HomeMy WebLinkAbout2353 284 '1Jt.t1_U'~_U..'__:.a_"II!.III.lllll.II.I.I.I!!J~IIU ?/: -17i\lN;'; , '" - DOli FOB}! NO, 702 .= rrcv~ou51y R.O.W. Form No. 18 _Co":'- RI~vir,(!.d April lQ71 Pro'ect NI). SU 0072(4) ~:cc. 2 oJ .----,TtirQ.;{i)iO;------ w 52nd Ave. - I 70 Loell tie,n C" Pa rce 1 (a),__---'~:~___.__ _____ ro.] _~H A ~L-.LA S 1LJU N-I- ...... KNOW I\LL HEN BY TIIESE PRISENT3, that ESTATE OF LOTI'IE ~)R.MER ]i!~~___ -' _' of__~reffers(:!l.-____CountYI St&t~ --. Grantor(~), for and in c(lnsidcration of Ihe SlIm of_ Colorado of ONE DOLLAR ($1.00), and other valuable con~lidctat1.on, in ho:md pai.d by_____ STATE J,;:PAR1:!jENT OF HIGKiIAY:L DI'IISION 0, Hl!;H'~TI!.L STATLOr C'li9.BA!llL___. Gr.1nt'1c(s), receipt of ....,hich is hereby acknowledged, has given and grnnte.d n:-Id by tllCSC prcserlts does hereby give and grant unto tlle said Granl:ec(s), il:8 heirs, successors, and assigns a PER:PETIJAL EASEMENT on, along, o\"er and .1cr055 the fllllo',.,1- ing descri_bed premises. to-wit: A trnct or parcel of land No. E-11S of the State Department of Highways, Div- is1.on of High",.aYfl, State of Co10rlido, Project No. SU 0072(1~) S-ec. 2 cl)ntairlin~ 2,296 sq.ft., more or ll~ss, in Intct 3, Nicholas Gal'dens, a subdivision in th:! SEt of Section 1:', TOWTI5hip 3 South, Rar:.ge 69 West, of the Sixth Principal Mer- tdiIln, in Jeffernon County, Colorado, said tn:.ct or parc~l being tnl)re parti_cu- tarly described as follows: aeginning a~ a point on the Ilouth line of Tract 3, ~l~ch is 10.0 feet Eagt of the SW corner of Tract 3, Nich()las G&rdens; L TIlence Horth, parallel with the wcst line of Tract 3, a distance cf 229.6 f'~et to the north property I1nl; 2. Thence ~lest, along t.he "')rth propert" line, a distance of 10.0 fCf:t to a poi.nt on the .....E!~t llne of Tract 3 whidl is 229.6 feet North (If the SW corner of Tract 3; 3. Thence ~;outh, along the 'lest ltne of Tract J, a dist.1.nce cof 229.6 feet to the SW corner of Tract 3; 4. Thence F.:ast., along th,~ s)uth line of Tract J, a distance elf 10.0 feet, mc:re or less, to t1e point of beginnlllg. The above deJcribed parcel c:mtainfl 2,295 sq.f!:.., more or les!:. " :!II:: "A 0" ,.. ~ n ..I~.. "'0 '" -~.,o ~,. r-.-i<:: "",0 <..n "'J"z "0_,1 m D...j-4 nc z~~ ~- m, r$';) ""-1 I x~~ ~: -<:-'1<.- .~h ::>C) JTI 'Tlr....., W;g "Tl<:;)....., 1:11 .=;;~~ 1'+-:. ""'r.:'UI I.n ~:;JC)O ~. Z '" ~!'.F. fil(. ,; ,jl;::; r !.U,;t I~AIL T:J; J!@CJICOICtljo '. t ~i '''~"J ~~( lIOn - Continued ... ~~:\~i3 2E1, i' ..~1~~~.-......'n"..WIltI~I".,~'lIIlt""""""""""""llft...lftmnn'''':l~'' .....,~'I'\"I!. 'IIIQ11W........... ......,.,,,""