HomeMy WebLinkAbout1909 323 " {, " ~ at. .___...o.clorlL.._.__.... ___....._.__.___ ....."... N~217414 .----..----, ..-..-.......... -.- :t-C--~=-=::::-- ~,-~- -- -- --.._- - Tnt!' OF.En, M.ct. thlt 14th 4.,01 July .1165 f ',t. " .. ~ ,.. f ~ ,N ~ ..... I.; .... " , , .... A Nt....r~n William S. 1.( iter nnd E. AlflUl nclt~r "0' lit HI. {"nunt, of Jeeferlfon .nd ,\aloe tit C"l"",",,,"! tll. flnt part, And TilE COUNTY OF JEFFERSON. A Body Politic und Corporate d UtI' emln', or Jcf(craon Pel .tate of CohIMh'ln.ntth.'t'Nlnd~rt. WITSr.~<;}:r1t. That till:' '11<1 part ies or th. Oftt. part. tOf.1ad laC'OlUIld.....tJoa of till' IU", o( Ten Dollars nlld other good and valuable considcrntion. tItlIJCUDt tn t~f' <:Ii,l r:lrt i cs c-f tilt rif'1lt r-'rt, I., I,and raM by the .ald JIIIrt Y ot 1M H't'OIld part. the ,....Ipt wh,,",of I. ".....1" ,-on(",...,1 an,J .otknnwl('.hr...I, h...."" ...ml~. "'I...... IOld, t'Oft'nt1N and QUIT CLAIMED, and by 11,('". J'","fOntJI do I'm:.., t't'luI". IIpll. ('On"1 and QUIT CLAIM unto \h. ..Id part y ...f U.. ...nn.1 part. 1 ts h'lr~. ." 'P1l1l0U nn!! .ul,"", fon'''.r. an UI. rlc"" t1U., Inu,..t. 'l.lm and d.mand "hkh u.. ..It! parlicli .) ,',It fir. part ha ....c In .nol to ttw fon"""n.. dfttr1bH lot or ro&f"C'I'l of lalld .Ituaw, Ifl".. and bt-inJ:' in thC' County of JefferBon.nd Stat. of Co1anldo, to-w1t: ., - :.~. - . .. ~ , . .... "" C, % The West 1.0 feet of the East 357,5 feet of the SW~ NE~ NW~ of Scctio~ ~2, ~. 3 S., R. 69 W. ot the 6th P.M., Jetter.on Count~. Color:l.do. cxc<.pt the North 2~.O fact thoLaot and except thl.-' South ~<)4 0 feet thereof: and the Wellt LO foot or the East 300. '" ~c...'t uf s.\id .!iw't NE~ NW'- of Section 22, except the North " 294.0 feet thereof. fhe "ittlf, t'OA_' I. d," or o/./.~,).1.. ~"'.. '" t~, ~ 24.l! .tL'ct thcrC0f and the South 1'/ , ,(,,1- ....'~'if:.Mf!.g~ P:':Afl:n,,:," ('.....'1..',. v:... ";~T:r..J;J:j r.:.,,;/ ',r J' ." , ....'. "'. ' t;.e~A~_ { (.:b.drllo...l' --~..._--. To 11""': ANO TO 1101.0 thto ..m.. totrfthtor wttlt .11.... .Iqul., the .,.purten......nd prh'II..... '~""'Ulto twl,,",lnl: 0' i" .nywl... th'l'f'untn .p,.rlAlnl"l'. .nd an dMI "wit, rich" tltl., Inl.,.tt and tlalm "hat'Ofnr, tof 'h. ..Id pltrl iel tlf t~ flnt p.,t. .Ith.r In I.. or "",*" to u.. ont, proper u.., bmtflt and bfo"oof at th. laid plt"1 Y nf thp ",,'''nd 1'1'''1, i to h..l,. and ...I~ forn.r. IX WITxr..~S WIIEREOF, Th. aa.ld part tea ttt Ute n,.t pa.rt Iwve and ..,I S th. d,y and rnr flnt AboTt wrltwn. ~'"' L";,/",, t;, ,l.", "ff'nlnto ut their bandS 8hrnf'll, ~f'.If'd snd fholl"'rN In the ~. of ..Ie'""~~-IY~, 5'._(j1'1#~ "N~ (~r.ALl [~EALI .[SEAL) (SEAL] I, tIlTATF: or COLORADO. } CO'~ of '_~.,....c:..W"-" ... ", ... (/'1/ ... ". r.r.pfn&. iIlItr1Im4i'"t ".. lK'knowl~.-d "'0" .. tblt _ :: . b7" ........,,' ':-~c.....~~ ; AS,;'" ;<. -:.6.~ ..... , ., J '\H :':~~;"";"<"'--J. ./ / ,".. y,WltMaera,ha"da"dofflfl.'...1. ;/:." " 1i ',. I I.:, ~~ d'7 of /<1--' ~,. J:. -::"A--~__ '.;( r.o '0, J f / n:.- ': .~,_~:._-:k'..:.-,:::r;~J.. !: ...i V t'-";"'::~:""CZ~~~ !i ii COUNTY ATTORNEY _.._ __ ,_ .' _ J -n- .It ",. _r.N.III"""" "",..--..... -~-:'="'''_l If ~ ..--~.... hi ~t..th'e" otnrial t1aJ'::ell" ;-.:-it-- .".......r-..'.'~ IIM"."..M....... ~""':.~='::.-:~t::.:.. "f~l~ ,:.;;::U:::.;',:.:....ltt;::I,:d'.i::; II III ~':''':c.~~~r..:::''~r~ l:'U:' :123 ',I M.. .ss. tun C'I.AIIf ....._......................... 0....,.................. ~,cw.w. N-.., ...w.. ,-_._~.-