HomeMy WebLinkAbout2116 146 " I 0- .'5/-6" - ~ "u.__ l ~ -1 t' 4 \'j "-# i'11 f ~~~ \ I I Rr('M,If'll :\t. ()'"kl('k M.. Reception No -334122 . .....Rccord{'r, RECORDER'S STAMP I Tills DEI,", M,d'lh;, '1t.h uov of l-!w In :h.:: y.::::.. d c::~ L(::-.!. ':"~~ th0'..!~:!!!{1 !1;11" h'l!1f!rrd ;'LTHI Si'Xtv-:linr. n ~ "- D '" r " C oJ: L. , ~ -I :">- ..:r. <= " ,. ," ~ "',) i-' f" 0 C' IJ1 ~ .;..= 0\= of the sum of r'l, 0, z- , 1': , between l1p.rnl~T' Dcve 1 ODment, Tne. a corp0ration clul}' ot"R"aniz('(\ and existing" llllda :\11(1 hy \'irt\1~ of the laws of the 5tate of Co l iJr:lno of the first part, au!! ,Jefferson CCl'l:1~'v, A Dony Cnrrnrat-,p ;tnci Politic :v.~ (luly organized :LOci existing' nllder and hv ,.irlul" ('If thr law~ (Ii the Statl' 0i Golorndo of the second r:ut, \VITNESSETH, That the said party nf the first part, for and ill consideration One Dnl1ar------------------------------------------------------------ to the srli(l party of the first part ill hall(1 paid Ill' the sail\ party of the secOlHI part, the receipt when:(,f is herehy confessed and aekll(lwl~llf.:et\, hath granted, harg-ail1('d, sold anu ("r>l1\'t")'erl, and by the:se pr('scnts duc,~ grant, hargain, sell. conyey and eoniirm. unto t1,e sai,J party 0f the secont! p3rt, it'i S11eCe%Ors and assigns [oreyer, all the fnllowjll~ described or pucc1 of land, situate, lying :lIlU being in the CO\lnt)' of ,Jefferson and Slate of Colorado. to-wit: "rae'.s A, )1 'lnc:l C, APPLE:vlOOD RIOCE, Reeordinr, t.o the recorded DInt thereof; to be used by Grantee for non-rand Durnoses. Acceptane~ of tho .11~ cee~ re =~::~,~e;;:~;~,~~..::~~:;~~~ -, ~ i t L~ ~ ,~>;"~.~. :1..~ :.i'!Cl-'{1 qj this d~y ~r .'2:::.2...__..____.19'./(.', llZ ~t.,_{"a i- (. ",c. 2f...c. /1/ Chatl"llan : r. t \ 01' C''''llV~Y CO~~~H:)S' Lijt. "'~ GIol .'Fl-i r'~7::UNT~' CUIj?'ADO BY.C- . ~k~~, ~..~ IlhII.tl""'U' ,. TOGETHER, with all and singular the htrtditaments and appurtenances thereunto belonging, or in anywise appertaining, and the rever~ion and reversions, remainder and remainders, rents, is~ues :lnu profits thereof; and all the estate, right, title, interest, claim and demand whatsoever of the said party of the first \I.HI, either in la\.... or e(]uit)" of, in and to the above barg<lined premises, with the hereditaments and <lPpUI tellance~, TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the said premises abovc har,tt'ained and dcseribec!, with tl1c appurtenances unto the said party of the ~('cond part, its successors and nssig-ns forever And the said NCrT03.r De~relopment, Ine. party 0( the fir>.t part, for itself, its S\lCcessors and assigns, uoth covenant, grant, bargain and agree to and with the said party of th,~ second part, its successors an(l assigns, that at the time of the ensealillg and delivery of these pres- ents it is well seizl"'\ of the premises above conveyed, as of Rood, sure, perirct, absolute and indcfea'iiblc estate of inheritance, in law, in fee simple, and hath good rh:ht, full power and lawful authority to grant, bargain, sell and convey the ~amc in manner al1ft form afnrf'said, and tbat the same are free and ('lear from all former and other gT3nts, hargains, sales, liens, taxes, assessmellts and incumhrances of whatever kind or nattlre soever; and tne above bargained premises in tbe quiet and pe3.ceable possessi011 of the said party of the second part, its suc- cessors and assi,tt'lls :tRainst all and every perSOll or persons lawfuIly c.Iaiming or to c.Iaim the whole or any part thereof, the said party of the first part shall and will \VARRANT AND :r:OREVE.R DEFEND IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Thl:' said party of the first p3rt hath caused its corporate nallle to be hereunto suh- scribed uy its president, anu its corpor:\te se:L1 to be hereunto aUixeu, atte..;ted by its '" '\" secretary, the da)' and year first ahove written. ~; t> 'tJ '~, 0 ;~ 'I\:i ~/,.;,~;;: ~;;~:;'~;~?/~_'"}.. ;;ft-:i~~~~~:~, COllnt)' of..Jef.f.er.:J.o.n...... _' Th(' forrg-oil1lC in'itr\1mcnt \Va"! acknowlcdp:cr\ bdore me this 13th tlay of May 1960 ,by l'!~rle )1, N'lnnnkM'p ::o.l'k ~, Dcns-t.on as, 7 :: ~pie~dent aull Se<:retaryof :.::::' . Hermar Dcv81opm~.nt.~~~ ir:.~: ._ , ' a eorpnration. My notarial commission t"xpires MyC~::nr.~I~~.~:l I;>.[;;;!J.; :-"!..,~ :;-:,1//0 \Vitn~ss my hand an~.pffiei;L1 ~~L :, ,d!~~tfr,f~/v~t"..(/~,... ...mN;;;;;;;;;;;ii;m No. 767 WATtRA:'IITY DEED-Corporatfon to ('orp"nfilln. --H~",Jt"rd-lt"t>!""on PI". Co" Mtu. Rl>bln8un'. J,~'a-^I m"nka, 1~24..0 SUHlt St., npnver, C.,lllra,lo. "1";, 16 I I II l \ ( I ~