HomeMy WebLinkAbout1963 587 . /)! F ~ (' 250398 2SlJ:J:J8 IN THE DISTRICT COURT IN AND F'OR TlIZ .~, ~ I Ii lJ I! r:!; N COU1ITY OF JEFFERSON A~~ STATE OF COLORADO AUG 3D ~' 4" PH '67 1~~3 .~'>R7 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF' JEFFERSON COUNTY, and the DEPARTMENT OF' HIGHWAYS, STATE OF' COLORADO, ! H? CIVIL ACTION NO. ~' ,., .:UP~ ~ I~' q Petitioners, RULE AND ORDER VB. , r;/ :';) CURTIS H. WELIN and FRANK M. STAKBRO, as Treasurer of Jefferson County, 1111 I Respondents. THIS MATTER came on regularly for hearing this day upon the Commissioners' Certificate of Ascertainment and Asse..ment filed herein on the 12th day of July, 1967, which Commi.sion wal duly appointed to determine the compenlation to be allowed the rftlpondents interested in Parcel. 17B Rev. 2, 17BB Rev. 2, and A9A; and it appearing to ths Court from the records and r1le. herein that Curtis H. Valin, 1! th~ ~~~o~1 ~~~ ~f ~~1~ parcels; The Court f1nd. that it has full and complete juri.diction here1n; that lerv1ce has been made upon all interelted partie. a. required by law; and that the Commi.sion, after hearing the proof. and allegationl of the parties, and after viewing the prea1lel, did tind and determine in accordance with Chapter 50, Article I, section IB, Colorado Revised statute. 19631 1. That Ixhibit "A" pretatn1ng to Parcels l7B Rev. 2 and 178B Rev. 2 accurately dOlcribe, the land taken, and that Exhibit "B" preta1ntng to Parcel A9A accurately deeerib.. the acee.1 taken. 2. That tbe value ot the land or property actually taken i. $7,955.00. \ :1963 587 'I I I ! ! ~.rT~!t r:~::O:lDING PLEASE MAil To-i 1,,: D~:mtmcnt r>f HiihWI)'J of 11'1, Slit. of CoIo,.. I;,~:;m~ Office Bulldlnll: (~Ol East A'~~n$U Avenue DeMlr,COlorado 80222 ATIENTIONI Rliht o! W'YStcUoII ~___~___~_.- ----J . :) ~3 5Fl8 3. That the damages, ir any, to the residue or the subject land or property are $16,000.00. 11. Thet the amount and value of the benefit, if any, ia NOrm. THE COURT FURTHER FINDS that the petitioners have hereto- f~re deposited with the Clerk of the Court the sum of $13,960.00; that the petitioners have subsequently depo~ited the sum of $10,466.00 including $471.00 allowable interests; and therefore, it is ORDERED, ADJUDGED AND DECREED that Parcel. 178 Rev. 2, l78n Rev. 2, described in Exhibit "A", attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference, and Parcel A9A described in Exhibit "B", attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference, hav~ been duly and lawfully taken by toe petitioner~pursuant to the Statutes and Constitution of the State of Colorado; that the interests of the respondents in said parcels have been acquired by the petitioners and that title to said property together with all appurtenances thereunto belonging, is hereby vested in the petitioners, and it is FURTHER ORDERED that a certified copy of this Rule and Order be recorded and indexed in the office of the Clerk and Recorder of Jefferson County, in like aanner and with like effect as if it were a Dlled of Conveyance trom the owner. and partie. interested to the petitioners ,Lf./ DATED this ~ day ot herein. C {c-<7" ",t- / BY'TIII!: COURTI , A.D. 1967. -', GEORGe G. 1'1UEST dumB ,..[ / 19G3 588 \_---~'" , , ~~-'---.__.