HomeMy WebLinkAbout2015 65 'I , I I I - I '''!..\r. 4781\50 ~ '" :II:: Q '" ;:=t.n -: c ~ ~ "'~w St....:.. .\j -4>:"::' ~Xo nlTlr-,.., :z. --.. "I .....(1').,:. ~~N "'-' .<: Q) :&~ ~...!O C) .4 :-w ~".:l: j...i ,,, r~ TR!: nrSTR!C'!' COURT IN AIm PO? 'I~~:~ -" C-'1 ;... -i-.:z. - ~ r .1E1"PEllSON ;; r ' ~ c:: COUNTY OF AND ~ ,g; ~ r 1 STA'l'E OF COLORADO CIVIL ACTION NO. 26B33 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF JEFPERSON CO~'l, and the DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS, STxr E OF COLORADO Petitioners, VS. RULE AND ORDER I 7C- '3(8) " r,~l. {7ii'1! /'.," R. M. REEVES and FRANX M. STANBRO as Treasurer ot Jefferson County, Respondents. THIS MATTER caIIle on regularly for hearing thlll day upon the Commissioners' Certificate of Ascertainment and Assessment filed herein on the 15th day of March, lQ68, which Commission was duly appointed to detsrmine the compensation to be allowed the respondents interested in Parcel No. l7B-A Rev. 2; and it appearing to the Court troq the records and tiles herein that all persons interested as owners or otherwise, as appea~lng of record, have been ~oined herein as parties respondent; THE COURT FINDS: Th~t it has fUll end eompl~te jurisdiction of the subject matter of this action and the parties thereto; that service has been made upon all interested parties as required by law; and that the Commission, after hearing the proofs and allegations of the parties, and after viewing the premises, did find and determine in accordance with Chapter 50, Article I, Section lB, Colorado R~vl!ed statutes 1963, I I - .. ;,n:r:: R:\:JRDlNG PlHst MAIL TO: I. J:Jp~rtme!\t of Hit!hW~Y$ 01 the Slllte of CoIotd EI11\1'\;' lJl(lte BUilding! ~201 (Gzf Mk~ns;35 Avll~. Ocn~cr"ColOfadb 80222 "TTENTIO~h mtIJIt of WIIWlJfCUOlI 2015 GS t:' ~' i " 1 :ji;i:'". 11i~ - I I I I I 1 I I I I ,. . , . f 01 I I I I I I I I 2015 66 1. That Exhibit IfAIf pertaining to Parcel l78-A Rev. 2 accurately describes the land "a~en. 2. That the value of the land or property actually taken is $5300.00. 3. That the damages, 1f any, to the residue of' the sub,ject land or property is $1500.00. 4. That the amount and value of the benefit, if any, iB $1,000.00. I I THE COURT FURTHER FINDS th~t the respondents are entitled to interest in the sum of $295.46 pursuant to 50-1-19, CRS '63; that the petitioner has heretofore deposited the sum of $2,730.00 pursuant to this Court's Order of Possession and have subsequently deposited the sum 01' $3365.46, representing the dtl1'iciency between said deposi t for 1mmediate possession and the amount of the award plus interest; and it is there1'ore ORDERED, AIlJUOOED and DECREED that Parcel No. l78-A Rev. 2, described in Exhibit If A If , attached hereto and incorporated here~n by reference, has been duly and lawfully taken by the petitioner pureuant to the statutes and Constitution of the state of Colorado, and that title to said property, together with all appurtenances thereunto belongi~, is hereby vested in the petitioner; and it is FURTHER ORDERED that a certified copy of this Rule and Order be recorded and indexed in the office of the Clerk and Recorder of Je~.rSOn County, in like manner and with like effect as if it were a deed of conveyance from the owners and parties interested to the I I petitioners herein. ,e," " 1'7 I I, J"": ,.,~^,th18 ~ day of .,'11, , '1 ~f" I, P'f~ '1. ~<i>rt. }"~~~ISTt;:r~~:;red "~""l'1f;r 0t:Jeffef~ri,,_cq,o 0 '.,:'-, . \~:"'~_oi.'.H'_'.i')i:ft:> Ah1.correct COpy :;~"" ) "';<'1"",/) ...... ' custody .,.,y. :"ll"i.tn l:i:t,-I"2.Y. ~rl X/:Y1;4~~.\'~"\'-~' j ./" 'l''?'SD'V "~~ '~~,",}W~\N " I,.:\~\;;l ~()'.lrt " ,', - t \......-_ \ ~'~ ~J,.L~L.~ ,.",... (" \ r II I '~ - "i:W Cl,-::rk -Ij-r- \ I~~' '-- ,_, , "- ~__' --$\'0--' L'-': r" j :; \ \ '- :.r~;}'!~'~~l:! ;"\t;~;: .:;.: W., ~C;:ufl 7/'/,.'( , A. D,. 1958 BY TlIE COURT: ('/ /.) L/ .j't.-;J.-C-<:>--<?.- C.J~ JUOOE flF1TR R~CORDING rLI:ASEMAIL TO: Th~ Denartm~nl (}f Hi(/hwavs of the Slal~ of Colorarj(t Hil<tH"'~V Qll,ce Uulld,ng .( 'r.' r~'! r, ''1-~~ ~"~rlUl ~' l r _ _'. ~"., 2e15 'lIt'J : ~ - ~~. . ~ I I I ! GG I I ~ !rIl m r.~41 "~, ~'! r~ I, I 2015 EXHJ1lIT "A" LEGAL DESCRIPTION Project No, I 70-3(8)268 Section 2 ". 48th find ',;'adu......:-:.;"th - ~t VerT!cm C~\"lynn PARCP.r. rIO, ] 78 A Rev 2 A trac~ or pnrcei of land No 178 A Rev 2 of the Department of RighwaYG, ~;tQ.te of Colorado, ?roject No. I 70-3(8)268 Section 2 contnini~ 0 204 acres, llJor~ or lebO, 10 Lot 14, :;;c};olsG Gardens Subdivision in thp J.:~_ of :.~:::tiC:1 ?O, Township 3 South, Hange 69 WeBt, of the Sixth Principal Meridian, in JefferBon County, Colorado, said tract or parcel being more particularly describpu aH folloW's: Beginning at a point on the eBGt property line of 8 trnct in Lot 14, Nicholas Gardens Subdivision from vhich point the center of Section 20, T, 3 g" R, 69 W" bean S, 52. 07' 30" W., a diBtance of 12348 feet; 1. Thence, N, 89' 40' W" a diotance of 148 0 feet to the veot prope?ty line of the oaid tract; 2, Thence, along the oaid veot property line S, 00' 00' 15" E., a diotance of 60.0 feet to the north right of vay line of WeBt 44th Ave, (/oky, 1965); 3, Thence, along the said north right of vay line, S, 89. 40' E., a diBtance of 148 0 feet to the Baid eaot property line; 4, Thence, along the oaid eaot property line, N, 00. 00' IS" W" a diotBnce of 60,0 feet, more of leoo, to the point of beginning, The above described parcel contains 0.204 'aeres, more or less. ArTER RfCCIlDlflG PlfA$E Mrdl TO: T~"~ fJl'f/1r1'1'r.n! I)' I!j'~~V7~l"S al tIle Slale cf Colorado HiC1Wdv(J!Lrp,!luold:tJr: 4:,nl [3~' Ark~n~~". Avenlll' (.'"Il.~'. .....ullJl~Jl) H0222 ATTErmON, Right of Way SectIon 2015 67 ,- . ... .' I . I I . . II 67 . II fiii