HomeMy WebLinkAbout1992 586 II I =-~ _~ __l~_:==--=~:~~;~~:n ~~?:~_~:.~~:~~~()O<~.. _ ~:~' ~ ~_;~: __ ___.=___~:~R_~:~~~. _:0=7._ i, Tms DEED, M.d. thl, 1;JT H day 01 'J[ c r I,' U[ n , InG 7 II Ii h~tw~('n i' \, Count)'of JurrnSON II \1 , !i Ii \ :.::=--=--i'''=-=~~ 1\ \i I 0')' N~ I I, II ~ '7, \'! CARL [. [HLERS .., :0 ., m <= ,.., :::;,er.-c,; ~~ :or. -<~ rl nr~: r-(~ ~~~ ':~J -e-, '- (JJ ,:;~ ~ , , 0; co ~, , r=(/J r_ (T; --I -. '.:' ~~, , s- z N'.\ ,j " CT) "I <..n -:;:, ot the ... -' .r: ... "., -0 = and Stnte of Colorndo. of the firllt pnrt. nnd ,- Tilt. !l:Ptlf1W;:In UF HIGlhltlYS, STAff: OF CUIORA[)O of t}lC' County ot J ( r F" [ R SON an,} < , ~~; State or Colorado, ot the l',ceond part: WIT~F.ggETn, Tnnt the !I~\d part V of the first pan, 101' and in conl!lldcrntion of the sum of TEN DOLL/\RS AND OTHER GOOD AND VALUABLE CONSI DERAT IONS - - - - - iJlJ'liivJI. to the fluid purtY of the first part in hand paid by snid pnrt Y of the !'iccend purl, the receipt whereot UI hereby confessed nnd acknowled~cd. ha S "runted, bargonincd, sold and conveyed, and by thcM pre!lcnt!: do E S grnnt, bargain. !Iell, convey and confirm, unto the 8a1d part Y of the 8cconrl part, I TS ~ hriliS.?8~.in8 for- ever. all the following described lot or parcel of land, situate, lying and being in the C01mty of Jr F FER 50 Nand St.Ata of Color.do, to.wlt: A TRACT OR pARCEL or LAND No. 139-A REV., or THE DEPARTMENT or HIGHWAYS, STATE or COLORADO, PROJEcT No. 170-3(8)268 SEC. 2, CO'JTAINING 0.360 ACRES, MORE OR LESS, IN LOTS 13 AND 14, ROXOURY GARDEN SUODIVISION, .I~ or THE Nil;!: or SECTION 29, TOWNSHIP :3 SOUTH, RANGE 69 WEST, or THE SIXTH PRINCIPAL "<ERIDIAN, IN JF.rrERSON COUNTY, COLORADO, SAID TRACT OR PARCEL BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: BEGINNING AT A POINT ON THE NORTH PROPERT' LINE rROM WHICH THE SE COR' ERa r THE I, !/{ 0 r THE I" Ii;!: 0 r S E C 7 ION 29, T. 3 s., R. 69 .1., 8 EAR S S. 41fO 11' If5" E. A DISTANCE or :597.0 HET; 1. THrNcE S. 060 31' Ii. A DI STANCE or 201.4 rEET TO THE SOUTH PROPERTY LINE; 2. THENCE ALONG THE SOuTH PROPERTY LINE N. 890 43' 30" E. A DI STANCE or 90.8 rEET TO ,HE SE PROPERTY CORNER; THE N C E ALa N G THE E A S T PRO PER T Y L I N EN. 000 29' 30" N. A D 1ST A N C E or 200.0 rEET TO THE NE PROPERTY CORNER; 4. THENCE ALONG THE NORTH PROPERTY LINE S. 890 '+3' 30" IV. A DISTANCE or 66.2 FEET, MORE OR LESS, TO THE POINT or BEGINNING. 3. THE ABOVE DESCRIBED PARCEL CONTAINS 0.360 ACRES, MORE OR LESS, RESERVING llNTO TflE GRANTOR ALL COAL, OIL, GAS AN~ OTtlER H~DROCARBON5, AfJD All CLAY AND OTHER VALUABLE MINERALS IN AND uNDER SAID PREMISES; PROVIDED, HOWEVER, AND THE GRANTOR H(R(EV COVENANTS AND AGAEES THAT THE GRANTEE SHALL rOREvER HAVE THE RIGHT TO TAKE AND USE, WITHOUT PAYMENT or rURTI1ER COMPENSAT ION "TO 1HE GRANTOR, r..N'1 AND ALL SAND, GRAVEL, EARTH, ROCK, AND OTHER ROAD BUILDING MATERIALS rOL.'ND IN OR UPON SAID PARCEL No. 139-A REV. THE GRANTOR FURTHER COVENANTS AND AGREES THAT NO EXPLORATION rOR, OR DEVELOPMENT OF ANY OF THE PRODUCTS HtREBY RESERVED wILL EVER BE CONDuCTED ON OR FROM THE 51JRFACE OF THE PREMISES HEREINAbOVE DESCRIBED, AND THAT IN THE EvENT ANY OF SUCH OPERATIONS MAY HEREAFTER BE CARRIED ON BENEATH THE SuRFACE OF SAID PREMISES, THE GRANTOR SHALL PERFORM NO ACT WHICH ~',AY IMPAIR THE suBSURrAr:E OR LATERAL SUPPORT OF SAID PREMISES. THIS RESERVATIQrl ~ND THE CO~ENANTS AND AGREEMENTS HEREUNDER, SHALL INuRE TO AND Bt BINDING UPON THE GRANTOR AND HIS HEIRS, PERSONAL AND LEGAL REPRESENTA- TIVES, SUCCESsORS f\ND ASSIGN!; FORE'JER. 1~;~1~ SSG I I I ,[ J,; ~ ~~, . fl1 t, " I il ,\ \1 ': d II 'I I! 