.+l... T""_;,,,., .....,,.,1 Mr\.....-;rl;o::l"l"'l .{"., T,'::>f'..."'y.....,,'Yl (''In''Y1"f-, ("1",1""\"Y0<::1-1", C'''")-irl +_....q.....+ or p'ircel "'Lr ' more :particularly ricscribecl as fc I 1 ',-'ws : 3eginnin[' at a point on an ccasterly property J ine from ,vhich tne south- HrGt corne, '01' :::'~'.ticn 16, T.3S., R.G'JW. bp-ars S.T(olSll)"W. 3. distanCe of 1370. (, fee' ; 1. Tlt, 'flC0, alcon,' arc of a C'EVe to the left havinf a radius of 2('L, '..-, r,'ct a distance of 12.0 feet (the ,:hord of this arc bears S., '.1:. 0)" 130"W. a distance of' 12.0 feet) to the north-south ce:(lter- En - n1' the SWf;- of said Sect ion 16; , 2. Tl1f'nr>c, along the .said north-sou.th centerline of the SW-&, 8.00" ;:-n '1"') ~ '-li~~t.an('e {.~f (.'~.1 f'r-rt to the nGrt~ R.O.~'I. of t.hp abandoned D. ", I.M.R.R.; Y' 400 ' 3. 'L'l!l'n0C', along the s8.id nort)] R.O.W. of th,-, D. & I.M.H.R., N. 7 30"E., a distance of 12.5 feet to an easterly property line; J J j 4. Thcmc-., alone; the easterly property line, samp bpir.g 12.0 feet east of', and parallel to, the said north-south centerline of the swt, N.OOo21'W., a distance of 65.8 feet, more or less, to t~e point of beginning. The above described parcel contains 0.018 acres, more or less. ALSO A tract or parcel of land N0. 190 of Colorado Department of Highways Project No. I 70-3(8~268, Section 2 containing 1.044 acres, more or less, in the SEt;- of the SW.. of Section 16, Township 3 South, Range 69 West, of the Sixth Principal Meridian, in Jefferson County, Colorado, said tract or parcel being more particularly described as follows: 1,'l Beginning at a point on the west property line from which the sOllthwest . ,; ~i corner of Section 16, T-3S., R.6gw., bears S.77"i8115"W. a distance of ::,itli!;".; utO.. to::n.., "'-ong 'b. ,.,." ",,",prOW,y """, ._ b'ing 12. ~':<e.'ii,l;ii;~fil'irl\ of and Pa.ra.'J.1e-ilicto'i;:tn.e' . center1ll1e: Q:f'i 't .-- '::'fi',': said' Secti6ti;~q,:~;i96j2'1-ti:~ e of 65.e::f'(~' 't'~f':!!," R.o.w.'Ql,rth~':li.qando~d~+i R.; , " c-';iN:;":;~::~-;:,}t~f~;~'+ , 19t9 1.62 c. Thenc0, alon; thr S8.id nurth R.O.W. of'the F:. '}>G I.M.R.R., S.740'..Y"30"W., a ,.listance of L.J fept to t!"" s'lid north-south centE'rl~l1( 01 tl1e SW~', 3. Thenc; f"1. !!lnp t1~IP S 3.irl north-south c'2ntt~:!:"'_l i? ,,::, e'f' t!-:f' ~~H-t-; s. no 0 ;,'.L'E., a ,Li~t3.ncr- ~i 23.'1 feet, to the nort} R.O.W. of Project SP 11-'; -S,J),; 4. ThC'nc, 3.1onc t;,cc sa-ce] north R.O.W. of Proj,'c L SP 11-'58-504, ~r ')90, "E., a distanl,e of 287.'~ feet to the south R.O.W. of the I aband 'ne,l J. 8, I.M.P..R.; 5. Thenc, :t.loni t~e saj(i south R.O.W. of the D. ~~ I.M.F.R., N.('-ro I'~"-,!!E., a ',Listanct:: of 373.6 feet; 6. Thenc.', 3..P ,o-:>::Jr~.!. 2. di~t3.nce of' 1!66..}! :feet; 7. Thenc", alan)' the arc of a CllI'VL to the lef't having a radius of 2060.' feet a distance of 16 .2 feet (the chord of this arc bears 8.8701, 'H. a '1istance of 16Q.l feet), more or lpss, to the point of becinTling. , " , , ,~. . ~"--~~~ ;.2.}" :~l cOI~t2.il1s l.OL4 .'J.C'r('~; ;~.,;r, ,,' 1,:-;;:. ALSO Further, vrar1;or does here-bY give and grant unto Grantee a Perpetual Easement over, cl1>On, along and across the following d".ccribeLl. premises for the purpose of locating, relocating, constructing and maintainiPS irrigation ditches, toget)"r with all structures necessary or convenient therefor, 1 to-wit: A t-:>.,o,,,+ or I,,o,N,pl of lane] No. PE-190 of the Department of Highways, State of Colorado, Project No. I 70-3(8)268, Section::' containing 0.445 acres, more or less, in the SEt of the swt of Section 16, To,mship 3 Snuth, Range 69 West, of the Sixth Principal Meridian, in Jefferson County, Colorado, sai<ji tract or parcel being more partiCularly described as follows: Beginning at a point on the southeasterly property line 01' .Pub.Lic :::;ervice "......