__._-_...,---- ,~ I -,\ " i , 'I , \ .1963 589 ~-mTT'IT "11" LC)';,\L n:"'CRI:'~ION Proj~ct Nc I 70- ,(8);)h8 Section 2 W, 48th and Wad6~arth - Mt Vernon Canyon PARCEL 110, 178 A tract or pRTcel of tRnd No 178 Rev 2 of the DPpartment of Highways, .....tlltp of Colorado, Project No 1 70-1(5) 268 Gectlon 2 c('ntainlnp; 0 lt37 'lcr":1. :nore aT IPBs, in Lotl] 13 and 14, Nicholas GflrderoB ,')ubdlvislon in thp :.r.;; Ot Sect.ion 20, TOvrlShip 3 South, rif\nge 69 West, of the Sixth Principal ~eridlan, 1n Jefferson County, Colorado, Baid tract or parrpl being more particularly described B8 ralIave Beginning at a point on the east property line of a tract in Lot 14, Nicholas Gardens Subdivision from vhlch point the center of Section 20, T 3 S , R 69 W. bears S 52- 07' 30" W , 8 distance of 12348 feet; 1 Thence, along the said east property line, S 00' 001 15" E , a d~stance of 60 0 feet to the north right of vay line of West 44th Ave, (May, 1965); 2. Thence, along the said north right of vay line, S 89' 40' E., a distance ot 245 4 teet; 3. Thence, N 74' 241 14.5" W , a distance of 228 0 feet; 4 Thence, N 89' 40' W , a distance ot 25 e teet, more or less, to the point of beginning The above described parcel contains 0.187 acres, more or less ALSO PARCEL NO, 178 B Rev 2 A tract or parcel of land No 178 B Rev 2 of the Department of Highvays, State of COlorado, Project No. I 70-3(8)268 Section 2 containl~ 1800 sq. ft , more or less, in Lot 14, Nicholas Gardens Subdivision in the NE~ of Section 20, Township 3 South, Range 69 West, of the Si~th Principal Meridian, in Jefferson County, Colorado, said tract or parcel being more particul~rly described 8S follo\(8 : Beginning at a point on the vest line of Lot 14, Nicholas Garden Subdivi- sion from vhich the center of Section 20, T. 3 s , R. 69 w. bears S. 46- 23' W a distance of 1100 4 feet; 1. Thence, along the said vest line of Lot 14, S. 00' (X)f 15" E., B distance of 60 0 feet to the north right cf way line of West 44th Ave. (May, 1965); 2. Thence, along the said north right of Yay line, S. 89' 40' E., a distance ot 30.0 teet to th~ .~st property line at a tract in Lot 14; 3 Thence, along the said vest property line, ~. 00. 00' 15n W., & dis- tance at 60.0 teet; 4 Thence N. 89- 40' W. a distance at 30.0 teet, more or less, to the point of hpe!nn!~~ Th~ above d~scrlbed parcel cont~ln8 1800 8Q rt. mor~ or le8s. r.n:R r.:,~2~:';~:~:; rLt.t~[ WIlL TO _.l~:2~~':"'" .~~ ~, Ii c'mly!- cllh. 5111. ol.~~_ 1i,~"'H (,;:1:~ !lc" :".~ .4~Ol [,.1 A,~!~,~~ ;"c~u. Oenvtr, CO:Cfl~O 8'JVZ ATTENTlOl'h Riihl of Wt'J Sedlol. 1963 589 . .;;.' 1 1:.'.' ." - i~ ~ , ....,:~...' ':'1~ ~.,! N .., .~l 1:.:........1 'j ~ I' I~ I . 191>3 5~W EXHTRIT "Fl" ACC:SS~; Dr:SCRIM'ION Proj~ct Nn I 70-3(R)26B ;,ection 2 PARC>:L Nn A 9A i I i i \ l ,I tJ I I , I :iOtrrrr;.;RLY --- il,~;tinnir..p; at a point I'm the east 1 i.1e of Lot 13, Nichola6 Gardens Sub- dlv ' -'n jn the m;t ,f :~".("tiDn 20, T 3 S . R bq 1,/ t of the Sixth Principal M~rid~~n in J~rrpr~0n County, Colorado. from vh1ch point the northeast corner of said Section 20 bears N 53- 08' 30" E., a d1sts.nce of 1644.0 :f~et; L Thone., 6, 64' 20' )0" w'" ~ dl.tBneo or 50),2 r.ot to tho v.at llno or Lot 14 In ..ld Nichol.. G.rden. Subdlvl.lon, 1963 590 , I I t--~.._---- ..~.V --------~( 1;<