'I !I 1 I I I I I II 'I i i I II :1 Ii ji Ii I' , I 'II 1!3~'2 5'f1';' TOGETHER with all and 8in~uJar the hC'rcditamen ts nnd 8ppurtcnnn~('!\ th<'ret,Q h(~lnn~lll~. or in 8l"ywillG nppcrtninlng, nnd the reversion and reversions. remninder unlll'cmninderll, rent!'., i~$u(,!" nnd profite thereot; and aU the ('"tnte, right, title, interest, claim and dl'manrl whatsoever of the Mid part'( 01 th(' first part, either in law or equity, of, in nnd to the above bargained premises, with the hercditamenb. :and appurtfmnncell TO lIA VE AND TO HOLD the Mid premises: above hur~o.ined nnd described, with the appurtenances, unto the said part Y ot the second part, ITS S lJ~ a&JJJAt\gns fnrc\'c-r And the fluid partY of the first part, for H I Mscc , H r S heirs, exccutora, and ndminh~tre.tors, do (S covenant, ~rant. hnrg-ain, and agree to and with th<! said party of the second part,l T S heir~ and assigns, that at the time of the ensealing- and delivery of these prescnts, HEr s wen s.eited of the premisc.'! above conveyed, as of good, sure, perfect, absolute and indefeuible estate of inheritance, in law, in fee simple, and haS good rh:ht, full power and lawful authority to ~rnnt. bnr~ain, sdl l\nd convey the same in manner and form as aforesaid, and that the same arc free and dellr from aIt former and other R'ranta, bnr~ajn~, 8111('8, lieJl!ll, taxes, asse.'!sments nnd encumhrnnces of whatl'ver kind or nature Mevcr, E XC E P T ,. ^ XES r 0 nTH E 'lEA R 196? AND Y E ^ R S SUB ~ E Que N T THE R E TO, RESER'VA110NS, RESTRICTIONS AND RIGHTS or WAY or R[ConD and the above b~r~~incd premiscs in the quiet and peaceable possession of the !laid pnr-t I( of tlle !'lccond part, r T S S U ~~ ~~J1 ~s~il-tns ftltninst nil and every p(>rson Or' pereons lawfully claiming (lr to claim the whole or any part thereof, the snid part Y of the first 'Part shall and win WARRANT AND FOREVER DEFEND. iN WITNESS WHEREOF, the said part y of the first part !m.S hereunto fletH I 5 bond and lienl the day nnd year first above written. fl:<<dL.&..!l/"-'fA... CARL E. tHLEf~S ...........(SEAL) ,.....(SEAL) II , ,)l,..~(..),i"~.;...",, ~TATEC~~nfyO~O~f[D~rEffiON ,", " 'll" fj f. (,.r "., "', I ~, i~"\,''';~~~~~'in~r instrument was acknowledged before me thi~ ., "~1) h.D...: 11,} ~:7 ,;:.b7' Ct, RL E. E H L [RS "0" ~ ':.111. '. .~; ..-!dJ"~Oniml'~'on exp;re8 Au G" S T 7, : ~rtiR"iKcoI\PifiG h~~EMAll TO, ~~ ~i~~~~ ~ ~h~j, of Ih8 Slale 01 Coloradl 1~\I'WI1 Q\II"'~MId\!ll ' J~2Q\ ,h~, ~}i.Ml.u A.vI,nul ".~noi":"f'~I.........:.M""" an"" ~__~__ ~l No.~-932. WARRANTY PEED.-F<;<t Pl'ntnllfll'Me n"eord.~DrnMurd I'ul,Iishlnr.- r(l..lR24.~a Stout Slrf'd. i ~TfENT10rte Right of W'Y Stc!lon I VI i. (SEAL) }". I~d dnYOf~~ ,19 68 Witnes!\ my hand and officiall'l~at. ~...f,..c'(f;i4.""'''h''''''''''''''''N;;.:;.;:;'r;;Lii;''- D~o.....r, r"]nrn,J,, 13~2 58'] , " I' I, Ii I' ,I !i i\ 'I I! , i I I , .1 ,. i! if !I Ii Ii I. ii II Ii Ii II " 'I II il :1 Ii I' II j ....- -IT--- II !! -~_-.:-.--,...............-