-........"".......~ ""'f ,.,....,,-.~~- J~ ..c>.,.............. -~b<~b ..............:n-l- +-k_ ("t~:t.. ........r.n-r -..+' .............-I-.~........... It: m '"lC\' VVH!J!o,.l..l..Y u vv......l...l.J..~v ~....Vjh ... l.l.........l. l:-'U.J..J. L. vLI.C" Ul~ I....V J. '= '-'.1. '-"~'--I.-'..!-'_'.I..l. ~,_., .l....J,......, R.69W. bears S.61033'E., a distance of 664.3 feet; .L. Thence, :::;.8Y"jylw. a distance at' 434.'( t'eet; 2. Thenr.e, N.0021'W. a distance of 20.0 feet; , 3. Thence, s.89039'W. a distance of 103.7 feet; Lt. Thence, o.lung Lhe 0.1'<.; uf 0. <.;urve to Lhe left. 110.V.LUg '" .rau.Lul:i 210q.O feet a distance of 181.2 feet to the west line of the SEt of the , swt of tial.U Section IG (the chord of this ar(' bears S.87010'45''W., a distance of lel.l feet). I , I I i I' . I '~'-'-""" '-i!'W" .., ',,~l.'_,,'~ ~l1tL,~."il' '5.1' Thence, along the west line of theslj$ of ~he swt of said Sectibri '16 :8.0021' E., a distance of 1,0. 2feqt; Thence, along ihe arc ,01'8, curv;e, to:the', righi;' having a rad:j.us of 2060.0 feet a distance of 18i.2 feet (the chord of this arc bearS' N~,87007'45"E., a distan,ce Of.tBI.lfeet);, '. j I ' ~ ! ' ~ ;:6:.; I t'" , , ,;;' ,; 'L ~, N. 89 o39'E." a d.isi;a.nc~ oi' lity line, OfPU.'blic Sem.ti'c~: .~. ~ :, ~;~.~ ,~;:,t;~r I,! t. 0 the sou:theas"t;1l17tY:;, lor~q.o_; ~I - dl~~~l:; ,1;^ I I I 1* 9 :JG:j This Easement is subject to the following terms and conditions: 1. If the hiLll',ffiY or irrigation di tche3 to be construeterl hereon arc ever aband )nl 'i: ,. -L}u:. tit 11:; or interest of the Grantc'c ~ha.ll thereupon revert to tho' ']rantor. 2. Grant.)r res"rves thc' right to use the premiH~s herein granted for all purposes provided the same do not in any manner interfere or, be inconsistent with Cran~ee's usage for the purposes set forth herein. " J' L'tJ. ad~:it.i~n 1,::J the 3.bo-'n:: general reservation, GY"3.:ltor <:' "'T"\O.r>.; -P-i.....~ 1 "'I",r ~.t"'-...............,- ...................""""--.:! !"~s"='rvl I riP "Y'ic:11t t.n ('onstr-,]0t; opPY'at,p; rpT'lA.ir; remove~. replactf=: recon[;truct and maintain electric transmission and rlistribution lines and communication faci~~ties, either overhead or undergro~d provided that in conducting such operations Grantor shall not obstruct t!lC lligh',ray to be constructed on thr premises -by Grantee. Temporarv obstruction of the hirrhwav bv Grant.or may OP nprmittpr] only unc, wTitten consent of Grantee or in err.crgencv situations. 4. Subject to the rlghts reserved by Grantor in paragraph 3 above, this Easement includes Grantee's right to control ingress to and ,...,,........,...,.......... 0.....'"""'" +1--.,-, 1.-,..;.....1--.,...,...,..,. +...... 1-...... .....5..1.........~..., -'-............a '-'........... .............b.....n......J ......... ......... can.str~cted an +'ha ,....."Y>CI'Tn;~,oc;< ~.....-- .!:'~ _..-~--I ;'t"'l,....111r\!.;l"ll'T .............---.,.--0 :.,:.1." Ii', , II; ,. : I , 'i i. '.'~ j Li:;r:l :i1Itli:.l 'rifi !:,1 arterial lanes and connecting ramps. Grantor shall have access to the service road on the premises for its operations. 