HomeMy WebLinkAbout2336 581 111.1 . ' , "r . I . . ~. ..). 111I_III_Nln~_~j ,~ ~:J:H; ;)"1 EXHIBIT "A" LEGAL DESCRIPTION PARCEL NO. 112 PROJECT NO. SU 0072(4) !;EC. 2 WARD ROAD W. 52ND AVE. - ItITERSTATE /0 A tract or parcel of land No. 117 of the State Departm"nt: of 1I1glway., Divl<ion of lIighways, State of Ce,lorado, Project No. SU 00.2(1.) Sf!ctioo 2. contllinlng (0,377 sq. ft., more or lesl, in Trtlct 9, Nichol"" Gardens, B subdivision in the NE.\: of Section 20, Township 3 South, Ran;gn 69 "eot, cf the ~ixth Principal Meridian, in Jefferson County, Colorado, ~.ld tract or parcel being more pertlcularly deacribed aa followe: Beginning at a p~int on the west line of Tract 9 which i. 161.7 feet South of the W~ corner of Tract 9. Nicholas Cardens: 1. Thence S. 9. 55' 45" E. a distance of 203.0 feet; 2. Thence S. O. 00' 15" E., paullel with the west line of Tract 9, a diltlnce of 110.0 featl 3. Thenca S. 4' 00' 30" W. a dietance of 142.9 feet; 4. Thence N. 14' 02' 30" II. a distance ,f 103.1 fee~ to the w<st line of Tract 9: 5. Thence N. O. 00' i5" W.. along the weat line of Tract 9, a diltance of 352.5 feet, more or lesl, to the point of beginning. The Ibove described rercel containa 10,377 aq. ft., more or les.. " . ~ ~'~..:- ,,,.~ ..... 'Z::::Jfi ;..i1 ,- . ," r' . . I '~ .. I_I~I'~I