HomeMy WebLinkAbout1969 211 , /k 'l-L-c 25333 i 253331 , : IN THE DISTRICT COURT IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OP JEPFERSON AND STATE OF COIDRADO SrI' l2 ;' 42 PH '67 1~-209 ;- CIVIL ACTION NO. 27196 BOAP.D OP COOlf1'Y CC>>OfISSIOJ.IERS OF JBnE:RS<Il COUN'l'Y, and the DEPARTKEIfl' OF HIOHWAYS. STATE OP COWRADO, Petitioners, vs. COWRADO DISTRICT OF LUTHERAN CHURCH MISSOURI SYNOD. MONROE C. EVERl'l'l'. ANNA MARY EVERrrI', and BELD BUSH. a:: Public Trustee of Jefferson County, Roo...,dont3. j RULE AND ORDEH rl/( -dg') .- t..," ./ r J '.j THIS MATTER came on retularly for hearing this day upon 8 Consent to Entry of Rule and vrder with respect to the acquisition of Parcel No. 2 11'. Rev.. and the aeees. t'ighta appurtenant thereto, in t~e above entitled case, Bald ConSent betn. duly executed by the persons 1nta~~t@d 3fl QwrArs erA those otherwise interested of record; it appearing to the Court from said Consent and other pleadinga herein that said persona are the record owners and thoae otherwiae interested and that said persons have Alreed with the petitioners upon the ~ompens.tlon to be paid herein) THE COURT FINDS I That it; has fun and oOlllplete Juriadiction of the subject ll\8.tter of this action and the par'tiea thereto} thet service has been made upon all interested parties, as required by law; that the partie. have agreed that the .ua $3,650.00, broken do"", as tallows. For land and i.prov...nts For da"le. to the residue TC7rALI *3,625.00 25.00 $3,650.00 repre..nte the full compen.ation to ~ paid tor the taklna ot .aid parcel. the acee.. r1aht. appurtenant thereto, and all tnt.rests th.retn. and tor any and ell other ooete ot .atd partt.., tha~_~h. .1369209 \ \ .....-... ">"---'-~-''''- .--,~.-.__.- _.,,,. 1969 21 total of 8aid Bum has been previously deposited in the ReSlstry Fund of this Court; and ther~rore; IT IS ORDERED~ ADJUDGED AND DECHEED that Parcel No.2 P Rev., described in Bahibit I' A!!. attached hereto and in orporat;ed ne'cft1n by reterenee, and a desc~iption of the access line over which insrese and .SneSI!! i'1 to be denied, described in Exhibit "BIl, attached hereto and incorporated heeein by reference. have been duly and lawfUlly take; by the petitioners herein pursuant to the statutes and Constitution of the State of Colorado; that the int~rest8 of the respondents tn Baid parcel heve been acquired by the petitioners; and that the title to said property. tosether with all appurtenances thereunto belong1ns. is hereby vented In the petIt1oners~ and IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that a certIfied copy or this Rule and Order be recorded alld indexed in the office of the Clerk and Recorder of Jefferson County. in like manner and with like effect as if it were a deed of conveyance from the owneIII and parties Intel...ted to the petitioners herein. DATED this I?-... day of r--~ ~ > [1 .GL-. ~'-"....o .<..-.-...< "-- , I A . D., 1967. BY THE COURT: G001tGE G. l'R/J:,"~l Ju.uoE 2 1969 2tO \ \ .- >.-.~............-..,;....;j,'.-{""""''''''''''''--- ,~~......... -.-,~ _.- .~-- -- ~ : . ~ t. r; . \ t-~-''''' ~. 1~t69 211 EXHJfl1'J' "^" I.pga 1 Df .c;.rr'f'ti('n rT'-I.Jr-.("j N(l 1 70- )(~)2(Jn ~(l(( il111 l,Rt!1 & \-!ads"orth-Nt. V,'r"nn Cnnyn" "" nr"(.'t ~"f' 'It: 1'\,"" ,-nl'V'-4I~ '.'-'. . I U,I~V. t\ tract Ol pare. I of lane: j,,,.. 2F Rev. of Colorado n"'partmcnt of IH?,hways' Pro- ject No. I 70-3(8)268 ~t'ction 2 containing 0.420 acrc's, more or Jpss, in tht' Nt.:;. (>f the SW~ of Section 29, Township 1 SOllth, Range 6'1 ~:('st. "f the Sixth Prin- cipal M,'ridian, in J('fferson Cmmty, ('olor,~d(l, !Oaid Tract or parcC'! being men' partic.' larly C:escribed as follows: B('~innin~ at a point on the south property lin/' from "hieh the West ~ corner of S ction Zq. Township) SOllth, Range 67 l"est "cars N. 600 51' 30' \01.. a distance 01 1,13b.Z fpet; 1. TIlence along the south property line, N. 890 43' 30 E., a dis- t~,;,,:~~ vf 1.f.. [t:.ct 1.10.-, Ult~ ~ollt.hcast pcopt-'rty cornf~r. 2. TIIPnce along the east property line, N 000 37' W.. a distance of 52R.0 fe~t to the southerly present ri~ht of way Itne of W. 32nd Ave. (Novpmhpr. 1964); <] 3. Thpnce along the southerly present right of way Une, S. 890 43' )0" W.. a n;stane~ of 330.0 feet to the northwest pra~crty corner, 4. Thenee along the west property line, S. 000 37' E., a distancp of )0.0 feet; 5. Thence N. 890 43' 10" E, . a distance of 257.1 feet; Th..nce S. 450 16' JOII E. . a distance of 70.7 Fee- t ; TIlence S. )0 07' IS" E. , a (~i s tanee of 448. ') fePt, more or less, to the point of beginning. 6 7. Th.. above described parcel ecntains 0.420 acres, more or less. ~:~69 211 c ,-,'M>-.o ~:""""'''''~~Cl ~.,~:.;.. "......... ,-' - ~~'~:-{ c~tf];~;~):;~ i I i \ 1 , . I j i ,j~'-~-""".~':";':i.i,';,;,;- ~ 1969 212 EXHIBIT "B" Acc~ss Description Pt'r.jl'ct No. I 70-3(1\)268 Section '1 48th & Wd'~5wurth -Mt. Vernon C:tny(\t! PARCEL NO. 2F REV. !'ESTF.RLY LINE Bq;;inning at a 1',.iTlt on thl' sOHth property line from which tnl' w..,,~ ~ corn"!" of Section 29. Tuwnship ] South, Range 69 W('st of till' Sixth Principal H~'ridian, in Jefferson County, Colorado, bears N. 600 51' ]0 W., a distanc~ of 1,136.2 feet; 1. Thence N. 0]0 07' IS" \,;. a <listance of 448.5 feet; 2. Thence N. 450 16' 30" W. a distance of 70.7 feet. 1969 212 '1'- ~~~~~-~~ ~4.+'<__J. ! '":;:;:~':.:: ~j.-", ':'~;~',,~:_~~:;' ....-- ,~