HomeMy WebLinkAbout1991 326 .11 W A.......,.,......,..........................II.. ...................."...................'. ..............,..........."' 265491 .111,.... NOh....., ..............., ........................................ ..................... ...,..... rlJ~. - --.. ~ ----- "-..--- ...-... 0-- - -===--====-...._=,,~------ . , II STEWART L. SMITH and CAROL S. AMMO., II formerly CAROL S. SOLE, II ! I WhOM addr... II ~ I (i)1 , ..~ r- . _-==-~(6 or; " Ii ~~~): 1'1' N o~. .' -. li- z' 11_ :zr ...... ..( I I .... Ii 'I CD II "'" II H Ii 'i ii Co1mt1 of ! i Ii ).:.,,-.. . .1 I <. t 1,., ~ I,J ;} ".:-, ,., il Ii II ji " , L I, I' i' Ii 3300 Youngf1eld, Wheatr1dge County of Jefferson , a1ld State of 1'= I ~ gJ = ~~ i. ~'1' II .. , or ("> , ",:" o~. z-;.r. o ~ , for the eonBderatiou of (correct1 n colorado deed) ; .............- .. * .\ hel'fl'by sell(l) and eonvey(.) to I, 'APPLZWOOD VILLAGE, a partnership, H 'I ; i :I II " 'I d II 11 ~ i " 'I Ii 1 whose add1'fllll ill 3300 Youngf1eld, Wheatridge the followiug real property ill 'ihe i I ii ~ ; , and State of Colorado, to wk: Jefferson . and State of Colorado County of Jefferson :1 :1 11 iI II 11 i i il I, That part of the Nortneast one-quarter of the Southwest one-quar- Ii ~er of Sec: ion 29, Township 3 South, Range 69 West of t.he 6th P.M.!J described as follows: 'I 'D__~__~__ ~t ..........01!3 "1'""""'r"h"~s"" .....----- -~ -....~..:::I 'T__~'\.___"'" --------r~_.....ll .u....~~&.....&J.aa~ U ,-,U_..I..'" '-&"''1; \.. '-IlJ.L.ucJ. UJ. .;:lICl.&.\A .L-.VL \..lICCI,::tL.. Ullc-"!ua t..t:::Lll of the Southwest one-quarter; thence East 194 feat; thence South, Ii parallel with the West line of said Northeast one-quarter of the Ii Southwest one-quarter, 260.34 feet; thence West, parallel with the!! North line of said Northeast one-quarter of the Southwest one- ,; quarter, 194 feet, more or less, to the West line of said North- Ii east one-quarter of the Southwest Olle-quarter; thence North, , ii along said West line, 260.34 feet, more or less, to the point of I beginning. Ii d Ii II Ii il !1 " I, (This is a correction deed that certain deed recorded Jefferson county records.) to show the correct grantee under in Book 1947 at page 58 Of the i I II I II " II " II I with all ita appUl'tenanees, and warrant(l) the title to the same, Abject to 1967 general property taxes. Biped this 2nd day of JanUarY~196B. ~ ~ - ----.--.....-. .--............ --- .' - .;_.~..... .... ... ...~...n._ ............Q.:.i~.~~Q_=:~~.........._ J'arol ~. Ammon, formerly ......h._..._....~...~..~.................._...... }-. Carol 8. Sole STATE OF COLORADO, County. of Jefferson The forelom, iDstrumeDt wa. aelaJcnrledred before me tJda day of January - ,1961, b7 Stewart L. Smith formerlY Carol S. 8019. ..MM4..... dpirea c2-.- .." ~ / , 7/ - IUIDcl &ad officdal ~. 2nd and carol S. Ammon, ..c2L ...U..MI...... ..... ....... ............. ............................. -