5. GranteE: a,,-rees to place in c Clltracts for the uerformance of the work" mtpmplated on the within described Easement provisions Obligating contractors to save and hold harmless the Grantor from and against all liability from damage to property or injury or death of persons arising out of, in any way co~~ected with or , r~;!,\Ulting from, the contractor t s ope:roatiC'lns ion the Easement, and '1 ,. , o'til:i.eiating contractors to reimburse) GJ:'al'itbl'for all damage to i:;V1fl' i'!' '1)':'. -~., . 1:, ,,::, , j ": _ ~ if,; )roir:. i ~"" I , 's operations or property. .Qr,M-j;ei;l'Efilrther. agrees to f:-'" ~ _'I ~ , .!C, ;1,';;, ::i'.:;i" .- " ".. "'''''' ,J.;,., ;1:(}. ,. _ ),'-~;i in such contractadelJ.uad;e'~i'h~urallcecoverage, inCluding, · ',;' :iF;:J:';f;:;::;;~~,:,::~ ' ": i '" P1'otecition for the Gra.ntci'i.-..':t:rom:~SUCh';'dama:ge" or injury. : ,I ""i , .' :. ~,;i~;,+':,;.\1~;;i~.~1~i;~>""::i:,;",~:';; , steel transmiss:toll" tbWe:r:'li~"used ~ 1P,l!o~ntained by the " ''''''t,,~'iJ~~~'~;::.,~ "y. ""~'~'d ~'ij"'~~~'~i a 0, left~rJ:f\';;" ' :' "".' ,; t@'s :c~ntei-iineh~tf ~;:: ':: .-1,- r ."'~ :-J '1 '[ I . J t! 1 t ., ~ .~:~;t:.:;~i . '~. ';, . -, i n'i:~.:~1 i ~900 164 and rpconstruction out:-irle GranteE' 's easelwmt shall be arcomplished at thc> c ...::;t 'Jf Gr3J1tor. If such I'eloc:atiIJH .is l'eclu.irt:'u by the Grallt'"" 'X' :,hrOUi'i] "amago or destruction, then reconstruction outsi,l(' saLt easom,'nt shall be at the Grantf'P' s cost. At Grantor 's req"",'t, ~r3.ntce "hall install and maintain barricades arolmd the 1- :J\v, r in <.J.cL()rdancc with Grantor's specifications until said tt:'Wer is ~"'~':.~c~tc~:. 0.8 abOVE: rroviclc(~. 7. In r~.'ldition to thr ~rovisi()n.c; of paracrap:h (, o..1;uve, In the event r;.rR,ni,01' ';~ initi~_l r:: '!'l.'3tr'~C' _ -1 on 0!l th~ T'\"Y'=n-.;~r,,,... ..i: ~ _'i.~, '_, ("0, ,1-.,..,.-. ......,;..........4- <->u..""o...>,,- ':!.u.t,.....l..I,.... c,')nrtnlcti,n, rebuilding or altering Grantr>e's facilities on the J t , I J I I I prem"-'-'es, requires the modL'ication, alteration, reconstruction or re10C'lltion Clf r;rantor' 2 faci1i tips in order to in;:;ure the safety ul' ;:'!,C!l i'a.I_ilitlc~s ur ~he sa.fety OI~ the public, Grantor shall np1"'1',...,1"'n, "~r"1..., '.rr'l'Y'l~ '.:'IT'l...:J r:.":"'!::r.+~.c. c::1-,~ 11 -,nc" r""'1Y' r..,....."..,..,+............. T"",... +1,.-:. """"t"'+ of the work. by its officers duly authorized herein, on this llf WITNESS Wl~REOF the Grantor has caused thesr presonts to be executed / '-II day of /vOV;::'/>?flEA2. J I I I , " ~!: j .. . .. . . . 'V.....:.........;.:, .:f\~......2~~,.:l; J_ ...., ...~. :"l\~ 0', .~:.'"I!,:,< "'v~ 'f~": ' .:: ';.} .'1. 1'.0 :. "/~-(:... f...,. .:, \), 0 l'I '\.... . ~ ' 1:4!\.'.'.,~ ~:~lO: tSea!.lI.' .'-:..~. " . ~ (\ ~ r( 6f 1'. ~: '.;. ~ ." : c'. LJ )_1" A ~ J A. t:;, : ~ - - .~ . \iJ : J; "--.c..'., }02,;:'," .... ". "'. "..' ",", ....."';..,?..;1"{~~r..~.,,~'~,.f., 'j 't'f~nfrft~r4"\'. 'f ;;,: ',.,. '7.~\~"; /? ' , -w::~ Ai8~~cretary , A.D., 1966. IUELIC SERVICE COMPANY OF COLORADO ..-) ByC~ _ _ . . Virp-PrPR;npnt STATE OF COLORA.DO ) ~ ss. CITY AND COUNTY OF' DENVER i The fore/Toing :i.nstr1Jmpnt WR,R APmo1;.rl ~dGed bef0tc r.lC "by i/:e ~lS/~""~ ~~,"s~;/r .t. ,/(? /Z,1Ir.xOAJ , ~nK /A.J , !tlJld , of IUBLIC SERVrciE COM:PANYOF COLQRADO. , ,,' . '-;-' '''c.:,' ,':- ..J.,...,....... , .,.#W hand and ofticia1sEla]j!t~~;~~daY of - ili 'i " :, ,c. ", ':" _ i' ._" . , _" ,';~:: ': ~,:! , ;-{.; COlllIlIission $:llf:pir~.$ ,