HomeMy WebLinkAbout1919 37 ~ '.:-~;,!:f~,'1 :al f:Ir~.. LI[:THIC'f COUi~.r Dr f~NI' yon 'l'iU', (.r..;Ul7T...'Y t!F ~r~';oF~."\,'~on ~lF'I ;~'j1 T~ OF COLOnADO CIVIL ACTIGli NO. 2~"(~,[" DC /\ 'U) OF C<jU1T.I.~Y co:.n.n:':":-: IOl;:'~P:~ 0Jf .n:?:,lS~Jt:30l; cotnrJ::Y} :.lnc1 th(' DE? AJrl'~ldrJ' l)ll HIGm:^Y~', :::T lITE or COLOflt DO, ,.. '.' t'_l Pct.i.t.10l.il..:J.. -..~, , -- VfJ . RULE AND ORDER VINCENT 11. aE"JE/,.: VImA C. GILDF",~; ~lABEL i<. HIGBEE; GEORGE SABa, JR.; FRANK STANBRO as Treasurer of Jefferson Count~; and HE~N BUSH as Publlc Trustee of Jefferson County, Respondentll. THIS ~lATTER came on regul::o.rly for haarlng on th1s day 'Jpon the Verdict of the Jury flIed hcpd.YI Oil I.he 25th day of N:)vcmber, 1')66, ~:hich Jury was duJ.y empaneled and sworn to dctCl'lnlnc 'che damages and compenllotion to be nllo~lOd the reapondents Intcl'ested in Parcel No. 151; and it appearing to tho Court from the records and :r~!..lc9 he!'0in th~t all intereoteQ as UWltt:i"S or othert'lise, .....^.......;.......... }-'..........VHU as appearing of record, have been Joinod herein as parties respondent and that the Court has full and complete Jurisdiction of the subject matter of thls action and the partles thereto; that service has been made upon all interested parties as required by law; that the Jury, after hearing the proofs and allegations of the parties, and after viewing the premises, did find and determine in accordance ','Ilth Chapter 50, JL.tie1c !, Sectlon 18, Colorado Revised Statutes 1~53: 1. The accurate description of the In.nd ta1~en. ~:-I,b :1'/ II I I ~ , '<' I I . \,;,;. '. " (.;; "~:-' '. .' I I ( -',1' Cerll! ci I - I The V;1!.11'..' :)1' ~ i'~' l '\lIrl l~' pl',)!",,;.!'!. ~o be $3l~,~~\ ,CH!, LC~;U~~J'y I, TU:: COvin' FU~ITH:~il. Dil);' ;:1:1' i-hc~ pt~\;J.~:\.:in"'" '~~ hnv, p')i~~~.C 1 \fiLll i.;bl~ Clcr:;: of tlllG Coupt the DlHil 01' :~jl~,2S0.0(), \;:-;l.~rr ~'itil ;,.'cpr{~~ (~:It;) ;~:::,~"r;t, :l~,nl."'(;c('; b:,r the JUl'Y, :J.nej tb""'~ the 1': ~'p-\ndcntu :1~'1'" I18t (;1";1" _ l!'d t..') J.n',',0rC:Jt pur~1)ant to 5U-l-l"1, C II)~). nnd i-,hp.rf>- f::,'rc: IT 1,S OnDl'~RED, ADJUDGED }\HD DI';CTZEED thoL Pt'l!'cel. !-r_' _ L'")l-, dc:-;rrlbcd 11, ~:X11.1blt "A" -' ntta.chcG hct'~to and l.nco:"I)::r:!tcc.J l)(~rcin b:: l"f'f'crcn,_,.:', nn~~ l>cl'n cJ11ly and l:JWf'ully tn:ccrl by th: pc~,.~1..1uncl':-:' purcunnt t.el (; ,'. stntuten ond tLc' Constitution "f i"\)r St;ltc .')[ (;ulrJl':Jfjil; 1:1)(1(, i Iff' lnti'f'o,91,,, of \'il" f'''l1p''nrlf'ntf1 In '0: I:: pc.:;'",': have been 3cquircd OJ' tho pctlcloncl"GJ nnd t113t thc' 'c;itJ.( to Dr:.icJ property J together with all appurtenances thereUili 0 belonging J is h~l'eby vC':Jted in tl-Jc petit~onerG; and IT 12 FUR.rl11I~1 ORDEHED th:J.t a c0rt:tfio:.:d copy of this Hule and Orcler be rc"orded and indexed In the offi"e of the Clerk and Eccorder of Jeff"rnon CO\!nty in like mnnner ond in li.w e1'fec1; aD tf it "Iere a deed of conv"yance from t,,,, C\mer3 and partieG interested to the petitioners herein. / DATED this -J~ day of ~~6-L_J A.D. J 196.fL. BY THE COUH'l': -"""iV MARTJN c. MOL\\OlM JUJJQE \,',,' .1. ... ..~ ~ '..... :"./. . ~, lj~.r~~-'""" - .'~ ., --t\{ V.~iic~~?Ii1:~: ," .....". j' '. .~"'~.;..'.~~~'" ~ ',.' " r..,t 1''' "':\;':'):':1/1. II(I( J'. "~p ,.1: , f.: "~I (I," ,'.~' Cof,;<,oICJ j. -,'t" f,' ',':,.y ~~c'3QI1 \ ,t i: ~ t ;, : i" ," \ J:l EYl[l!\ r'l' ,'.\'1 l.cgnl Dpsr,"iption Project No. I 70-3(8)2&8 Section 2 W 48tl1 & W~dsworth - Mt Vernon Canynll rARCEL NO.1 ')1 A tract or parcel of land No. 151 of Department of litg\lways, State of Colorado, Project No. 170-3(8)268 Section 2 C011taining n 42q ~cre5, ~ore cr )pss, in the SEt of the N\-J.t of Section 20, Township 3 South, Rnnt',c 6q h'rst, of tile Sixth Principal Meridian, in Jefferson County, Colorado, said trnet ~r parerl !~cing more particularly (l~scrihcct ns follows Beginning at n point on thl' Soutllcast property corner, from Wllich point the center of Secticn 20, T. 3 S.> R, 6Q toJ'. hp,1rs S. (~1<) 2S' 1')" E., n di.s- t<1nce of 966 2 feet; 1. n\cnce [[long lhc c.1St property l1tl(~ N. UJIl Ml' 1.1" E., :\ (IJ '\tIlTlCI' of 13G.l feet, to ti,e southerly right of way of tIle abnndoned Dpn- vor ancl Intcrmollnt8in Rnil"'ay; 2, Thence a long the souther ly right of way of thl:' ilbnr.donr>d Denver and Intermountain Railwa.y, S. 640 20' 301' \..~ , a (Hstance of 315 4 feet, to the southerly property line, 3 TIlcnce along the ~cuthc~ly propprty linr, N. 890 50' E . a dis- tance of 275.3 feet, more or less, to the point of beginning. The above description contains all the land conveyed to Vincent M. Gildea and Vera C. Gilden by Warranty Deed dated June 30, 1948, and recorded in the office of the Clerk nnd Recorder of Jefferson County, Colorado, on July 2, 1948, in Book ADS, page 516. Also, hy warranty deed dated June 6, 1949, and recorded in the office of th~ Cl~rk nnd Recorder of Jefferson County, Co1orad~ on June 9, 1949, in Book 638, page 478. The dbove described parcel contains 0.429 acres, morc or Ipss. I . ~ .~ L .) 1 , :J:l I I