HomeMy WebLinkAbout1916 458 V~J~-//-!;':' _I' ~~.~~ ~ ~,~qO p,') "e'l'\' \'F ln~SOU';'~O'\ ..'Hl:i{~:"\S, b\' <1, ,'<I.:; ri'~(>rdc'~ in at ,IL'C 5 J ,01 tIt, 1 : :-rLlr>vs ;,'('P' rlL'dlC;"\t,--,,1 t,... thl' '(),( l :'JHl --- ~l'~_,,lf'I")):'()K ("'rt;\ ~n st' t ,>ets, ,)''1' :,d i ,lr :1,'1 ----- 1 "~'<;on "\lnl ;-..~: b 1 (; .11\, \ '>1", ,.....,.' .1 ;>1,1~ ('I ;~::.rl" "rl'S , l"L',.,,)t-d,.d i.:l '1'- nl r:1;~l'~_ 0t. thr~ .i1'11 L'rS'1:~ l,c"'nl\' :,'curJs, c~'r(:l1n ,"';Lr'.:'- L'>, .,'J""",,'''' """. '" .1tl<'v~ :; \\'\,':1 ::1~"1','on t':L're clcd...l':ltcd In t)li' public; ilnd \.:m:!n:N;;, t11" lollQwin\' dCSCrlhl'J ~i(ln ('If sLn'l't \:5<' i,,' tl1,' flU\: l i<.-; :ll,C i ~ nc) l"l\f~r nl'cpssn: !0~ \.Jl1F:j(T".;\S s;lid plHtion ot strect is not \"'it\1in tlw 1i,,,its oL "r1V eit..... "1 tr>'..'t1 ,'rl'~ :In,'.'; not for;";1 the l:o':l~d.'?ry li n.:' ;.'1 tI cl t., Lown 01' (ount\'; .'In'! \.;'HERE,\S, no l.;lnd t,1011ld, hv .1 vi)c.:1tion ot S.1id portit)n 01 Stn:l'l t>c Le!t ;':It'~O'...lt on established public road connl'ctin;.; it ""ith another estabLished public rO<ld; \1nd :-;O\~, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVF.D, rw t11c :Co.Jrd of ((Junt" C(}f:'l1nissionr>rs at lr>ttc'rson County, Color:ldn, pllT"SU<lnt to errS 163 Cllnpte( 120, ,\rtil"jC' 14, th:lt t!", fotlc',.'inS described portion of street situnte in the Count,' of Jt'ifersol1, nnd St",1te of Cnlor,'<!ll, be .1' J it/they an:>, rwrebv v.1CllCd, subject to ti rc>sorvntion n: ('<lsem0nls fat" tiH~ c:ontir:ucd use 01. t'xisting 5\.';,'('1', g:l5, :.;;Jtcr or .sl'!Jll<lr ripe' litw,- ill1J <1p~l\rlenJl\CC~ existi"h ditches <lnd 3pp:ntennnces, <lnl! existinl; elE>l..-tric, tL'l<'pbon2 iloJ 5L:~Llr lin('s nnd nppllrtcnilnces, if .1ny \.il'st J5tll Avenue between YOllng[iclrJ Street nntl t1w .....est bOlll~dJriC's exCt'tlc1ec! (11 1:l(ip~Vll""" Acres, Third Fil.in& and App1ct.:ood Village, more rorticuLnly described n<;' 10110\:5 P.1t'cct The no..th 25 feet DC the west 610 [eet of the SE::, ot the ~'\.,lt of tile ~('('tion 29, '1'J5, ]169\-.', of the 6th P ~l tiS dedic;'lted by deed recontc>d in Book 1083 at page 10", Jefferson County l.:.ecords, except the ""est 60 feet therf'of P.1rcol 2 The south half of w'cst 35th Avenue, ilS shown ot! the rf>corded p18t of ~;~pl(' Grove Id.'res, liS recorded in Plnt l~uok 17 <It paf,e 65, Jef1ersOf, lQunty records, except for th:lt portic.n of said plnt tl1nt nns been re~ubdivirlcd liS AppLC'wood \'ilLtI[;e, as recorc1cd in Plat Buok L9 nt p:lge 63, Jefferson County Hecords !'nt'cel 3 The !;O\lth 25 feet of the wcst 900 [ecL. more or 1('55 of th(' l\E~, o[ the 'N',.] , ~cction 29, T3S, F69l./, of the 6th P l>l., {IS dedicated by deed recorded in jook 116lJ "t page 5')5, Jefferson County records, except- the west 60 feet thereof :z: N " ~ N .t>. ,.. - r,. , cn v' Cl ~ - C u: ~, - STATE OF COI~OHADO ) COn;TY or JEFFER'ipN) , ~ If .-- I __~ , , County (:~('rk tinct 1:('>CC1rdt'r (Inri l'lC'rk lO the 1'.onrd oi 'County cummiSsion)r C"erti fy th.1t the above is .:1 t1'\ll: copY of a resolution ..pnr,sed lit thQ rcgulClr/~~ meetin~ of tll(' 110nrd of County C')111l11is"lOnt'!<; held on I /lk'-<-c.<10 '1, /p~ '7 ,os it "ppenfS 00 ~oC1)rd io the I;!i~\"e p'ok V ----,) (I -~- ~.--J .....-._L~e (lnt! \:,'conl{'l' .(_ ,L,..>ot'-'"-'-*l J- \,J I: t<;,'H. 1.'~